In Socialist Venezuela, Oppressed People Set Fire To Supreme Court Building

by | Jun 15, 2017 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News | 36 comments

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    With the shooting and now gun control dominating American news, few noticed that the protestors who are being oppressed by an intrusive and socialist government set fire to the Supreme Court building in Venezuela.

    Word of the fire was buried by the news of the American socialist who shot at Republicans becauseย the country isn’t socialist enough. ย As if Americans could bury their heads in the sand further, gun control has retaken the leading role as a top debate on social media too. Of course, most have continued toย ignore Venezuela, which is the home to people who are suffering under the tyranny of the very system those on the left seek to force on us here.

    Since Venezuelans have been disarmed, for their own good, of course, the protestors who simply want a little bit of freedom back have had to use fire and violent protests to get the attention of the oppressive government. And they did just that when setting the Supreme Court building on fire.

    The Supreme Court of Venezuela recently handed down a ruling in favor of the government of Nicolas Maduro which rejected a measure designed to prevent the dictator from rewriting that nationโ€™s constitution. The current plan is for a group of people largely selected by Maduro to elect a โ€œconstituent assemblyโ€ to draft a new version of the document. The courtโ€™s ruling keeps that plan in place for the time being.

    Protestors of the socialistย government and it’s tyrannical edicts were appalled at that ruling. These are people who are literallyย dying on the streets because of socialism, and they wanted their voices heard. ย They spoke with fireย on Monday. This is the twelfth week of violentย protestsย in the country, as the resistance demands the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro and calls for elections. Violence broke out in protests at the Supreme Court over a bid to change the constitution, and Venezuelaโ€™s chief prosecutor said on Monday her family had been threatened and followed by intelligence agents since she split with the government.

    Fanned by anger at triple-digit inflation along with shortages of food and medicine, protests have grown smaller but more violent over the past two months, with at least 67 killed and thousands injured.

    With the protests getting more violent and lack of food and basic essentials getting even harder to come by, Venezuelans are in a dire situation. This should be a perfect example to the leftists in America who continually vote to raise taxes and regulate everything while attempting to disarm the public. ย But lessons are only learned one way – and that’s to experience it. ย Prepare now, because the country is continuing to take a hard left turn.



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      1. At what point does the food stop getting delivered?

        That’s the end of society and rule of law.

        • ” … the protesters who simply want a little bit of freedom back have had to use fire … ”

          FRankly, and I said this here years ago, I am suprised DC is not burning with Congress in session. Today, with the LEFT foaming at the mouth like the rabid dogs they are; I will not be surprised if it happens sometime this summer.

          Soros is responsible for the violence because it’s his money funding the madness !!! Indict this SOB for sedition !!! Convict and execute !!! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • I compare Venezuela to the canary in the coal mine.

            Our economy is fragile, despite the robust โ€œrecoveryโ€ the media broadcast for the past few years. Numerous economic conditions point to difficult times ahead.

            The Federal Reserve has only had THREE interest rate hikes in the past ELEVEN YEARS. Yet, there have been THREE rate hikes since Trump was sworn in as president.
            Fed policymakers have indicated there could be ADDITIONAL rate hikes. Why all the frequent interest rate hikes NOW?

            The table is set for the next financial crisis. How will multiple rate hikes scheduled for this year affect the economy?

            President Obama was able to prop up the economy in the short term, at the expense of our long term economic future.

            I believe difficult times lie ahead. We also see growing tensions around the world with Russia, Syria, North Korea, etc.

            We need to be prepared.

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            Federal Reserve may speed up rate hikes…

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            But debt doesnโ€™t just go away. It accumulates.

            By now, an increasing number of businesses and consumers are suffocating under this debt overhang in an economy that never developed the โ€œescape velocityโ€ needed โ€“ and hyped by Wall Street for years โ€“ to outgrow this debt.

            Rising bankruptcies are a turning point in the โ€œcredit cycle.โ€

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            โ€œthe percentage of people borrowing even though they have really bad credit scores has surged, reports Bloomberg. Itโ€™s now a third of the subprime auto-bond market, up from just 5 percent seven years ago.โ€

            โ€œ…this bubble presents a much more direct risk to the economy โ€” and manufacturing jobs. If people with terrible credit canโ€™t borrow an average of nearly $18,000 to buy a used car (what the DriveTime customer pays), the market for used cars collapses.
            That, in turn, affects the market for new cars.โ€

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            • “The table is set for the next financial crisis. How will multiple rate hikes scheduled for this year affect the economy?”

              Rate hikes by the FED always precede a downturn. Indeed, it contracts the economy by withdrawing dollars from the banking system and making loans more expensive; requiring higher yields from the use of borrowed capital. If borrowed capital cannot generate a higher yield to repay the higher cost of capital, borrowing stops.

              That is a deflationary process and it does not produce an inflationary financial environment. ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Meanwhile, here in the U.S. …

          Unable To Pay Bills, Illinois Sends “Dear Contractor” Letter Telling Firms To Halt Road Work On July 1

          “Illinois is not in danger of becoming a failed state, it is a failed state…”

          โ€œThe state of Illinois has not passed a budget for close to three years.

          Arguably itโ€™s just as well because Illinois budgets for decades have been nothing but a moth-eaten collection of lies, one time deficits repeated endlessly, and financial wizardry statements designed to disguise Illinoisโ€™ real problems: failure to rein in spending coupled with a very business unfriendly environment.

          As Illinoisโ€™ bond rating careens towards junk, Illinois Unpaid Bills Jumped to $14.3 Billion. Today, the state told contractors to halt roadwork other than that required for safety.โ€

          • Anybody with sense has been trying to stop doing business with the state of Illinois for years. Slow-paying (or non-paying) customers are easy to find.

          • oh DEAR!

      2. What a stupid nation of non prepped idiots. They get what they deserve for being stupid. Hispanic people in general a real joke, all they do in bang away, breeding, overpopulating the entire country, then they come over here illegally and over populate us, and never once have those idiots even thing just for one minute as in to what, when or where is the food coming from? Why, because this is the level of thinking of stupid people. That country is literally a mass population of incompetent stupid fucking people. Nature takes it’s course every time. If you don’t study nature and understand nature, then mother nature will get rid our your asses with natural services of the planet and natural selection. Over here is the US, we read necks, patriots and veterans, cops, and military. We are a little different.

        A communist dictator rewriting the nations constitution. I HAVE TO LAUGH. No wonder the citizens burned down the supreme court. Makes sense.

        All those countries leaders, all fat, with big guts, scaring the shit out of the people and the useless idiots who serve them because they are too stupid to think independently and have no fucking common sense, have allowed their country to run to the ground. Kim Jung Un is a little 3 inch dick fat Korean that is scaring everyone. I could beat the shit out of him, punch the fucker in his mouth and tell him to shut the fuck up and he would have to listen to me and do as I say. Not enough smart people in those countries. I admire the American citizenry, we have bigger balls, are much bolder and don’t put up with bullshit.


        American resolve at its finest, don’t you love it.

        • It’s the brown plague?

        • Being a ignorant/ Bigot will get you nowhere.. God created all men to be equal.. and if you search deep into mankinds Orgin… it’s Points to AFRICA… so Brotha .. you are part eggplant..

          • If it’s the origin I wonder why it isn’t the most advanced?

            Been there longest, had more time to develop and advance and all that.

            • Bullshit. I never believed the “Out of Africa” bit. Newer evidence suggests mankind originated in Europe.

              Even if you buy the “Out of Africa” theory, it’s obvious the indigenous population of Africa are descended from the early humans who didn’t have the sense to walk out of there.
              Much of Africa is like Somalia. Barring the discovery of some as yet unknown natural resource, no Earthly reason to live there.
              Even in the parts of Africa that have natural resources, the natives weren’t intelligent enough to make use of said resources.

          • “Divide and conquer”: Trolls stirring up trouble– diverting your attention from corrupt government to… White skin vs Brown skin.

            • One of the most revered imbeciles here, Eisenkreutz, is a virulent racist. And several others besides, so I’m not sure what you’re pointing to.

              • “comment has been moderated because our system does not recognize your IP address or email address”

                And yet, I JUST GOT DONE making a comment that wasn’t moderated. Me thinks it had more to do with pointing out racists here.

          • @Realist
            “God created all men equal”. If by that you mean we all have ten toes and ten fingers, sure. But that is about as far as the men being created equal diatribe goes. It’s a fairy tale. If we were all created equal, we wouldn’t have all the strife created by racial and religious differences.

            Please clear up the confusion created in my little rednek mind:
            You say God created man equal, but you refer to the origin of man being in Africa which is a cornerstone for Darwin’s evolution theory. God or Darwin? Maybe we should ask Lucy…is Lucy, Eve?

            • LUCY… tps://

            • I’d like to know where in the Bible it says that God created all men equal? Not a biblical expert, so help me out. Chapter and verse, please!

              Going to go out on a limb and say it isn’t there.

              “God made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal.” — I think that’s the quote he’s thinking of. ๐Ÿ™‚


          • ” itโ€™s Points to AFRICA”

            Actually, I’m fairly certain that theory has been debunked. Neanderthal came from Africa and it mated with modern man, that came somewhere else in Asia. We aren’t/weren’t even Neanderthal.

            • Anthropology is changing, the Out of Africa (OOA) theory is changing, to multiple origins of man in Asia and Europe.

          • no, realist, all men are NOT equal. a common misconception.

      3. Imagine what we would do HCKS here when the food stops being delivered. We get hungry here too. It’ll get messy my man,be glad you are somewhat prepped and ready. I’ll be watching my 6 with my stash.

      4. This proves that restricting guns will not stop people determined to dish out violent revenge.

        There is no reason for hunger in Venezualea.

        If there are rich people eating lavishly, they could organize some type of food cultivation program. No, if people starve; it is by design. Someone benefits. We see Communism enforced via some type of created famine. The holodomar in Russia for example was the Stalinist starving of native Russians in the Ukrain where more than 6 million people were intentionally starved to death. Again in China even more people were starved to death in order to bring in Communism. Now Venezuaela. Coming soon to America; if they can just get the guns.


        • i know NOW, i never should have taken my guns in that canoe…..damn!

        • Trying to get the guns will spark the war. So, start looking for that cue. Waiting

      5. I don’t quite get why common people in Venezuela are so poor. How does a nation with very large oil reserves collapse even at the current oil price? I’m guessing the crooks at the top are taking all the profits. This must be US and globalist interference all by design. What South American country is not controlled by the Yankee usurpers? Letting every other foreign tom dick and harry welcomed to the US as tired huddled masses. USA! Immigrant nation 3rd world plunging wages with sky high and climbing costs of living, they’ll fit right in with a rapidly developing shacksville shithole.

        • Unfortunately, there are those who live among us that really don’t give a shit about other human beings; Henderson they will steal, cheat and deprive of anyone they can. You and I know these types.

      6. I’m not so sure it was honest Venezuelan demonstrators that burned it down. Maduro has had problems with the courts. Whom did this fire really serve?

        Was this really a “Reichstag Fire”, started as a false flag by the Nazi’s? Will Maduro now be able to get away with stepping up the death squads and disappearing people?

      7. What took you so long?

        • They had to wait ages, until it was possible to get some matchsticks.

      8. What was it I said a month ago? You don’t need no stinking guns.


      9. Why all the frequent interest rate hikes NOW?

        Because it’s been at fucking negative three for like about 10-15 years so far???

        Damn I remember when my Dad could turn 8-12% on a frigging savings account. A frigging SAVINGS ACCOUNT!

        Did the economy die when savings interest rates dipped below 3.5%? (historical core inflation, averaged over the past 100 years… I crunched the data personally…) No. But it ceased to be the American Dream right then and there. Same deal on the occasions where core inflation spiked north of 8% for a few years here and there.

        I mean saving is now totally fucking pointless. Well… it’s NOT but you’re in survival mode, not “get ahead” mode.

        Mumble wage raises also in the toilet for the past 25 years…

        Why raise the interest rate now in so many consecutive steps? I mean because they broke the fucking thing so damned extremely, that’s why. For so long. The only place they had to go was negative interest rates and right there… grinding fucking halt in any kind of investment period end of story. Who wants to do ANYTHING when doing anything will bleed you out?

        The sad part is this is only going to make it worse (somehow). Seems like anything they do now makes it worse.

        • NOTHING can be done to save U.S…. when the FED painted itself into a corner by lowering interest rates WAY TOO LOW, it guaranteed a crashing of our system. WAY too much debt, and when rates go to 4%, then we can’t even pay the INTEREST on the debt….POOF!, it’s OVER at that point. they got the “value” of houses up to where the banks are “solvent” again by having rates too low. but they DESTROYED savers. you can find nowhere to get a decent return on you savings, it’s not even keeping up with inflation. the jig’s up, their inflation games that soaks up all our wealth can’t continue any longer. good luck to all on shtfplan…it’s gonna be EPIC.

      10. I wondered how long it would take before some moron called this a ‘false flag’ event.

        I guess even revolutions can’t be genuine, anymore. Apparently, everything since 1933 has been a false flag perpetrated by insiders, not once has anything ever really occurred.


      11. A situation like the one happening in Venezuela can linger on for years, until someone like “The Trumpster” takes notice…then, guns, bullets and beans starts getting dropped into the hot zone. Then a few Cabrones get dropped in to help turn the situation around. Let’s do it….manhana.

      12. Socialism is certainly bad, but socialism isn’t the sole culprit here. Globalists are trying to destroy this country as it isn’t cooperating with them, so sanctions have been placed on them that is destroying the economy, and of course they are trying to say the fault is the ruling administration.

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