This article was originally published by Doug “Uncola” Lynn at TheTollOnline.com
Just as destination is determined by direction, so too are transitions roads to revelations. In other words, today’s trends are tomorrow’s historical markers. With that in mind, and for the purposes of cataloguing news articles in outright defiance against increasing internet censorship and memory-holed search engine results, the following disclosures occurred between the dates of June 1-30, 2018.
Although the list may be overly comprehensive for some, this blogger desired encyclopedic documentation for posterity, as well as to compare tracking from previous months.
For the reader’s convenience, the revelations are again sorted into the same category headings that were utilized for May, 2018; and, for those in a hurry who wish to bypass the entire “trifling minutia”, there are some concluding comments and questions at the end:
The American Experiment
1.) It was reported that Social Security was to tap into its trust fund for the first time since 1982.
2.) It was announced that border arrests had exceeded 50,000 for the third month in a row.
3.) A CBS poll revealed that a majority of Americans desire a wall on the U.S. Southern border.
4.) At the beginning of June, House Republicans “huddled privately” in order to push forward a consensus on immigration. By the end of the month, they still struggled with the issue.
5.) Big spending by George Soros and liberal groups failed to sway D.A. races in California, where Soros wasted millions backing losing candidates.
6.) Trump’s Justice Department affirmed that ObamaCare was unconstitutional.
7.) The Centers for Disease Control released a report revealing that suicide rates in the U.S. have risen nearly 30% since 1999 making it the nation’s 10th leading cause of death and rising.
8.) The average new vehicle auto payment hit a record high of $523 per month.
9.) A year after the congressional baseball shooting that almost took the life of Rep. Steve Scalise and former Hill staffer Matt Mika, members of Congress expressed concerns for their safety as threats against them have skyrocketed.
10.) A plan to split California into three separate states earned a spot on the November ballot there.
11.) The Office of the First Lady, Melania Trump, called the Secret Service after the actor Peter Fonda called for President Trump’s son, Barron, to be kidnapped and caged with pedophiles.
12.) Because she works for President Trump, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and 7 of her family members were kicked out of a Virginia restaurant. Hitting the restaurant owner right where it hurts, President Trump Tweeted in response:
The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2018
13.) Screaming “God is on our side”, California Congresswoman, Maxine Waters, implored her supporters to harass Trump administration officials in public spaces. In response, President Donald Trump pointed out her low IQ and advised her to be careful for what she wished for.
14.) In response to leftist protesters shutting down a Portland, Oregon ICE office and taking down the U.S. flag, replacing with a “Refugees Welcome” flag, Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) warned that America was headed toward civil war.
15.) Because “there are simply not enough police in D.C. or Virginia or Maryland to protect all Trump officials at their homes and when they go out to restaurants”, the president of the “influential” Crime Prevention Research Center urged officials in the Trump administration to arm themselves.
16.) In a win for privacy, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a warrant is necessary before law enforcement agencies can track the phone location data of U.S. Citizens.
17.) While claiming America “cannot accept all of the people trying to break into our country”, President Trump called for deporting illegal immigrants with “no judges or court cases”.
18.) The latest survey from Rasmussen Reports found that 59% of all voters “are concerned that those opposed to President Trump’s policies will resort to violence” and “31% believe it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years”.
19.) Referencing “thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s”, a writer for the popular progressive news website, “Splinter”, warned supporters of President Trump they “haven’t seen anything yet”.
20.) In response to several key members of his staff being publicly harassed over his administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, President Trump told his supporters in a letter: “Not on my watch”; thus putting the Political Left “on notice”.
21.) The Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s travel ban as civil rights groups and Democrats rejected the ruling and compared it to U.S. Government’s creation of Japanese-American internment camps.
22.) In another apparent win for the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court also ruled that state government workers who choose not to join a union cannot be compelled to pay a share of union dues for covering the cost of negotiating contracts. A recent nonpartisan study predicted that this will cause public employee unions to lose 726,000 members.
23.) More than a thousand female protesters, joined by Democratic senators, marched two miles down Pennsylvania Avenue to protest the Trump Administration’s family detention and separation policies, and demanded the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement before the Capitol Police charged approximately 575 of them with unlawfully demonstrating in the atrium of the Hart Senate Building.
24.) Talking about “thousands of children being kidnapped and put in jails”, filmmaker Michael Moore said “we’re all going to have to put our bodies on the line” in order to stop Trump.
25.) In a recent interview, former U.S. Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, rejected calls for civility and instead urged for “strength and resolve” to resist President Trump and even coined a new word as she ridiculed bipartisan cooperation. She said:
Oh, give me a break… Give me a break! What is more uncivil and cruel than taking children away? It should be met with resolve and strength. And if some of that comes across as a little uncivil, well, children’s lives are at stake; their futures are at stake. That is that ridiculous concept of bothsideism.
26.) Speaking at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser, Former President Obama warned of a “country and world on the brink” and told supporters: “You are right to be concerned”.
Capitalism & Marxism
27.) On the very first day of June, 2018 it was reported that the number of employed Americans set a “9th record under Trump” as the unemployment rate fell to an 18-year low due to solid hiring in May; and with the Black unemployment rate hitting a new record low as well.
28.) Other headlines on June 1, 2018 included U.S. payrolls rising 223,000 as jobless rate matched a 48-year low; Trump cutting the federal payroll by 24,000 jobs, and US oil output jumping to a record high in March.
29.) In early June it was reported that U.S. economy suddenly seemed unstoppable.
30.) Democratic Party leader, Nancy Pelosi, said the “strong” job numbers were “meaningless” and “bad for the middle class”.
31.) The European Union (EU) promised tit-for-tat tariffs against US beginning in July, 2018.
32.) It was announced the U.S. trade deficit with China set a record high through April of 2018.
33.) While advocating for single-payer, Medicare for all, healthcare, former Democratic Presidential Candidate, Berne Sanders, said “there will be pain for all and you got to deal with that pain”; and said “our Socialist ideas are winning!”.
34.) It was reported that former presidential candidate and proud socialist, Bernie Sanders, earned more than $1,000,000 for a second year thanks to Capitalism; which also helped to subsidize the senator’s two homes and his retreat in the Lake Champlain islands.
35.) U.S. inflation accelerated to a six-year high, eroding wage gains, as the Fed was widely projected to raise borrowing costs again; for the sixth time in 18 months.
36.) It was announced that the U.S. budget deficit widened 23% from October through May on weak revenue growth.
37.) Citing a “rapidly tightening labor market”, it was reported that new applications for U.S. unemployment benefits declined to a near 44½-year low.
38.) It was reported that disability applications plunged as the economy strengthened.
39.) A survey from the National Association of Manufacturers revealed that over 95% of manufacturers had a “positive outlook for their companies”; which was the highest in 20 yearsfor that particular survey.
40.) The D.C. chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America shared a video on Facebook of activists booing and yelling at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at Mexican restaurant and calling on her to “abolish” U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
41.) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old Latina activist and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, ousted a powerful 10-term congressman in New York’s 14th congressional district. Although she grew up in one of America’s richest U.S. counties, she now describes herself as just “a girl from the Bronx”.
42.) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that governments can now tax those outside their borders. President Trump praised the ruling as a: “Big victory for fairness and for our country”.
43.) A CNBC survey showed that the majority of Americans approved of President Trump’s handling of the economy even though Trump’s “trade tumult” continued to rattle investors.
44.) The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) announced that over $300 billion was repatriated to the U.S. in the first quarter of 2018, the most on record. The BEA noted the “main driver of the repatriation surge” was that companies were “no longer taxed on foreign earnings when returning the funds to the U.S.”
45.) The Congressional Budget Office announced that growing U.S. budget deficits would push debt held by the public from the current level of 78 percent of the economy to almost 100 percent of gross domestic product by 2028, and to 152 percent of GDP by 2048.
46.) Bank stocks broke a record hitting their longest losing streak ever.
47.) Due to the influence of US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, President Trump backed down from a hard-hitting policy that would sharply restrict Chinese investment in the US — opting to work with Congress on a more modest measure instead.
48.) According to S&P Global, the debt load for U.S. corporations reached a record $6.3 trillion.
Global Geopolitics
49.) It was discovered that the Obama administration secretly gave Iran access to US financial system.
50.) U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis warned of “consequences” if Beijing continued weaponizing the South China Sea.
51.) German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a forceful pitch for Europe to play a more assertive role in global affairs as U.S. President Donald Trump “dismantles the post-World War II order”.
52.) It was reported that debates over immigration have placed German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a precarious position politically.
53.) Massive crowds turned out in London to rally for free speech and hear Dutch firebrand Geert Wilders demand the release of Tommy Robinson from prison. He said:
‘Listen to us Theresa May, listen to us Sajid Javid, listen to us Sadiq Khan!
Listen to us, all you in power: we want the release of Tommy Robinson!
Tommy Robinson is the greatest freedom fighter of Britain today. Tommy Robinson is a freedom fighter. He says what no-one dares to say. He has guts. He has courage.
And that is more than we can say for all those people that govern us. Because our governors sold us out with mass immigration, with Islamisation, with open borders. We are almost foreigners in our own land!
And if we complain about it, they call us racists or Islamophobes — but I say, no more!’
54.) The US signed a G-7 declaration calling for a reduction of tariffs and everything was awesome until Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau opened his bitchy mouth thus causing Trump to bitch slap him hard.
55.) Hungarian American and billionaire globalist, George Soros, said: “Everything That Could Go Wrong, Has Gone Wrong” and exclaimed that President Donald Trump was “willing to destroy the world!!”
56.) President Trump and North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un, signed a “comprehensive” letter at their “historic summit” and agreed to “follow-on” negotiations. Of course Trump’s political opponents claim he was “snookered” by the baby-faced dictator as the mainstream media spun the summit as a big win for China.
57.) Immediately after his summit with North Korea, President Trump called the media “our country’s biggest enemy”.
58.) In the aftermath of President Trump and Kim Jong Un’s summit, North Korea began erasing anti-United States propaganda; as the U.S. mainstream media reported North Korea was actually expanding its nuclear research capabilities.
59.) It was reported again that the gun industry had banks in their sights as the newest threat to the 2nd Amendment.
60.) Celebrations took place in Saudi Arabia as the ban on women driving was overturned there.
Sex Crimes
61.) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has won widespread praise for his commitment to supporting intersectional feminism and multiculturalism, was accused of illicitly groping a woman.
62.) Saying he was just “old fashioned”, Former president and lifelong sexual predator Bill Clinton defended another misogynist, former senator Al Franken.
63.) The mastermind behind “Vault 7”, or the largest leak of CIA classified information in the spy agency’s history, was indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice. Of course, he was originally arrested because of the child porn on his computer.
64.) Data collected by a New York-based crisis consulting firm revealed that the #MeToo movement snared at least 417 high-profile executives and employees across multiple fields and industries around the world since December 2016; or since one month after the election of Donald Trump.
The President & the Porn Star
65.) After his attorneys left his case, it was reported that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was likely to cooperate with federal investigators.
The President, Lawyers, Spies, & Media Lies
66.) A judge declined to throw out Paul Manafort’s charges.
67.) A leak of the DoJ Inspectors General’s report revealed that former FBI Director James Comey defied authority and was insubordinate; and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch also rebuked for her handling of the federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal email server.
68.) Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe sought immunity from the Senate Judiciary Committee for his upcoming testimony on the Hillary Clinton email probe.
69.) Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team requested that witnesses turn in their personal phones to inspect their encrypted messaging programs; even though evidence of witness tampering in the Paul Manafort case appeared “almost nonexistent”.
70.) House Speaker Paul Ryan publically disagreed with President Trump and said that he concurred with Trey Gowdy (and therefore indirectly with James Clapper and John Brennan) that SPYGATE never happened.
71.) The U.S. FBI and DoJ finally decided to partially cooperate with congressional oversight and brief a “select group of senior lawmakers” on “certain questions” and share “some additional material”.
72.) Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s allies abandoned him as a result of Robert Mueller’s prosecution of him for Hillary Clinton’s presidential election loss.
73.) A top senate intelligence staffer was charged in leak case where a New York Times reporter’s records were seized.
74.) In another vain attempt to add marginal credibility to his floundering quest, Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed a fresh witness tampering indictment against Paul Manafort and Russian citizen Konstantin Kilimnik.
75.) It was reported that President Donald Trump’s approval rating was better than former presidents Obama and Reagan at same points in their presidencies.
76.) Special Counsel Robert Mueller scrambled to limit evidence after the Russians he indicted called his bluff and actually showed up in court.
77.) In the widely anticipated release of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on Hillary Clinton’s e-mail investigation, five FBI officials were revealed to have expressed hostility toward Donald Trump but none of their illicit actions were politically motivated. This, even though one of the agents exclaimed “viva le resistance” after Trump’s election win and before being hired later by special counsel Robert Mueller.
78.) On the same day that the Inspector General’s report was released, New York’s attorney general sued the Donald J. Trump Foundation, U.S. President Donald Trump, and others, in order to dissolve the foundation for “persistent illegal conduct” over more than a decade.
79.) The day after the IG report was release, President Trump criticized the “scum that was at the top of the FBI” and called former FBI Director James Comey the “ringleader of this den of thieves”.
80.) Also the very next day after James Comey’s crimes were revealed in the IG Report, former Trump Campaign Chair, Paul Manafort, had his house arrest revoked and was sentenced to prison for alleged witness tampering.
81.) Disgraced former FBI Director, Andrew McCabe, filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department, the FBI and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz alleging the Trump administration violated procedures when it fired him in March, and that the Justice Department has denied access to documents which outline those procedures.
82.) It was revealed that another FBI informant may have attempted to falsely create Russian ties inside Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign.
83.) It was revealed that U.S. Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, abused the power of his office by threatening to subpoena the calls and texts of Congress in order to obstruct the Legislative Branch’s constitutionally mandated oversight of the DOJ and FBI.
84.) House Oversight Committee Chairman, Trey Gowdy, warned there would be “action on the floor of the House this week” with a “full arsenal of constitutional weapons” if the FBI and DOJ did not comply with the House’s subpoena request.
85.) In response to the release of the 500-page Inspector General’s report, Senate hearings were held where Michael Horowitz and FBI Director Christopher Wray were questioned regarding the “two-tiered justice system” in the Hillary Clinton e-mail matter and the investigation of Donald Trump’s treason with Russia. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said:
… most of the time, evidence of political bias is not so explicit. The details in this report confirm what the American people have suspected all along. Hillary Clinton got the kid-glove treatment.
The contrast to the Russia probe is stark. The biggest difference, of course, is the appointment of a Special Counsel. Attorney General (Loretta) Lynch refused to appoint one. The appearance of political influence was inevitable.
86.) During the Clinton e-mail senate hearings, Inspector General Michael Horowitz revealed that “nobody was listed as a subject of this [Clinton email] investigation at any point in time,” that the 500-page IG report was not his original version, that FBI officials lost the texts of their own agents while “editing” the summary reports of interviews (including General Flynn’s), as well as other various crimes by law enforcement agents.
87.) IG Horowitz also claimed the FBI was withholding the names of the anti-Trump agents from the public.
88.) However, two other new, and non-politically motivated, FBI lovers were later revealed as agents #’s 1 & 5 who also texted each other little (non-biased) sweet nothings like:
fuck Trump
screw you trump
She [Hillary] better win… otherwise i’m gonna be walking around with both of my guns.
89.) In the wake of the IG Report, and in an effort to divert the national narrative, the mainstream media utilized selective reporting to create public hysteria over children at the border being separated from their illegal immigrant parents. In response, President Trump signed an executive order to keep illegal immigrant families together. Yet, rather than rejoicing over the good fortune of the children or Trump’s unprecedented compassion and superior sensitivity to even former president Obama on the issue, the media reported that Trump “caved” and broke from his own previous “misleading claims”.
90.) It was reported that the Obama Administration gave a “stand down” order that allowed unfettered Russian cyber and information warfare attacks in 2016. The new information was disclosed during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing where it was claimed the stand down order was done to allow U.S. entities to attack while masking themselves as Russia.
91.) Trump hater, texting enthusiast, and non-politically motivated FBI agent, Peter Strzok, was stripped of his security clearance before being subpoenaed to appear before congress.
92.) After U.S. lawmakers threatened to hold officials in the Department of Justice in contempt of Congress or even impeach them, the officials decided it was OK to give Congress some classified information related to the Russia investigation.
93.) Growing sick of their bullshit and hiding of incriminating evidence, Congressional Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes, gave the Department of Justice another deadline to reveal when the spying on Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign began.
94.) Ex-CIA chief and suspected perjurist, John Brennan, publically exclaimed that President Trump’s “incompetence” was “seriously damaging” America.
95.) In a continuing effort to frame President Donald Trump for Russian collusion or obstruction of justice, the man who delivered highly enriched stolen uranium to Russia in 2009 on behalf of Hillary Clinton used his authority as special counsel to obtain access to Trump ally Erik Prince’s phones and computer.
96.) The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, referencing special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, told more than 100 people at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee event to “buckle up” because: “It’s going to be a wild couple of months”.
97.) In a continuing effort to protect “the corruption of the Obama Justice Department”, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) refused to release intercepted material alleging that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch conspired with the Clinton campaign in a deal to rig the Clinton email investigation. “The information remains so secret that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had to censor it from his recently released 500-plus-page report on the FBI’s investigation of Clinton, and even withhold it from Congress”.
98.) The U.S. House of Representative passed a resolution demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) hand over a trove of sensitive documents related to the FBI’s investigations into both Hillary Clinton’s email probe and the Russia investigation.
99.) During Congressional hearings on the Russia Investigation, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein release whatever evidence he had and “finish it the hell up because this country is being torn apart”.
100.) In testimony during a House Committee on the Judiciary hearing, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein refused to say whether or not any member of the Obama administration tried to undermine President Donald Trump’s campaign leading up to the 2016 presidential election.
101.) Republican Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert said he believed government personnel working for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein were spying on his office. A spokesman from the Department of Justice did not respond to a request for comment.
Guns R Us
102.) Congressional Democrats introduced a national gun registration and licensing act.
103.) YouTube terminated the channel of firearms parts retailer, Brownells, thus simultaneously attacking the First and Second Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. However, in response to widespread backlash after the story was posted on The Drudge Report, the channel was restored with no explanation for the abrupt cancellation.
104.) Google Shopping censored all gun, ammo and accessories results.
105.) Photos were released showing anti-gun protester David Hogg being protected by armed guards; but only because he is more important than most other people now.
106.) The newly elected Democratic Party Governor of New Jersey continued his streak of anti-gun measures with a proposal to hit the state’s gun owners and sellers with big fee increases as much as 25-fold.
107.) The United Nations continued its fight to disarm all Americans.
108.) A gunman with a grudge used a shotgun to kill 5 people and left others “gravely injured” at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. Fortunately, police had trained for an active shooter drill a few days prior, and were able to use a sophisticated facial-recognition system to identify the suspect. Despite evidence of death threats online, police failed to arrest the gunman; however, they did arrive at the scene of the crime within 60 seconds of the shooting.
Big Brother Cometh
109.) Signs of sophisticated phone spying around the White House were revealed.
110.) FBI spying on Trump was reported to have started in London and earlier than originally thought and new texts were reported to have implicated Obama’s White House.
111.) Google labeled a Trump-supporting state senator a “bigot” but then later said it wasn’t their fault and that they were sorry.
112.) House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Google may need to testify if anti-GOP search results keep showing up.
113.) The country of France drafted legislation to stop what the government called “manipulation of information” that opponents claim could be used to silence critics.
114.) Apple announced plans for the company to soon select the top news stories on Apple News.
115.) The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sought to create a database of journalists and bloggers in order to identify “media influencers” .
116.) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) cited federal statistics showing drone flights over “sensitive areas or suspicious activities had jumped from eight incidents in 2013 to an estimated 1,752 incidents in 2016” and urged Congress in early June to approve legislation giving the federal government new powers to disable or destroy threatening drones.
117.) The 12th annual “Global Peace Index” by the Institute for Economics and Peace, an independent non-profit think tank based in Australia, scored 163 independent states and territories according to their levels of peacefulness and found the world has become less peaceful as the United States and other world powers face political instability.
118.) Former Democratic chair of the Federal Election Commission, Ann Ravel, who repeatedly rejected charges she was targeting Republicans and conservative websites like the Drudge Report has finally admitted that the agency has an anti-GOP bias.
119.) The secretive Bilderberg elite met to discuss the “post-truth” world and other topics including populism in Europe, inequality, and artificial intelligence.
120.) After months of mysterious delays, a July 3, 2018 plea agreement hearing was set to explore ways to conceal the crimes of former Democratic National Committee IT aide Imran Awan and his wife Hina Alvi. They will appear before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan in Washington.
121.) German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Europe to step up in Trump’s New World Order.
122.) Free speech advocates accused the French government of attempting to legalize censorship during a debate over a bill designed to fight “fake news” during election campaigns.
123.) After initially promising to provide Russia investigation documents to congressional lawmakers, the U.S. Department of Justice reneged on a commitment to provide access to the documents. “The DOJ contended the documents were highly sensitive material”; but, in fact, the documents were not considered to contain high-level national security information.
124.) Senator Rand Paul claimed the Obama Administration’s CIA and FBI tried to illegally entrap Team Trump and asked: “Do we really want the FBI and CIA involved in presidential campaigns?”
125.) Surrendering his will to the inexorable gravitational dynamism of the Hive Mind, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey expressed regret over eating at Chick-fil-A, because of the chicken company’s CEO’s personal views on gay marriage.
126.) House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes, accused the U.S. Department of Justice of “obstruction” and using “an array of tactics” to withhold key documents related to the FBI’s use of a spy against the Trump campaign.
127.) The US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee revealed “Summit” as a “stepping stone toward a world of “exascale computing”. Billed as the world’s “fastest new supercomputer”, Summit is 60% faster than China’s previous record holder. Summit is the first supercomputer designed from the ground up to handle machine learning, neural networks, and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. Summit’s peak computing power of 200 petaflops, or 200 million billion calculations a second in “the push to create “exascale” computers capable of handling a billion billion calculations a second”; which are “expected to come online in the early 2020s”.
128.) It was announced that a team of computer engineers built a physical neural network with circuits that “more closely resemble neurons” in an effort to “recreate the human brain” for purposes of “comprehensive, general artificial intelligence and consciousness”. The new integrated neural net system uses “100 times less energy than a conventional AI algorithm” so “scientists will be able to pursue big questions without leaving such a huge footprint on the environment”.
129.) A reporter from Slate magazine was harassed mercilessly for trying to quit Facebook. In the middle of the night he received an e-mail from the company asking, “You up? How about a little late-night content from a guy on your soccer team who is the little brother of your colleague’s boyfriend?”
130.) Questions were raised as to why Imran Awan, who is under investigation for illegally accessing confidential information on Congressional computer systems, was answering phones at his law firm, which has connections to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Maybe assuming the position left open by Seth Rich?
131.) A federal judge ruled that AT&T Inc. can proceed with its planned acquisition of Time Warner Inc. with no conditions. There was speculation the outcome of the trial could spur a wave of deals in the telecom and media industries, as well as clear the way for future vertical mergers, where a company buys its supplier; like Comcast’s similar merger to combine production and distribution in a competing bid for Fox.
132.) In response to recent concerns over the power of the giant tech companies, like Google and Facebook, controlling the flow of information, the Electronic Privacy Information Center told the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Digital Commerce & Consumer Protection that “today’s internet is not sustainable”.
133.) Because of the U.S. Government’s alleged “creepy obsession with your face”, the Department of Homeland Security “is reportedly developing a massive new biometric and biographic database with extensive data on citizens and foreigners alike. The Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology (HART) database will reportedly include at least seven biometric identifiers, including face and voice data, tattoos, DNA, scars, and other “physical descriptors” on as many as 500 million people.”
134.) “Creepy patents revealed Facebook’s relentless drive to track every detail” in the lives of its users.
135.) Just in time for Father’s Day, the mainstream media colluded to spin a “poor immigrant children” narrative whereby multiple comparisons of immigration policies that preceded President Trump were tied to him along with references to the Holocaust and slavery.
136.) The CIA’s propaganda arm, The Washington Post, unsurprisingly refused to publish reports of human rights abuses in warehouses operated by the CIA’s online retail store, Amazon.com; where Democracy Died in the Dark.
137.) In Florida, due to public outcry over a secretly implemented pilot program, the Orlando Police Department and the city issued a joint statement that announced they were no longer using Rekognition, Amazon’s deep-learning technology that can identify every face in a crowd.
138.) The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association, announced over the weekend that it voted to strip Laura Ingalls Wilder’s namefrom a major children’s book award after decades of complaints about how the “Little House on the Prairie” author portrayed blacks and Native Americans in her books.
139.) A $5 million phone hacking surveillance van was introduced at the ISS World and Eurosatory security conferences. The vehicle “uses 24 antennas to reach out to target devices” and is “full of next-generation snooping kit that can infect Apple and Google phones from as far away as 500 metres”. It also has “access to a range of publicly-unknown Android and iOS vulnerabilities (known as zero-days), which are required for any successful hacks to work on the Google and Apple operating systems” and “can be used to hack devices simultaneously”. For example, “if a target is sitting in a coffee shop using a Mac, an Android and a Windows tablet, all could be infected at once”. The vehicle is billed as a “game changer” because it “takes customers” (i.e. spy agencies and governments) “from detection all the way to full interception”. Privacy advocates who fear government misuse of the powerful new system expressed concerns that “capabilities developed in some of the world’s most advanced spy agencies are being traded around the world by hundreds of these types of companies that are “supposed to be used to stop crime” but are “instead being targeted against people such as activists and journalists”.
140.) It was revealed that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has secret “spyscrapers” located in eight American cities.
141.) “A Journal of Technology & Society” entitled “The New Atlantis” envisioned a “quiet alignment” between “smart” progressive government and GOOGLE the “universal information engine”.
142.) The National Security Agency (NSA) admitted it was “scrubbing several years worth of call records swept up in foreign intelligence surveillance wiretaps that it was never authorized to collect”. The agency said “technical irregularities” caused the oversight.
143.) A Samsung phone “bug” was revealed to have secretly sent the photos of users to random contacts.
144.) A patent by Facebook was disclosed for a system that hides audio clips in TV commercials. The patent application, called “broadcast content view analysis based on ambient audio recording”, will use sounds “so high-pitched that they are inaudible to human beings” to trigger cell phones into recording “all the background noises in a user’s home”.
Although the Supreme Court upheld the U.S. Constitution over unelected black-robed monarchy, collectivist tyrants, and Fourth-Amendment violators last month, the world economy hung on the precipice as economic optimism grew in America; even as civil and political turmoil increased here and around the globe over mass migration.
The U.S. Department of Justice and FBI remained in blatant defiance against congressional oversight as Democrats looked away and GOP lawmakers feigned impatience. All the while, a diluted Inspector General’s Report tepidly revealed lower-level (non-biased, wink, wink) bottom-feeders wiggling and spinning on the shores of the dark swamp as the big fish continued to swim away free; and far beneath the surface.
Thusly, teams Left and Right continued their scrimmage as the Big Brother blimp watched from on high, recording all.
In the above transitional revelations for June, and according to this blogger, 32 could be considered making America (and/or the world) great again, with 8 as being neutral or questionable, and 104 as representing the ever-accelerating slide into Orwellian hell. These counts were 40, 8, and 75, respectively, the month prior.
Does it appear the nation is transitioning in the right direction? Or is it too soon to tell?
Round and round it goes. Where it lands nobody knows. Will the center hold?
We’ll know soon.
In the meantime, sit back and watch the fireworks light up the evening sky. It’s July.
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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead at The Rutherford...
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sounds bad if you listen to the main stream press. Listen to your gut and instincts….
sounds bad if you listen to the main stream press. Listen to your gut and instincts….
Don’t go away man, just go away.
Where else have you been? Seriously. Where else have you been and what are you doing to restore the republic?
I agree with much of what you say but put that angry energy into something positive!
It’s clearly time to renew our Declaration of Independence.
Time to flush the DC toilet.”Strong jobs numbers”my a-s!
Here is where we stand on the 4th of July, 2018. The government is data mining and collecting electronic info on everything you do. The NSA has created an algorithm for you. And for every American. This allows the government to know more about you, than you know about yourself. There are private companies that also data mine. They sell a service to anyone who wants it. That service is supplying data on you to political organizations, marketers, etc. You are then targeted with information, disinformation or misinformation, that will cause you to respond in a way that the user wants you to respond, i.e. buy a product, or vote for a certain candidate. It should terrify you. The Democrats and Republicans both use these services. The Deep State uses this info. You are targeted on a daily basis. All day, every day. It’s entirely possible that everything you think is based on bad info provided by the Data miners. The level of propaganda and indoctrination has never been this bad anywhere or at anytime in history. I plead with you to question everything you see or read. Get multiple independent sources. I know that doing so is increasingly difficult if not impossible. 6 corporations own nearly all news media. This is full spectrum dominance of the media. Tough to overcome. Good luck. Think for yourselves. Resist.
Him, pretty sure that even happens on this site. Trust no one.
Infidel, ten four.
This will not be overcome. You think the govt are giving these powers up ? no. even with everything trump can rollback, within 10 years the democrats will flip enough states due to 50 years of unchecked immigration, they will put it back in.
it’s still seems okay now, but when the govt starts having serious money troubles and needs to do or silence anyone in it’s way to keep control, I suspect then you will start to hear stories of what it can really do and just hope you are not in the way then.
Happy 4th to everyone. This is BBQ day for me.
On a lighter note, 144 revelations? How gross.
If everybody threw out their personal devices and rid their homes of spying appliances and TV’s that would throw a wrench into the hyper spy state. Of course they won’t as the threat is out of sight thus out of mind. With further technology advances who says they won’t develop means to read your every thought. Without a doubt the plans are sinister and rapidly advancing. #25 is classic by Shillary “Oh give me a break. What is more uncivil and cruel than taking children away?” For one thing murdering those who have the truthful dirt on your wickedness. The people are waking up to the all encompassing corruption that passes itself off as our representative government. The Internet was created to enslave Americans in the guise of free speech, like saying here lock me up for my thoughts.
I have none of those devices, but at some point you will have to take them. 10 years ago, your car could not report where you are but today, even Toyota corollas have standard equipment to report your location and speed in case of an accident.
reading all of these, it is lucky for the usa that no other country is in its zip code militarily or economically as the usa is ripe to be surpassed by anyone that has its act together.
Getting rid of personal electronic devices isn’t enough. Facial recognition is possible through the existing camera systems everywhere. License plate scanners that are increasingly used by more police departments and tow truck companies and even marketers know where your car has been. Your utility company provides info to the NSA data base. Did you know that the Postal Service photographs all mail and packages that get processed through their system? This isn’t used to locate rapists, child molesters or murderers. This is used to keep track of all Americans. What? You say that it doesn’t bother you because you haven’t done anything wrong. Define wrong. You might think thoughts that are unacceptable to the government. You might vote the wrong way. Can you say totalitarian? You had better be angry. Think for yourself. Resist.
That’s all on top, what we’re allowed to know. What’s underneath?
We have very short Memories. Think back at what the federal jackboots did to the Branch Davidians! those folks were not any threat to anyone. There where allegations of child abuse? So Janet Reno simply killed the alleged abused children and the Adults. So much for you preppers who think your armed group of patriots will be able to Prevail after SHTF. The opposition will little by little surround and subdue any group it deems as needing to be controlled. And anyone not voluntarily going to a FEMA camp will make the list of dissidents.
At the very least you take a few with you! Better to die standing on your feet then live on your knees!
Me thinks it’s time for an EMP event. Without electricity, we certainly would quickly revert to our roots.
Level. The. Playing. Field.
Happy July 4th !
The only viable solution is a complete nation wide grid down . In three days the food and fuel will be gone. For a lot of non prepped parasites they will not even have water. No electricity will bring on the needed culling. I don’t think it would be a 1800’s lifestyle. I think it would be stone age existance. It might be quite the adventure?
A wet dream for me.
5.) Big spending by George Soros and liberal groups failed to sway D.A. races in California, where Soros wasted millions backing losing candidates.
And that’s bad?
This is a good thing.
Trump’s Justice Department affirmed that ObamaCare was unconstitutional.
That doesn’t mean shit because the Supreme Court already ruled it was constitutional.
The Office of the First Lady, Melania Trump, called the Secret Service after the actor Peter Fonda called for President Trump’s son, Barron, to be kidnapped and caged with pedophiles.
Sounds like Peter wants to Fondle Barron. Wasn’t Peter Fonda buddy’s with Kevin Spacey.
Screaming “God is on our side”, California Congresswoman, Maxine Waters, implored her supporters to harass Trump administration officials in public spaces. In response, President Donald Trump pointed out her low IQ and advised her to be careful for what she wished for.
She actually said “Alla is on our side” but the MSM dubbed it.
51.) German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a forceful pitch for Europe to play a more assertive role in global affairs as U.S. President Donald Trump “dismantles the post-World War II order”.
“dismantles the post-World War II order” which really means pupping Europe off America’s tit. No more free milk for you.
It was revealed that another FBI informant may have attempted to falsely create Russian ties inside Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign.
You got to give Clinton an “A” for effort. Should would have been a hellava Nazi.
Off Topic:
I happened across some info on Pope Pius XII, whose rise to sainthood is being held back by Holocaust hysterics.
Well, anyway, that is not what got my attention.
We know that torture and murder of royals and high officials is not beneath Communists but is rather par for the course. Yet, somehow I didn’t think they would stoop to torturing a Pope. Well maybe they did.
Naked pictures of the dying pope were made public. Clearly, to humiliate. It has long been rumored that Pius XII was murdered. The aforementioned facts gives credence to this. But, it does not end there. Prior to his death the pope was shown a human hand. This is a sick thing to do. Was it a threat from organized crime or some Communist criminals? This finally persuaded the pope to allow himself to be embalmed in some “new way” by his doctor who took the pictures, or so the report goes.
After his death, rather than preserving the dead body, the new procedure caused the body to rapidly decay in front of mourners; to smell so horrible that Swiss guards fainted, and then through putrification and gasification, the body exploded and sent smelly pieces of flesh everywhere. Such is the depth of depravity and evil the world has suffered.
When you see the fireworks explode, remember, freedom has been paid for with blood and guts.
Not surprised Evil stoops to the lowest level! Plan accordingly!