Chaos and economic disaster are still stirring up in Greece, with a sharp rejection of foreign control of their troubled affairs.
More austerity and new rounds of loans? Voters in Greece’s emergency referendum were overwhelmingly against it. Whatever happens next, they stood up to the authoritarian tactics of the European Union. Hurrah.
Greeks voted overwhelmingly to reject creditors’ proposal of more austerity measures in return for rescue loans, in the country’s first referendum in 41 years Sunday.
The referendum “will stay in history as a unique moment when a small European nation rose up against debt-bondage,” Varoufakis said. (source)
Now signal the panic. Collapse may be impending. Then doom. Contagion could spread to America, too, and trigger global market implosion and derivatives meltdown.
This weekend brought not only the “no” vote but the resignation of Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, who angrily pointed the finger at predatory creditor banks who he said are using “terrorism” against the angry, defiant people of Greece.
Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s finance minister, on Saturday accused the country’s creditors of trying to “terrorise” Greeks into accepting austerity.
“What they’re doing with Greece has a name: terrorism,” he told Spanish newspaper El Mundo. “Why have they forced us to close the banks? To frighten people.” (source)
As things stand, the banks are still closed, ATM withdrawals are very limited and strict capital controls have imposed to avoid a full on bank run… but now they are looking to take deposit funds to cover the emergency as well.
With the very near possibility of collapse, amid a shortage of cash and short term money, banks in Greece are poising themselves to “bail in” during financial emergencies by seizing customers bank accounts.
Greek banks prepare plan to raid deposits to avert collapse
Greek banks are preparing contingency plans for a possible “bail-in” of depositors amid fears the country is heading for financial collapse…
The plans, which call for a “haircut” of at least 30 per cent on deposits above €8,000…
So that could be coming next.
European finance figures expressed woe over the Greek rebellion, and deep upset at the threat to the Euro, decrying:
“a path of bitter austerity and hopelessness.”
“What we certainly don’t want to do is to take decisions that will threaten the monetary union.”
It should be a stark reminder who will carry the costs of failure – the people. Once again, it is the public who bears the losses, and the private clubs who enjoy the profits.
Americans may remember the episode with MF Global – where the company lost big in derivatives and stole customers funds to cover their losses.
Well, that one taught everyone what to expect… be sure, there is more coming.
Read more:
Greece is Just the Beginning… Again: “This Kind of Carnage Can Happen All Over Europe”
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
In a laughable section of his farewell address from the Oval Office on Wednesday, current sitting...
As the media continues to push forward with the bird flu narrative. The Centers for Disease...
This article was originally published by Cassie B. at Natual News. Israel intensified Gaza...
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Nice to see the Greek public giving the bankers two fingers and maybe Goldman will be forced to give back the $5bn it charged greece for bad financial advise.
Now lets see what the banks do to inflict pain on Greece and see if Russia or China steps in to help them out
Leaders of the European Union KNEW financial problems lay ahead.
From this article…
7 Key Events That Are Going To Happen By The End Of September
“July 28th – On May 28th, Reuters reported that countries in the European Union were being given a two month deadline to enact “bail-in” legislation. Any nation that does not have “bail-in” legislation in place by that time will face legal action from the European Commission.
So why is the European Union in such a rush to get this done? Are the top dogs in the EU anticipating that another great financial crisis is about to erupt?”
The bail ins will finish off what is left after the bank runs left over. PEOPLE STAND UP!
Something, anything! ACT
Thanks for the link, interesting article.
““…. will stay in history as a unique moment when a small European nation rose up against debt-bondage.”
I don’t think so. Shooting yourself in the foot would be a more appropriate metaphor. The Greeks did this to themselves. No one forced them to borrow money, and borrow money, and borrow money.
Now they do not want to repay.
This charade has been going on for 50 years. Time for the Greeks to pay the piper and hang those responsible for this fiasco.
There is NO free lunch. 🙁
“Contagion could spread to America, too, and trigger global market implosion and derivatives meltdown.”
No it won’t.
Greece is irrelevant to the USA economically and financially. It has a GDP the size of Arizona. Greece is only relevant to America with respect to NATO. It has ENORMOUS offshore oil & gas deposits that could be exploited to pay its debts.
Its time to put this blip on the econo0mic screen of things into perspective. 🙂
There is plenty of blame to go around in Greece. The banksters sought to economically enslave Greece, and the Greeks took their freebies. The banksters didn’t think the Greeks would be able to stiff them. Fuck the banksters. They loaned billions to people who they KNEW would be unable to repay, even if they were willing. Greeks, stiff the banksters and use your resources for your own benefit. You may have to hang a few politicians along the way, but if you want to make an omlet…
Again, there is NO free lunch:
Sooner or later socialism runs out of other peoples money. Americans must engage their employees or be led down the same path by liberals in America. 🙁
The French were right…The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The Greek people do not have the money to even pay the interest on the debt. Why on earth does anyone think that borrowing money to pay interest on a non-payable debt is a solution.
All the young people are leaving all the rich people are leaving, now they cannot even get the money they have saved and worked for.Its a massive social disaster not just a financial one. You do not have a grasp of the situation and your lack compassion for the suffering of these people is sad.
I understand what you are saying and I DO have compassion on the people of Greece who must bear the brunt of the damage to their economy; which generations of their leadership have foisted upon them.
I believe it represents criminal malfeasance in Office and the Crony Socialists in Greece who created this mess should pay with very long prison terms.
If I were Greek I would vote “NO!” too.
Greece should withdraw from the Euro Zone, establish their own currency once again at a level substantially lower than the euro, use that lower currency to develop their manufacturing base and create jobs, move to a flat tax like Russia, and have a relationship with Europe similar to what China enjoyed with the United States.
Its time for a total reset in Greece.
These government debts could be mitigated by selling offshore oil leases to the majors and developing partnerships with China for the development of these assets. Greece has enormous assets.
Its time to pay the piper. 🙂
You have it wrong. The loans, agreed to by the Greek government and not the Greek people, went to bail out the banks. But it’s the people who have to pay back the loans even though 90% of the money is just recycled between international banksters. The Greek people get no benefits from this. They have had six years of terrible austerity and they are in a Depression. There is 25% unemployment (50% among youths), and pensions have been cut by 30%–all so the banks can get richer.
Why do you have it wrong? Well, if all you hear from Republicans is “personal responsibility” then you’ll never understand what’s really going on. Do you ever hear that applied to the banks and to the creditors who made these risky loans? You won’t, because what goes on in Greece–and in the U.S.–is personal responsibility for us peons but never for the corporations.
” The Greek people get no benefits from this.”
I agree SharonJ, but you are grossly wrong if you believe that the Greek people did not receive any benefits from the easy money.
Read the link to the article at zero hedge and get a clue as to what has been happening in Greece. You obviously do not know. 🙁
Ahh… the world of easy money and debt, then they pull the noose tight. Let that be a lesson to those who choose to be slaves to debt. 3 out if 4 Greek Mortgages are in foreclosure. Anybody who keeps any assets in a bank does not own those assets. Stack and pack folks for the Economic collapse as it may send a ripple to tital wave across the Globe at their choosing to get us all on One New World Order Currency called Digital Money.
Greece is us fellow Americans. USA has more debt than all other nations combined. Puerto Rico default on their debt on July 1 scored nary a mention. It will be the kick to start the ball rolling and by late August all hell will have broken loose.
JEW bankers timed it all to commemorate and coincide w/ their Pharisee Blood Moon astrology and “high holy days” in Sept. They plan their garbage on these to dates to “fulfill” prophecy and “prove” to the stupid goyim: “see what God has wrought, it proves we are his ‘Chosen'” etc and the Scofield Masonic Xtians will eat it up like starving lapdogs.
“Bail-in” plans for U.S. banks has already been written.
Article from 2013…
The shocking way the U.S. government can “legally” steal your money without recourse
“Once you deposit money in a bank, from a legal standpoint, that money is no longer yours. Instead, the BANK owns it. You are an unsecured creditor.
What’s more, in the event of future bank failures, the U.S. government has now confirmed that rather than paying off depositors, it may instead force them to submit to a “bail-in” regime similar to what recently transpired in Cyprus.”
(*from the joint paper, “Resolving Globally Active Systemically Important Financial Institutions,” issued by the FDIC and the Bank of England on 10 December 2012. One can read the full 18 pages or read the executive summary very closely, where it mentions unsecured depositors being last in line.)
Resolving Globally Active Systemically Important Financial Institutions
KY Mom,
You state that depositors are unsecured creditors. While that statement is true there is way more to it than just all depositors being unsecured creditors. Insured depositors are not simply unsecured creditors. They are insured creditors and at least when it comes to FDIC insured institutions in the U.S., they have always come first, even before derivative creditors. Insured deposits have not been included in any bail-ins as was the case in Iceland and Cyprus and every bail-in plan excludes insured deposits. Uninsured depositors are however part of bail-in plans and are at risk. However uninsured deposits have always been at risk when a bank becomes insolvent and there have been some occasions where uninsured depositors lost money when a bank has failed. Now we will have to see what happens in Greece concerning deposits under the 100,000 euro insured amounts. Sounds like some may get a haircut.
Here are some additional articles on this topic.
A must-read for anyone with cash savings…
The shocking way the U.S. government can “legally” steal your money without recourse (July 2013)
“Once you deposit money in a bank, from a legal standpoint, that money is no longer yours. Instead, the bank owns it. You are an unsecured creditor.
What’s more, in the event of future bank failures, the U.S. government has now confirmed that rather than paying off depositors, it may instead force them to submit to a “bail-in” regime similar to what recently transpired in Cyprus.”
-The Crux dot com
Federal Reserve Vice Chairman: Bank Bail Ins Are Coming To the United States (August 2014)
Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Stanley Fisher:
“As part of this approach, the United States is preparing a proposal to require systemically important banks to issue bail-inable long-term debt that will enable insolvent banks to recapitalize themselves in resolution without calling on government funding–this cushion is known as a “gone concern” buffer.”
“The FDIC, however, is woefully underfunded to handle payouts in the event of a large bank failure.”
-smaulgld dot com
*NONE of the (mainstream media) stories covering Mr. Fisher’s speech mentioned the bail-ins.
Direct links…
“The FDIC, however, is woefully underfunded to handle payouts in the event of a large bank failure.”
True and that has really always been the case. But the FDIC has the authority to borrow a huge amount of money from the Treasury if needed. Enough to cover any insured deposit shortfall should a large bank become insolvent.
As far as what Stanly Fisher said last year about the future plans of issuing bail-inable long-term debt. It EXCLUDES insured deposits. It is part of the Total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) and applies only to systemically important banks. The following links show that insured deposits are EXCLUDED from being written down and converted into bail-inable debt. From being part of TLAC.
Here is the FDIC Resolutions Handbook which deals with the protection of insured deposits.
Yule, we are already ‘Greeks’ to some degree. Everyone get your money out of the banks now. Get all the supplies you can now. Cash in those 401ks, IRAs, etc. before you-know-who takes it. Invest ONLY in the things you need for survival. Keep stacking and praying.
Maybe one of the reasons so many homes are in foreclosure is that Greece is in a Depression, thanks to the banks and the EU debt. Unemployment is 25%, 50% among young people, and pensioners already had their pensions cut by 30% or more. Kinda hard to pay bills if you have no money….
Someone help me. If county A owes B, B owes C and C owes A, everything should balance out eventually. If all countries are in debt, who is it that they owe?
…private central bankers…such as The US Federal Reserve Bank….The Bank of Japan, etc…which charges the government interest to print and lend it…money. Most people don’t know that in the US for example…most of our “income tax” goes to simply paying off the interest payments on the national debt…fake money… tied to nothing of value…(except the ability to nuke you)…that is why the Greek vote was so important… they told the EC Bank to shove their “austerity”…and they want their country back. not to mention about 300 billion in reperations for WW2 from Germany…Ha!
Never loan money to a Greek, they will scream ‘debt bondage’ when it comes time to pay you back, while they drive around in an Escalade, cheat on their taxes, commit fraud, and take vacations.
It’s going to happen here, too, with half the country refusing to take cuts in their welfare.
And you guys are supporting the sheeple who refuse to go on a budget and honor their obligations. Unbelievable.
Now go ahead and justify your position by spouting about banksters, Jews, and whatnot. The simple truth is Greece spent itself into bankruptcy, refuses to trim expenses and pay the loans back, and is obfuscating the issue by squawking phrases like ‘debt bondage’.
Maybe I’ll borrow money from you folks posting here and then give you the same sorry song and dance when you ask me to pay you back. See how you feel about it, then.
Now is the moment to arrest all the bankers and put them in jail. Clean the slate of the ECB and IMF stooges running the banks and start fresh.
City of London = Federal Reserve = IMF = World Bank = International Monetary Fund = International Bank of Settlements.
This “small subset of Zionists” (as a prolific poster here calls them) is destroying the world. But hey, it is far nicer and seems much more palatable here at SHTF to call them Nazi leftist liberals.
Granny…you are like a broken record. Jooz Jooz Jooz. Don’t you have anything else to contribute other than the Jooz did it? Are you prepping? gardening? canning? Maybe you, and other single minded posters can post useful info for when the shtf. Everyone knows that food, water and shelter will be THE top priority….not Joo hunting. Supplies Will run out and we must have the ability to produce more.
No, I have nothing else to contribute here. While everybody else was celebrating the 4th of July last weekend, I was celebrating the 4th of Jew lie. If I could ever have a thought outside Jews did it, it would amaze me.
Actually D I have my gardening under control, have my preps in place, have many survival skills and also have found time to educate myself as to who is responsible for the destruction of the world and why.
Because you have never posted before, along with Granny Broken Record, shows us that the “bought and paid for trolls from Tel Aviv” are alive and well. Or a poster here for a long time has just switched names.
You, and your fellow travelers, seem to get more nervous by the day about truth or you wouldn’t bother with my posts.
There is NOTHING more important to salvage America than to wake up to the enemies who are destroying her from within. NOTHING.
You are a fool to believe I have never posted before or contributed anything here. I have posted under 3 different names over the years. I have responded to post questions regarding reloading for stolz, solar systems, auto mechanics, root cellar construction.. not just to bash the PTB, nigs, illegals and Jooz, which I have done in moderation also. I have argued with BI over the 3 (9-11) towers falling from the position of a former Iron worker. (they were detonated and the jews knew it in advance)The only troll I see is you, because you have only one song…They did it. There have been some damn good people with outstanding knowledge that have left because of the shit here. NukeMachinest had a wealth of nuclear power knowledge and fallout protection. Eppe posted great jokes everyday before your Basher shit for brains WWTI friend Almost ran him off. BI had great knowledge on earthquakes, combined with JOG’s astrophysics were real informative and USEFUL. Don’t you see that all the shit you guys post is destroying the productivity of this site and turning it into something with no useful info? Even DK is posting less and I rarely agree on his economics, but read his opinion.
Have you posted anything under just “D” before or was I just to assume you were Dave in Idaho. Don’t care who, what you are and don’t care that you don’t like my posts.
Is your scrolling finger broke?
You know what, it’s time for us to admit it. Yes granny, we are trolls from Tel Aviv, we have decided to spend billions of dollars doing nothing else than spy on you. Yes granny, you are that important to us. I’m guessing that’s what you want to hear, correct? We all know that you could NEVER be a stupid, Jew bashing old geezer with nothing better to do than pick out groups of people you don’t like and blame them for the demise of America. Jews, Negroes, and let’s not forget your favorite group to hate on, YOUNG people! Everybody is an enemy of America but yourself and those you deem ” worthy” of your praise. Now, for your next project, put on your favorite paranoia tin hats and try to figure out who I may or may not be, and don’t forget granny, they’re all out to gitcha!
Granny Broken Record:
How’s that “fishin pole gift” working out for you? Not brave enough to use your “new” doniker?
You are a sad piece of work.
Is there a problem here granny? I don’t think you’re up to the task of any type of intelligent conversation, obviously, you don’t have the first clue as to who I am so you’re trying to figure out my new ” doniker”, whatever the hell that is. I know I’m the right track when all you can do is whimper and slink away into the darkness, which is where you belong. So, if you’re night too frightened to let people know how stupid you really are, go ahead and tell everybody who I am. Note to all here, granny will now quietly disappear down the road and will re-emerge a few threads down the road, hey, it’s what she does!
POG, your posts are not bothering me, because I also know whom is at the top of the banksters bidding.
If your posts did bother me, as some proclaim, I would be seen as an idiot if I continued to spend precious time “bitching”, about truth, and your right to protest about anything or anybody that you choose.
To spend that time “calling you out”, just shows the ignorance and lack of realism, of the accusers.
As far as the banksters, they are behind all the chaos going on in Greece. Yes, the public pensions, and gov waste/corruption, are the reason they got into this mess, but to make the middle class workers sacrifice, is all on the banksters calling the shots from the EU.
The people will all suffer because they allowed a system that favors the rich, to stay in place all these decades.
To continue to apply the same approach to fixing a problem, over and over again, while expecting a different result, is the epitome of lunacy.
Did anyone learn the lessons from what happened to Cyprus?
hell No!
So, for those that could not see the writing on the wall six months ago, or before, and get their funds out of the banks; then reap what you sow.
The banksters sure as hell will reap their funds for them
And for all you folks that don’t have a clue as to who the banksters are, here is one for you…”money changers”.
Who called them out first?
Same bloodlines of evil, just wearing nicer clothes.
PITW. you missed the point. There is Nothing You can do and there is nothing you Will Do to stop the evil Jooz. Just flap your gums and type. I do see you as a Idiot because you and your Joo Haters Group take away from prepping with your “he did it” post. You probably cannot produce anything useful or productive on your own such as fuel, food, engine repairs, welding, wiring, and the things this site was originally supposed to be about. Im sure JOG, Be Informed and some others that have contributed, left this site because of the nature of the Joo hating you and others have brought.
I haven’t missed anything, especially you blowing stupid blather out your poop shoot.
I can do almost anything I set my mind to..dufus.
You know nothing about me except what I tell you and others about here.
I can completely wire a house from the main disconnect all the way to receptacles. I have rebuilt entire engines before.
I can grow anything from heirloom seeds that i have stored, along with stockpiles of composted horse manure.
I have a horse, and access to several more. I can train an unbroken horse to ride or work. Further more, I have a neighbor that has a complete Bio fuel processor that has produced much fuel for my diesel tractor. We have many gallons of used vege oil ready, plus the chemicals to process, and dry.
My wife and i can shoot the eyes out of coons at 100 yards and the hearts out of man sized targets at 300 yards. I have welded up complete dual axle trailers before.
Plus drive an eighteen wheeler, anywhere it will fit.
Plus i know most of the bible from Genesis to Revelation.
So, WTF have you done lately, Mr smarty-ass stompy pants?
What I thought, another dumbdick behind a keyboard.
Piss off, prick.
Reading your resume, I se we have a lot of skills in common. I have built 2 houses from the foundation up. I have a class C license doubles and triples, MC tag also. I was a 6GR certified welder on the construction of Platform Gail 30 years about 30 years ago. The difference is that I share my info, while you don’t. So that makes you the asshole. Come up to Northern Idaho sometime…you know the rest…. Dave in Idaho.
Dave if we come to Idaho the coffee on you?I don’t drink at moment(shtf well,sobriety off for a few days!).I build/renovate homes for a living/licensed builder/was ase certified mechanic.That said,I tried to back a big rig trailer,well,would be entertaining as hell as long as not your trailer!
@ Warchild. I can do that. and the gun range is right down the road to pop off a few rounds.
…they want all currencies to fail…they want outright economic misery inflicted upon the “useless eaters” … and they want to destroy indigenous peoples….(they not only do not care about the number f deaths…but actively encourage the genocide of whole peoples) that there is no…France….no Laos…or Cambodia…. and for right now…they will settle for… “regions”… that they can control. But when the misery level gets high enough…these animals will emerge from their bunkers and their remote ranches in New Zealand and Ecuador…suggesting that we all…”come together”… under a new World Government and most importantly…a digital currency….from then on….they will own you… RJ O’Guillory
How right you are. You have done your research haven’t you?
RJ,only own ya’s if you let em.
Typical Jew hatred, the people who loan you money are evil banksters.
With only 15 million Jews on the planet, it’s simply amazing how they’re destroying the world all by themselves, while superpowers populated by billions of hard-working, intelligent, non-Jews are seemingly unable to break the thrall these spawn of Satan have put them.
Get real, POG, your posts are infantile, parroting, drivel. Direct your energies to something else, because your direction now is entirely useless endeavor and a waste of time and effort.
The Greeks are giving it to the bankers Greek style.
Rid the planet of bottom feeding bankers…especially the ones that own and manage the “daily fix” in London.
Rothschildren need shipping to Pluto.
So who do you replace them with?
Have some pity and don’t ask these people hard questions.
Keep it to what the Kardashians did last week so they won’t suffer a loss of self-esteem.
Free markets.
Meaning new bankers?
Maybe unregulated ones like we had just before the ’30’s banking failures?
It is good the Greeks said no but they now need to take the next steps in the right way or they will be truly screwed. The first thing the banks will want is all deposits. This will need to be blocked. The Greeks will need to start arresting IMF officials and others who participated in getting the country in such trouble. They will need to take the best measures to unleash the economy from red tape and encourage business creation, especially to hire the young. They also need some epic leverage, so cut deals with Russia (for gas and oil) and China for infrastructure investment and preferred sales of Greek agricultural products to China.
They will need to do all of this in the next two weeks. Do this, and the country will bounce back with some hard work (just look at Iceland, who proved in can be done).
Greek banks may not re-open any time soon
“Constantine Michalos, head of the Hellenic Chambers of Commerce, … told CNBC Thursday that banking system funds do not exceed 600 million euros, and that banks may not open again until July 20.”
from an article at Zerohedge…
In Greece, “ATMs will run out of cash Tuesday or Wednesday, uncertainty grows and rioting possible.”
Direct link…
KY Mom, it sounds like the Greeks will have ‘fun, fun, fun til’ Daddy takes the T-bird away.’ In this case, I would give up the T-bird to avoid that kind of fun.
I don’t think they will Frank. Greece is a country based on the socialist’s dream of living off other peoples monies. A country like Iceland may have slipped for a while but they learned from it. The people of Greece has been like the black people of America. Generational sucking off the teet of others. They know nothing else.
You have no clue
I am afraid you may be right: some people and cultures just have no social memory of how wealth is created, so they go for the easy option, and keep their hand out for a hand out.
In North America, they used to call the natives who forget how to hunt ‘hang around the forts’ because they couldn’t survive without getting the scraps thrown away by US Calvary soldiers. Greeks are Europe’s ‘hang around the forts’, with the ‘fort’ being Germany.
What do we do with these peoples? Are we to just keep carrying around ever-greater numbers of eaters, or should we make them learn how to forage on their own?
Reply to Franks thoughts. The Native indians had thwir lands stolen by the US Calvery, the soldiers decimated the hunting grounds and had of course they had nothing left but scraps from the invaders. Get your history strait Frank. Cause and Affect. Stop watching John Wayne movies for your education.
Speaking of education, you might learn how to spell simple words like their, cavalry, straight, effect, etc., and simple punctuation.
What’s the Indian word? What language? Pretty sure that applies to many, many, many. Maybe most. People I know could not live two months without “the system”. Well, many welfare teenagers would last many months on theft; but, most worker-bees would simply die if “the system” failed to fill their bank account with living credits.
These Greek lowlifes weren’t so full of piss and vinegar and righteous defiance back when they were on their knees begging lenders to make risky loans to their degenerate asses. They’ll be on their knees again very soon but this time to receive a boot. This is how Socialism dies. When they have no one else left to loot or blame they will eat themselves. It will be our turn one day soon – the entire Western world is rotten.
Nappy, that’s true. The Greeks brought all of this on themselves. they had enough problems on their own BEFORE joining the EU. that’s when everything got worse for them. Can’t fix stupid. Can’t fix any socialists no matter where they are.
The Banksters screwed America and our Shill Congress let them with Reagans deregulation policies and little to no oversite, accountability or care. These politicians stuffed their pockets with banker cash, look up Jeb Bush and his relationship with Leamans (sp).
Read the fine print on your savings and checking accounts. Banks have the authority to take money out if your accounts to pay your credit cards. Then they reduce your card limit of borrowing power. Never put your deposit accounts with the same bank as your credit card. Never..
There won’t be much money actually lost because of Greece. The ECBs current QE is more than likely covering any losses by the big investors. From here on out anything the ECB or Europarliament does will be retribution for flipping them off.
I wish the people of Greece the best of luck. Because they’re going to need it.
Puerto Rico is about to default on $72 Billion in debt. That must of been one hellofa party down there on that tiny island the last few decades.
True Story, WWTI.
Yea, but to put it into perspective.
Puerto Rico’s annual budget deficit is around a billion. They just did not snap their fingers and get into this 72 billion debt crisis, unless the annual figures were wrong. No. They have followed the lead of the last four groups of cronies in DC, over the past 15 years.
Break down the billion into seconds.
A million seconds is something like 12 weeks.
A billion seconds is like 35 years.
A trillion seconds is like 35,000 years.
Just for shits and giggles, the annual “reported”, budget for the American Cancer Society is about a billion a year. ( any cures for cancer since their inception? No, and there won’t be either.
The Humane Society of the US, holds about 160 million in assets, and it’s affiliates have another 30 to 40 mil. Only 1% of it’s budget actually goes towards local shelters. Wonder where it does go?
The expenditures of Americans for their pets is expected to exceed 60 million this year. Just sayin’. What is your pet worth? Right now, we would not take 5k for our little rat terrier. 10k, and he is a goner, bye bye, Dingo. We would sorely miss him.
Oh and btw, the total world wide expenditure on pets exceeds 100 billion annually.
So, it is feasible for Puerto Rico to get out of their debt crisis, if they stop the party before it is too late.
Unlike, USSAG and it’s 100 trillion +, and it’s “party till you puke” mentality.
You either produce at least as much as you consume or you borrow to make up the difference and eventually end up in bondage as someone’s slave for it.
Greece seems unwilling to learn this lesson, we’ll see how that goes.
Stunning. Many Greek retirees must have voted NO along with younger Greeks. Things must be very bad to generate that kind of solidarity across generational lines. Things will get worse before they get better for Greece; but if they stick together and “hold the line”, they will have a brighter future than the rest of the Eurozone.
The terms for further loans called for so much austerity the retired Greeks figured saying no couldn’t get any worse. If they handle it right, in the long run they will be better off. In the short run, Europe will make it as hard on them as possible (like Obama with the government shut-down. Maybe they have the same masters).
@everyone…what happened to survivalblog? I’ve been without internet access for that past week and enjoy checking Rawles site. Anyone know?
They got hacked again by the bama bandits. They’re working on it according to the blog. Truthful news is like a big bullseye according to King Porchmonkey.
In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. –George Orwell—
I don’t see the people of the USA worrying about what is happening in Greece. Why should they for Greece is thousands of miles away and our banks are open. Plenty of cash. ATM’s working. Food at the supermarkets
Not a problem till there is a problem. Then crisis management sets in. Then the news become sound bites.
Stock Market, Crash, Riots, Food shortage, New Fiat Money exchange, Bank accounts raided, Banks close, Martial Law. Austerity.
Don’t know till “we” get there.
..and shootings. Lots and lots of shootings. And maybe, just maybe, the taking of a scalp or two.
I could see a scenario where hundreds and hundreds of “bankers” (employees of financials like Goldman et al, would be targets literally by extremely PO’d and financially shafted depositors. I sincerely hope it won’t ever come to that, but I can “see” the possibility of that occurring.
Interesting that you point out those who work at these institutions of finance being culpable and that mob style justice enacted upon them would be one solution. Is it just the cost of doing business? I mean a loan officer placing a person in a $50,000 vehicle or a $200,000 home who just barely qualified for such a loan. Where it was more important to close the deal. After all the depositors would pick up the tab for the deals gone bad.
Excuses similar to those who committed war crimes as to only following orders or do say company policy.
And what about those financial advisors and lawyers? What disclaimer do they affix to the documents they endorse? They will all try to hide behind the law. The law won’t mean shit if they are angry enough to stretch your neck..
@ Slingshot…What about the fool who took the 50K car or 200K mortgage. He/she wasn’t forced to accept it. They don’t know what they could afford? this new mindset pushed by the MSM puts the fault on the loan officer, and removes the idiot buying the car or house from personal responsibility. 30 years ago people balanced their own checkbook and figured out what they could pay.
Yes. They did not have to sign the loan. The loan is made by the bank using certain parameters to determine if the loan would be viable over time. Who has more information determine who is a good candidate for a loan.
Surely not the applicant or why would he fill forms of his financial status.
Today it is all about Bling and Status. Even after loosing a home or car, sooner or later they will try again to acquire same items. It is not about responsibility or accountability, only gratification and image.
“Look at what I have but I am up to my ears in debt”.
The buyer is allowed to screw up, and suffer the possible consequences. The lender. and eventually the taxpayers will be stuck holding the bag.
It’s kinda like the drinker in the bar, He isn’t held as accountable as the seller of the alcohol.
Maybe that is why they have emergency supplies in banks now.
The US could pull our selves out of debt by applying half if the Pentagons budget to energy manufacturing with a massive Solar builup here at home. Solar water heaters on every roof, electric self sustaining. My Solar Costs upfront will be recouped in 3.75 Yrs. The massive strangle hold noose grip the Big Oil Co have on our Government is killing us. And useless endless wars are bankrupting us.
I take it your solar is being tax subsidized.
Doesn’t even have any solar. Just parroting talking points from the nihilists at Media Matters.
That’s a load of pure bullshit, WWTI. We borrow nearly half of every dollar we spend. Cut half the Pentagon budget and spend it on something else? Guess what, the money is still borrowed, Weisenstein. There is no payback of investment when you borrow the money to invest, all you do is pay the interest. Idiot.
Now, just exactly how are you getting a 3.75 year payback on your solar system? No one else is. Post exact details with total costs, price of a KW of electricity, and KW produced and used, if you don’t mind.
My total electric bill, including Christmas lights and such stuff, runs about $600 a year, 3.75payback years makes a solar system completely replacing the grid power should cost me only $2250. It’s not possible to build a system that will pay back in 3.75 years for that little money.
I went to a family gathering over the 4th when the subject of SHTF was brought up. The immediate response was laughter and “it can’t happen her” type comments from most all the attendees.
The subject of guns also came up. People got to weigh in on their thoughts about guns good or bad. You may know the good feeling that you get when you are packign some serious heat and someone wants to chat you up about how bad guns are! The grin should have been a giveaway.
The upshot of this event is that my family knows that in the event of Greek style problem here, they should not count on help from those of us who took this time to prep for such an event. I believe in setting proper expectations.
We also learned to avoid a prepper family member who said that they would welcome everone into their home in such an event. We are going to steer clear of them from now on for reasons of OpSec.
I told my wife that during SHTF, if I wait 30 days, I can have their whole place to myself because they would all be dead by then. She told me not to bring that subject up, but she didn’t say I was wrong.
Good points, dufus.
I haven’t heard anyone use the word “dufus” since i nicknamed my first cousins husband that. They moved next door, as our neighbors and all the family took offense for me calling him that. I had him pegged.
I said it is like I used to say when in the loan collection business, “I can spot a deadbeat, dufus, and a dumbass from thirty feet away”.
Last year she left him, after finding out through a friend that he had set up a spy camera in their bedroom and was posting video of her dressing/ undressing/ naked/ and masturbating, on the internet.
Family didn’t mention raking me over the coals for calling him a dufus, they just called him a “devil”.
He got stuck with a 250k mortgage, and paying child support on two kids. Had to sell his Harley and boat, ha,ha.
Anyways, I tried to tell my brother and Dad, that both have, 90 % of their life savings/investments, tied up in the stock market, that a collapse of the market was coming this early fall. Dad 78, just changed the subject, and my brother 55, just said, “It ain’t happening in my lifetime”.
OK, Mr. ostrich, I hope you are right, and all the prophets are wrong, I said, under my breath.
Passing, I feel your pain. My mom cashed in lots of gold and silver when dad passed. I tried to get her to hang on to it. But she was convinced it was only going to go down. She has a big chunk in stocks and won’t listen to advice on that either. Her 80 yo boyfriend has better advice than all the professional stock traders.
at least she has food and stuff stashed, though she moved to the city and lifes wonderful and nothings going to happen now. *sigh*
Man, that ‘it ain’t happening in my lifetime’ statement is totally appalling.
We have had no less than three, count them, 3, market ‘corrections’ of HALF or nearly so in the last 20 years. Most folks were around then to see it happen to their own accounts.
Denial of reality is not smart.
You can’t put all the blame on the banksters…the Greeks over the past several decades have become spoiled brats addicted to a massive socialist welfare system that has finally hit the wall. The largest employer in Greece is the government,and they have been doing crazy things that are completely fiscally insolvent, like letting gov. employees retire at 47 with full pensions. That’s just one of a myriad of reasons this is happening. We have a large Greek community here and they’ve seen it coming for a long time.
We have a large prepper community here and they’ve seen this happening in our country for some time, yet now here are a lot of them lining up with the socialist Greeks, crying in their beer about having to pay back the money they borrowed.
Screw the “BANKSTERS”.
Say “NO” to the “NEW WORLD ORDER”.
Don’t play their game, get out of the system as much as much as you possibly can.
Pay “CASH” for everything.
If you have Direct Deposit then “Underbank”, only keep enough funds in your account to pay your bills and with drawl the balance.
Switch to a Local Credit Union if you have one in your area.
Put your savings into Physical Silver or Gold.
The “banksters” issue, own and control the cash, they don’t have to let you hold or use cash outside of bank accounts.
Within ten years, maybe within one, you won’t be allowed to have cash. It will all have to be held in a bank account and all financial transactions conducted from that account.
We have to draw the line at letting them take cash away. Totally rebel. Barter, local currencies even if illegal. If everyone does it what can they do?
I do appreciate all the info Mac puts on this site to read. How many ways we can debate a topic? We are masters at it. I am to the point that although one needs to be aware on current events, I am about done with it. Bitch, bitch, bitch and nothing done. There is very little we can do except put forth possible solutions but they are of the kind that we would like to do and not what we can do. More of repairing a truck and getting something done rather than talking to a politician or listening to the Talking Heads of speculation and deceit.
Prepare or not to prepare. That is the question.
The old saying holds true, right up to the bitter end….
Misery loves company.
Bare Supermarket Shelves In Greece Should Be A Huge Wake Up Call To Millions Of Clueless Americans
ht tp://
They don’t have to ‘raid’… put money in a bank, you literally give it to them for an unsecured depositor position.
Read the fine print.
Want a safe bank ? It’s the china pig version on your kid’s dresser.
That right cause you’re not gonna make anything off of it anyway.
True. And before long it will be negative interest rates. Hopefully the Greeks have the testicular fortitude to do what needs to be done next or things are going to get much worse for them and all this chest thumping will be for naught.
Mac, I temporarily turned on scripts while here this morning and got that stupid “sign up for my newsletter” bullshit that covers the entire window again.
You really don’t need to take over the entire page, do you?
It’s bad enough I have to dredge through your constant raping and plundering of grammar and the English language, but if I turn scripts on I have to keep closing that stupid splash screen, too?
What if I’m already on the mailing list? (Ha! Fat chance that’s going to happen they way you’re forcing it in my face and don’t give a crap about quality copy)
I run No Scrip, RIP and ABP on this site because of this crap.
All your ads and revenue generating schemes are removed from the page before I view it. You don’t get a penny from me because you’re so overbearing on ad revenue and amazingly ignorant when it comes to creating consistent, quality products.
There are several sites I visit that I don’t remove ads because they’re not intrusive and the authors write well. One in particular I actually click on the ads for them every few visits to help support them.
Not happening at ever again until you figure out how to provide quality, non-intrusive product to your customers.
And don’t get me wrong, I appreciate what the initial intent of this blog
iswas, but it’s gone away from that over the last year or so.Now I only come here to get info and opinions from like-minded folks in the comment section. I don’t usually read your entire articles any more. Too painful, unless it’s written by a guest writer. At least they’re still proud enough to care what people think about their grammar.
TNAndy, I only have enough in the bank to pay a couple of bills every month and the rest is kept in a safe in my home [PRIVATE BANKING]. That’s my prep money, cash only. My combination is very well-hidden and never released to anyone.
It’s surprising to me to see in the last year how many like minded, fully aware people have become aware of what’s really going on in the world. Three years Ago I was called a conspiracy theorist, here lately, especially with Grease ‘s problems, it’s general conversation.
Almost everyone I know is now prepping in one way or another.
Where do you live? I don’t see anyone prepping or hear anyone talking about what’s going on in the world. Pretty much everyone around me is still clueless.
We keep a small circle of friends, and live in a rural small small community in central KY.
Momma D,
I am increasingly seeing more people prepping in our community too.
I live I eastern Kentucky.
Seeing more people raise gardens is a good sign. 🙂
Same here with the gardens, seeing more and more every year.
Also a lot more folks getting chickens around here. It’s a good sign that people have started waking up. If not to all the insanity in he world, at least to our fragile food chain.
On the occasions I do go to town to shop, I’m seeing more and more suburbanites with 50 lb bags of sugar, rice, ect. Never used to see that, but the last year I see it more and more.
By the way, both my parents are from eastern Ky. Love the mountains!
Momma D,
Small world.
My two daughters now live in central Kentucky.
KY mom, small world indeed!
That was also to Kymom.
MommaD. all of my family in north GA are preppers, born and raised into the lifestyle before the word preppper was invented. They all have homesteads with livestock, gardens, lifetime supply of firewood for the wood stoves, and plenty of game. they were all raised on farms so they raise food in their sleep. They all learned how to hunt, fish, trap, forage, how to use guns at the earliest possible age and pass on all of those skills to their siblings. Any one of the women in the family are better shots than I am, even the young ones. they all have their own variety of skills. there’s even a gunsmith in the family. The BOL I’m going to has everything I need, including most of my supplies already there. The last week of this month I make another supply run to it or that trip could become the BUGOUT trip if circumstances dictate.
That was my thought Kfilly. MommaD must be very lucky to know so many fellow preppers. I have a very large circle of friends and know no one like myself.
I am truly blessed to have the people in my life that I do.
K I don’t know but Sam’s Club and Wall are starting to keep 25 yr food lots of places in the NW. Says something.
I have to say, a good friend who we have been talking to for ages has finally seen the light and started preparing her household too. I feel so much better knowing she is on the right track and her kids will have a chance when something happens.
There’s a Chink in the armor of the Chinese and Hong Kong stock market. The domino effect may start in shanghai.
Bank robbers are usually arrested and put in jail. When bankers do the robbing, they should also be arrested and put in jail..
Greece falls, China falls, almost looks like a 2 to 3 month time frame is right on?
Their will be blood in the streets.
A soldier on every block, tanks in the city square and blood running down the streets America.
Get Ready.
There aren’t enough soldiers to put one on every block. There are only about 100 military for each town and city, and almost half of them are reserves who probably won’t show up. And a lot of the rest are officers who won’t be standing guard duty anywhere. They will be out of men and tanks long before they try to cover my town.
The bankers plan. You have to draw back the curtain.
ht tp://
We manipulate, they maneuver. They blame the US financial industry for their stock market crash. Specifically Morgan Stanley. The common denominator, not dominator. Missed an “en” there Morgan.
Do you outsource your writing Mac?
and strict capital controls have imposed to avoid a full on bank run
but now they are looking to take deposit funds to cover the emergency as well.
Could be, doesn’t sound like Chinglish, though.
The destruction of the West is still in progress, but it is moving along, according to plan. Destroy the currencies. Destroy the freedoms. Destroy the demographics. Minnesota now has 111,000 African refugees and possibly double that number are suspected of being there “off the books”, according to the immigrant community. This was Eric Holders’ primary achievement. His goal. His dream.
His other dream was to disarm American citizens. He made a speech about indoctrinating people to be afraid of guns. It is on YouTube. Free countries don’t indoctrinate anyone.
Here is a link to that Youtube (1995) video.
Eric Holder Admits He Wants to Brainwash Americans – Against Guns
“What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we’ve changed our attitudes about cigarettes. You know, when I was growing up, people smoked all the time. Both my parents did. But over time, we changed the way that people thought about smoking, so now we have people who cower outside of buildings and kind of smoke in private and don’t want to admit it.”
“At the end of this clip, Holder says anti-gun ads should run every day, and we need to “really brainwash people to think about guns in a vastly different way.”
His other dream was to disarm American citizens. He made a speech about indoctrinating people to be afraid of guns. It is on YouTube. Free countries don’t indoctrinate anyone.
Eric Holder/Obamas goal/dreams are United Nations mandates. Just willing puppets selling U.S. down the river; while trying to judge just how fast Americans will allow themselves to be chained.
Holder and Obama are obviously Jews.
After all, they’re responsible for everything bad, right?
Nope, Anonymous, Holder and Obama are just their useful idiots and will meet their demise when they are no longer useful. Can’t be soon enough.
Not to defend them, but at least they are useful idiots, as opposed to useless idiots like yourself.
More drivel about puppets dancing to the Zionist finger movements.
Post some opinions of your own, will you, instead of the usual parrotry we’ve all heard from somewhere else. It’s getting stale.
Probably would be nice to hear why your constant attacks on my posts. Could it be you are married into the tribe?
A little honesty behind your repetitive attacks would be appreciated.
OK, here’s some of the honesty you are asking for, by way of your thinly veiled attempt to deem me a Jew by blood or marriage.
I am not Jewish. Get over it. Nor am I married to one, employed by one, or beholden in any way to one. Try another paradigm, maybe the one that says you may be wrong, because the one you are living by now doesn’t work.
If you don’t like being taken to task for constant, repetitious Jew-hating posts, then you should cease to make them. Really quite simple. It’s moronic, ignorant behavior and exposes you as someone who should not be listened to.
I don’t suffer fools gladly.
By the way, CDNN has Ruger 10/22 steel lip 25 round mags for $12.99 each. Load up before the ban or the shooting starts.
Prophet, I have a 10/22 myself. thanks for that tip.
Good price.
Afger seeing the Cypriot haircuts given to depositors, my wife and I have moved the bulk of our “savings” into PMs we control and actually have possession of, as well as cash for contingency purposes. I think that the proposed 30% asset forfeiture of depositor accounts in Greece of 8000 Euros or greater will be the fuse for civil war again, in Greece. Civil War there is coming, the fuse is perilously close to the match of Socialism/Anarchism.
The question of the day is, who has done more damage to America, the home grown commies or the globalists? I think it’s a tie.
It might be a good time to steer your eyes to the east and take note of the report that China has notified Russia, in accordance with a cyber-security agreement between the two of them, that the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China has declared that a de facto State of War now officially exists between China and the U.S. China informed Russia that they anticipate the outbreak of hostilities and are making war preparations to protect critical infrastructure.
China believes that “evil” market forces are behind the meltdown of their stock market and suspect that Western investment “predators” are behind the turmoil.
China is also reported to have begun an unprecedented (in size) naval warfare exercise in the South China Sea. They just recently finished the work on at least one of the Spratley Island reefs that they have been building up and equipping with landing strips (capable of handling even the largest Communist Chinese aircraft), troops, and military stuff.
And, China’s leader will be at a summit in a “fortress” town about 700 miles southeast of Moscow starting on Wednesday for a get-together with Putin et al to discuss the start of their new international financing scheme with the BRICS nations. India, Brazil, etc. will be in attendance as well. Interesting that a “fortress” town has been chosen as the site for the summit.
You might want to rethink that hostility toward Jade Helm…jade is commonly associated with China and helm is control or leadership. It is not outside of possible that our boys are gearing up to protect this country from a hostile Communist Chinese action against the U.S. on U.S. soil. Our southern border remains wide open for illegal and unchecked entry by any bad guy from any foreign location, including Communist China.
Of course there are many aspects to consider and dots to connect, but don’t be so fast to distrust our U.S. military. Be more worried about China and other Communist countries, as well as our own Communist-controlled White House.
I see a lot of articles on Greece but not as much on The collapse of the Chinease market which I think is a more serious event. Look at the similarities between the Chinease market today and the 1929 Dow.
Yesterday 7-5-15 We left Amarillo Tx on I-40 west. Just into New Mexico we start passing military flay bed semis each with two humvees on them all going west bound. My non believing wife began to seriously question what was going on with the Greek collapse and all. 35 trucks with 70 hummers. There was a large Mercedes white van with normal Texas plates at the rear. We stopped at a rest stop so my daughter could potty, the convoy passed us. When we caught up they were on the side of the road regrouping. The white van was with them. I think this Greek thing will affect more than Europe. I told my family it was reserves going to summer camp but my wife who calls us the tin foil hat people didn’t buy it. My father in law who gets a Christmas card from Dubya bush every year firmly believes something is about to happen.
The U.S. government is mostly communist. There have only been a few systems ruling over the masses, they all differ very little. force is their central means. I see where the MSM have Hillary and Jeb rated as the top candidates for 2016. There will be no alternate choice besides the locked in duopoly powers. Billions of cash support the same bullshit liars. Is this insanity or what? Bush and Clinton are up to their necks in present and past criminal deeds. Who can vote for the lesser of two evils, because there isn’t one. On another note, these explosions of rockets shuttling cargo to the space station have been frequent. These “private” launchings are under contract to NASA, so this is more taxpayer money going up in smoke. This whole NASA boondoggle is about nothing but weaponizing space. On the Greek vote, this dilemma has been going on for years, who in their right mind would still keep their funds in the banks there?
After three consecutive failures of a privately-owned U.S. business trying to send up their rocket to re-supply the space station, isn’t it about time to cut them off from the taxpayer spigot?
Isn’t it about time to re-fund NASA (and de-politicize it) to do the work American taxpayers want it to do? Either that, or what is the justification for our continued participation in the space station?
Not to defend failure, but you do know that the first decade of NASA was failure after failure?
They’ve killed more Astronauts than the Klingons.
Does Obama have some Greek within his Kenyan body?
Sometimes, if he has Greek boyfriends.
Truth be known the accounts already have been cleaned out totally. Just like they have been here, because what you see at the end of the month is just a piece of paper. Now go in and asked to see your FRN in the day light and tell us what the answer was from your friendly shyster at the bank.
This bings up a question I’ve been meaning to ask.
Has anyone bought silver bars(1 oz.) from JM BULLION, that asvertises on SHTF website? Just wondering what your exiperience with them has been.
Haven’t bought from them or anybody for awhile. Sold silver back in the day when it was around $40 bucks an ounce. And forty bucks was still forty bucks! Having said that, it seems like a good time to buy silver. And ammo.
Got 65,000 rounds of ammo.(and still buying more)
Silver is only thing I don’t have, so it’s time.
So what are you planning on doing with that much ammo?
Unless it’s a hedge against future prices and you shoot a lot I would think there are more important things to have on hand (and more portable if you have to leave your area in an emergency situation).
As a young man my chums and I could (and did) burn through 500 rounds of .22 rimfire in a weekend. And my grandsons still can/do. So 65K is only 13 bricks = 13 weekends = one summer’s worth.
65K of .22 is 130 bricks, 2 bricks per K.
In 500 round bricks, bricks seem to be shrinking in size lately when you can find them.
65K is 130 bricks. It’s 13 Blocks. Trust me I know.
I went thru 350 rounds of 22s on Saturday in two hours.
Ammo makes good barter in a pinch — among friends of course.
It’s both for a hedge on prices and shortages, but I also shoot a lot, including some competition.
Besides, 65K rounds of ammo isn’t much, not when you own 29 guns.
I have used them multiple times over the paste two years. I am vey happy with my purchases and their service. Free shipping and prices are low.
Thanks, that’s great to hear.
How do you pay, CC, check, or wire?
Use an electronic check if you can, most bullion sellers charge more for credit payments due to the card surcharges. You can save 3% or so with some firms.
Do not send money by wire, like Western Union.
The solution to ending all of the subversion, robbery and murder of the innocents by the Globalist Bankers, is very simple. EXECUTE them.
NSA should run their precrime analysis on some bankers and politicians.
The financial collapse in Greece is not the start of a domino effect of financial collapses in the USA, it is simply too small. However, I agree we will undergo our own severe financial situation and declining standard of living. But this is not the point in this particular post. The point is it seems many people leaving posts to articles on this site WANT financial/economic collapse to occur; they can’t wait for it to happen. I can only conclude they are not only stupid and naive, but live dull or purposeless or fruitless lives. Don’t they realize or don’t they care about the inevitable consequences of collapse; hunger, disease, and violence on a large scale.
I too have been prepping much but preppers will not be immune from the fallout of collapse. By prepping with a large amount of supplies means you are likely bugging in. The only way you can ensure safety is to have an association of like-minded people with you. However, being static like that WILL invite a lot of trouble but prepping, association with capable persons, and organization are the factors that will win the day. Lone wolves and marauders will be successful for a while but their numbers will eventually be decimated as predators are wiped out. But even if a person is not particularly affected their family, relatives, and friends will be-in many ways; physically, emotionally, and mentally to say the least.
So go ahead and continue to fantasize and have orgasms for the collapse, it will not turns out as some imagine.
I guess that, eventually, this single question will remain in finality:
Why do we need banks at all?
Answer that truthfully and with historical reverence, and you will probably realize that these central banks, their puppet governments and the corporate CEOs do not fit the bill as a necessity in any sort of rational semblance at all.
The Greek people can barter the only “coin of the realm”. They can defend themselves from bankster government that tries to attack them for using barter. Then, “Caesar’s” money will have been given back to him, just as Jesus said should be done. Caesar can eat it and be buried in it, since it’s all he loves and all he knows.
When it all goes pop my debt to the banks get written off and my house becomes mine and i won’t be paying no rent/taxes for the land my house is built on.
The land belongs to “We the people” and people who are not stupid enought to sign up for a 40 year bank loan to buy a mud hut today will have all the land they need to build a place to live for FREE.
Fuck the government and the banks that keep our politicians living the good life because they are worse than gangs romaing the streets that we will get when SHTF
bring it on Mr IMF Bankers and you need not wait to bitch slap the ECB for using Greece to get backdoor cash from the IMF
Greeks are soon to realize WHY they should NEVER have allowed themselves to be DISARMED and HOPEFULLY Americans will learn what happens to a people WHEN they are disarmed
In reply to your MONITOR’S comment, I use TOR so I will always have different address so I guess I will always be “awaiting moderation” 🙂
I am used to it
Indeed, there is no work around for this that I am aware of. The automated AKISMET system utilizes IP/email address verification, so if either of those change, it treats you as an “untrusted” user… “Trust” within this system is built after numerous comments have been approved by a moderator, at which point the system will recognize you and allow most comments to flow without moderation.
Unfortunately, removing said system will allow literally thousands of spam comments to flood our community areas on a daily basis, thus we are left with few options.