Germany is set to reimpose a mask mandate on the slave class once again in September. The rulers seem intent on making these ridiculous rules proven to not prevent people from getting respiratory viruses permanent for those they want to control.
Justice Minister Marco Buschmann announced that Germans would have to mask up this autumn when indoors and that the rules would be in place throughout the winter even though the COVID wave (that’s more than likely nonexistent) is “losing momentum.” Ludicrously, such measures are being finalized months in advance when nobody even knows what the COVID situation will be later in the year, according to a report by Summit News.
The rulers have their official narrative and they are sticking to it, even though most are starting to see beyond the hoax that COVID has been. “The effectiveness of masks for individuals indoors is undisputed,” said Buschmann. “That’s why a form of mask requirement indoors will certainly play a role in our concept.”
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
A study in Denmark involving 6,000 participants also found that “there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19,” the Spectator reported.
New Study Finds Mask Mandate Failed to Reduce COVID Deaths, Hospitalizations, or Cases
A speech therapist says her clinic has seen a "364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers".
"It's very important kids do see your face to learn, so they're watching your mouth."
What the hell have we done?!
End this cruel insanity.
— Darren Grimes (@darrengrimes_) January 26, 2022
People are getting tired of being subjected to tyranny because there’s a chance they will get a cold at some point in the future. Nonetheless, Los Angeles County has also decided to reinstate mask mandates.
Watch: As Mask Mandate Looms, LA Hospital Officials Mock COVID “Media Hype”
Even mainstream media outlets such as the Daily Mail are being forced to admit that masks don’t work, and people are still getting colds, or “COVID”.
Are Face Masks & COVID Rituals Occultist Symbols For Submission?
It has become more than obvious that once the rulers craft their official narrative, they don’t back down, even when the public can see right through their lies. They are not letting COVID go, even though no one is worried about it all, and oddly enough, no one’s “getting COVID”. It went from “I got tested for COVID” to “I have a cold” which is how things were before. So, what’s next?