Head medical tyrant Dr. Anthony Facui says that “things are going to get worse,” and more “pain and suffering” are on the horizon. We all know it’s about not enough taking the experimental gene therapy shot.
Never forget, that the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has declared that their COIVD-19 tests are detecting the command cold as “COVID.” For all intents and purposes, this whole COVID-19 hoax is just that: a hoax.
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
They Admit It: The Flu Has Disappeared Now That COVID Is Here
On Sunday during an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Fauci said he doesn’t foresee more lockdowns. “I don’t think we’re going to see lockdowns. I think we have enough of the percentage of people in the country — not enough to crush the outbreak — but I believe enough to not allow us to get into the situation we were in last winter,” said Fauci, who is also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Dr. Fauci on pushback against mask requirements, individual rights: "The fact is, if you get infected, even if you are without symptoms, you very well may infect another person who may be vulnerable,.. So in essence, you are encroaching on their individual rights." pic.twitter.com/R7aSX0JUPh
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) August 1, 2021
But should we believe him? He’s changed his mind and flip-flopped so much that anyone who trusts this tyrant is delusional. He still wants everyone to take the shot that doesn’t work to stop infections or transmissions, and even the fully “vaccinated” are now supposed to resume wearing their ritualistic shame muzzles while in the presence of others.
And, make no mistake, the mainstream media is preparing the public for another lockdown right now:
The resumption of normal activities, lifting of protective measures, gathering of people and traveling for summer holidays, mixed with vaccine hesitancy, have led to a surge in infections of the highly transmissible delta variant, along with a rise in the number of hospitalizations and deaths nationwide. –Washington Post
The fear-mongering, propaganda, and brainwashing are all there and more than evident by now. What’s more, is now they say it’s the fully “vaccinated” that are transmitting the common cold to the un”vaccinated.” It’s probably just another scam and charade to get the un”vaccinated” scared enough that they take the shot.
An internal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention document says that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant may be able to transmit the virus as easily as those who are unvaccinated, and that vaccinated people infected with the variant have measurable viral loads similar to those who are unvaccinated and infected with the variant. –Washington Post
So, what’s the point of the vaccine? Again, critical thinking is going to be necessary in the coming months. The good news is that mainstream media and the political parasites and ruling class are making it very easy to discern the truth right now.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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and the evil leprechaun speaks yet again…..
Falsi is not a real doctor in any way,shape or form but
I think I finally figured out
why he is called doctor.
I think it has to do with the fact that he has most likely
“doctored” more than his fair
share of data and numbers in
order to keep this covid
scamdemic going ?
Fauci said
“I don’t think we’re going to
see lockdowns. I think we
have enough of the percentage of people in the country vaccinated — not enough to crush the outbreak but…”
My question would be
I don’t know about anyone else but I have yet to see any observable evidence of any
“outbreak” whatsoever with my own two eyes ever since this bullshit began a year and a half ago. None at all.
Hal Turner and Steve Quayle are now reporting that we are going into a nationwide lockdown to deal with this latest “outbreak”. Time frame for the start of the lockdown is less than two weeks away. Or at least, they are gonna try to implement it.
I really have to ask: What will our governors do? Will any of the Joint Chiefs grow a pair and take a stand? What’s the common man going to do?
I sometimes wonder how
our distinguished “Dr” has
so much time to do tv interviews? I mean, you would think there would be
more important matters for him to focus his attention on
such as ?”killer covid”?causing endless death and destruction in its path and leaving casualties left
and right.
Fauci is a bought and paid
for little bug that someone should’ve squashed long ago.
Very short video
worth watching:
It will get worse for him if one of us sees the little bastard.
Ya and the bums that decided they were going to quit paying rent can go live in a FEMA camp. Bankrupted landlords that got stuck footing the bill for these piles of shit will end up losing their properties to Blackrock etc. Fuckin commies made SURE of that! I hope ALL the free rent scum are force vaxxed and go to summer camp.
The COVID 19 virus HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED NOR PROVEN to be any thing but a flu virus, The fake PCR tests showed the flu and old age deaths disappeared in 2020 and 2021.
It shows in the CDC— the AVERAGE TOTAL deaths of the last 3 years BEFORE this fake pandemic, was HIGHER than the past 18 months with this FAKE virus!
SO IT IS ALL FAKE to bring in the AGENDA 21 One World Order. There is NO Delta Variant. It is the VACCINE that makes people sick and die if they catch the flu or a cold, as well as just dying because the shot is doing its job to kill people. WAKE UP.
The virus is REAL, I have 2 people (friends) whom both died and had autopsies performed BOTH had severe blood clots causing heart attacks and other organ damage. The vaccine is the main issue and it is a front to put controllable RNA bots in your system that they will manipulate them when they wish and we don’t know all the effects it will have. This is the culling and de-population agenda.
YAWN O FRAUDCHI! Goal post mover follow the science for big pharma profits guy!! Me no scared! Turn the tele off and covid disappears like a fart in the wind!