The “experts” that are demanding everyone get shot up with the experimental gene therapies are saying that “herd immunity” to COVID is now highly unlikely. Not enough people are willingly rolling up their sleeves to take this concoction throwing a wrench in the plans of the rulers and masters worldwide.
The New York Times reported that the experts who spoke with the Times, have said that the coronavirus will more likely become a constant but manageable “threat” (a threat like the common cold and just as “deadly” if you can even use that term) in the United States for several more years. New COVID-19 strains are also reportedly developing too quickly for herd immunity to be reasonably expected.
New Poll: U.S. Is Running Out Of Adults “Willing To Be Vaccinated”
Because of all of this, many are suggesting people go back and get continuous gene therapy which is not, by the legal definition, a vaccine.
BioNTech CEO Says “Booster” Shots of Pfizer Vaccine Will Be Required Every 12-18 Months
“The virus is unlikely to go away,” Emory University evolutionary biologist Rustom Antia told the newspaper. “But we want to do all we can to check that it’s likely to become a mild infection.” Dr. Antohony Fauci, the head medical tyrant, and master in the U.S. now says that “herd immunity” isn’t likely by summer because their propaganda campaign to push everyone into getting these shots failed.
Even though it has failed, and the rulers haven’t convinced enough slaves to take the shots, Fauci isn’t giving up and making more of a push to convince others to take the experimental gene therapy falsely labeled as a “vaccine.”
“People were getting confused and thinking you’re never going to get the infections down until you reach this mystical level of herd immunity, whatever that number is,” Fauci said to the Times, adding this was why he had stopped using the term “herd immunity.” “I’m saying: Forget that for a second. You vaccinate enough people, the infections are going to go down,” he said, according to The Hill.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 56 percent of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, and more than 40 percent are fully immunized. –The Hill
Medical Journal: Get The COVID-19 Vaccine, Or Be Punished HARSHLY
We all know what’s next. It’ll be actual punishments for those who continue to refuse the vaccine. They have told us from day one with all of their underhanded tricks that this is what’s in store. Make sure you are prepared. It will likely start with the inability to make a living, but the chances of it ending there are slim.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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If 100% of people got vaccinated, it would take 125%, to achieve herd immunity, on Fauci’s rubber ruler of scientism. (Objectivity.)
If herd immunity is acquired for everything, Fauci will imagine another one, or he will have been caught developing it, in some worse shithole country — probably sub Saharan — from something even more sensational than the greenmonkey, koalas, and pangolins.
I took the vaccine only to shut my son and daughter in law up as they both work in the health industry, other wise I might have been able to be with my wife of 48 yrs a lot sooner.. She passed 4 yrs ago of terminal brain cancer
Alfie, Sorry for your loss.
I have been married 54 years dated for 4 years before marriage.
I know I would feel really lost if I lost her. God has a plan for all of us.
God Bless
My good friend got the vax against my pleas and has been bedridden for 3 weeks and now sorry as fook for what he did. Talked into it by his asswipe lezbo daughter he didn’t read a fuukin thing I sent him about the truth on this shit. You sir are an idiot and if you eat shit don’t expect people with a brain to feel sorry for you. Play stupid games… win stupid prizes!
I got the vaccine months ago and am perfectly fine. Your friend probably had an underlying health condition. Now go play in traffic you filthy democrat.
“But we want to do all we can to check that it’s likely to become a mild infection”
Uhh, I could be wrong here but with a 99% survival rate
I’d say it’s already a mild infection.?
You were spot on saying this gene therapy has falsely been labeled as a vaccine.
We have had many false labels since this covid hoax began. Falsi labeled as a “Dr”,
phony 19 falsely labeled as a pandemic, lockdowns and rules falsely labeled as being for “our health”, control muzzles(masks) falsely labeled as beneficial,etc,etc.
My whole family got Covid 19 when the youngest boy brought it home from school in November. Luckily, it was mild. We’ll not be getting shots and will fight it naturally.
What if half of their employees become what Ronda Wilson became? She was pilot. She is ill now.
Where is Ronda Wilson now? She was a pilot.
In all the history of respiratory-born viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers. — quote by the great goal post mover (who has been paid much more than 30 pieces of silver), Anothony Fauci
If I made 10% of the mistakes that fauci has made, I wouldn’t have a job. And yet, “we the sheeple” continue to believe the lies that are killing and destroying the economy, the people, the world.
Funny (not ha ha) how it is written: “the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy.”
The machine is in motion. When people start to realize, it will be a very sad day. Comparative to the heavy rains that started and people were banging on the door of the ark. Let me in, let me in, let me in, only – it was too late.
As it was in the days of Noah . . . time to wake up and deep six being woke . . .
The notion that society is shaped in a pyramidal structure is nothing new. In this model the one percenters are considered to be at the top of the pyramid. That the one per percenters use their money, influence and resources to shape the policies guiding the actions of humanity. Further, there is recognition that politicians and lawmakers create policy and law at the behest of the one percenters while along with main stream media they sell these policies and laws to the public under the guise that they are for their own good. When the money is followed it is established that it is those at the top of the pyramid profit from their policies and laws while those at the bottom most often suffer. While this pyramidal model is nothing new learned here what seems to be grossly overlooked is power of the third tier.
The Third Tier (TTT) is beneath the one percenters (or historically speaking, Royalty). at the top and also under the second tier that largely consist of the politicians and wealthy CEO’s. TTT is financially a well vested and organized professional class instrumental in the promotion of the policies desired by the one percenters. They are much more highly educated and privileged far beyond the classes below them. As par for the course the policies and laws that go forth serve to secure their positions and enhance their wealth along with that of the two tiers above them. In fact, it is difficult to imagine that any law or policy could be instituted without their blessing and that of their highly structured organizations. In essence, the TTT is comprised of doctors. A professional class that historically served in the capacity of butcher, barber and surgeon. No doubt their rise to TTT has been meteoric and it’s influence upon society powerful.
As the policies emanate from the top and filter their way to TTT it can be well established that poverty, violence, illness, disease, imprisonment and a sense of slavery for much society are the results. It was mentioned above that they often use law as a means of disposal to impose their policies, however, when it is to their convenience the first, second and a large subset of the third tier will act outside of law to forward with their selfishness and madness. In their recent article From Mind Control To Viruses: How The Government Keeps Experimenting On It’s Citizens, though they do not specify by name the 1st, 2nd and 3rd tiers, John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead give a multitude of examples how members of TTT have collaborated as mad scientist with members of the first and second tiers outside of law and consent.
Keep in mind that the definitions of herd immunity, vaccine and pandemic have all been recently changed apparently to serve their narrative.
Hopefully the article above will still be there. It is said that Dr. Mercola has been scrubbing his website because he is experiencing mafiosi like threats from powerful interests associated with selling and profiting from the the so called vaccine.
I was talking to a fellow lodge member about how I was going to avoid people that had been vaccinated because they were shedding viral particles. He proudly replied that he had had both shots and that the CDC said that they were perfectly safe. I told him that there were plenty of doctors that are saying that they are not safe. To which he replied that those doctors are working for the Democrats. I gave up trying to talk to this idiot and it really is no business of mine whether he lives or dies. I just will keep my distance.
Forgot to add a link and slight revision
The notion that society is shaped in a pyramidal structure is nothing new. In this model the one percenters are considered to be at the top of the pyramid. That the one per percenters use their money, influence and resources to shape the policies guiding the actions of humanity. Further, there is recognition that politicians and lawmakers create policy and law at the behest of the one percenters while along with main stream media they sell these policies and laws to the public under the guise that they are for their own good. When the money is followed it is established that it is those at the top of the pyramid profit from their policies and laws while those at the bottom most often suffer. While this pyramidal model is nothing new learned here what seems to be grossly overlooked is power of the third tier.
The Third Tier (TTT) is beneath the one percenters (or historically speaking, Royalty). at the top and also under the second tier that largely consist of the politicians and wealthy CEO’s. TTT is financially a well vested and organized professional class instrumental in the promotion of the policies desired by the one percenters. They are much more highly educated and privileged far beyond the classes below them. As par for the course the policies and laws that go forth serve to secure their positions and enhance their wealth along with that of the two tiers above them. In fact, it is difficult to imagine that any law or policy could be instituted without their blessing and that of their highly structured organizations. In essence, the TTT is comprised of doctors. A professional class that historically served in the capacity of butcher, barber and surgeon. No doubt their rise to TTT has been meteoric and it’s influence upon society powerful.
As the policies emanate from the top and filter their way to TTT it can be well established that social injustice, poverty, violence, illness, disease, imprisonment and a sense of slavery for much society are the results. It was mentioned above that they often use law as a means of disposal to impose their policies, however, when it is to their convenience the first, second and a large subset of the third tier will act outside of law to go forward with their selfishness and madness. In their recent article From Mind Control To Viruses: How The Government Keeps Experimenting On It’s Citizens, though they do not specify by name the involvement of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd tiers, John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead give a multitude of examples how members of TTT have collaborated as mad scientist with members of the first and second tiers outside of law and consent.
While reform in our society is desirable before moving forward I again want to reiterate that I in no way, shape or form advocate for violence. I post solely for the sharing of ideas, intellectual conversation and freedom of thought.
During the days when the tasks of butcher, barber and surgeon might all be performed by one and the same person in communities and a doctor would possibly be paid one dressed chicken for a day’s work there was a different sort of professional class that occupied TTT. Namely, it was the owners of slave plantations. Here there is not an intention to make a direct side by side comparison of the two. Yet if one were to ever consider what bottom up rebellions, revolts and revolutions look like one may need only look to the history of Haiti and Jamaica to get an idea of the peril a third tier might place itself in. And rightly so from a moral perspective. Meanwhile the revolution of 1776 was third tier led primarily by lawyers of the day. Today’s lawyers have vanished into absentia when it comes to conflicts that involve the MO. When it comes to the mRNA concoctions being foisted upon the public I can think of only two who are advocating for the citizenry. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Professor Francis Boyle. Generally speaking, lawyers do not seem able to defend the constitution in our day and age. It seems unlikely that the castrated lawyer class will ever do much to protect freedom and liberty going forward. One hope is change from within the MO itself. Today, Dr. Joseph Mercola spoke out about the threats he has been receiving in effort to silence him. Additionally, he spoke of the billionaire driving force in relationship to the dangerous mRNA concoction. He is calling for peaceful resistance and also spoke to the existential threat from within to the United States itself. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny has also called for more doctors to do the right thing and speak out against the unfolding tyranny and lack of genuine science. In any event, peaceful reform might possibly have a better chance if TTT would come to its senses. Your leaders such as Gates, Schwab, Fauci and so many others are pathological perverts metaphorically wearing no clothes. For TTT to continue its role as abuser in the world’s largest Milgram experiment is self defeating and doomed to catastrophic failure. Meanwhile, another 35 year old woman has died following the deadly Johnson and Johnson injection.
Unlike the original Milgram Experiment of 1963 whereby the victims only acted out their pain for the abuser today’s doctors are inflicting real pain, suffering and death upon their patients. All of this on blind faith to their overlords. By now it would seem they are fully aware of the vast magnitude of lies being put forth from above and that the so called secret proprietary science of the treatment doesn’t even make sense as it is presented. Not only does it not make sense it does not work. It neither prevents transmission nor keeps people from getting the virus. Metaphorically speaking, one can only wonder what percentage of doctors are willing to go the full 450 volts? Or would it be fair to say that nearly all already have?