All of these disastrous and rigged creations by the system are coalescing into what could be the most horrific winter ever. Neither of the rigged rigged elections or the coronavirus scamdemic crises will end any time soon.
This is all by design. As James Corbet says, the “(s)election chaos proceeds as planned.” And we, at this site have been warning since reading the (s)election model by the elites and rulers that this would happen. Do not expect this to be over soon. A contested election is promised and it’s about to get much crazier if you can imagine.
Another Secret Model: A Contested 2020 Election
“There is not right. There is no left. It’s all state vs. you,” says James of Media Monarchy in the above video. This chaos will worsen and is preplanned unless we, as a collective, begin to figure out what an illusion this entire system has been.
The goal of the coronavirus scamdemic has also been to control all people. We know this and yet people still live in fear, wear their masks as ordered, and refuse to look at the real statistics being offered. In fact, on November 4, the New Tork Times reported that the total count of new infections on Wednesday was allegedly more than 107,800. Twenty-three states have recorded more cases in the past week than in any other seven-day stretch.
If we don’t go into a second lockdown by the end of this month, it would be a shock. The banksters are going to need another lockdown if they want people to willingly fasten the chains of their own oppression around their necks.
Greg Mannarino: “They Want People Desperate. People Aren’t Desperate Enough”
Dr. Bill Hanage, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, called Wednesday’s milestone “the completely foreseeable consequence of not taking pandemic management seriously.” And he said the country would see “hospitalizations and deaths increase in due course.”
“This is desperately concerning,” Dr. Hanage said, “because uncontrolled transmission will end up compromising health care, and in order to preserve it, we will almost certainly end up needing to take stronger action to prevent the worst outcomes.”
“Look to Europe to see the consequences of leaving it too late,” he said. “The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to control.”
Look to Europe? That means a second lockdown all based on fabricated numbers, manipulated statistics, and cherry-picked data points.
All of this is preplanned and taking us right into the New World Order and a totalitarian slave future if we can not snap out of it. It’s beyond time to wake up to what these people are doing while using political puppets that act as mouthpieces for their agenda.
A second lockdown must be resisted at all costs!
This is a part of their plan. Please wake up. Time was short last April. It’s almost nonexistent now.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
Today marks the five-year anniversary of the United State's first case of COVID-19. This case was...
The current ruler, Donald Trump, has vowed to take over the Panama Canal. However, President Jose...
President Donald Trump has suspended foreign aid to all countries, pending a review to come in 90...
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all i can say is bring it on ive got lots of ammunition id think twice about coming to the rural areas every one i know is armed and not afraid to shoot.
As I like to say Charles, makeready, aim, fire!
I will never wear a mask not even if I went to california where you can see the shit fumes and shit heads you know pig committee, nancy piglosi, jerry shit my pants nadler , gagagavin ‘raturd’ newsome. I think some of that shit is running over into Arizona pew-pew. I don’t care what those shit spitters say I will never wear a mask PERIOD. Elbulleheal
( i think a.o.c. & nancy the pig are related they look identical)