According to Karen Kingston, a medical-legal advisor, and biotech analyst with 25 years of experience, EcoHealth Alliance’s own documents have shown that the development of the COVID-19 “vaccines” were the real pandemic. The cause of the pandemic was a biological attack using so-called “bat vaccines” which are spike protein nanoparticles developed in a laboratory by EcoHealth.
Kingston argues that the gene sequences for these “bat vaccines” were subsequently used in the FDA-approved Pfizer covid “vaccines” for humans. She also claims COVID-19 is not a virus, but an “attack” with “nanoparticles.”
“Residents of Wuhan and other cities of China, Italy, and the United States, were victims of a coordinated nanoparticle bioweapon attack, a bioweapon attack using the same nanoparticles that are in all covid-19 mRNA vaccines. Most victims became infected with the nanoparticles via a direct aerosol attack, surface transmission, or food and beverage contamination,” Kingston said.
Throughout 2021 and 2022 she’s invested thousands of hours reviewing documents such as EcoHealth’s Alliance pitch to DARPA, peer-reviewed publications regarding the ground zero attacks in China, Italy, and the US, scientific publications and manufacturer’s documents regarding nanoparticle technologies, Pfizer’s private and government contracts, dozens of patents, nanoparticle and SynBio forecasting reports, and reviewed many DARPA communications regarding the current and future applications of nanoparticle technologies.
Using EcoHealth Alliance documents and peer-review publications, she detailed in a Substack article how covid-19 was a pre-planned global bioweapon attack that used aerosolised mRNA nanoparticles to cause a pandemic. -Daily Exposé
Kingston’s article, titled: mRNA Vaccines are a Sham. People are Being Injected with Nanotech, exposes the ruling classes’ plans to dominate, depopulate, and control the human population through manufactured fear, nanoparticles, and “vaccines.”
Everything we were told about the hoax “virus” and what the mRNA “vaccines” ARE is a misnomer and a lie, down to the very term mRNA vaccine. The COVID-19 injections are not mRNA vaccines. The COVID-19 mRNA shots are nanotechnology injections.
For example, the lipids and phospholipids in the mRNA injections are not lipids. Lipids are are naturally occurring molecules that make up fatty compounds such as fats and cholesterol. Lipids are part of our cells’ membranes to help control what goes in and out of cells. The ‘lipids’ in the mRNA injections are electronically charged synthetic molecules (not natural) and can host electromagnetic fields. They are electronic devices. –mRNA Vaccines are a Sham. People are Being Injected with Nanotech, Karen Kingston
Pfizer’s own website even states these “lipids” are not biological. In fact, without the cationic lipid (electronic nanotechnology) there, “could be no Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine.”
The cationic liposome nanotechnologies are being used to introduce non-human DNA into the cells of adults and children to turn their cells into disease-causing, toxic spike-protein bioweapon factories.
The concept of the invention of “mRNA vaccine technology” is a misnomer and a sham. The term “mRNA vaccine” is a cover for nanotechnologies that are being used as gene-editing technologies and agents of biowarfare on U.S. and global citizens, Kingston writes.
[VIDEO]: Bayer Executive ADMITS mRNA “Vaccines” Are Actually Gene Therapy
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