Donald Trump, likely to be Presidential Candidate Donald Trump soon, joins Bill O’Reilly in an introductory discussion on his policy platform and ideas.
While we can’t say we agree with Mr. Trump on all of the issues and would like to have seen more in depth discussion on foreign economic policy, monetary policy, job creation, taxation, and the use of military intervention, he can certainly be a powerful force in the Republican Party. For the time being, Trump is covering just the surface level on the many problems facing America. We’ll certainly stay tuned if Mr. Trump decides to run, as he couldn’t be any worse than President Obama, Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin.
One particular quote from this interview suggests that, if nothing else, a Trump Presidential run will not be short on entertainment and President Obama, as well as the other republican candidates, would have their hands full. Speaking on Iran and President Obama’s military policies:
I wouldn’t let them have a nuke. I would do what I had to do. They will not have a nuke. I will stop…they will not have a nuke.
Look, our weak President, who kisses everybody’s ass is in more wars than I’ve ever seen. Now he’s in Libya, he’s in Afghanistan, he’s in Iraq. Nobody respects us. Nobody respects our leadership.
What, can I do worse? You’re talking about me like I’m a war monger. This guy got the Nobel Peace Prize and every time I look he’s going in…
(Total Run Time Approximately 20 minutes)
Part 1 of 4:
Part 2 of 4:
Part 3 of 4:
Part 4 of 4:
Hat tip Market Ticker
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Kick ass and take names, I agree. What wrong with us annexing Iraq, Afghanistan and Lybia? What is wrong with America being the leader of the free world? Who would you have it be; China, Russia, the EU or UN?
The world financial systems are going to crash and we will have to defend our turf. Do we come out of the ashes as a leader or a looser?
As for the Muslim problem, if the middle east had freedom of religion we would not have as many muslims. You see Islam is not growing by converts, its growing by birth rate.
Just my opinion.
I agree with Trump.
His wife is a hottie!
Trump is awsome. Loved that guy. Whether you agree or not at least you can respect his honesty. Need more straight talk like this in America.Comments…..
Who is this egotistical, flamboyant pun[K] kidding? He kisses the same ass as the Obamanation, but much more privately, and with gold glittered day-glow lipstick!
The paper tiger’s veneer of ‘wealth’ is a direct result of parlayed borrowed funds from the Rothschild banking cartel. They can yank his chain so fast, his ratty toupee would be suspended in midair for about six seconds!
The Goldsmiths, Part CLXXXVII
By: R. D. Bradshaw
There has been an old saying in Europe for many years. It is that though the Rothschilds are not kings, they are the masters of kings. Yes, like old man Mayer Amschel Rothschild declared some 250 years ago—Give him control of a nation’s money and he cared not who wrote its laws.
Trump is just bloviating to feed his enormous ego. Â He’s got a free spot light on him now and is eating it all up, but when it comes time to pony up his own scratch he’ll start to quiet down. Â He’ll be especially mute when they start digging up his dirt and finding financial ‘inconsistencies’, but just after he takes substantial market share from a legitimate O’bummer contender.
I’ve seen all his O’Reilly interviews. I definitely don’t agree with him on everything but he is very PRO America. He is very agressive. He’s a fantasic negotiator. And he takes no bull crap from anyone(even from Bill).
I especially like the way he manhandles the ladies on The View. I almost stood in applause when I saw the clip.
We need that right now. If he runs. I’m positive I’ll vote for him.Â
We need to get the wimp out of the White House. He is very bad for America. We need someone in the position of loves America and wants to protect America. Not destroy it.
The one problem with Trump is that he believes in Nuclear power. That is a big mistake. Â The nuclear industry is the gangster banksters all over again. Read:
Japan Nukes: Godzilla In The Mists at SHTF America.
I agree with this interview but dont know everything about his other stuff, i am pro neuk energy, Â he has balls, Â hutspah, Â and such. Â as of now i would vote for him over all the other losers.
I expect to be ignored this political go-round. I’m not an illegal hispanic.
Last year this town ( http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/06/15/politics/main6585088.shtml ) gave everyone 6 votes per person because although the town was almost half hispanic there hadn’t been a hispanic win at the polls. They thought that way they could manipulate a minority win.
Illegals not considered illegal by politicians. They can carry drivers liscenses, buy property, take out loans, do crimes, use every type of government subsidies (welfare, education etc) sometimes be deported and come right back to do it all again. In other words, they are possible voters.
Since border patrol has been told NOT to arrest illegals, just try to chase them back if they feel the need to actually do something, I figure the next step is going to be either an amnesty or just plain given the right to vote in 2012
http://www.fairus.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=16957&security=1601&news_iv_ctrl=1010 show that they’re already voting. With the population explosion living here without actually being born here (or if born here neither parent here legally) I won’t have much of a say to how my country will be run. The laws will be chosen by foreigners, enforced by socialists and profited on by money people who could care less who lives here as long as their coffers continue to fill. Do I sound discouraged?!
Politicians all promise stuff; some worse and some better than the rest. None can really be trusted to measure up to expectations and ethics.  As for nuclear power, the  mini reactors (like in submarines, aircraft carrriers, etc) can replace the older reactors in power plants and are safer.  Uses uranium, not plutonium.  Google it in: Mini nuclear reactors.  Unfortunately, we got to have them….too many people on the planet and people want electricity. No one wants to go back to the middle ages.
Comments…..We are being deceived by a polictial/financial system that is false. I predicted that Mr. Obama would win the last Presidential election. I am also going on record,he will not be re-elected for a second term. Many American people believe that a President (man) can keep America from falling as a nation. We have a false banking system and a corrupt Whitehouse that is falling right before our own eyes. If you really think that Mr. Trump or any other man can save us from this mess, please vote for him. Keep living America, we are about to see that all men worship one thing power.Â
If he is elected president he will become the Hitler of muslims. Mark my words, and mark them well.
Allen: Suggest you re-evaluate nuclear power. It is a very bad idea.
Start by reading: http://www.shtfamerica.blogspot.com Japan Nukes: Godzilla In The Mists, also No Nukes Is Good Nukes in the archives at SHTF Times.
I use to believe in n-power too. Its extremely expensive and worse it is even more dangerous than expensive. N-power is not the answer to our energy problems in America. Try: http://www.shtfenergy.blogspot.com
When electric costs are quoted, it never includes the hidden costs of operation of these accidents waiting to happen: like the cost of storage of spent fuel, and the costs of clean up ….. when clean up is possible. Americans have been sold a LIE about nuclear energy to benefit Big Business.
Don’t believe the lie.
Donald Trump is an elitist tool and a warmonger himself. He has blamed all of America’s problems on China – not on our own out of control, incompetent, corrupt government and it partners in crime on Wall Street. Yeah, blame it all on China, Donald.Â
Let’s face it folks. Donald is an elitist loser. He criticized Ron Paul as not-electable. Donald cheated on his wife and he does not have America’s best interest in mind.
The only hope at this point for America is to elect Ron Paul as our president. We need to back him. Otherwise, we are facing a complete collapse of the economy and worse - World War 3. Â
Donald Trump is a deciever.  Ron Paul is a patriot.Â
He hasn’t kissed my ass yet but who am I? Go to jsmineset.com and see how much money we gave to overseas banks including LIBYA. One bad decision right after another.
Whoever runs against Obama must not split the vote.
 We need Obama out . And we need to get the Socialists out of Congress. They can follow Obama to Europe where they all belong. Or they can just go right on along to the USSR. The United Soviet SOCIALIST Repbulic. They can make a new One World Government without the USA, Israel or God and we will be much better for their loss.
News Headlines for Oct. 22, 2013–
President Trump Unveils Austerity Plan: SS Retirement Age Raised To 93
Biden Realeased From Del. Mental Health Facility: Doctors Say Former VP is “ not well, but he’s as sane as he ever was.”
Trump Offers To Sell Hawaii To Chinese Investment Group: Pres Said To Be Asking For 800 Trillion Debt Swap Plus “one of those hot asian babes…”
Gas Prices Dip To 6 Month Low: Under $86/gal In Tx, Ok. Still $100+ in Chicago
Obama To Appeal Convictions: Court Upholds Ruling, Rejects “Demonic Posession” Plea…
Nuke Workers In Japan: “This time we really, really did fix it, we promise…”
Newly Single Michelle O. Wows Hollywood Celebs…Former First Lady Sheds 60lbs…Now Under 200…Considering Endorsement Deal From WeightWatchers
Business Update–Dow Up 4% At 225.79… All 3 Corps Listed By NYSE Advanced
  …Crude Oil At $6450 bbl…Dollar Rises, Trading At 592.5 to (1)Yuan…
Sports–Immigration Dept. Raids Texas Rangers As They Prepare For World Series Opener, 12 Players And All Coaches Said To Be Undocumented…Series
 Now In Doubt…White Sox Offer To Fill In For Rangers If Needed…
VP Sarah Palin Wins Iditerod Sled Race!
Time to send the BUFF’s over Afghanistan to drop their load.
Comments…..Trump should stick to business and real estate and stay out of politics. He’s free to voice his opinion, but stay out of the politics.
Trump is a schmuck that TPTB are convincing to get his hat in there for one reason and one reason only….to take away votes from Ron Paul…same thing they did to Perot
More blah blah blah from another talking head…Trump is a Hump and opportunistic ego maniac. Look at the freaky fools he wants to promote for his apprentices. FYI Trump had a seminar scam getting people to invest in flipping properties right before the RE bubble burst…what a rip off! Not enough to be rich, ya gotta be famous and on TV; what else ya gotta be President? Him and Palin can team up and steer this Titanic country right down to the bottom. Be ready brothers and sisters the life boats are filling up quickly.
Love the news headlines! Got a good laugh!
I’d vote for him EXCEPT, he thinks assault weapons should be banned because “no one but military needs to own one”, that is NOT defending the constitution, a gun, is a gun, is a gun….guns don’t kill people, people kill people. He is just another SOB willing to make everyone else submit to his interpretation of what is “right” for us instead of abiding by the constitution whether he likes it or not
I find it VERY interesting that after over 2 years of “birthers” calling for obama’s records to be revealed, Trump all of the sudden is out on his soapbox talking about it like the controversy just surfaced…….
Wasn’t this guy married to that dumb ass Jane Fonda?
cmon people!!! running for president isnt a reality show. he couldnt run this country. he ran his own business in banktrupcy about a decade ago…..remember??? then to save his but he turned around and sold junk bonds to get it out of banktrupcy. yeah thats who i want. He would be worse than Clinton with sex scandles(how many times has he been married???) tax payer money that would go to defend him just like Clinton. He’ll probably anounce Snookie as his vice president(who ever in hell she is?). This is the problem with this country, more people know who’s in american idol than who their govt. officials are. i think you should have to pass some type of govt. test (ex. the bill of right,elected officials, or something)to be able to vote. ok …..i’m off my soap box….i’m done.
crash and burn
Bill, that was Ted Turner (Turner Broadcasting (TBS)) who was married to Hanoi Jane. Â Trump picked Marla Maples for his 2nd wife, and now has some chick from the foreign mail order brides for his 3rd wife.
Trump runs a marginally crappy reality show, is not a very good business man, and is not in any way qualified to be POTUS.
Trump used to be called “The Donald.” If he runs and I support him can I get a bumper sticker that just says “The Bumper Sticker” ?
Comments…..And what a masterful ass kisser he is too….. huge, grape colored soup coolers and ears that would shame a hang glider, that flap and air dry those warm, wet kisses.
We cannot have a jobless recovery if there are jobs in America Donald, which is why we shipped them all to China. What a dipshit.
every one here needs to watch the obama deception on youtube…
obama is the worst president ever period… plus what is this bullshit about him getting a nobel peace prize and he starts wars in libya let alone other countries he continues the war when he gets into power
everyone here needs to watch the obama deception on youtube…he’s the worst president event period….
and what is this bullshit with him getting a nobel peace prize and then later starting a war in libya let alone the fact that when he got in power he just continued the wars we were in!
Actually, Trump met his wife (Melania) at a fashion show where she was one of the models.
Melania Knauss is an American and Urkraine fashion model. He is Talented, and she is smart, pretty and seductive.
I agree with everything Donald Trump said and would support his run for president. Â We would sleep better at night with him at the helm of our nation.
I’m not saying the Donald does not have some dirty laundry but I think he could clean house..
If he’s got a chance I will vote for him if he is down in the polls I won’t waste my vote.. He is the only one that has any balls so far to even speak…
Mitt I’m afraid is just another politician and we will have the same ole sh*t…
……trump sure wants a lotta publicity doensn’t he.
i surprised and disappointed that so many bloggers believe that what trump says is what he believes.
…oh yeah, and i can’t help believing that he’s always been a front for hidden interests..
/s/ mushroom
Obama said some magnificent things as well during his Presidential campaign………Do you want a used car salesman or a President?
Woof, woof. I’ll pull the sled for you Sara. Tulsa is a wild town.
Just what we need….another entertainer in DC. Â Will he be peddling his video phones at the state of the union address? Â Please…just another vote stealer from the real deal Ron Paul.
Comments…..saw the interview with trump on oreilly…i can hear trump now saying “obama, you’re fired!” then i can also imagine a ticket with trump/palin, paul/palin, gingrich/palin and even pawlenty/palin…palin knows her energy and she is a go getter…any of the other forementioned gentlemen would be far better than what we have now.
He has the wrong answer when it comes to immigration…in other words he’s saying, if they are a good illegal, then they can stay. This kind of thinking is no better than Obama. What he should have said is… we need to ENFORCE ALL FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS.. PERIOD!!! Immigration attrition through enforcement. This country needs a real leader who has the balls to stand up for what AMERICANS want, not what the crooked politician wants. What happened to WE THE PEOPLE! I think this may be our last chance to save our country and we must not make a mistake by electing the wrong person for President…again. I’m happy to say that I did not vote for Obama!
I used to say I would never vote for this guy because he’s the Jerry Springer of Wall Street, but after this interview I may very well have changed my mind.
Trumps the only one in a cabal of fools in government and congress with the nads to tackle Zero’s blatant ineligibility problem. The media courts congress have failed utterly; the rule of law is in major trouble.Â
All evidence points to a foreign born usurper in the White Hut (Mombasa, Kenya folks), and just as bad a current undocumented illegal alien of Indonesian citizenship fraudently using a CT social security number.
Comments…..2012  Ron Paul/Mike Huckabee   nuff said
I don`t care if he would run or not or even win or not, but I do know that he is helping the republicans to unseat a USURPER. I know that the government is involved with the coverup of Obamas past records and if Trump can get obama exposed I am all for him. No president for the last 20 years has done any good for America,and Obama will be the last to bring us down to the bottom. It really doesn`t matter anymore who becomes president. The next 4 years will be a final judgement on America as we know it.
Trump is just another authoritarian interventionist…Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The amount of people here that support him just reinforces my belief that I`ll never see freedom in my lifetime.
Trump, end this mess, KEEP PUSHING! :
Michelle Obama speaks at the LGBT delegate luncheon on August 26, 2008
40 seconds in:
“…when we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country, in Kenya…”
MICHELLE OBAMA ….”…Obama a Kenyan, a black man…”
At Tampa, FL fundraiser Dec 2007
2:00 minute mark:
James Orengo Kenyan Minister of Lands, (Dept of Interior) Kenya — Obama born here.
March 25, 2010 — Kenya National Assembly Official Report, Page 31 During debate over the draft of a new Kenyan constitution, he told parliament:
“If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation,” Orengo posited, “how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”
AllAfrica.com — “Kampala — Ugandans have formed a group to mobilise support for Kenyan-born Senator…”
As Kenyan born US Senator Barack Obama…(13th headline down)
We witnessed last year a senator with his origins from east Africa, Barack Abdallah Husein Obama, becoming the first black US president……..
Kenyan born U.S. Senator “exploring ways†of helping home province:
The Nov. 5, 2008, Kenya Parliament Official Report,
excerpts from the Kenyan Parliament from Nov. 5, 2008, on the morning after Barack Obama win of the US Presidential election on Tues, Nov. 4:
“Adjournment so that we could also continue
the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the
USA? I humbly request!”
“…so that we can set up a committee to organize
for his homecoming.”
“…the President-elect, Mr. Obama, is a son of the soil
of this country.”
@ NMCB…………I’m free because I choose to be free. My freedom is not reliant upon the permission of my fellow man, nor do I look to the law to determine my level of freedom. I am free because I say I am free; who is to say otherwise? Accept responsibility for yourself my friend and let the chips fall where they may.
Sanity: you are free because you say you are? that`s A lofty statement coming from a slave. It`s easy to find out how free you actually are. Here are a few examples of what you can do; first quit letting them steal the fruits of your labor (they call it income taxes) Second quit paying them for the privilege of owning your property because you are in reality just renting it from them(they call that property tax.) Third, don`t pay them for the privilege of working, and don’t let them tell you how to run your business. (they call this licensing and regulation) If you resist any of these things they will try to steal your property (they call it fines and property seizure) If you don’t forfeit the property they will kidnap you (they call it arrest) If you resist the kidnapping the guns will come out and you will be killed.
So I guess you are correct in that you can say your free as long as you go along and let them agress against you at will.Just know that if you don’t do as you`re told you will be put in a cage or killed.
Thats a strange rationalization of freedom, but then people can rationalize just about anything. I`d be more apt to say that you have the spirit of freedom, but not the actual reality itself. Maybe someday the dream will become reality for us all but looking around I don`t see it happening any time soon
                                    Keep up the fight !
Just a bunch of rednecks/consevatives/educated men who want to vote for Trump, because of his hot looking wife. I guess they just want to prove how high their libido can go – LOL :)Â
I have not decided if I would vote for Trump or not until he knows exactly about the OWO’s objectives, agenda and its propaganda.
Most conservative leaders are very naïve, being fooled and have fallen for “fear mongering tactics†(Bush) - I don’t watch Glenn Beck any more, and he needs to do more homework as he has told people to do. He is the one who needs to do more homework, especially on foreign policy.
People are concerned that Democrats are at full speed towards a one world order.
Some third party, Independent, Libertarian or even Tea party candidates are DISGUISED as conservatives, but mainly just reduce the Republican party’s votes. It only needs to reduce 5% of the Republican votes to get Democrats back in power.
Conservatives might not like Trump, because his daughter, Ivanka’s husband’s family may influence him.Â
Ivanka’s husband’s family was involved in a political scandal.Â
Her in-law family is deeply involved in and are strong financial supporters of the Democrat party. ___________________
Trump’s economic stragery is good, but he might be receiving bad intel and advice on foreign policy (military operations, objectives, etc…)
Bye Bye American Pie!
I shot and killed a NWO U.N. blue Cop with my .45 semi-auto black glock today… a Disabled, Homeless, Cold and Hungry Veteran… I deserve more than this… now I live beneath a bridge… why? why? why?
I had done my time… stood my watch upon the wall; a Gaurdian of Liberty… now a cop killer?  Running from the Law… why? why? why?
The false NWO IMF homo druggy prostitute barry soetoro- a.k.a illegal president Barack Obama and AIPAC israeli jew controlled U.S. congress… stopped my Social Security check the other day… on april 8th, 2011… they broke america’s piggy bank… gave away the pennies to the banks and told me “sorry” none for you! You are Many! And We are Few… MORE FOR US! None for You!
I am a Disabled Veteran… I once Served My Country with Honor and Pride.
I killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Today… why? why? why?
 I had robbed the local Korean corner store… while the radio on the shelf played “Bye Bye American Pie”… I’d only pocketed a milk, hot pocket and a pie… ran by the screaming korean clerk for the open sky… hopped on my ex neighbors kids pink huffy bike… peddling in a craze… hauling fast down the lane… making my one handed get away… thinking “bye bye american pie”… smiling in mirth… while with my other hand grabbing from my shirt, a half frozen Hot Pocket… then a crushed Moon Pie… shoved both gleefully in my mouth… I had gotten away … then I sweared “shit!”… it all dribbling down my beard… I thought; I shoulda done like Ben Bernanke… and taken more, more, more…
Then down the way… my calves screaming in pain… I slowed down… a mistake… I’m screwed now… an NWO U.N. Blue NAFTA DHS Cop car pulled up behind, tires screeching… siren blaring , lights a twirling, screaming over the horn “PULL THE HELL OVER!”
At that time… I said to myself “FUCK IT!” an thought “I’m homeless cold and hungry”… this Asshole Cop isn’t gonna do me like “Rodney King”!… “The NWO U.N. IMF Fuckers did this to me”… I skidded to a stop “swiiishhhh!”… planted my worn out boots upon cold concrete… reached into my sweat soiled pants waist… an pulled my cold heavy .45 glock like slow dead weight… fingers numb… pointed it at the windshield of the NWO U.N. NAFTA blue patrol car… looking the Cop dead in the eye… I recognized him, he use to be nice to me, always smiling when we met on the street… Officer Friendly, now wearing NWO Camo Combat Gear, with U.N. Sky Blue Patches… once our neighborhood hero… here to “Protect and Serve”… now no more… now he is a DHS Federalized Thug… a NWO U.N. NAFTA blue Storm Trooper Whore… ordered by our illegal false president obama to “Punish and Enslave!”
And while the innocent child in me… kept asking… “why, why, why ?”… the newly found stone cold cop killer in me… didn’t bat an eye… I aimed an pulled the trigger BLAMÂ BLAM BLAM 1,2,3… right through the windshield… into the NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Whore’s red screaming face!!!
There I stood astride my pink huffy steed… staring dead pan at the car’s brown vinyl covered rear seat, red blood, white bone chips and grey pink brain matter splattered over it. Staring through the shattered windshield and GAPING red hole that had been a human face.
Humming to myself “BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE”… thinking “I’m still Hungry!”
author after note: Wake up America, there are foreign troops and american traitor troops under the United Nations blue Flag, NAFTA blue Patch and IMF Bank Control right now; at this very moment here on American, Canadian and Mexican soil. Just waiting for our Illegal President Obama to call MARTIAL LAW! Upon which time they will invade america and place you all; america under their U.N. NWO IMF military control. It’s either YOU or THEM!!! U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!!!
NOW is the time to…
Talk to family and friends…
They are not here to protect you! They are here to disarm you – “Punish and Enslave!”
To Force you all under their one world government control – NWO Debt Slaves one and all!
U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!
… spread the word.
Trump = idiot with bad ideas.
NMCB3, a prerequisite for true freedom is that one not be afraid of being “put in a cage or killed” for exercising freedoms outside of the constraints of an unlawful system. I quit serving the system a year or so ago. I admit that property taxes are quite difficult (impossible) to avoid, however there are exemptions which may be used to substantially lower the burden. The system can and should be used against itself at every opportunity to our benefit in order to sever the bonds between man and his counterfeit master (tyrannical government). Make no mistake I am free, because I say so; and I will remain so as long as I a breathing……..and who is to say otherwise? Too many people lack conviction, which is why the Muslim policy of “convert or die” is going to be so popular when it comes to the U.S. Can the government put a gun to everyone’s head? can the government throw everyone in jail? Can the government confiscate everyone’s possessions? Does a convert or die policy make for a sound foundation upon which to build and rule a society? The perceived threat of violence is what keeps the people in line……correct? Confront that fear head on and you will have taken your first step toward freedom.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Trump knows that if he can knock his competitor (Obama) out of the race before he starts to run for president, he improves his chances of winning the race if he does run.
We need a Statesman..not some rich dude with a bad wig.
just another entitled cry baby that thinks he knows what its like to be one of us…….please.
This should have been posted on April Fool’s Day. Nobody except for Trump (and a few delusional bumpkins on here, apparently) could possibly take this clown seriously.
All this idiot spews is the same jingoistic, “you’re either with us or against us” garbage that currently comprises this countries’ idea of “diplomacy.”
And, uh, Patriot One, have you ever heard of the concept of Law? You might want to look it up while you’re out there “annexing” countries that you don’t like which, as we know, is just a euphemism for slaughter.
Trump cannot be trusted. Why should we believe anything he says either? He wants to buy the Presidency of the US and given the current climate he could do it. Thanks Citizens United.
Bye Bye American Pie!
I shot and killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop with my .45 semi-auto black glock today… a Disabled, Homeless, Cold and Hungry Veteran… I live by the river beneath a bridge… I deserve more than this… why? why? why?
I had done my time… stood my watch upon the wall; a Guardian of Liberty… now a cop killer?  Running from the Law… why? why? why?
The false NWO IMF homo druggy prostitute barry soetoro- a.k.a illegal president Barack Obama and AIPAC israeli jew controlled U.S. congress… stopped canceled my Social Security check the other day… on april 8th, 2011… they broke america’s piggy bank… gave away the pennies to the banks and told me “sorry” none for you! You are Many! We are Few… MORE FOR US! None for You!
I am a Disabled Veteran… I once Served My Country with Honor and Pride.
I murdered killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Today… why? why? why?
 I had robbed the local Korean corner store… while the radio on the shelf played “Bye Bye American Pie”… I’d only pocketed a milk, hot pocket and a pie… ran by the screaming korean clerk for the open sky… hopped on my ex asshole neighbor kids pink huffy bike… peddling in a crazed manic flight… hauling fast down the lane… making my one handed get away… thinking “bye bye american pie”… smiling in mirth… while with my other hand grabbing from my shirt, a half frozen Hot Pocket… then a crushed Moon Pie… shoved both gleefully in my hungry mouth… I had gotten away … then I swore… “shit!”… it all dribbling down my beard… I thought; I shoulda done like Ben Bernanke… acted like a greedy Banker and taken more, more, more…
Then down the way… my calves screaming in pain… I slowed down… a mistake… an A.P.B. an All Points Bulletin – had gone out – “All Patrols Be On The Look Out for a Crazed Bearded Hobo Bum, Riding a Stolen Hot Pink Huffy Bike Down Main Street!â€; I’m screwed now… a NWO U.N. Blue NAFTA DHS Cop car pulled up behind, tires screeching… siren blaring , lights a twirling, screaming over the horn “PULL THE HELL OVER!”
At that time… I said to myself “FUCK IT!” an thought “I’m homeless cold and hungry”… this Asshole Cop isn’t gonna do me like “Rodney King”!… “The NWO U.N. IMF Fuckers did this to me”… I skidded to a stop “swiiishhhh!”… planted my worn out combat boots upon cool concrete of the street… reached into my sweat soiled pants waist… an pulled my cold heavy .45 glock like slow dead weight… fingers numb… pointed and leveled it at the windshield of the NWO U.N. NAFTA blue patrol car… looking the Cop dead in the eye… I recognized him, he use to be nice to me, always smiling when we met on the street… Officer Friendly, now wearing NWO Camo Combat Gear, with U.N. Sky Blue Patches… once our neighborhood hero… here to “Protect and Serve”… now no more… now he is a DHS Federalized Thug… a NWO U.N. NAFTA blue Storm Trooper Whore… ordered by our illegal false president obama to “Punish and Enslave!”
And while the innocent child in me… kept asking… “why, why, why ?”… the newly found Stone Cold Cop Killer in me… didn’t bat an eye… I aimed an pulled the trigger BLAMÂ BLAM BLAM 1,2,3… I emptied the clip right through the windshield… into the NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Whore’s red screaming face!!!
Empty inside… now that I had unleashed all my NWO New World Order – Bilderberg Debt Slave Hate!
There I stood astride my stolen pink huffy steed… staring dead pan at the car’s brown vinyl covered rear seat, red blood, white bone chips and grey pink brain matter splattered over it. Staring through the shattered windshield and GAPING cavernous blood red hole that had been, Officer Friendly’s Red Raging New World Order U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Face.
There I stood… Humming to myself “BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE”… thinking “I’m still Hungry!
author after note:
{ There are over 600,000 unemployed war trained experienced Homeless poor starving Veterans just like our “hero†above walking thru your yards and living in the woods of your neighborhoods!} Just think about that for a moment America… there are more Veterans joining our ranks every day from the Illegal NWO Global Domination Wars and Economic Debt Slave War here in America. JUST PAUSE THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE! Scary???? Maybe a little.
Wake up America, there are 1 million – 1,000,000 foreign troops and american traitor troops under the United Nations blue Flag, NAFTA blue Patch and IMF Bank Control right now; at this very moment here on American, Canadian and Mexican soil. Just waiting for our Illegal President Obama to call MARTIAL LAW! Upon which time they will crash the dollar, invade america and place you all; america under their U.N. NWO IMF military control. It’s either YOU or THEM!!! U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!!!
NOW is the time to…
Talk to family and friends…
AMERICA IS A LIE owned controled by The Bank Of England!
They are not here to protect you! They are here to DisArm you – “Punish and Enslave!”
To Force you all under their nwo one world IMF WORLD BANK government control – NWO Debt Slaves one and all!
U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!
… spread the word.
There are a few of you who are complain about Trump who is just another rich guy. But do you know Democrats are planning to spend around one billion or more to get Obama reelected, and it was in the news. Because Obama’s last campaign costs him 800 to 900 million.
Do you really think a poor guy can stand a chance against multi-billionaire backers?
Do you really think multi-billionaire backers would spend a billion dollars on a nobody or an 80 year old man like Ron Paul?Â
what I mean to say was There are a few of you who are complainning about Trump who is just another rich guy. My bad, sorry.
Bye Bye American Pie…
I shot and killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop with my .45 semi-auto black Glock today… a Disabled, Homeless, Cold and Hungry Veteran… I live by the river beneath a bridge… I deserve better than this… tsk, tsk, tsk…
I had done my time… stood my watch upon the wall; a Guardian of Liberty… and after a fall… now a Stone Cold Cop Killer?  Running from the Ameri’kan Fascist Traitorous Law… why? why? why?
The false NWO IMF homo druggy prostitute barry soetoro- a.k.a illegal president barack obama and AIPAC israeli jew controlled U.S. congress… stopped canceled my social security check the other day… on APRIL 8th, 2011… they broke america’s piggy bank… gave away the pennies to the banks and told me “sorry” none for you! You are Many! We are Few… MORE FOR US! None for You!
I am a Disabled Veteran… I once Served My Country with Honor and Pride.
I Murdered Killed a NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Today… why? why? why?
 I had robbed the local Korean corner store… while the radio on the shelf played “Bye Bye American Pie”… I’d only pocketed a milk, hot pocket and a pie… ran by the Screaming Korean Clerk for the open sky… hopped on my ex Asshole Neighbor kids pink huffy bike… peddling in a crazed manic flight… hauling fast down the lane… making my one handed get away… thinking “bye bye american pie”… smiling in mirth… while with my other hand grabbing from my shirt, a half frozen Hot Pocket… then a crushed Moon Pie… shovin’ an munchin both in a hunger frenzy… my adrenaline and sugar high now kicking me into Over-Drive… I had gotten away … then I swore… “SHIT!”… it all dribbling down my beard… I thought to myself; I shoulda done like Ben Bernanke… acted like a greedy slimy Banker whore and taken more, more, more… for you see – IT’s ALL ABOUT ME! When I’m HUNGRY!
Then down the way… my calves screaming in pain… I slowed down… a mistake… an A.P.B. an All Points Bulletin – had gone out – “All Patrols Be On The Look Out for a Crazed Bearded Hobo Bum, Riding a Stolen Hot Pink Huffy Bike Down Main Street!â€; I’m screwed now… a NWO U.N. Blue NAFTA DHS Cop car pulled up behind, tires screeching… siren blaring , lights a twirling, screaming over the horn “PULL THE FUCK OVER!”
At that time… I said to myself “Screw It!” an thought “I’m homeless cold and hungry”… this Asshole Cop isn’t gonna do me like “Rodney King”!… “The NWO U.N. IMF Greedy Banker Fuckers did this to me!”… “It is either Him or Me!†I skidded to a stop “swiiishhhh!”… planted my worn out combat boots upon the cool concrete of the street… reached into my sweat soiled pants waist… an pulled my cold heavy .45 Glock like slow dead weight… fingers numb… pointed and leveled it at the windshield of the NWO U.N. NAFTA blue Patrol Car… looking the Cop dead in the eye… I recognized him, he use to be nice to me, always smiling when we met on the street… Officer Friendly, now wearing NWO camo green Combat Gear, with U.N. sky blue Patches… once our neighborhood hero… here to “Protect and Serve”… now no more… now he is a DHS Federalized Thug… a NWO U.N. NAFTA blue Storm Trooper Whore… ordered by our illegal alien false president obama to “Punish and Enslave!”
And while the innocent curious child side of me… kept asking… “why, why, why ?”… the newly found grown up tired Stone Cold Cop Killer in me… didn’t bat an eye… I aimed an pulled the trigger BLAM BLAM BLAM 1,2,3… It was HIM or ME you MUST see… I emptied the entire clip right through the windshield… into the NWO U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Whore’s red screaming face!!!
Empty inside… now that I had unleashed all my NWO New World Order – Bilderberg Debt Slave Hate!
There I stood astride my stolen pink huffy steed… staring dead pan at the car’s brown vinyl covered rear seat, red blood, white bone chips and grey pink brain matter splattered over it. Staring through the shattered windshield and GAPING cavernous blood red hole that had been, Officer Friendly’s Red Raging New World Order U.N. blue NAFTA DHS Cop Face.
There I stood… Humming to myself “BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE”… thinking “I’m still Hungry!â€
author after note:
-Property of TekRoanin – final draft – a living work in progress – share with all pls – I encourage all Veterans to use this story poem as a template and tell us their own story – write their own and post on the web so they may be heard – dtp.
{ There are over 600,000 unemployed war trained experienced Homeless poor starving Veterans just like our “hero†above walking thru your yards and living in the woods of your neighborhoods!} Just think about that for a moment America… there are more Veterans joining our ranks every day from the Illegal NWO Global Domination Wars and Economic Debt Slave War here in America. JUST PAUSE THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE! Scary???? Maybe a little.
Wake up America, there are 1 million – 1,000,000 foreign troops and american traitor troops under the United Nations blue Flag, NAFTA blue Patch and IMF Bank Control right now; at this very moment here on American, Canadian and Mexican soil. Just waiting for our Illegal President Obama to call MARTIAL LAW! Upon which time they will crash the dollar, invade america and place you all; america under their U.N. NWO IMF military control. It’s either YOU or THEM!!! U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!!!
NOW is the time to…
Talk to family and friends…
AMERICA IS A LIE owned controled by the family Rothschilds – The Bank Of England!
They are not here to protect you! They are here to DisArm you – “Punish and Enslave!”
To Force you all under their nwo one world IMF WORLD BANK government control – NWO Debt Slaves one and all!
U.N. AGENDA 21 is here!
… spread the word.
Sounds like u need to lay off the crystal. Your rant is insane. I take exceptional affront to your racial slur re jews in taking over congress, Jewish people are very intelligent & industrious people. Israel is a prosperous country with many intellectuals Physicians, Scientists, Professors, Politicans, Financers on & on. God has blessed Israel & will continue to bless the Jewish nation despite these hateful attacks against it’s very existance. It’s true Jews are in prominent positions in US Gov’t & the financial sector.
Does that mean they have to endure bigotry & racial slurs. If the world is in a mess it’s NOT because of jews but poor administrations that are not interested in our people but lining their own pockets @ the expense of tax payers. Instead of drinking the Kolaid Americans need to wake up & take back our country. Vote Obama & his Socialist agenda out