Denninger:Our Economy, Monetary System and Government WILL Collapse

by | Sep 16, 2009 | Forecasting, Headline News

Do you LOVE America?


    If you’ve been doubting that we are still in a crisis, and regularly ask yourself how stock markets can go up while the economy is supposedly falling off a cliff, then I suggest you take a look at WARNING: Deflationary Collapse Ahead, by Karl Denninger, over at The Market Ticker. We have been linking back to Denninger’s articles as of late because, well, the guy is spot on with his analysis and isn’t afraid to stick his neck out there :

    The fact of the matter is that you have been lied to for the last decade about our economic state, and if we do not divert from the road we are on our economy, our monetary system and our government WILL COLLAPSE.

    Not “might collapse.”

    Not “might get bad.”


    It is a mathematical certainty, and here is the proof.

    If you would prefer to watch Karl Denninger rather than read his detailed analysis, check out the video below:

    Read the Full Article from Karl Denninger…

    Hat Tip to Rick Blaine for alerting us just minutes after Denninger put it online.


    It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point

    Gold has been the right asset with which to save your funds in this millennium that began 23 years ago.

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