Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand, a Senator from New York, claims that president Donald Trump should resign. She also said if he refused to do so, Congress should “hold him accountable.”
Gillibrand believes Congress should hold President Trump accountable for the numerous allegations (‘allegations’ being the key word here) of sexual misconduct leveled against him. “I think he should resign, and if he’s unwilling to do that, which is what I assume, then Congress should hold him accountable. We’re obligated to have hearings,” Gillibrand said in an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes.
Gillibrand, who was among the first to call for former Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.) to resign due to sexual misconduct allegations, was also one of several Democratic senators who stated late last year Trump should resign due to sexual misconduct allegations that surfaced during the 2016 presidential campaign. But it’s fascinating that some forget allegations are just accusals, not guilty verdicts.
The report not only exposes the lengths that California lawyer Lisa Bloom was willing to go to stop Donald Trump from becoming president, it also points to the fact that she herself was attempting to make money off accusations that Trump sexually assaulted multiple women.
According to the report, Bloom’s efforts including arranging a liberal donor to pay off one of the accusers mortgage, offering to sell an alleged victims story to TV outlets, and even trying to secure a six figure payment for another women who eventually decided not to come forward with her supposed accusations.
One of the Bloom clients who DID receive financial help in exchange for her allegations against Trump was New York City makeup artist Jill Harth who herself defended the revelations while claiming that the money had nothing to do with her coming forward in the first place. -SHTFPlan
If Trump does not resign, the senators and some of Trump’s accusers said Congress should investigate the claims of sexual assault. When asked on 60 Minutes by the leftist media, why it took until late last year to call for Trump to be held accountable, Gillibrand said “something changed” when he was elected, “and I think it changed for women.”
Trump went after Gillibrand on Twitter after she called for his resignation, saying she would “do anything” for campaign donations.
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway criticized Gillibrand on Sunday for protecting and defending former President Clinton when he was accused of sexual misconduct. Conway wasn’t the only woman seeing the hypocrisy behind the Democrats’ petty actions. Gillibrand, who only recently said Bill Clinton should have resigned at the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, told 60 Minutes her perspective on the allegations against the former president has changed. “I think I’m not alone here. Like, how many of us were having this conversation even a year ago?” she said. “I think we’re all learning.”
She declined to say whether she’s spoken to the Clintons since she changed her stance, but added that Hillary Clinton is still her “greatest role model in politics.”
What ever happened to “Innocent until proven guilty”?
The real target is the white man.
This woman thinks something has changed for woman. Agreed, something has changed. Women, especially white women, realize now that feminism is a Communist trick to destroy the family, the cornerstone of Western civilization. The Trump family inspires confidence in real power as a woman, femininity not feminism.
Sexual harassment exists, and I don’t believe it should be swept under the carpet, but it is way overstated. Regardless how this issue is presented, the greater goal is to destroy Christian tradition, culture, and family. Men are being put in a position that no matter what we do it is wrong, fault must continuously be placed upon us and our accomplishments to diminish and vilify us. To disempower us by forcing us into a social, legal, political, and cultural pigeonhole.
I was required to attend annual sensitivity training on my job, the instructors for some reason were always women, gays, or immigrants. The following statement was actually made in one particular “training session” by a contracted “instructor” – He said there are about 260 ethnicities in America, 259 groups are the oppressed, one group is the oppressor, if we could just get rid of all white, straight, Christian, males it would be a better and more just world. He had a captive audience and he used the session for nothing more than basically state every single white male is by default a racist, homophobic, and general anti-diversity person, and the fewer of us there is the better. Most of us got up and left.
We did have to attend another session later, but the topic was mainly about sexual harassment on the job. This required training convinced female employees to believe they could construe literally almost anything as sexual harassment . Soon thereafter issues of sexual harassment raised at work; there were investigations including local agencies brought in (that could be more accurately described as witch hunts desperate to find culprits) but not one real case. At least one case was found to be contrived but the female employee wasn’t even disciplined. It came to the point most of the guys when possible just avoided contact with female employees and didn’t even speak to them for the sake of just avoiding possible hassles. Thankfully I no longer work there and have been told all the PC bullsh*t has driven down productivity and morale. It used to be a great place to work where many people stayed until retirement. Now all they have is a turnover of people.
Valerie Solaris is the mentor and goddess of these modern feminazis. Just look up the “S.C.U.M. Manifesto”, where men are forecast to all go in re-education camps for even a minor Faux Pas. Men are to say, “I am a turd, a lowly abject turd”, as a way of admitting their genetic deficiency. This is the crap women are taught in many colleges. Her manifesto worked itself into all women’s studies in America, many have her words nearly word for word.
The NWO trains everybody to hate the status quo, and therefore are more easy to manipulate.You won’t find more ardent supporters of the NWO than 90% of 20-30-something women.
The Left is fueled by resentment and the resulting hate. The underlying culture they attack is Christian, which believes in forgiveness and gentility. We Christians have been lulled into a sleepy indulgence of these freaks, we need to get tough, or just lay down and go to sleep in the snow.
So how many cocks did she suck to get where she is? She’s just an overpaid ho. Didn’t her mommy ever tell her it’s rude to talk with your mouth full? Ho hag needs to STFU.
Bill, BTW, there’s no way I would’ve been in a ‘sensitivity training’ class. I would’ve ended up putting the ‘instructor’ in the hospital.
That’s right cuz…
You tell ’em all.
You would have been swinging Big Bertha, that 6 cell Mag light, huh. 😉
You wood knock his lights out, with yours huh cuz.
NGIC, long time no hear from. How’ve you been?
Fine as frog hair cuz…
Can’t bang on the ‘puter as much as you’ve been able to.
(thanks for handling that for us here.)
Trying to get things squared away for the big ol’ Hillary ball that they want to put on for us.
We can only polish so many brass cases at one time.
By the way, next time you head south, bring a new tumbler and media for us. Corn cob only lasts so long now.
JoeBob has your supply of nerf darts ready when ya show up. 🙂
B from CA..Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t exist anymore..Accusations are now considered credible evidence..White men have become second class citizens in our country,while women have been stereotyped as being harmless,trustworthy,innocent,and totally incapable of committing sexual harassment…Society has decayed to the point of no return..The writing has been on the wall for centuries..The Bible talks about some of these very things happening in society today.Whether or not you believe what’s written in the Bible,that’s totally up to you,but there’s no debating that many things that were written in the Bible are playing out right before our eyes..
Bill and Elkhound, both of you make good points, but things don’t work that way with me. Who considers accusations WITHOUT PROOF to be credible? All you have is someone’s word alone and that just doesn’t cut it for me. Show me a REAL complaint that can be proven and verified and I’ll try to make amends for it. Otherwise I’m not obligated to do anything. Anyone who tries that PC crap on me will have a fight on their hands.
B from CA, agreed. Complaints have to be proven and verified before someone can be penalized. You just don’t go and try to hurt/destroy someone based upon someone’s word alone. There has to be due process. Either show a legitimate basis for what you’re trying to do or drop the idea altogether.
The left continues to push with whatever “means” available, to further and achieve their goals.
“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”
― Adolf Hitler
American communism – 2/12/18
“Anything can be accomplished with gradualism, so there is no need for absolute military conquest. Whether it takes 50 years or 100, the elites don’t care. They’re patient.”
ht tps://
These goals include discrediting, degrading and ‘revising’ our Constitution, culture, history, education, the American Founding Fathers and doing away with all loyalty oaths.
“Communist Plans For America” – 45 Declared Goals, 1963
The Communists Goals for America as discovered by, and published by the United States Congress.
ht tp://
Direct links…
What happened to the crime of criminal slander? If Bloom did pay off other women to make allegations against Trump, she should be charged!
Wow!, what to say to Kirsten Gillibrand, “woman, I just got home from bustin’ my *ss this morning on one hell of a job, get your butt in the kitchen and make me a sammich, will ya?” There….. I feel better now. You know what all? I really don’t care if Trump grabbed some gals. I really don’t. Which of them has come forward with any sort of proof? Huh? I’ll just state it plain and simple – men and women are different. We are not equals in all ways. The darling female gender is for the most part more communicative, more nurturing and all in all just the prettier half of the species. Us guys, we love to think with our hands as well as our minds. We tend to desire to protect and battle it out. Sure, there are those on either side of the XY chromosome fence that can do it fair well in reverse; but, the generalities are numerous that can be made. SO? Me too? Bite me.
Slander (spoken) and Libel (written, published) are civil matters AFAIK.
You sue people in civil court for slandering or libeling you.
Help me if there are criminal statutes about same.
She’ a cocksucker, and from New York, what do you expect? If Congress would take action the people everywhere would know the elections really don’t mean shit. Congress better be very careful.
It’s because of this I wish we had “The Pruge”.
A little less conversation, a little more action at the business end of an AR-15, will finally silence this libtarded idiots!
Kristen, you pitiful excuse for affirmative action, need to STFU!
So far your name has not been mentioned in the PROVEN and fact based TREASON committed by the Democrat party.
There will be jail and executions forth coming either thru the Justice Dept or if it is discovered they too are compromised we the people will try convict and execute/jail for these heinous crimes.
Crawl back under the rotted log from which you exited and pray you escape the justice that is headed your communist, America hating, parties way.
Let us hope the corrupt justice dept isn’t the ones to prosecute, much better to pen them up at GITMO and let a Military Tribunal find them guilty.
Where’s all the feminist outrage at how women are mistreated under Sharia Law?
The hypocrisy of liberals like Kristen Gillibrand, Hillary Clinton, and Lisa Bloom staggers the imagination.
Chunk, good points. Gillibrand doesn’t have a leg to stand on. None of the libturds have a leg to stand on.
Brave, the term mental midget come to mind with this woman.
I once saw a sign in a bar that the female bartenders put up.
“Sexual harassment will not be reported here.
It will, however, be graded.” 🙂
Ketchup, LOL. Good one.
Kristen (cough)blowjob(cough) is the biggest horses arse that New York state has put into office since Hitlery .
Agree. Big communist L.L.(LowLife).
My Daddy used to marvel at the fact that the number of HAs in the universe always exceeds the number of Horses…:-)
Miss you Daddy.
trump needs to body slam the fukn democrats, they are the real problem,
She probably beats on her wife at home because no man ever wanted her. Sure has a twisted, sour look about her.
PO’d Patriot, agreed. I wouldn’t have her. I might catch something, LOL!
Right!!!! They’re all learning alright! They’re learning that the double standard is turning off the American people and that we’re waking up to the hypocrisy that IS the Democratic party
Why Trump?? Why didn’t Bill Clinton get impeached when he clearly lied about Humping ML in the Oval Office??
Why not bush for lying to us about WMD ??
Why Not Obama’ for promoting all the scumbags of the world to come be a part of the USA?
Trump was voted in.. like it or Not .. so the liberals need to get a grip.. and I can only Pray for trump to be re-elected for a second term just to see them all drop to Their knees and scream at the top of their lungs – “WHY” !!!!
These people are the real dreamers.. and they all should too be all deported where they need to work for a living and not just stand Around just complaining that trump
Is the devil .. well he’s NOT.. he’s out POTUS and he needs to be respected not replaced!!
The realist. Bill Clinton did get impeached. He was the second President to be impeached. The powers-that-be were just too timid to remove him from office.
Yep, the rise of Gillilbrand and the painted faced style freaks….the war on men and all they may have established….which was called civilization…and generally worked for a very long time. They are not the righteous, nor the fairer sex.
What’s with the paint on ladies faces and everything else to make them out to be something they are not? Maybe this war should be opened up and the truth about the value of so many of the contemporary woman who are given leadership positions. (some group puts you up for it, no free lancers in politics, without big money of one’s own) Women will elect women solely because they are, and so many are brain dead and have little interests or skills other than vanity, celebrity….and the royals.
Women will soon have all the jobs as those in hiring positions don’t hire men. Then they talk about their jobless boyfriends as “lazy” and worthless. Everything has become trend and politics, common sense and thought have gone out the window with these ….self serving sociopaths. Sorry guys, this is how too much of the opposite sex is already. Good luck. We used to sing “I wished I’d die before I got old”….not the tune changes to I’m happy to be old so I don’t have to see this crap too much longer!!! But don’t worry, after they have gotten rid of all the men, they will kill off all of each other, they are the one’s with the violent nature and hide behind the taboo of talking about them being incessant psychological and verbal abusers, both mediums which can be far more damaging than what in many cases they just might be bringing about upon themselves.
Yep, the rise of Gillilbrand and the painted faced style freaks….the war on men and all they may have established….which was called civilization…and generally worked for a very long time. They are not the righteous, nor the fairer sex. Perhaps they have been “subdued” throughout most of history because many actually were demented, nasty dangerous psychotic incompetents. Don’t get me wrong, little I admire more (or equally, ha ha) as one with ethics (rare) and ability, and a social conscious that doesn’t only serve the self.
What’s with the paint on ladies faces and everything else to make them out to be something they are not? Maybe this war should be opened up and the truth about the value of so many of the contemporary woman who are given leadership positions. (some group puts you up for it, no free lancers in politics, without big money of one’s own) Women will elect women solely because they are, and so many are brain dead and have little interests or skills other than vanity, celebrity….and the royals.
Women will soon have all the jobs as those in hiring positions don’t hire men. Then they talk about their jobless boyfriends as “lazy” and worthless. Everything has become trend and politics, common sense and thought have gone out the window with these ….self serving sociopaths. Sorry guys, this is how too much of the opposite sex is already. Good luck. We used to sing “I wished I’d die before I got old”….not the tune changes to I’m happy to be old so I don’t have to see this crap too much longer!!! But don’t worry, after they have gotten rid of all the men, they will kill off all of each other, they are the one’s with the violent nature and hide behind the taboo of talking about them being incessant psychological and verbal abusers, both mediums which can be far more damaging than what in many cases they just might be bringing about upon themselves.
Po Dick, the feminazis have no idea of the hell they will unleash on themselves.
Kirsten G. is a Republican – the “junior Senator” from New York. Chuckie the Schumer is the SENIOR Senator from NY. He’s a Democrat.
Gillibrand is a Democrat.
The last R Senator from NY was Al D’Amato (1981 – 99) who was succeeded by Chuck U…
What a vile woman. The whole Democrat party should be impeached.
Somewhere on one of my computers I have a video of Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wifes trial and execution.
Every Democrat politician should have to watch that on a weekly basis and be reminded that this is your fate, If I get in power you assholes!
Lisa Bloom is the daughter of Gloria Allred. That explains it all to me.
Southside, Bloom and Allred are both feminazi tramps. Like mother like daughter.
Gillibrand is another delusional fool representing the Demonrats. How appropriate. You only find this level of stupidity in the big cities like NYC. Hillary continues to be her role model.
Democrats should all be tried and hung in DC for TREASON and SEDITION.
DMONIC, I think DC still has plenty of lonely lampposts.
The realist, my apologies as I didn’t give a complete explanation to Bill Clinton having been impeached. The House voted for impeachment and the Senate (House of Lords) failed to convict.
They’re a gang of sociopathic communist lunatics that are working against the best interests of our country working to control and micromanage every aspect of our lives. They have zero moral compass.Complete nut cases they are..
She should’t say anything since her and her butt buddies have been raping the country, and that is not an allegation.
If you cant prove it and its not obvious, STFU!
I love women.
I have a wife of 40 years and a daughter.
But as a professional, I would never
hire a woman.
I don’t need the grief.
I certainly would never vote one into
a position of power.
Men are bad enough to have to deal with,
but at least you can fight with them.
Girls are “special” and they take advantage
of that.
Gillibrand needs to live in North Korea, she is a real deal piece of garbage, leave America you “hag”!
The stupid is strong in this one. First Trump is not going to resign. Period. Full Stop. Second, there is this thing Congress can do to remove a President; it’s called Impeachment. She has no clue as to how the process works. Only two Presidents have even been impeached (Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton). Nixon resigned before Congress could formally impeach him. By the way, Clinton was impeach on the same charges that Nixon would have been charged with had he not resigned first: Perjury, subordination of perjury and obstruction of justice. Clinton survived because not a single Democratic Senator, voted to remove him from office (a yes vote, guilty as charged).
Remember too, how the Democrats went out of their way to defend Bill Clinton and justify his actions. Same double standard, it’s ok it we do it, but a crime when you do it.
Two wolves and a lamb democratically voting on what’s, who’s for dinner? The only alternative is war? Is war always bad? Not if your the lamb?
The New Civil War, between Americans and liberals, will have a great outcome.
Make America Great.
The first time women voted ,we got prohibition, and the BATF. Because it was believed, to lay off all the revenue officers, would have them go to work for the organized crime prohibition created. Thanks ladies.
Makeup and deception, is the female way?Cosmetic whatever? For what? The forbidden fruit? Self fulfillment regardless of the consequences? A little white lie? Trimming their husbands feathers? What greater treason?
A deep down ugly person , with a really good paint job? By way of deception, we do war.
It’s getting to the point, if she isn’t your mother ,wife ,sister or daughter, she’s dog food?
Just because I’m driving a forign car dosent mean I’m a traitor. It just means I don’t give a dam about American companies. And what’s wrong with that?
Kristen has little grand children ,who are so cute and inosent?