Housing prices in the United States continue to rise at unprecedented rates, forcing many into poverty. This worsening epidemic is explained well in a video by The Money GPS and it’s been engineered this way.
As nations increase taxes and regulations, the price of complying also goes up. Many of these hikes are passed onto to those who are already living paycheck to paycheck forcing them to live in poverty. “You came here for the truth, so let me unveil that for you,” says Money GPS.
Severe damage to the nation’s economy can occur when people don’t have disposable income. “People are spending a larger and larger share of their income on their housing. This is something they can’t avoid. It’s not as if they are buying a home and can be renting instead, we are talking about people who rent their homes. It’s very serious,” The Money GPS says.
“There’s definitely an issue with the amount that people spend on shelter, electricity, food, and other basic essentials…we have a big problem on our hands. It’s not being addressed and the bubble just keeps getting larger…they keep saying there’s a limited supply [of housing options].”
“The median asking rent for vacant rental units is consistently rising. when you rent prices continuously increasing specifically for vacant rental units.” All this is happening as the rate of homeownership declines as well. So perhaps there is some correlation between market saturation and prices, but we fail to account for the fact that property taxes put a heavy burden on homeownership and those taxes are passed on to renters in the form of higher rents.”
But the YouTube channel Bull Boom Bear Bust says this is all just a part of the global elitist’s plans to force more people into rentals and out of homeownership. According to the description of their video about this issue, it is becoming more and more clear that the central banking fiat currency system was designed to extract wealth from the poor and middle class and further enrich bankers that are creating a nation [sic] of debt servants.
“It’s a global plan,” says the narrator of the video. “These disasters and downturns in the economy are opportunities for the big money and big investors to come in and actually buy these homes.” He then discusses the reasons banks have for not foreclosing on properties right away, and it’s as simple as a wealth transfer from the middle and lower classes to the billionaires and investors:
“A reason why in some cases the banks don’t foreclose on the property right away, not only to keep the home off the market, but it also keeps the financial responsibility of the property onto the previous homeowner. So things like back due property taxes and fines for failure to keep the property up, banks don’t want to take on that responsibility, so technically in many cases, they’ll not take immediate foreclosure proceedings and in some cases, years and then the unpaid debt can come back and destroy the previous homeowner’s credit, and not hurt the bank.”
“This whole system…of the middle class being wiped out and the poor getting poorer, the increase in homelessness, the increase in people going into more and more debt, the shift from home ownership to home occupied to financial companies and institutions and investors owning these homes. This whole system has been engineered from the top down.”
He continues to explain that it all goes back to the Federal Reserve and was designed to break the average family while benefiting those already at the top. We often refer to these people as elitists. They are the politicians who are bought and paid for by corporations who push laws and regulations on the middle class that they themselves are exempt from and can profit immensely by doing. The entire system has been rigged to transfer wealth to the elites in the government and the deep state who pulls the strings.
The value of my house has almost doubled in the last 6 years for no reason other than we are going into another housing bubble that is going to come teasing down.
“Cost Of Housing Has Soared So High Americans Are Sliding Into Poverty ”
Ya that 700 bux a year tax is killin’ me….
We live in a medical hub area with several lg hospitals, clinics, etc. in excl.location. Plan on selling and moving into patio home with zero outside maintenance. We can easily bug out since we will not be tied to a house. We are retired and don’t need the burden of a house. Younger people have a zero future anyway as cost living skyrockets, so no sense in forming families as ag. 21 is moving forward.
If you buy a house there is ALWAYS outside maintenance. Not sure who is selling you the BS about zero outside maintenance. Even if your yard is concrete you still have to powerwash it once a year and clean weeds out of the cracks. You also need to paint, caulk, and wash windows along with making sure the roof is clean.
Good luck to the fantasy of a zero-maintenance home.
Philosopher D: We will be renting, there is no outside work, same with apt. renting, no one does outside cleaning, etc. the landlord does, incl yard work. Easier to bug out when you don’t own.
Thank you for the clarification. Good luck. You’ll need it.
Thanks for another relevant and pressing article. Housing is a problem in Hawaii also. The Attorney General is challenging the lawless actions of CA to hide illegal aliens. That is another state that has terrible housing problems. Isn’t it profound to note that this problem is also related to actions by the Federal Reserve.
The cost of everything! Cars now cost what houses cost a few decades ago, but average incomes haven’t changed since the 70s. The difference now is both adults have to work to cover the cost of living.
Meanwhile, the top tier of corporations are floating around in mega yachts that cost 1/2 billion or more!
A giant sucking sound from our pockets to theirs!
Incomes haven’t changed since the 1970’s???? LOL
I don’t know how skilled, intelligent or motivated you are personally, but since I began working in the 1950’s wages went up some 30X.
Minimum wage workers in 1979 was 2.90.
Average worker $4.44 in 1979.
Read my post for the oblivious solution to inflation.
Bert, in 1973 when I was 16, minimum wage was $1.65 per hour and that was just part-time for me. Times really have changed since then.
You know, a simple internet search will show that the average income was in the 40,000 range and still is! Minimum wage is not average income! Since you want to be surly, I can assume it is your income! And I guarantee I make far more than you!
The key is wages have not risen since the 70’s in *inflation-adjusted dollars*. I had more discretionary income at $2.00 per hour in 1967 than I would today at $15.00 per hour. Everyone today is being squeezed by soaring prices for food, healthcare, autos, housing, tuition, everything. When I was in high school we all found jobs and the first thing we did with our savings was buy a used car or one of the new Japanese motorcycles. Today I mostly see unemployed youth on skateboards or bicycles.
This ain’t the 60’s, buddy. Good luck trying to buy a used car nowadays with a part time
high school job. Baby Boomers,”When I was your age……” That shit don’t fly no more, bub.
Good luck trying to buy a used car nowadays with a part time
high school job.
Jebus, man, that’s precisely the guy’s point. . .
In 2 seconds I find a page of articles!
Dave: Yuup, no SS raises either this year, and a few dollars more retired military get monthly. Gotta really watch sales for food, etc. clip coupons, just like I rem. in the ’70’s when inflation hit hard. Retirees hit hard with rising drug costs and don’t use their medications like they should. I read where they take every other day on some to save expenses.
I cannot find the like button. But you are right here Dave. A simple bacon butty costing £1.99 last year has gone up to £2.99.
That sucks.
Why is this even a story? Are you also complaining that the average wage went from 20 cents an hour to over $20?
Simple as supply vs. demand, with the great factor lying in the oversupply of the debt dollar. Why did the US population go up 40 million since 2000? American birth rate is lower than the replacement rate, so the 40 million were all immigrants or children of immigrants.
Do you really want prices to fall?? Stop creating more debt dollars, stop all deficit spending, stop US support in the mortgage and college loans, stop all subsidies to all corporations, eliminate welfare for all those 18-62 that are able to work and -make -them -work instead of giving them handouts, stop immigration, better yet, deport the 40 million illegals and their illegal anchor babies.
But you don’t want to consider the obvious.
Bert, I think what Dave above was talking about is his reality concerning wages. 40 years ago – 1978 – minimum wage was $2.65; today in 2018, $8.50 (as of Jan. 1, 2017). A factor of apx. x3.2. Keeping it simple, a loaf of bread cost about 49 cents in ’78, today it is apx. $2. – roughly a x4 increase. Wages have not kept up. Sure, we make more in terms of a numerical value; but, it is purchasing capability that counts. Our investments as another poster mentioned have also not kept up. A $69,000 home in ’78 is now around $300,000 today (nationwide averages). A x4.3 increase; again, less than the rate of wage growth. So, where I totally agree with all you wrote about ideas to make prices fall – common sense ones. The bottom line truth is that we are getting poorer as a nation.
AMEN, Bert!!
I have family members that live in a $350,000.00 Home. Just two of them. Four bedrooms 3 bathrooms, two car garage. Large two story work shop/2 car garage.
They don’t understand that I want a simple ranch style home with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Cost around $90,000.00 with a bout 5Ac. of land.
Sgt. Dale
They don’t have that home for them. They have it to show everyone what they have. Its living for appearances not for yourself. This disease is very prevalent in NJ.
Sarge, I’ll bet a dollar to a doughnut they’re flat-ass broke paying for that home. When the time comes, I’ll move to the cabin at the BOL and it’s bigger than what I live in now. And IT’S ALSO PAID FOR. WOOHOO!
I went to a Dave Ramsey seminar a few years ago. He said only 10% of those that live in million dollar homes are millionaires. The rest are just mortgaged to their eyeballs. Must keep up the appearances, even when they have to put sheets over the windows because they can’t afford curtains.
Where can you buy that much property with a small house for that price? I want to know.
My employer owns several rental properties, one of which I have occupied since 1999. My rent and utilities combined are only around $800 per month. The home is a 3-bedroom and 1 bathroom, around 1400 square feet total. No way I’d live in any apartment complex these days. The ones in my area are nothing but shitholes. If I’m ever forced into it, I can just go to the BOL and it’s bigger than the house I’m in now.
Housing prices in our town have gone down in the last 6 years. No one is moving to Illinois nor wants to be stuck here owning a home. A lot of people here in Illinois, myself included, would leave in a minute if we could sell our homes.
Chicago = Detroit 2.0
I wouldn’t live any where near Chicago. I’m in southern Illinois close to Kentucky. We moved here 12 years ago for family. We are stuck but at least it is a small town with good people. Closest city is over an hour away.
You waited too long, bubba. The horse done left the barn.
One of the best Executive orders Trump could do is wipe out the entire Mortgage industry. If you have the title to the property because you have been paying for it, don’t care for how long, it is yours and you don’t owe the bank anything, any longer. they didn’t loan you money for it to begin with. So from here out, that house and property is yours by right. You are hereby granted a land patent. yours free and clear. and if i understand that correctly, the land patent is the legal status of the property if you actually own it and it is not the fiction property under real estate, which is the straw man that makes it legal for you to be liable for property and school taxes. I am not 100% sure about that, but i have read something to that affect.
You won’t own shit free and clear. The masses demand at gunpoint that you pay for their kids skools and parks etc. Until property tax is abolished you are just a renter!
Do the same thing for the huge school loan scam. forgive every student loan and shut down the whole program. that will fix the damn colleges and universities too. costs would get real over night.
Fook that! Free education? They signed the dotted line let them eat it! Go to a trade school or GO TO THE LIBRARY or internet and get a free education! Buy used textbooks and learn shit yourself! Challenge the course at a college and get credit for it for free!
A significant part of the housing price problem is that there is a vast flow of capital into real estate as an investment medium, just like stocks, bonds, or precious metals. So a person who just needs a roof over their head is forced to compete in the market with people who are looking for a “safe” investment to park their money in. When the wealthier person who wins the bidding war for a house turns around and rents that house to the losing bidder, or someone who couldn’t dream of ownership at all, the rent will be high enough to turn a profit on the exorbitant price paid by the winning bidder. I have no solution to this short of banning investment-buying of residential real estate, which would upend the housing market and cause the investments to flow into commercial or agricultural real estate instead, where we would pay the price anyway in our food and retail purchases.
Invest in trailer parks lol 🙂
Cemeteries are better. The occupants don’t act up.
Ha ha, good point 🙂
I pay $500 for rent of a 3 bedroom 2 bath slump block ranch on approx. 1/2 acre. Even though I earn less than half my career peak, my bills are paid, I save plenty, eat like a horse (no, not from a feed bag, lol)..and my preps grow regularly. This story is anemic on facts, and largely false.
For example, the quote:
“A reason why in some cases the banks don’t foreclose on the property right away, not only to keep the home off the market, but it also keeps the financial responsibility of the property onto the previous homeowner..”
Without a sheriffs official eviction, which must be accompanied by a foreclosure notice,
the “former homeowner” is indeed the CURRENT homeowner.
WITH the foreclosure notice and eviction order, said former homeowner is no longer culpable for any further costs incurred.
Don’t ask me how I know.
Since I’m in Hawaii I understand what high house prices are.
Somewhere on this post some mentioned someone paying $350,000 for a house, That doesn’t buy much house here.
I own my place so debt isn’t a big issue with me, prices here are crazy, though not as bad as California. I live in the poorest county in Hawaii and people here can only afford so much, so rents tend to match the market. Rents are high given that the average wage here is $14 per hour. I know many people that have multiple jobs. We have homeless, but not many services, so that is another limiting factor. Multi-generations living in the same house or multiple houses on a property for family or farm workers is common. I built my daughter and her family a house on my land and I have several friends and neighbors that have done the same for their family.
I guess the main thing is to stay out of cities and keep family close.
So being the star of Hawaii 5-0 didn’t pay that well?
If people bought what they need instead of what they want it wouldn’t be so high or hard to pay for. Mortgages and rents would fall if they did so. Inflation is a killer.
The high cost of housing, cars, college, medical and more is all a direct result of hidden inflation mixed with bankers tricks since they can keep you tied to a loan many more years and the interest equates to about 30% of the total costs for all listed above.
The ever elusive affordable housing in America. No, I don’t want to live in a Pepsi can.
My mother-in-law still lives in Venezuela and refuses to leave because as bad as it is, it’s “her” home. The home in question is an apartment she paid the equivalent of $150,000 US for in 1973. Today, it’s worth maybe $6,000- if she can find a buyer willing to live there. Today anyone can buy a home in Detroit for about $500 bucks- but would you want to? The entire concept of taxes is ridiculous– our government already prints up half(or more) of their budget from thin air; just print the other half too. No Federal Reserve. No IRS. No undeclared wars.
No the government does not print up half or more.
There is a huge shortfall of the actual printed paper cash money. the mint prints 24×7. But don’t print anything larger than the $100 bill. paper money wears out and truckloads are burnt every day. Its the FED that created money from thin air and the government borrows that created from nothing digital money from the FED and sells treasury bonds to finance the debt. There is no actual physical cash that is transferred. Its just numbers on spread sheets. They simply add another zero ahead of the decimal point!
“The rent is too damn high”. Yeah ain’t that the truth! Any shack at least $400+ per month anywhere. One of those small mini-houses well outside Packed City would be nice with room to roam outdoors, few neighbors and good water. What,those are all taken or regulations prevent them even being built? Big problem with no solution as far as the eye can see.
here in Arkansas if the bank doesn’t forclose and the Taxes remain unpaid for two years. The county certifies the property to the Commissioner of State lands. and after a short time. The COSl has a tax forfet property auction. And all the recorded lienholders are notified that the property is being sold. So they must step up and pay the redemption fees and back taxes or risk losing their interest. I personally have bought tax land and the bank had a lien. and they negelected to redeem and lost their interest. Go to the Arkansas commissioner of State Lands website. You can buy a home for pennies on the dollar.
Interesting approach for that old adage, “buy low, sell high.”
Do you renovate the places and sell them or turn them into rentals? Good info, thanks for posting.
Good article. I am at the point where I am looking to rent out my house. I could easily rent it out and have enough to cover the property management fees and maintenance and make a small profit. Why not let someone else pay the mortgage?
My plan is to go mobile and live in an RV for a few years.
Property taxes are unbelievable. If you have a home appraised for $500,000 in Upstate New York you are paying $20,000 grand in property taxes.
That’s what my parent’s paid for their first home in 1962. And back then property taxes were less than $232.89 DOLLARS.
So, you pay property taxes, school taxes, and a mortgage. If you were renting that’s like paying almost $3,000 grand a month in rent.
Yes. People are being made poor by home ownership. “The rent is just too damn high.”
disney employees can’t pay the rent EITHER…….
sliding in to poverty. . .where they get the money to bid up these prices. . .or is it someone else who has the greenies to do the bidding. . .like someone with a powerful union
maybe many famblies under one roof, with all kinds of subsidies not available to Whites. . .HUD has a vehicle program[!], not for Whites. . .the mexes next door were driving in a caddy escalade [2007]
it’s hard to tell where the demand is coming from. . .it smells like (((demand))). . .fake money that is. . .