The state of Colorado is reporting a massive rise in the number of fully “vaccinated” residents who end up with a breakthrough infection. But they still need you to be aware that that means the “vaccine” is working.
How well does the “vaccine” work? Check it out:
246 “Fully Vaccinated” Michigan Residents Catch COVID-19, 3 Die
While breakthrough cases are up, COVID-19 vaccines still offer high protection against severe symptoms that can cause hospitalization or death. Last we checked, the definition of a “vaccine” includes the word “immunity.” It does not say it will reduce symptoms. The majority of infections, hospitalizations, and fatalities are among people who are not vaccinated, according to the words of the mainstream media and tyrants. There is no actual data that supports this claim that anyone could find. We are expected to “take their word for it.” Just like we are expected to just believe that a new virus is out there killing everyone, even though our logic says otherwise and all evidence is pointing to the fact that they simply renamed the flu and the common cold and lumped them all together as COVID. And, that’s exactly what the PCR tests have proven:
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
So what do we need to know about breakthrough infections? Well, that’s simply lying with statistics as well.
What Is the True Vaccine Breakthrough Rate? The CDC Doesn’t Want You to Know
The Denver Post is still suggesting you take the shot because that’s what they need everyone to do. Comply. Obey. Even though they admit the “vaccine” doesn’t work. It’s a nefarious scam of epic proportions.
They don’t want you to know anything because once you apply your own critical thinking you will realize this is all about getting whatever the hell is in those syringes into the bodies of as many slaves as they can before the slaves figure it out. This is all apparent by now.
Stay alert and prepared. We know they won’t give up and too many are figuring it out. Brace for what’s coming. It could get ugly.
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This will divide the survivors form the dead sheeple who took the vaccine and us smart ones will be the only ones left and the will not like that as we are BOT controllable. they want obedient slaves not smart one.
Regarding what you mentioned about having to take their word that there is
some new virus out there killing everyone Hope you read this Mac .
Some excerpts from an article I recently read:
I don’t believe anyone is dying “from the coronavirus,” because I do not believe “the coronavirus” exists at all. I believe – in fact, I’m certain – that all of the deaths that they attribute to “the coronavirus” are laundered from existing respiratory diseases as well as things like heart attacks and cancer.
No one is asking how it is that the Taliban is able to take over a country in the middle of a global pandemic, or how they’re able to walk around in groups without masks. You see these photographs from the airport, with these huge crowds of people – according to “The Science,” all of these people should be dead. But there are zero reports of any problems involving a deadly pandemic in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
This entire thing, from the very beginning, is a hoax.
There is no new virus.
A few links:
How far are they willing to go in the US? Crashing businesses and 50% unemployment? Sounds pretty fishy for a capitalist country.
Get yourself down to the feed store and buy Ivermectin while it’s still available.
I got a feeling that the government is going to make it illegal without a prescription from a vet soon, and that vet will probably want to see your cows before it gets prescribed.
It’s not in the government’s best interest to allow treatment of Covid by any means other than the vaccine since it will create a competition against the forced (and personally registered) vaccinations that they want.
Excellent idea! Make sure you chase that Ivermectin with a tall glass of Clorox too! Then maybe stick a flashlight up your a$$. And while you’re at it, on the way to the feed store, forget the seatbelt, drive as fast as you possibly can, and use the nearest telephone pole to stop. By the way, Q also recommends handling poisonous snakes, putting lit M-80s in your ears, and juggling running chainsaws.
It’s really sad that we live in a country with so much opportunity for education, yet normal society has put up with trump’s idiot base. Well, the good thing is, we won’t have to put up with them much longer, right!? Just want to say “Adios!” to Caleb Wallace, Phil Valentine, and “Mr. Anti-Vax” Marc Bernier! Keep up the good work, idiots. Society will be back to normal before long thanks to you bunch of dumba$$es. Have a GREAT day!
You don’t seem very smart, or very educated either.
??? I always cherish compliments like yours from the mental midgets amongst us. Hilarious! Just know that while you are laying there struggling to breathe, I will be laughing my ass off at your stupidity. Enjoy your Covid, or your Ivermectin overdose, or whatever other stupid thing is going to do you in. Have a GREAT day.
This person posts comments under a variety of sign-in names. He gets hostile when confronted with facts, this is an indication he is delusional. He appears so marinated in personal misery and self-hate all he can do is take everything personal and project his wretchedness on others. I recommend to other commenters to just leave him alone and simply let him vent, it may be therapeutic for him. Besides, every site that allows comments has a crank or two. You know when he attacks you it’s likely you are making sense, therefore in a way he is validating your comment.
This is no rise in infections of some “Delta Variant”. This is all those people who got the jab 4 and 5 months ago now sickening and dying from the effects of being injected with a DNA “therapy” that was supposed to remain within the arm muscle but has instead replicated in the cells of every organ, and is forcing those cells to create and eject Covid spike proteins that are being attacked by the body’s immune system, the macrophages, the white blood cells. This is destroying these people’s immune systems and killing them. The purpose is population reduction. Bill Gates sponsored Fauci with $150 million. Fauci sponsored the Wuhan lab that created the virus. Gates is a vocal proponent of depopulation through vaccination.
This is no rise in infections of some “Delta Variant”. This is all those people who got the jab 4 and 5 months ago now sickening and dying from the effects of being injected with a DNA “therapy” that was supposed to remain within the arm muscle but has instead replicated in the cells of every organ, and is forcing those cells to create and eject Covid spike proteins that are being attacked by the body’s immune system, the macrophages, the white blood cells. This is destroying these people’s immune systems and killing them. The purpose is population reduction. Bill Gates sponsored Fauci with $150 million. Fauci sponsored the Wuhan lab that created the virus. Gates is a vocal proponent of depopulation through vaccination.
Convid for most is pretty scary stuff i tell ya!
Stuffy head, with sore throat and intermit-ten mild headache. Oohhhh noooooo! Elderberry zinc kills covid dead!