This article was originally published by Steve Watson at Summit News.
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo made a startling confession Monday, declaring that he doesn’t value his job and that CNN is “trafficking in things that I think are ridiculous.”
In a Howard Beale-esq moment, Cuomo made the comments on his SiriusXM show, apparently having an epiphany after contracting coronavirus.
I don’t want to spend my time doing things that I don’t think are valuable enough to me personally,” Cuomo said, adding “I don’t value indulging the rationality, hyper-partisanship.”
.@CNN's Chris Cuomo went on a rant today about how having the coronavirus has made him reconsider his life. He said he doesn't like what he does, that it isn't worth his time and even ranted about a "jackass, loser, fat tire biker":https://t.co/ctHzceHlO1 pic.twitter.com/btHJRu41nI
— Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) April 14, 2020
The host seems to be reevaluating his role in the fake news system that has become purely about winning ratings by saying ridiculous things.
“I don’t think its worth it to me because I don’t think I mean enough, I don’t think I matter enough, I don’t think I can really change anything, so then what am I really doing?” Cuomo continued.
“I’m basically being perceived as successful in a system that I don’t value. I’m seen as being good at being on TV and advocating for different positions… but I don’t know if I value those things, certainly not as much as I value being able to live my life on my own terms.” he added.
The host also related an experience about being approached by a biker on Easter Sunday, being verbally abused while he was out with his family, adding that he wants to be able to act like any other member of the public, so he told the biker to ‘go to hell’.
“I don’t want some jackass, loser, fat tire biker being able to pull over and get in my space and talk bullsh** to me, I don’t want to hear it.” Cuomo ranted.
“That matters to me more than making millions of dollars a year…because I’ve saved my money and I don’t need it anymore. I want to be able to tell you to go to hell, to shut your mouth…I don’t get that doing what I do for a living.” he added.
Last year, Cuomo made headlines when he was caught on video threatening a guy who called him ‘Fredo’, the name of the ‘weak’ middle brother in ‘The Godfather’.
Cuomo told the person that he would “f***ing throw you down the stairs like a f***ing punk”:
“So, I’m gonna make changes,” Cuomo concluded.
“Why? Because I’ve gotta be happy. Why? Because life is short. Life is short. And I’m pretty far down the road – I’m gonna be 50.”
He also admitted that he doesn’t want to be like other network anchors who are open about their partisanship.
“I’ll never be Sean Hannity. I’ll never have this mass following that echoes a political set of ideas and principles that I’ll agree with. Similarly, Rachel Maddow.” Cuomo announced.
It seems that Cuomo is ‘mad as hell and he ain’t gonna take it no more!
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Chris is talking as though people are radically, diametrically opposed, along partisan lines, when faux “conservatives”, under this political system, are just a pinker shade of red.
If I could dissect this slur, that the naughty ‘conservative’ said… (Didn’t look like a biker to me. Aren’t you stretching it, Fredo?)…
I believe that the most cartoon-notorious paramilitaries in all of history — say, pirates, ninjas, and mafia — were actually state interests, along the lines of contractors. Some with literal licenses. Gangs are embedded, in my region.
h ttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bb/Jeff_Dunham_and_Achmed.JPG/220px-Jeff_Dunham_and_Achmed.JPG
Having studied the histories of so many organizations, I was surprised that ppp (public private partnership) was not in the dictionary definition of what is a mafia.
The Donald plainly, publicly said, in front of God and everyone, that he had to bargain with Fredo’s ilk, in order to get his foot in the door of the real estate market.
“Fredo”, however, is claiming to have no affiliation, game plan, or leverage, in exchange for your loyalties. This pains the warm and fuzzy cockles of his heart, though the same intrigues were known since the Old World. Machiavelli, coded writing, and those finger rings with the hidden compartment…
I’ve never seen him since I disconnected my tv in 2016. Not sure if he was on then, but that is great!
A couple of articles were saying that people have the right to be treated with dignity. Sorry, but as far as I’m concerned, elevated status and honor must be earned. People responsible for the wars, financial collapses, destruction of the national and global economy, the destruction of the constitution and liberty, the destruction of everything that America once valued, have all earned the right to be treated with total contempt!
Obviously, nobody will prosecute the psychopaths responsible, so this is now how it will be handled!
TPTB and Global Engagement Center Motto:
“If you look good, we don’t look good.” Sign up to destroy your credibility, future, and destroy America.
Medical mafia in action! Hospitals get $13,000 if they take a medicare coronavirus patient and $39,000 if the patient goes on a ventilator! Ventilators have been reported to worsen respiration and slow recovery. If someone has totally been unable to breath, then, they are an option if the patient would likely recover with quality of life. Quality of life matters! Very few people would like to be on life support indefinitely awaiting some miracle cure! A ventilator is a form life support. It will probable be abused and used unnessicarily with a $39,000 incentive. Laura Ingram interviews Dr.:
America has an artificial shortage of investigative reporters, since the hoverment is an organized crime ring of anarchists and antichrists, they prefer propaganda regurgitators. The propaganda regurgitators like Lee Stranahan on Sputnik News as well as their other hosts like Wilmer Leon and, well, all of them. They are all regurgitating propaganda and refuse to even acknowledge the scientific data that discredits the whole corona hoax, let alone the circular logic that they use to imply that destroying businesses, America, jobs, incomes, mobility, will some how save lives. Let me know how the people living in city high rises will manage to grow their own food! This is evil! The people regurgitating the propaganda that will result in starvation are EVIL !
Proving that Ametica has a shortage of investigative reporters, Spunik’s Political Misfits Jamarl Thomas claims that it is Chris Cuomos job to engage in irrationality and politocal partisanship. He admits to being a lying propagandist, evidently. He has been entirely irrational in many of his circular logic. The truth is not an issue, apparently. It is just all a matter of getting what you want, which in his case must be money and fame, at any cost to society. Well, now you are famous for being full of shit Jamarl! Congrats!
Proving that America has a shortage of investigative reporters, Spunik’s Political Misfits Jamarl Thomas claims that it is Chris Cuomos job to engage in irrationality and political partisanship. He admits to being a lying propagandist, evidently. He has been entirely irrational in many of his circular logic irrationalities. The truth is not an issue, apparently. It is just all a matter of getting what you want, which in his case must be money and fame, at any cost to society. Well, now you are famous for being full of shit Jamarl! Congrats!
I guess that I must qualify as a fascist to expect news reporters and investigators to investigate and report the news, and for the government to prosecute and imprison the actual individuals responsible for 9/11, which was used as a false flag to go to war against seven countries, or for expecting that the military and JPM don’t import heroin into America, and then fill prisons and jails with people that they sell it to!