A child in San Francisco has tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu currently circulating in dairy cattle in the United States. The child was not hospitalized and has since recovered, however, this is causing some alarm that the virus could be mutation to infect human beings more readily.
On January 10th, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) announced an H5N1 avian flu infection involving a child with fever and conjunctivitis whose exposure to the virus is still under investigation. That means the health experts still don’t know how this child was infected with bird flu.
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So far, the investigation of this case hasn’t determined how the patient was even exposed to the virus. Grant Colfax, MD, the SFDPH health director, said, “I am urging all San Franciscans to avoid direct contact with sick or dead birds, especially wild birds and poultry. Also, please avoid unpasteurized dairy products.”
The contact tracing will likely increase in the coming months as the bird flu narrative builds.
Rulers Begin to Establish A “Bird Flu” Narrative
According to the University of Minnesota’s CIDRAP, in related developments, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) today said highly pathogenic avian flu has been detected for the first time in the current outbreaks in Puerto Rico’s poultry.
The health experts are still saying that the risk to the human population is low, and there is so far, no evidence that human-to-human transmission has occurred.
If this case is confirmed as an H5N1 avian influenza infection by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it would officially be the country’s 67th case since the beginning of 2024. The infection would also be the state of California’s 38th case and its second related to an unknown exposure source.
The earlier infection in California however, was most closely linked to the genotype currently circulating in U.S. dairy cattle. California’s first case from an undetermined source also involved a child.
The virus has now been detected in all 50 states and in one U.S. territory, Puerto Rico. “APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) is working closely with animal health officials in Puerto Rico on a joint incident response and will provide appropriate support as requested,” the agency said.
The push to demonize dairy products such as raw milk is ongoing and follows along with the expansion of this virus to other mammalian species, and humans.
Two Pet Cats Died Of Bird Flu After Drinking Recalled Raw Milk
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