Charles Hugh Smith: We Desperately Need Shared Values, Connection & Positive Social Roles

by | Jul 5, 2018 | Headline News | 26 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This report was originally published by Adam Taggart at

    We’ve recently published a series of commentary on addressing the epidemic of disconnection, dissatisfaction and demoralization that society is increasingly suffering from today:

    Together, these articles beg the question: In an age of more “prosperity” than the human species has ever experienced, why are so many of us feeling so empty?

    And what solutions exist out there to offer us more meaning, connection and purpose in our lives?

    Joining us this week is Charles Hugh Smith, who gives a detailed account of the root causes of what’s ailing society, as well as the essential ingredients for repairing it.

    Our culture is ill.

    Our families have been depreciated and demoralized. A lot of people don’t get along with their families. They don’t have any family connections. Or they see their relatives once every few years or something.

    Of course this is understandable in an economy where we have where people are always moving around. You have to move for your job. Or you have to move for your kids’ schools. There’s a dozen reasons why you’ve got to move far away and then lose connection to your family of origin. Distance makes it much more difficult to maintain. But, however it occurs, this loss of sense of family is a core factor plaguing our culture.

    Then there’s the erosion of values and faith. Those experiences are primary in their participants’ lives. You have got to have faith or value. Something you really value and you’re willing to sacrifice for. You find other people in the same boat. You’re going to have something that’s really exciting and positive. Everyone is going to get positive feedback when they join.

    A strong belief in a value system will allow you to congregate around things. Like for artists it’s about finding a cheap place to live and sharing your art with other people who are just as excited about doing their art. That’s a value system. I will sacrifice everything else to support this. Shared values are the anchors or magnets for social engagement.

    And when people congregate around shared values, there are positive social roles for everyone. In other words, you could be unemployed. You could be at a low point in your family.  You could have a lot of things going wrong in your life. But when you show up for that organizational meeting, people brighten, “Hey, you’re here! We need you. Your contribution is important.”

    It just makes an enormous difference in your outlook on life. Your demoralization goes away — at least, as long as you’re participating in community groups with positive social roles.

    Click the play button below to listen to Chris’ interview with Charles Hugh Smith (53m:56s).


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      1. Our country is irreconcilably divided.

        Clinton started the division and Obama finalized it and made it a fuly irreconcilable division.

        This does not bode well for the future of our country, not well at all.

        • “Our country is irreconcilably divided”. You said it Anonymous. The folks that lean toward socialism were never taught by their families, and certainly not by the socialist public education indoctrination, that everyone must develop some skill that can be traded for money. Personal responsibility, ethical & moral values, logical reasoning, & pride in our country have been neglected by large segments of our population. Thus we have roughly half our country expecting you(the taxpayer) to pay their way. Terms like “minimum wage”, “a fair living wage”, “income inequality”, “subsidized housing”, are all socialist terms to take from the producers and give to those that did not learn basic life lessons.

        • Shared values, connection ain’t gonna happen in 2018 or beyond. Society is highly mobile, nabors don’t communicate, couples are busy with jobs, hobbies, personal stuff. Few are involved in any community activity, electronics have taken over people’s lives incl older adults, seniors. We may desperately need all this mentioned but is a pipe dream. Family members rarely communicate, siblings esp. after parents pass away.

      2. We desperately need to ARREST, TRY, and HANG the DEMONIC PSYCHOPATHS dumbing down our insane population of American COWARDS, slowly murdering our population of disease ridden obese toxic dump American COWARDS, and controlling every evil perpetrated on the American COWARDS in the collapsing Police State hell on earth of damned and doomed New Babylon America-the most vile, most evil, most disgusting society and country Lucifer and the Fallen Ones have ever created.

        • There are no cowards in America. You may be frustrated by the profound LACK of action coming from Americans. If so, I completely AGREE! It makes me want to puke! But we arent cowards. We are being sabotaged by a generation of people who are large enough to control the political agenda, and who are BENEFITTING from the continued oppression of the rest of us. This generation continues to sideline our determination and PROMOTE our desire to believe in peaceful resolve. We dont WANT violence, and they use that to their benefit. That doesnt mean we are cowards. We are ignorant, more than anything. Pathetically inert and living in denial, but all Americans below 50ish are very courageous. We need to overcome the corpulence of the boomer entitlement demands.


            • Why don’t you, instead of just yelling at everyone.
              You’re just a asshole blowhard.

              • I call for their arrest DAILY. I call for their arrest everytime I come on this United States CORPORATION Government NSA site. I call for their arrest ALL OVER OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL you dumbed down ignorant COWARD, so now it is your turn genocide supporting COWARD American pussy!!! Time for YOU to actually care about the HEALTH, FREEDOMS< and FUTURE of the children you should of NEVER had COWARD American pussy!!!!

      3. This article really hits home. When you can’t even enjoy vacation time or just time off in general because there’s so much division even amongst family, neighbors, friends, coworkers…it doesn’t take much observation to realize something is very, very wrong! That’s the main reason I visit this site. I don’t always comment, mostly just read the articles. But, it gives me a sense of connection with like minded people.

        Thanks for being here SHTFPLAN!


      4. Ron Ahrens, Try not to hold it all within, it’ll just make you ill! Try to let it all out, you’ll feel better about it.

        • Thank you and I will continue to TELL THE TRUTH !!!

      5. About that “most disgusting society and country..”

        From on A Global Look at Charitable Giving, 04June 2009, Bob

        “A simple fact. The United States leads the world in charitable contributions and
        with regard to the number of people who volunteer for good causes, we are second.

        While the statistics are not fully current, it is safe to say that some $260
        billion was donated in 2008 to charities across the nation. The leading recipients
        were religious organizations, receiving around $90 billion.

        Taking a look at charitable giving, by country, as a percent of GDP, the results are interesting. The United States gives almost 1.8 percent of our GDP each
        year. Canada and England are second with around 0.7 percent of GDP. France is close to the bottom with charitable contributions around 0.15 percent of its


        • Hitler built schools and hospitals and the Nazi’s gave all kinds of money for charitable causes in Nazi Germany, so what is the point of this “Charitable Contribution” INSANITY dumbed down American COWARD boot licker????

          What is the point of even bringing up dumbed down American COWARDS giving FAKE FIAT MONEY away while they live in a collapsing Police State hell on earth controlled completely by DEMONIC PSYCHOPATHS?????????

          Charitable contributions-Just more INSANITY from the dumbed down American COWARD pussies living in their FANTASIES and LIES all the way to the end of the most vile, most evil, most disgusting, most murderous, most genocidal society and government the world has ever known!!!!

          The United States CORPORATION Government and the disgusting society of NEW BABYLON AMERICA was planned in hell, born in hell, and shit out of the bowels of hell-it was just too evil, vile, murderous, genocidal, and disgusting for hell itself!!!!

      6. Just provide a living wage that affords the actual cost of living. If you are so proud of America just do it. Build low income housing, allow people to grow whatever they want on their property whether they own it or rent it. Curb the police state violence and asset stripping. Let people self medicate outside the dangerous pill pushing establishment. Stop the circle jerk bribery of all entrenched public office holders greasing each others palms who once elected become multi millionaires while the cycle continually repeats. Kick out all dual citizenship fake Americans whose priorities lie elsewhere out of country. The 4th of July was just the reinforcement of the treason it now represents. The fireworks are the mimicry of glorified wanton murder.

      7. Also get rid of religious brainwashing cretins tax exempt status. These entities are a sharp dagger against freedom and in America’s back.

        • More money for the government to spend enslaving you eh dumbass. Damn you say some stupid shit.

      8. There are no cowards in America. You may be frustrated by the profound LACK of action coming from Americans. If so, I completely AGREE! It makes me want to puke! But we arent cowards. We are being sabotaged by a generation of people who are large enough to control the political agenda, and who are BENEFITTING from the continued oppression of the rest of us. This generation continues to sideline our determination and PROMOTE our desire to believe in peaceful resolve. We dont WANT violence, and they use that to their benefit. That doesnt mean we are cowards. We are ignorant, more than anything. Pathetically inert and living in denial, but all Americans below 50ish are very courageous. We need to overcome the corpulence of the boomer entitlement demands. Which is no small feat, believe me!

      9. There are no cowards in America. You may be frustrated by the profound LACK of action coming from Americans. If so, I completely AGREE! It makes me want to puke! But we arent cowards. We are being sabotaged by a generation of people who are large enough to control the political agenda, and who are BENEFITTING from the continued oppression of the rest of us. This generation continues to sideline our determination and PROMOTE our desire to believe in peaceful resolve. We dont WANT violence, and they use that to their benefit. That doesnt mean we are cowards. We are ignorant, more than anything. Pathetically inert and living in denial, but all Americans below 50ish are very courageous. We need to overcome the corpulence of the boomer entitlement demands. Which is no small feat, believe me!

      10. I would say our society is becoming a “social desert”.

        More like a Fortnite Battle Royal, complete with infantile man-children spewing toxic vitriol all over social media.

        It’s just like playing the game, only for real!

      11. Feel fat and sluggish after overeating and drinking too much beer or alcohol?

        Give your body a break. Fast.

        Drink plenty of water, otherwise nothing.

        After a few hours you may feel better. If so, you can break your fast with a piece of fruit, bone broth or clear broth.

        A twenty-four hour fast is more effective and a 72 hour fast will recharge your batteries altogether.

        _ Exercise is also helpful.

        Lift weights for twenty minutes. Then walk swiftly and/or run for a mile or more.

        Take a shower and/or soak in epsom salt. Then massage oil into your skin.

        Do this regularly. Jump rope. Box. And spend time playing outside with your kids, two or three pets, and alone or with friends take a long walk.

        _ Read, listen to Bach, play chess.

        _ Get some Sleep

        _ ❤️


      12. All we patriots need to do is continue to snuff out all liberal business’s and sit back and watch the dumb liberals scream down into the abyss. The Hate party will no longer be a national party after the red wave mid terms and the 2020 re-election landslide.
        Normal thinking folks are walking away form the Hate Party in droves – wonder why
        Just look at ron aherns post above –
        Spastic – Lunacy

      13. I wonder if I like my White Privilage will I be able to Keep my White privilage? Much of what I acquired has been taxed and redistributed to the parasite takers. I would like permission to keep what I have left? It seems we are caught between a rock and a hard spot. There is no viable political or ballot box solution. The looney left refuses to accept the results of any election that they don’t agree with. They ignore any law or court ruling the don’t like. Some one mentioned the fall elections. It doesn’t matter if the left wins or loses. If they win they will feel empowered and demand much more. If they lose they will not accept defeat. They will place blame on the right and still make Only a grid down can prevent a all out civil war and the division that the powers that be desire. Then Its Martial Law. The outlawing of firearms. And the military and UN attempting to disarm the citizens.

      14. “Feeling Isolated?”
        “Your demoralization goes away — at least, as long as you’re participating in community groups with positive social roles.”

        Most of these people lack executive function, to be honest, and, at some point, it is probably a more-productive survival strategy, to isolate yourself, than to discuss shared values with the savages and reprobate. It mainly enrages them, actually.

      15. Read the book, “Tribe” by Jugger and wonder no more about community/happiness. Indian tribes were egalitarian.. there was no class distinction bullshit. There were no bosses. If one guy tried to dominate, he was warned and if that didn’t help, he was attacked and killed by the whole tribe. They went out hunting and foraging for food and when they brought it back, there was no greed allowed– they all had a right to the food.

        During the time when the settlers came here and the war between the whites and the Indians started, they often kidnapped some of the kids and women from each other. Then when peace settlements recommenced and the people had to be returned, the whites DIDN’T WANT to come back to the white community… they often hid from the whites when they came looking for them. And when they were returned to the white community, the first good opportunity that arose they would sneak off and the join the Indians again! Its recorded history!!

        Some prominent white generals would complain about it and were baffled about how the whites would often go to join the Indian tribes, even when brought back home and treated with utmost affection and tenderness!! yet the Indians never once ran off to join the white community. Thomas Pain wrote about this as well… how freedom was obviously more desirable than the comforts of the white community… apparently!!!

      16. Subversive is an old word that has gone out of vogue, yet no word could ever replace this truthful word.

        Practically every member of Hollywood is a subversive. They do not describe the world as it is, but the Satanic evil paradigm that they wish it could be.

        Practically every extremely wealthy person is a subversive who are worshippers of the demon called Mammon.

        Practically every sports figure is likewise a subversive who despises American values and Christianity.

        Emulate Jesus Christ as your role model not hell spawn sycophants of Satan.

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