Mark Steele, a British engineer, inventor, patent writer, and weapons research scientist has said 5G is a “crime against humanity.” He has written an extensive biography in the introduction of his February 2021 report on 5G in the context of nanometal-contaminated vaccines.
In Steele’s report, he says:
“The 5G network has the capability to target acquire and attack the vaccinated due to their nano metamaterial antenna Covid-19 vaccine. Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) require the 5G networks to maintain their geo-position and navigate their environment to the target; these weapons cannot rely on satellite communications due to the potential for inclement weather events and signal latency to disrupt their signals so they must have localized 5G networks.” –Save Us Now
“Putting tens of millions of 5G antennas, without a single biological test of safety, has to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world,” said professor Martin Pall. But professor Pall is wrong, Mark Steele said in a 15-page report: “It is not a stupid idea but a heinous crime if one understands the motive behind this deployment. 5G is a compartmentalized weapons deployment masquerading as a benign technological advance for enhanced communications and faster downloads.”
Steele also clarified the definition of a weapon to further cement his point. A weapon is “a device, tool, or action that has been fashioned to cause physical or psychological harm in breach of the primary legislation.”
“5G is a weapon system, a crime against humanity so monstrous that even an educated person would find it unbelievable on first inspection of the facts. The prima facie evidence of this globalist depopulation agenda is unequivocal and should be tested in the courts so that the conspirators involved in this murderous plan can be brought to justice. This is the greatest crime ever to be perpetrated on mankind and all of God’s creation.” –Save Us Now
Read more of Steele’s report by clicking on the link below:
Expert Report on Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions in the Context of Nanometal-contaminated Vaccines that include Covid-19 with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas, Mark Steele, February 2021
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