The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring several pandemic “red flags” with regard to the bird flu outbreak. Recent media reports have been ratcheting up the fear-mongering over the H5N1 avian influenza that’s currently circulation in United States dairy cattle and domestic cats.
Now that the first severe human bird flu case in the United States was reported in Louisiana earlier this month, the CDC is “monitoring” the situation while mainstream media pundits have started to say the ruling class is “failing” by not instituting mass mandatory testing.
Dr. Lena Wen: Lack Of Testing Doesn’t Mean Bird Flu Isn’t In Humans
The CDC told Newsweek Monday that while bird flu’s current risk to the general public remains low, the agency is carefully monitoring for several red flags that could indicate that the virus could be on the verge of becoming a pandemic.
Genetic analysis of the Louisiana “severe case” also found that the virus had mutated, making it more easily transmissible to humans, the CDC said. The agency further commented, calling the mutations “concerning’ and “a reminder that A(H5N1) viruses can develop changes during the clinical course of a human infection.”
While fear-mongering, the CDC also continues to say that the risk to humans is low. This “low risk” talking point has been ongoing and largely unchanged since they began parroting it.
The “Cluster” of Possible Human Bird Flu Infections Has Expanded to 8
As the number of cases of humans catching bird flu from animals increases, it may also indicate the virus “is adapting to spread more easily from animals to people,” the agency added.
“Identifying epidemiologically linked clusters of influenza A(H5N1) human cases might indicate the virus is better able to spread between humans,” a spokesperson from the CDC A(H5N1) Bird Flu Response team told Newsweek via email. The “CDC is searching for genetic changes in circulating viruses that suggest it could better transmit between humans,” the spokesperson added.
It does look like the powers that shouldn’t be are going to attempt to make this the next plandemic. We should proceed with caution, knowing they lied to us once about a “deadly” virus and the “safe and effective” cure that was peddled out in its aftermath. Using discernment is going to be critical as we tread into the new year especially when it comes to our health.
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