As Many as 8 Million Children Are Kidnapped and Trafficked Into Sex Slavery Every Year by Global Pedophile Network – of Which Many Politicians Are Members

by | Dec 10, 2018 | Headline News | 58 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at

    According to official statistics that you’ll never hear reported by the mainstream media, as many as 800,000 children in the United States, and eight million children globally, are being kidnapped and trafficked into sex slavery every single year as part of a massive pedophilia network that spans the entire world. And though it might not be comfortable to think about, many high-level politicians on both sides of aisle actively participate in, and partake of, this unimaginable evil.

    Earlier this year, The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) met for three days to launch its Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, the purpose of which is to investigate and bring to the forefront this prolific scourge of child sex abuse all around the world, much of it satanically ritualistic in nature.

    One of the speakers at this event was Chief Counsel Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer who opened the Plenary Session of this first Judicial Commission of the Tribunal. He spoke about how child torture, child murder, and child organ harvesting are now “accepted” practice within the highest levels of government all across the globe, as well as within non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multinational corporations, academia, and “civil” society.

    “This scourge persists because it is allowed to exist by the complicit authorities,” Steele stated during his roughly 13-minute speech, which you can watch below:

    High-level pedophiles perform ritual satanic abuse involving the torture and murder of infants in order to produce “adrenalized blood” that they consume for energy.

    Steele says he’s convinced that most of the organizations and institutions that facilitate these sex crimes against children started out with “the best of intentions,” but were eventually infiltrated by pedophiles who transformed them into something else. Regardless, such crimes are taking place every single day, often by people who are presented to the public as “authorities” and “civil servants.”

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    And it’s not just that these wicked abominations are abducting innocent children in order to have sex with them. In many cases, there’s ritual satanic abuse taking place in which children are purposely traumatized before being murdered, allowing satanic pedophiles to drink their blood and eat their flesh like vampires.

    “It appears that pedopredation – including the attendant torture and murder of infants to produce adrenalized blood via ritual Satanic abuse – is in some cases considered an elite ‘privilege’ whereupon these echelons are permitted to practice such perversity with impunity,” Steele explained during his speech, pointing out that it’s the people we see every day on television, in movies, and in government buildings who are engaging this these unspeakable evils.

    The “deep state” is powered by pedophilia

    Why this is so important to bring to the public’s attention is that pedophilia is a type of “initiation rite,” according to Steele, to draw new members into the “deep state” and “shadow government.” High-level government officials who participate in pedophilia activities such as those previously mentioned quickly become puppets who are fully controlled by their invisible overlords, which use the deviant activities of their puppets as blackmail in order to fulfill various other evil agendas.

    “The center of gravity for taking down the deep state, pedophilia is both the induction glue, pedophilia is how the deep state recruits and controls people,” is how Steele concluded his speech. “It is also the Achilles heel of the deep state.”

    Be sure to read the full report by Health Impact News about all of this, which contains other powerful interviews by other whistleblower folks who were sex slaves themselves.

    You can also read more about the evils of the deep state at and

    Sources for this article include:


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      1. Talking about you, HRC.

        • These are the sick people that rule over you.
          Politicians, and those in “Authority” are not allowed their position of “power/authority” unless they are part of the sick clique.

          Those “elite” at the top want to have something over those in political position so as the puppets do the will of the evil masters.

          Your are dealing with Pure Evil.
          Kings, Queens, Politicians, Judges, those heading government agencies. Hollywood, Media heads and personalities. Yes even some high ranking officers in military. All are part of this evil clique.

          Nothing is done about it. You sheep follow rules by “authorities” that engage in the sickest behaivor possible. Sick clique of “power”.

          Now you finally realize one of the main reasons they want you unarmed.

          100 sick families rule the world.
          11 corporations are in charge of almost everything you eat.
          All USA media is owned by FORIEGNERS and the media is consolidated. IE they own TV, Radio, Printed periodicals, Printed newspaper.

          Why would a sane nation allow foriegners to own their Media?
          Why does the general population follow rules and give their money willingly to sick people engaged in sick criminal acts that are unspeakable?
          China owns EVERY general aviation manufacturer and engine/parts suppliers. WHY? Why is this allowed by a sane nation? 100 years of aviation progress by USA is given to China. Do you understand that?

          Do you know that China got technical support from NASA engineers, for the China space propulsion program?
          That same technology is used for North Korea and China to make ICBM’s to have nuke payloads that may one day destroy American cities. This occured under Obama.

          This article on this web site is first I have seen to address the sick crimes by politicians and others that rule over you daily.

          Not only will nothing be done to stop the sick dirtbags.
          But no one will even speak about the sick criminals activities. Hidden disease that needs eradication by any and all means necessary.

          • For those who they target for control, this weakness they have is exploited like a drug. Once hooked, they will do and say anything to keep getting the fix. As any psychologist will tell you, they then need to up the dosage to get the same thrill.

            While the US has done many bad things in this world, by far the worst countries for this control system is the UK, China and Russia. The Communist countries are very advanced in doing this as Kompromat. The British have always done this throughout their history and use their private, elite schools to bugger and bum the next generation of elites, who then do the same to their underlings. Ever thus…

            But it is the Communist countries who do this strategically. They have goals and then they Kompromat their way to those goals. Whatever the politician or target wants, they get. But then they have to deliver. If they do not deliver, then they are given “flying lessons”: ie: they get tossed off a high building or bridge. Just Google all the high-level Chinese who have been taking “flying lessons” in the past year alone.

            These networks will not come down because it involves the entire global power structure. And the consequences for disrupting this system is death. It is that simple.

            Like food, sex is something people need constantly. And until they invent a human being that does not need sex or food, human beings will always be subject to this manipulation.

            And do the math: the world’s population is exploding, especially in countries with the most vulnerable people. This horrible business is in a boom phase.

      2. These people need to be charged and executed! Jail is too good for them!

      3. Every one of these evil bastards will get their turn being forcibly thrown into the lake of fire after they attempt to pass the blame before God.

        • Menzo, True. But that doesn’t help the suffering babies and children and their parents/families.

          I said in another post here that all psychopaths and sociopaths need to be locked up behind bars. Every one of them, everywhere. No exceptions. Sadly, that won’t happen in our lifetime. Most of these evil-doers do not engage in these horrors but there is still no such thing as a safe psychopath or sociopath. Lock all of them up permanently. That is the only solution.

          • why lock them up? kill them. we need the death penalty for stuff like this.

            • Justina, Because if they are locked up they can be used for experimental purposes instead of innocent humans and animals being used and when they die from that they can just be thrown in mass graves.

              They can also be used to perform menial work that no one else wants to do in exchange for their food and shelter.

              I was not only referring to pedophiles and kidnappers I was also referring to ALL sociopaths and psychopaths, including those who are not sexual deviants because some aren’t but they are still destructive in other ways.

        • They are evil.

          Poor little ones. Heart wrenching.

          • It’s been going on forever. They setup politicians and drug them then film them fooking kids. There you have it, absolute control over that person forever! Do as I say or else! I thought most people figured that out a long time ago……

            • Some people are set up. But others come from multi-generational dark occult families to begin with.

            • Yeah and one of the Ringleaders has her ugly mug up at the top of this article.

            • Going on forever… Yes, but that doesn’t make it any less heart wrenching.

          • Jeffrey Epstein and his Lolita Island and Lolita plane would haul US Politicians to Lolita Island for some youthful romps, then the CIA and Mossad would get all of these sex acts on film, then when it comes up for a vote in congress on a Bill such as the $38 Billion to Israehell, AIPAC, would dangle the secret video in front of the politician dn tell them which way to vote.

            I can honestly tell you US international Military attacks on sovereign nations, is part of the black mail of these politicians. And wonder why our Foreign policy seem not to make any sense like provoking Russia. Its all based on Israhell Blackmailing of at least 30% of Congress to get what they want. Those like Chucky Pedophile Schumer is caught on tape Bill Clinton is caught on tape, and many others.

            This is why we need mandatory Term Limits on all of Congress and the Senate, to get rid of those politicians being black mailed and keep a fresh supply of real American Patriots in congress not these scum baby raping politicians that are there now.

            The info is all out there. Why is that not being investigated. Lets see the 54,000 Sealed indictments Trump has on his desk. Get them served and lets drain the swamp..

            And I would Guess the Clinton Foundation is near the center of this globalist rape of the worlds children.

            • Here is another Tax Evasion Scam by the elite- Can you say PANAMA PAPERS?

              Four men have been charged in the US with fraud and tax evasion in connection with investigations prompted by the leaked Panama Papers.

              Justice officials said the four were involved in a “decades-long criminal scheme perpetrated by Mossack Fonseca”.

              Mossack Fonseca was the Panama-based law firm subjected to a massive leak of papers in 2016 that lifted the lid on hidden tax activities of the wealthy.

              Three of the four men named on Tuesday are under arrest, one is at large.
              ◾What are the Panama Papers?
              ◾Are we taming offshore finance?

              Papers for the latest charges were unsealed on Tuesday by the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York.
              link: ht tps://

            • Very true. And his helper was a society girl from England who was connected to the media elite. She would find the ‘talent’ and ship them over for servicing the elite on their sex romps.

              These operations went to over-drive post-9/11 because they had to get all the allies on side.

              Power is a tough ho. You either have it, or you don’t. When you have it, you need to be utterly ruthless to keep it. If a country is not pliant and cooperative, it is not worth the risk to let them be. You ‘f’ with them until they can’t function. The message gets out pretty quick and the rest get in line.

              Anyone who has had a position of decision-making, money-making power will know what I will say. You go from being the guy women look right through, to a guy who can’t keep them away. You go to the bar down the road from the office, and the hottest women laugh at your lame jokes. When you ask human resources to hire new office staff, your jaw drops because you never thought accountants could be that hot – and young. The penny doesn’t drop and you think you are in a dream. Pretty soon you are banging the hot staff, you are banging the women from the bar. It is going good. And then some shady guy comes by and says his name is something Russian sounding. Wants to know you will support Bill ?? that will award a garbage pick-up contract. You dismiss him as a garlic-breathed foreign sleaze and vote for transparent contract awards.

              Then a month later everything in your life goes really, really bad. The hot women at work file lawsuits against you for rape and harassment. A woman from the bar says you hit her and beat her one night. You did no such thing but nobody believes you because you are a pudgy, balding, potato-nosed senior bureaucrat who couldn’t normally get laid so you must have forced yourself on the women. It goes on and then one day, drunk and feeling sorry for yourself after they foreclosed on your house, you have a moment of clarity: “Wait, I was set up!!!!!!!!”

        • re thrown into the lake of fire

          Yeah – and that “Let God Take Care Of It” line of reasoning CONVENIENTLY lets YOU off the hook for NOT doing anything about it NOW… doesn’t it?

          • I don’t want off the hook, dude. I’d blow their brains out if I could.

          • You must be new, preacher

            • “Pax Domine sit semper vobiscum” my son.

            • And, as usual, you talk big. All mouth. No action. Another “Braveheart.”

      4. Craig Sawyer is doing a documentary about this it’s called

      5. ALL psychopaths should be locked up just for being a psychopath even if they’ve never been arrested and happen to have a clean background report.

        Many have successfully evaded the law or had the money, power and connections to avoid punishment. This is the end result. They should all be behind bars, institutionalized.

        We are being lied to that non-invasive Functional MRI Brain Scans can’t accurately determine psychopathy. They sure can. A basic fMRI scan can accurately determine psychopathy if the test is properly administered and the evaluator is properly trained and not a psychopath him/herself.

      6. Anyone remember not long ago, Ashton Kutcher was making some waves with a non-profit he started to combat pedophilia. Even said the FBI was using the non-profit’s resources. He also testified before Congress earlier this year and now . . . nothing.

        There are some very powerful people involved in this and I am sure they can shut down the likes of AK. While they think they can “do what thou wilt”, they will have their reckoning. Weeping and gnashing of teeth kind of reckoning. Indeed.

        • FBI, the very definition of useless bureaucracy, created by Hoover, a master of political blackmail.

      7. As far as politicians, there isn’t much a person can do. But when someone rapes children and the victims report it nothing changes, but when people do the Christian thing, everything is good.

        What would Jesus do? Tie a rope around their neck with a weight on it and throw them into the Sea. It’s in the Bible.


        • You might want to re read that scripture in the context of what it says, he didn’t command any of his followers to do this.

          • You interpret the Bible your way, I mine.


        • This happens because CHRISTIANS are too NON militant to actively hunt down and exterminate the vermin. Thats why. All talk about outrage but leave the victims and perps to “Gods Judgement”… Talk about lack of ACTIVE self defense against the threat and perverts… But they always talk about TOLERANCE of perverts and perversions but never realize that tolerance is not really preached by the Bible either. It easier to let this sht happen and pray God does his will… To the wrecked destruction of the victims lives to these devils. When the fck will Christians care enough about their OWN kids enough to PROTECT THEM for a change instead of this nonsense of “tolerance”…Tolerance means they CONDONE it in FACT by inaction…and makes them spineless in fear of an almighty God over the victimization of their communities and their own kids. its really despicable the spineless surrender to the criminal element.

        • The Holy Sea

          _ ??✨???????????????


      8. Trips on the “Lolita Express” to convicted child-molestor Epstein’s private island – for “private” parties – are ‘Rites Of Passage’ for the USSA Oligarchy

      9. This happens because CHRISTIANS are too NON militant to actively hunt down and exterminate the vermin. Thats why. All talk about outrage but leave the victims and perps to “Gods Judgement”… Talk about lack of ACTIVE self defense against the threat and perverts… But they always talk about TOLERANCE of perverts and perversions but never realize that tolerance is not really preached by the Bible either. It easier to let this sht happened and pray God does his will… To the wrecked destruction of the victims lives to these devils.

        • I oftentimes see a kneejerk reaction, in which nominal “Christians” defend the dark side, with adrenaline in the air — not passively playing Devil’s advocate.

      10. Now why do suppose these political elite are so in for bring in immigrants that have no problem with child marriages or practicing Bacha bāzī.

        Look up Rothschilds 1972 and the Illuminati at Chateau de Ferrieres.

        This is the film location for Roman Polanski’s apologist film for the Ordo Templi Orientis named The Ninth Gate.

        The Stanley Kubrik film Eyes Wide Shut recreates the 1972 Illuminati event.

        Aleister Crowley formed the Ordo Templi Orientis secret society and they perform desecration rituals mocking Christianity through sex magick. He then is labeled the most evil man in England. The OTO are either Satanic Atheists (look it up) or Luciferians.

        Every bit of what I wrote can be referenced. These people are the most malevolent power players on the Earth. They are politicians, members of Hollywood, journalists, the extremely weathy, old aristocracy, the music industry, etc.

      12. “Child torture, child murder, and child organ harvesting are now “accepted” practice within the highest levels of government.

        The DEATH PENALTY should be “accepted” practice for all child sex traffickers!

        • ————————————————–
          Harvey Countnty Correctional Facility
          Newton, Kansas

          60 miles north of Wichita, Kansas.
          They are murdering people there.
          Harvesting the victims organs.
          Confiscating the victims assets for the Judges, Jailers, law enforcement’s, private use.
          ID of the victims are handed out to foreign nationals.

          Law enforcement assets and judges are commiting genocide and murder within the above facility.

          No one will stop the criminals disguised as law enforcers, judges, jailers.
          They are ALL Murdering for their own profit.

      13. The U.S.sends a hospital ship to Columbia to help victims fleeing Venezuela and Russia responds by sending two nuke capable blackjack bombers to Venezuela?
        Who’s the provocateur now?

        • The U.S.

          Russia is simply responding to US actions.

        • Gestor is a Freaking Shill. The US Sends NGO’s into countries to enslave their children. Russia helps Venezuela from the Onslaught of US financial attacks. Look out for these shills trying to con you into hating Russia.

          Hey Gestor, When did Venezuela ever attack the USA? Never happened. Like when the CIA killed Hugo Chaves, So who is the Provocateur trying to collapse countries like Venezuela?

          • And you have proof the CIA killed Chavez or is that just more of your psycho babble?

            • Shut Up idiot. You freaking shill. You want facts? Connect the dots asshole.

              CIA ‘plot to kill Hugo Chavez’

              Hugo Chavez has claimed that he avoided a US plot to kill him.

              By Jeremy McDermott, Latin America Correspondent

              5:25PM BST 03 Jun 2009

              The Venezuelan president said on state television that he had eluded an assassination attempt in El Salvador where he was due to attend the swearing in of its new leader, a Left-wing ally.

              “I am not accusing Obama. I think the American president has good intentions,” Mr Chavez said. “But over and above Obama, there is the CIA, and all of its tentacles. I have no doubt US intelligence services are behind this.”

              The plot was revealed by Mr Chavez’s friend and ally, the Sandinista revolutionary President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua.

              El Salvador’s security minister, Manuel Melgar, said that were “strange movements” and that the visit of the Venezuelan president could not be given “full security”.

              According to Mr Chavez, the Cuban plane that he and President Evo Morales of Bolivia were to travel on was going to be shot down by a rocket as it approached San Salvador airport.

              Behind the plot, according to the Mr Chavez, was former CIA operative, Luis Posada Carriles, who is currently under house arrest in Florida, but wanted in Venezuela for the downing of a Cuban airliner in 1976 in which 74 people were killed.

              He was also sentenced to eight years in prison in Panama for planning to kill Fidel Castro of Cuba, another Chavez ally, in 2000, but granted a surprise presidential pardon in 2004, which analysts insisted was the result of pressure from the US, perhaps the CIA.

              Mr Chavez was ousted from power in April 2002 by a coup that was allegedly known to the CIA. Washington was one of only two countries to recognise the coup government, which was overthrown by popular protest after just 48 hours.

              • You have a very low standard of proof for those things you want to believe.

            • Gestor

              “And you have proof the CIA killed Chavez or is that just more of your psycho babble?”

              That statement was insulting, condescending and devoid of factual interest. Read below, educate yourself.

              Read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, Trading With The Enemy by Charles Higham, The US government for practical purposes has been hijacked by “globalist” business/financial interests. Take note of “globalist” as the USA is nothing more than a tool for them and “We The People”, are an insignificant cog in a machine. The “White Hat” is an illusion. Before the demise of the USSR US foreign intervention was balanced with how the indigenous people would be effected. If the USSR / Communism could be kept out with significant mistreatment of the people it was done by that cheaper method. If doing so worked against the end goal as in post war Europe and South Korea efforts are moderated. The goal isn’t helping people. Post USSR such constraints no longer apply so functioning nations are intentionally destroyed as in the case of Iraq and certainly Libya which had the highest standard of living in Africa and was not governed by Islamic Fundamentalists. The US has allied themselves with these kooks to create instability. The US, Saudi Arabia and Israel are the backers if ISIS as there are no others in the “process of elimination”. Its indisputable. Non functioning government cannot dictate method of payment for their oil.

              • That statement was insulting, condescending and devoid of factual interest.

                Yeah I know….kinda like the shit he used to antagonize Eppe with.

      14. Who surrounds who with bases and nuclear capable missiles? Russia has 2 bases outside of Russia, the US has 800 outside of the US.

        • No argument from me K2
          But know this…if hoochies were trying to blackmail Putin they would be taking a dirt nap.
          He can smell the blood and wasted no time responding.

          • The blackmail is for any significant illegal / immoral activity of which financial reaches to those otherwise “clean” as they have one thing in common, greed. The high up are absolved of this so the more nefarious is used; Bill Clinton a pig at heart was most vulnerable. I think, and I may be wrong that “progressives” are a bit more apt to fall prey to the freakazoid lifestyle. This is not to imply that the Holy Christian Conservatives don’t have skeletons in their closet too but the liberals with the anything goes mentality have a graveyard. Putin has Oligarchs that are untouchable like ours. I do think however that Russia / China largely reserves corruption for that which is state approved. I think their cultures frown on homosexuality which is a cornerstone of all all of this.

      15. According to the numbers above, that would put the US at a whopping 10% of world trafficking.

        • That implies that Law Enforcement is remiss in their duties and it’s likely that “Men In Black” are in abundance to crush investigations.

      16. Its hard to fathom. This world is twisted.


      18. Trump is very good friends with pedophile Jeff Epstein. He’s announced that himself. That suggests to me that he’s not going to break up any pedophile or sex trafficking rings any time soon.

        He has said so himself many times over the past few years and and again as recent as earlier this year. “Jeff’s a great guy and we’re good buddies, love the guy”. His words. Something to think about and to keep in mind.

        • Exactly! People aren’t thinking or putting two and two together. What in heavan’s name do you think goes on at casinos and hotels? And Trump has been running such things for decades.

          Trump is friends with every major casino and hotel owner. He even tried to break China with Macau casino crime lord Ng Lap Seng, who is a well known sex trafficker.

          I had a friend who worked in hotels throughout Manhattan. He was just a bell hop but, man, the stories he told. He made much, much more money from tips for doing favors for the guests, and that included gettings hoes, drugs, whatever.

          Casinos and hotels are happy places. Places where people go to screw, screw around, do blow, gamble etc. Why would the owner of such an establishment not encourage it? I would: you gotta keep the place booked and the staff paid.

          Now I am going to get CONTROVERSIAL: I think that is life. Our economy needs to blow steam somewhere and, yeah, hotels and resorts are where that goes on. They perform a service that keeps capitalism going. Sad husbands who haven’t had nooky for years get laid at a conference. Young women who didn’t get into med school need to earn money. Do you want them homeless on the streets? Better they work the hotels.

          I think they are key to how the world works and necessary in advanced societies. Trump was a key player in this world and he knows all this. He ain’t going to shut down the party, very far from it.

      19. In ancient ritual, someone along the lines of the May Fool would have been made king — but, for a day.

        It’s like the fatted calf, all covered in decorations.

      20. The darkest aspects, though impossible to verify, involve adenochrome. Look it up and it will make you vomit and lose your marbles.

      21. In my experience, contractors will leave laborers anywhere, and I mean anywhere. One “opportunity” as Kilauea still burned. No talk of a return ticket. Acquaintances had to work their way back home, like when people would get shanghaied. I was going to be trapped deep in the ghetto, during a record heatwave. Any adult who gets in a car with any stranger is subject to human trafficking.

        Also, anyone who is bound and determined to separate you from familiar means of social support, at any age, should be suspect. Why do local business hire from so far out of area, only. Why must strangers raise your kids. That doesn’t happen incidentally. It’s a business model, no matter how you sanitize the language.

        They want floaters, gypsies, like internally-displaced refugees. Disoriented, disorganized, not-memorable people, who no one will miss.

        • I would have to agree. It does just come down to a business model. And most things in the world do. It is ALL about cash. The Chinese will always bargain with you saying “No, no!! Mush cheaper, mush cheaper!!!!!” They always want it cheapest.

          The big trend right across the world, but in particular in the “developed states”, is to deligitamize human beings. To make them ephemeral. The more who are turned into flotsam and jetsam, the easier it is to bargain for the cheapest price.

          And sex is no different. Like food, the appetite for the sex product never goes away. It is always renewable. And human beings have always traded other human beings for sex.

          In the old days, women had to make a choice: give it up for cheap on the street, or give it up for more by batting their eye lashes at rich men.

          Today, the only thing keeping most women from going back to that is the government-mandated equal hire legislation. And welfare. Women are subsidised to keep them from going back to doing what women have always done throughout time in every society. Since women in the West are subsidised, somebody has to fill the gap they left. And that is women who come from countries where they have no bargaining power. For every perfumed, suburban, upper middle class p-ssy, there has to be a thousand poor p-ssies who have to do the heavy lifting on their behalf. It is the way of the world …

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