The American embassy in Moscow has warned its citizens to leave Russia as soon as they can, or they could face conscription into the Russian army. They didn’t say whether they will be conscripted once they return to the U.S. however, in the same war, only on a different side.
As the war in Ukraine ratchets up further with the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, other countries could resort to drafts or conscription as well. This is incredibly horrifying considering the ever-increasing nuclear rhetoric.
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The embassy’s concern is that Moscow might not recognize that dual citizens should be exempt from military service. “Russia may refuse to acknowledge dual nationals’ U.S. citizenship, deny their access to U.S. consular assistance, prevent their departure from Russia, and conscript dual nationals for military service,” the embassy statement warned.
Harrowing message from the US Embassy in Moscow:
“U.S. citizens should not travel to Russia and those residing or travelling in Russia should depart Russia immediately while limited commercial travel options remain.”
— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) September 28, 2022
“Those residing or traveling in Russia should depart Russia immediately while limited commercial travel options remain,” the embassy statement added. Additionally, as Fox News reports:
The embassy warned all Americans in Russia that the State Department has a limited ability to assist, particularly as tensions between Moscow and Washington continue to escalate to levels not seen since the Cold War, and said, “conditions, including transportation options, may suddenly become even more limited.” – Fox News
Interestingly, US officials have even speculated that ex-NSA employee and whistleblower Edward Snowden could possibly face conscription in the Russian military – after he was days ago granted citizenship by a decree signed by President Putin.
Traveling out of Russia is becoming more difficult as the war advances, and it’s unlikely to get easier in light of the damage done to Russia’s pipelines. The former Soviet Union is not likely to take that sabotage lying down, and it has already said it is not bluffing when it comes to protecting its interests.
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