This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at
Just as I successfully predicted the outcome of the 2016 election months in advance, my predictions on the 2020 election are now coming to pass. In July of this year in my article ‘Election 2020: The Worst-Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One’ after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that:
“These factors and more lead me to predict that Election 2020 will be a contested election which ends with Trump staying in office but accused of usurping the democratic process. This outcome is the worst possible outcome and also the most advantageous for the globalist establishment.”
I also noted the predictive programming campaign by the media and members of the Council On Foreign Relations like Max Boot to acclimate the public to the idea of a contested election while also “wargaming” (planning) that exact outcome. I stated:
“…Boot is back again, this time writing about how he thinks Donald Trump will try to “hijack” the presidency in 2020.
In an article for the Washington Post titled ‘What If Trump Loses But Insists He Won’, Boot outlines a scenario that was “war gamed” by a group called the Transition Integrity Project. The group played out a scenario in which there is a razor-thin victory for Joe Biden, followed by actions by Trump to keep control of the presidency through lies and legal wrangling. The group also predicted civil unrest leading to potential “civil war” as the fight over the White House expands.
This article is, I believe, an attempt at predictive programming by the establishment. They are TELLING US exactly what is about to happen. A contested election, civil war, martial law, economic collapse, and the US will be destroyed from within.”
The bizarre behavior of vote counters in swing states, including PA where they stopped the count altogether overnight, indicates a program to incite national tensions and rage. The media refuses to call certain states for Trump even though he held clear leads while rushing to call states for Biden even though the count was far from unfinished will only exacerbate people’s suspicions that the election is being rigged or stolen.
Trump has said he will take the results to the Supreme Court and there is no doubt that recounts will be held in states like Michigan and Arizona. I continue to predict that Trump will stay in office despite the close election. I also predict that numerous fake ballots will be discovered during recounts only throwing gasoline on the fire and implicating Democrats in certain districts with fraud. Social justice leftists will surely try to riot in response, and Trump will call for martial law if the current scenario plays out as I expect.
The leftists will NOT accept the results of a Supreme Court decision in favor of Trump. Conservatives WILL NOT accept a Biden presidency. I think it’s clear where this is all headed. Stay tuned to Alt-Market for further analysis of the situation as it develops.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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In July 2020, Dems were still contesting the outcome of the last election.
But both the RNC and DNC have proven to be terrorists that are guilty of high crimes and treason. First the inside job of 9/11, and now the Health Scare Scamdemic. Anyone that is supporting either candidate after all that has transpired is most likely a terrorist that is guilty of financial fraud, or a low information voter, or an unsensible person.
If a diner offers shit on rye bread or shit on whole wheat, the choice is obviously not to go to that diner!
Why it is that people fail to view politicians in that context has me confounded! Because those are currently the only two options! Or, add a third, shit on pumpernickel, as Martial Law, or add a fourth as shit on white bread as corporate fascism, add a fifth, shit on corn bread for socialism! Regardless of the bread, it is still a shit sandwhich! All of the options consist of tyranny and are a war on liberty and the individual!
The only worth while option has not been offered! To prosecute corruption and restore liberty as the Bill of Rights demands!
Andrea Iravani
Don’t forget, it will still be a shit sandwich if you add caviar to it, if you serve it on Wedgewood China, If you serve it to a billionaire, serve it in a mansion, yacht, or Lear Jet, it is still a shit sandwich!
The deep state should take their shit sandwiches and shove them down their throats!
Andrea Iravani
No. The constitution says that states are free to determine things not determined in the constituion, and the states violated constitutional rights, which they are prohibited from doing and Trump went along with it! Trump, as the highest officer in the land should have had them arrested for numerous violations including false arrest, false imprisonment, illegal search and seizure, and endangerment of life and limb, and obviously high crimes and treason. The list would be extremely long, add fraud on top of all of that both financial and medical.
Andrea Iravani
If you listen to what pres.Trump says & follow his actions that is exactly what he does!
During the covid plandemic he followed the letter of the law for federal action. He refused to make a power grab & left things in the hands of the states.
As for the election he’s fighting for the will of the people to be heard.
He IS that leader we’ve all been praying for.
No. The constitution says that states are free to determine things not determined in the constituion, and the states violated constitutional rights, which they are prohibited from doing and Trump went along with it! Trump, as the highest officer in the land should have had them arrested for numerous violations including false arrest, false imprisonment, illegal serch and seizure, and endangerment of life and limb. The list would be extremely long, add fraud on top of all of tbat, both financial and medical.
Andrea Iravani
The newly-formed Michigan Election Security Commission, established by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson on March 20, 2019. Bensen is a Democrat and close associate of Governor Whitmer. Benson has named Jonathan Brater as the incoming Director of the Michigan Bureau of Elections. Jonathan Brater serves as counsel for the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program, where his work focuses on voting rights and elections. In this capacity, Brater has worked on litigation to block enforcement of restrictive voting laws and policies in state and federal courts. The commission is co-chaired by Prof. J. Alex Halderman professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, where he is also director of the Center for Computer Security & Society. Halderman’s research focuses on computer security and privacy, with an emphasis on problems that broadly impact society and public policy. Halderman’s Doctoral advisor was Edward Felton, who was named Obama’s Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer for the White House on May 2015.
Trump made the same prediction in Sept…..he must be taking cue from Brandon.
Surely had nothing to do with RBG having one foot in the grave and the other on a banna peel.
Here’s my prediction
the Supremes are good at sorting hanging chads but it will take well armed proactive constitutionalist to sort this mess.
well armed in the legal sense of course
FLY THE US FLAG UPSIDE DOWN IN PROTEST. This is an accepted sign of distress.
Dont let them steal this election thru fraud and ballot stuffing.
Andrea as you probably know Trump is the controlled opposition of the elites. He was put in place by them to specifically bring about a civil war. The folks on both sides believe they are right but both sides are being played fools.
The appeal of Trump was that Trump embodied the American Dream. A nearly self-made success story with populist appeal and commercially branded with the Apprentice Show. Trump lived in America’s living rooms prior to the election, and has been a vocal critic of the many policies that Americans loathed. Trump was also well connected to the business community, as well as the political machine. Many had taken a chance that Trump might be capable of defeating The Blob, myself included, and in hindsight, I realize that a single person cannot defeat the system from within the system. If the system or The Blob will be defeated, it will be from the outside, because it destroys everyone that enters it. I have seen it happen too many times. I did not vote in this election.
Andrea Iravani
Once again, a hacker prevented me from posting this on Unz. This could only happen to someone in a nation full of losers!
Called it again? Stevie Wonder saw this coming. Don’t pat yourself on the back. An analyst you aint!
It is over for America. It has bern for twenty years. But the election of Biden, a corrupt, Ukrainian bribing, senile, sex-offender to lead the nation is definitely a new all time low for America, and many Republicans voted for Biden in the primary, so many are equally responsible for a Biden presidency. Hopefully, he won’t sell the country off to China for an ice cream cone. Both candidates were involvec in the lock down involving high crimes and treason. I am truly awe struck at what has happened to this country. America may never recover, and it is doubtful that it will in my life time, in fact, it would take nothing short of a miracle! This nation is led by evil, sadistic, abusive, criminal psychopaths, and that is not an exageration. Corruption is now so ingrained into American culture that many were unphased by the candidates running, and even promoted one of them knowing full well that the lock down was based on financial and scientific fraud, which equates to a nation of hostages held by evil, sadistic, criminal psychopaths that have zero regard for human life, once it leaves the womb, and they probably only care about it while it is in the womb, because they don’t have access to it, and cannot spy on it. The truth is, that they do not care about a single one of us, whether we happen to be a day old, or a century old, and the lock down, forced masking, and banning freedom of assembly is 100% proof of it, knowing full well that it is all extremely unhealthy and also impoverishes people and destroys lives. Even Adolph Hitler didn’t go that far, and I hate Adolph Hitler, but these scumbags in charge are even worse than he was!
Wake Up America!
Andrea Iravani
We are about to live in interesting times, good times no, but interesting yes. Now that JB may be “elected”, we are going to see things we’ve never seen before.
If you think Pres. BO and DT spent a lot of money and created a huge amount of debt, you haven’t seen anything yet. I predict deficit spending is going to be on a previously unimaginable scale (free college for everyone, New Green Deal, unlimited benefits for untold millions upon millions of new illegal immigrants, and massive new social programs for starters). This will be compounded by several states, several counties, and several major cities all with gigantic unmanageable debt (curiously all Democrat led).
There will have to be some items cut from the budget to accommodate the renewed emphasis on social spending. For example the new goals set by NASA will be severely cut or cancelled, defense budgets will be very much reduced, science and technology research budgets will be slashed, ICE budgets definitely slashed, and funds to repair public local and national infrastructure will be drastically cut. This is so social spending can be dramatically increased. By the way, everybody should know it has even been discussed to curtail Social Security benefits (so that money can be diverted).
Here are some are more fun facts, a national gun registry will be set up, confiscation of all privately owned semi-autos (rifle and pistol) has been proposed to confiscate. It has even been discussed to severely limit ammo production and sales, and mandate a tax on EACH individual round. All, even while police dept.s will continue to have their budgets slashed. Furthermore, police all over the US are leaving their present dept.s and moving to red cities, red counties, and red states. Not only because liberals want to defund dept.s, but also these governments are going broke, they are soon not going to be able to fund them.
A lot of citizens in red states getting fed up with people leaving their sh*thole blue states (because of high taxes, high cost of living, onerous regulations, reduced freedoms, etc.) moving to red states, then they continue to vote for the same policies that made their own states sh*tholes. Californians have moved to AZ, OR, WA, and CO in great numbers helping to make those states blue. Now they are flooding into ID, NV, and TX. The very northern tip of Virginia is adjacent to Wash. DC. Because of this, massive numbers of liberals have moved there, and are now densely packed in a few counties, skewing the demographics of the state (outside of these counties and a few cities, the rest of Virginia is still Repub).
Pres. DT red-pilled millions of people, and now they are p*ssed off because of the huge and blatant Dem. voter fraud, these people are not going to be as passive as they have been in the past. Many are going to be more proactive and make their Repub. senator or representative be more aggressive. A lot of people across the US are not going to take the BS anymore.
We are going to see official criminal activity, and lies and hypocrisy as never before. We are going to see a grab for more powers than ever before. The investigations into all the Dem. corruption with associated with the fake impeachment of Pres. DT will stop. We are going to see official efforts to curtail individual liberties and rights as never before.
JB is merely a place-holder, and yes sooner or later he will step down and let KH assume the office. This is so she can be a sitting president when election time rolls around again. The person she selects as a VP will not be made in a conciliatory manner, she will select an ultra-lib to serve as poking a sharp stick in the eye to all those she doesn’t like.
The MSM did not report all the voter and ballot fraud, and big-tech has done everything to remove all content about it. They are literally cooperating with officialdom to hide information from the people. It will get even worse, the libs want “fairness” on TV and radio programs. They want to mandate equal time for liberal programs as for conservative programs and shows. Since lib programs have been commercial failures it will cost stations to run these programs, they’ll have to cancel or reduce conservative shows to avoid the costs of running failed shows.
Everything they want to do involves limiting your rights, limiting your freedoms, controlling information, and lowering your standard of living. This is what half the people in the US voted for.
Trump must declare this fraudulent election to be a national emergency and declare martial law immediately. The US mint will produce new ballots for all fifty states that are as counterfeit proof as a one hundred dollar bill and the election will be monitored and ballots counted by the military. If the Democrats are capable of putting a President in power by fraud, then they are capable of anything. If these measures are not taken by the president the Democrats will some how take control of the senate and stack the Supreme Court. They then will make all US territories and the District of Columbia states and allow millions of immigrants to flood into the country thereby guaranteeing that the Republicans will never have a majority again. We will be a one party system, the communist party.
America’s probability for succeeding is tragically zero. A country that has corruption and predation as a business model is destined to fail. Attempts to try to get people to accept that they have no rights will not succeed, and even if for some strange reason that people would accept that, for which I will not be among them, it will still fail, because it is still an unprofitable or viable business model. This strategy to attempt to get people to accept that they do not have rights is led by corrupt, incompetent, degenerates incapable of surviving without violating the rights and property of others, and if they were capable of surviving without violating people’s rights and property, they would be on the side of demanding that people’s constitutional rights be upheld, because they would have no reason to want to violate people’s constitutional rights, and they would want their constitutional rights respected if their children were competent. Silicon Valley, the financial sector, large segements of the media and alternative media, the corporate sector, education sector, and government sector are into a really sick and freaked out creepy life style that the , majority of people find so morally repugnant that it just won’t catch on. It also endangers people’s lives and property, and places the most vulnerable and defenseless people at the highest risk of predatory, psychopathic abuse. They say that 50% of all internet traffic will be from appliances. Why do appliances need to use the internet? What purpose does this serve the appliance owner? Is the appliance owner now supposed to exist for the benefit of the appliances that they own and not the other way around? Are refrigerators sitting around attacking political opponents as bots, or hacking posts? Or who knows what they might be up to. With the psychos in Silicon Valley and the government, little would surprise me. They speak about having a cyber version of relatives created with their DNA. This is illogical, bevause people are not only who they are as a result of their DNA, but as a result of their experiences and environments as well. A computer will not be capable of being able to determine how DNA will react to a situation because the computer would be programming that reaction and that DNA would not be acting freely and onits own volition. The shit that they come up with is grotesque. I would not do this to my deceased relatives, because I honor them, who they were, and respect their privacy, and could not imagine doing something so sick to their memory and reduce their lives to some grotesque, Orwellian, dystopian, phantasmagoria, of a creeped out, freaked out Silicon Valley dweeb.
America’s probability for succeeding is tragically zero. A country that has corruption and predation as a business model is destined to fail. Attempts to try to get people to accept that they have no rights will not succeed, and even if for some strange reason that people would accept that, for which I will not be among them, it will still fail, because it is still an unprofitable or viable business model. This strategy to attempt to get people to accept that they do not have rights is led by corrupt, incompetent, degenerates incapable of surviving without violating the rights and property of others, and if they were capable of surviving without violating people’s rights and property, they would be on the side of demanding that people’s constitutional rights be upheld, because they would have no reason to want to violate people’s constitutional rights, and they would want their constitutional rights respected as well as their childrens’, if their children were competent. Silicon Valley, the financial sector, large segements of the media and alternative media, the corporate sector, education sector, and government sector are into a really sick and freaked out creepy life style that the majority of people find so morally repugnant that it just won’t catch on. It also endangers people’s lives and property, and places the most vulnerable and defenseless people at the highest risk of predatory, psychopathic abuse. They say that 50% of all internet traffic will be from appliances. Why do appliances need to use the internet? What purpose does this serve the appliance owner? Is the appliance owner now supposed to exist for the benefit of the appliances that they own and not the other way around? Are refrigerators sitting around attacking political opponents as bots, or hacking posts? Or who knows what they might be up to. With the psychos in Silicon Valley and the government, little would surprise me. They speak about having a cyber version of relatives created with their DNA. This is illogical, because people are not only who they are as a result of their DNA, but as a result of their experiences and environments as well. A computer will not be capable of being able to determine how DNA will react to a situation because the computer would be programming that reaction and that DNA would not be acting freely and on its own volition. The shit that they come up with is grotesque. I would not do this to my deceased relatives, because I honor them, who they were, and respect their privacy, and could not imagine doing something so sick to their memory and reduce their lives to some grotesque, Orwellian, dystopian, phantasmagoria, of a creeped out, freaked out Silicon Valley dweeb. This shows that they are truly sub human, since they do not even understand what it means to be human, and think that people can be replaced by computer images by those that loved them. They obviously are also incapable of love, in their sub human existences, because they certainly is not love for a person!
Andrea Iravani
CORRECTION to the MSM (Main Stream Media). The very stupid news-readers in the MSM continue to use the incorrect term for former Vice President Biden. Biden is NOT the President Elect. The MSM does NOT determine the results of our elections – that task is determined in certifications of election results in each state. The LIARS in the media are trying to force their desired result by saying “President Elect”.
Biden may be the next President, but he is NOT now.
Although the website may be called propaganda, I think the following Nov. 8, 2020 report does have merit re the presidential election–
Here are just some of the excerpts:
… … “Attorney General Barr and his forces have just begun to investigate the Dominion Voting System software used in 30 states that’s now known was defective on election night — was defective software used on voting machines built with computer parts made in Communist China — and now shockingly sees the Clinton Global Initiative being tied to Dominion Voting Systems through what is known as “The DELIAN Project” — … … …
— and with it being unknown at this time how many software programs in America have been corrupted, … … — is also why Benford’s Law is used to find election fraud — and in the past few days when Benford’s Law examined this election, it discovered massive voting fraud taking place.”
… … …
Also, in one YouTube video it said that Homeland Security put watermarks on legitimate ballots…
pussy censor
Wadda buncha losers
You guys cry as much as Hillary’s supporters did in 2016. And I remember you guys making fun of them back then.
Shoe’s on the other foot this time. Trump lost to the “worst presidential candidate in history”. How embarrassing…
Suck it up snowflake…
@ Anon You should read ” The Wrath of The Awakened Saxon “. No man can stand aside and let another cheat him into oblivion. There will be blood by 2025.
Trump hasn’t lost shit! They are still counting and it looks good for Trump. What bullshit news are you watching? It sure isn’t newsmax.
Anon – If I was a dipsh*t like you I’d call myself anonymous too. The big difference here is that the Dems. may walk away with the election by massive cheating. There’s more at stake besides who is going to be president, it’s if we are going to have honest elections in this country. Think next time before making silly and smug remarks.
You want to see real predictive programming? In 2005 a video game was released called “Shattered Union.” YouTube it. Your jaw will hit the floor.