A hemorrhagic mystery disease has killed three people in Burundi. The unknown “nosebleed” disease has infected people in the northeastern part of the African country, close to the borders with Tanzania and Rwanda.
All three victims reportedly died within 24 hours of their symptoms emerging. Health chiefs have now been dispatched to the Kirundo and Muyinga provinces to investigate the nature of the illness, according to a report by The Daily Mail. As of now, details about this illness are limited.
While the symptoms of the mysterious disease mimic those of the potentially lethal Ebola and Marburg viruses, the Burundi Ministry of Health has however ruled out both illnesses. The current Marburg outbreak in Equatorial Guinea is thought to be the fourth largest ever recorded. Seven people have died there since mid-February, and officials have counted 29 confirmed and probable cases, up from 16 last week. In Tanzania – which borders Burundi – there have been eight cases as of March 22, five of whom are confirmed dead. –The Daily Mail
ALERT: Marburg Fever Outbreak!
Local news website SOS Media Burundi reported that the symptoms of the illness include abdominal pain, nasal bleeding, headache, fever, vomiting, and dizziness. These symptoms mimic those of the potentially lethal Ebola and Marburg viruses.
Last week an 18-year-old student was admitted to the hospital with symptoms, including bloody vomiting and diarrhea, and nose bleeds, the ministry reportedly said. “He died the same day and a dignified and secure burial was reserved for him,” they reportedly added.
Another outbreak of Marburg is currently ongoing in Equatorial Guinea, on the west coast of Africa.
Seven people have died there since mid-February, and officials have counted 29 confirmed and probable cases, up from 16 last week.
In Tanzania, there have been eight cases as of March 22, five of whom are confirmed dead. –The Daily Mail
The Ministry is asking “the population to remain calm and to report to the nearest health facility any person in contact with the symptoms mentioned.”
Last July, Tanzania suffered an outbreak of a mystery nosebleed disease, which killed three people. However, the Tanzanian government later identified the disease as leptospirosis, also known as Weil’s disease
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