by | Jun 27, 2020 | Commodities, Experts, Forecasting

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was contributed by Lior Gantz with the Wealth Research Group. 

    There’s no reason to ARGE OVER THIS with your coworkers, family members, and neighbors if they are STILL ASLEEP because the sheep masses won’t GET IT: the media is snowballing the GOOD NEWS into a second wave!

    You have to be TOTALLY NAÏVE to not connect the dots. Literally, they’re reporting that A MASSIVE AMOUNT of people are infected (which we knew all along), but the death rate is PLUMMETING.

    In other words, we should be celebrating that the LETHALITY LEVELS are much lower than these experts led everyone to believe in February, March, and April, but we’re considering imposing NEW RESTRICTIONS instead.

    This whole thing is such a tragedy.


    Without a doubt, investors FEAR the RESUMPTION of either RESTRICTIVE AREAS or other measures since they’re voting with their wallets – or speculative brokerage accounts, I should say.

    The first thing that’s tragic is that CHINA tried to cover it up. So much of this chain reaction could have been STOPPED EARLIER if other government trusted the reports that came from Asia, but they didn’t.

    Lack of trust, especially on a global scale in the information age, is such a UNIQUE OCCURRENCE.

    The second tragedy is that we’re teaching THE WHOLE WORLD wrong habits about economics.

    Can you imagine how many business owners and employees now think that FAILING IS IMPOSSIBLE? The system being above the rules of economics is what they may be SEDUCED TO BELIEVE.

    The voices of reason, those of people that have been around the block and have lived to tell about it, are PILING UP, though, and they’re saying the same thing: WEAK DOLLAR.

    This is what Goldman Sachs has just published to its 8-figure clients:


    It’s very interesting because we have written DOZENS OF LETTERS explaining this very topic. Gold is not an INFLATION HEDGE, but a SURPRISE INFLATION hedge.

    In other words, investors don’t buy gold when inflation is JUST AS THEY EXPECTED, but rather when it is out of control from its trend.

    What has the world BEEN TOLD for nearly a decade by the most powerful central bank? “We don’t understand inflation; it is STUBBORNLY BELOW our 2% target and we can’t figure this thing out.”

    I want to stress this because it will be the DRIVING FORCE behind the insane BULL MARKET evolving in precious metals right now.

    They’ve domesticated the animal to believe 2% inflation is an INSURMOUNTABLE WALL. When that is breached, even though it’s VERY LOW in absolute terms, the reaction will be like HYPERINFLATION HAS ARRIVED!

    This chart explains it best:


    There’s no doubt that the FED is not in control of what’s happening, especially now that the government is actually COMING OUT with fiscal programs all the time. The FED is now one of two actors instead of being the only one, like in the Obama years.

    My point is that during the times of Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen, it was mostly those two that were PULLING THE STRINGS and they had more control over interest rates, money supply, and policy, but Trump is different.

    Trump is an ALPHA MALE and he’s not about to let Jerome Powell take the country where he wants it to go.

    Therefore, you’ve got more than one chef in the kitchen.

    Gold is SO CLOSE to $1,800 that I can TASTE IT in my month. Trade accordingly!


    EXCLUSIVE REPORTS, Featured In This Article and in Others, Which Are Considered ESSENTIAL READING:
    1. Gold Investing – DOWNLOAD HERE!
    2. Trump’s War with Mainstream Media – DOWNLOAD HERE!
    3. Covid-19 Round2 Sell-Off Playbook – DOWNLOAD HERE!
    4. Why The Dollar Is Dead – DOWNLOAD HERE!


    It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point

    Gold has been the right asset with which to save your funds in this millennium that began 23 years ago.

    Free Exclusive Report
    The inevitable Breakout – The two w’s

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