The National Inflation Association brings us Hyperinflation Nation, a documentary about the causes of inflationary enviroments, how we got here and where we are headed. Features appearances by Marc Faber, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, and Ron Paul.
Hyperinflation Nation Part 1 of 3
Hyperinflation Nation Part 2 of 3
Hyperinflation Nation Part 3 of 3
Good video. An important thing to remember with hyperinflation and the price of gold, is that even though gold may be at $4000 an ounce, owners of bullion won’t be winning out in terms of profit, but rather, purchasing power. With gold at $4000 an ounce, we could be looking at a $20 price tag for a Starbucks coffee.
The silver ratio is interesting to consider, because with silver there is the potential that you’ll not only preserve wealth, but perhaps ‘profit’ in terms of buying power.
It is hard to image a hyperinflationary scenario where our core social services break down and grocery store shelves are completely empty. But, nothing can be ruled out at this point, so one really must consider a SHTF Plan (shameless self-plug).
Good. Informative. Side note on the editing: someone spelled “nobel prize” incorrectly in the first video.