This article was written by Melissa Dykes and originally published at The Daily Sheeple.
Editor’s Comment: The escalation to war is expected at this point, but quite unfortunate. Turkey is showing its hand in stirring the world to further conflict, and sponsoring terrorism, which it is using as a tool for regime demolition in Syria and the region. The United States and its forty thieves partners in the Middle East are bound and determined to use chaos to build order, and use war to push back imminent threats against the economy.
WWIII is how far away?
“War Is Likely” After Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet, Ignores Putin’s Warning
by Melissa Dykes
It seems like full-blown war is only two seconds away with the wicked brew boiling in the Middle East. The latest?
Turkey shot down a Russian warplane near the Turkish-Syrian border yesterday, claiming it did so after the plane violated Turkish airspace and was given ten warnings to leave which were ignored. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said they decided to shoot it down because the plane “did not answer our warning”.
Both pilots bailed out. Russian media later reported that one of the pilots was killed by fire ISIS shot at them from the ground. Turkmen forces in Syria said both pilots were shot dead as they parachuted from the plane.
The US Ambassador to Turkey then Tweeted “Understand this: Turkey is a country whose warnings should be taken seriously and listened to. Don’t test Turkey’s patience. Try to win its friendship.”
Anlayın artık.Türkiye sözü de, uyarıları da dikkate alınması gereken bir ülkedir. Sabrını test etmeyin, dostluğunu kazanmaya çalışın.
— Serdar Kilic (@serdarkilic9) November 24, 2015
However, the other pilot did survive, and he said that no warnings were received from Turkey before the plane was hit.
In response, Putin shot back with some pretty harsh language, saying this was a “stab in the back” by the “terrorists’ accomplices”:
The shooting of the plane, Putin said, “represents a stab in the back by the terrorists’ accomplices. I can’t describe what has happened today in any other way. Our plane was downed over Syrian territory by an air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16 jet.
“The plane fell on Syrian territory 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) away from the Turkish border. It was flying 1 kilometer away from the Turkish border when it was attacked. In any case, neither our pilots nor our jet posed any threat to Turkey. That is obvious. They were carrying out an operation fighting against ISIL in Northern Latakia.” (ISIL is another acronym for ISIS.) (source)
Putin also said this would have “serious consequences for Russia’s relationship with Turkey”.
And, to sum it up, you know what Turkey said back?
“Warning ignored.”
NATO then called an emergency meeting, as Obama, Hollande, and others publicly called for de-escalation.
Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called Turkey shooting down the plane “a planned provocation” and an “obvious ambush”.
Analysts are already saying this could potentially lead to not only war, but nuclear war because Russia is being told they cannot fly near the Syrian-Turkish border where all the terrorists are hanging out.
Via the Daily Mail:
One of Moscow’s most respected military analysts said war was ‘most likely’. Pavel Felgenhauer said Turkey was seeking to protect an area in northern Syria controlled by its allies, the Turkmen. The analyst said Mr. Putin must either accept this zone ‘or start a war with Turkey’ which it could win only by going nuclear.
Starting to get messy everywhere…
Be well all…
All it takes in a match.
The Russians don’t care who they kill. They won’t show any kind of restraint.
The Americans are afraid to kill anybody. God forbid they should kill a kid.
Geniuses Thanksgiving poem:
Thanksgiving day got off with a roar
When the hordes of family came through the door
There was uncle Jim and Billy and Bob
And Aunt Roweena the fat stupid slob
They sat at the table to stuff their fat face
They couldn’t wait before saying grace
The food was a flying a gluttons delight
After a few drinks they started to fight
Religion and politics the usual crap
When Jim threw his drink into Billy’s lap
Roweena slapped Jim upside his head
Jim jumped up and here’s what he said
FU Billy I will kick your ass
They stormed out the door and onto the grass
The rest of the herd followed behind
Trampling eachother they paid it no mind
They all picked their sides and started to fight
Like a wild pack of walruses it was a terrible sight
When the dust cleared they wallowed around
Aching and moaning a grumbling sound
They got in their cars and drove away
The end of another thanksgiving day… 🙂
Handclap! 🙂
Good one.
So Genius,seems like your family holidays a bit of a chore!To the rest of ya’s,Happy Bird Day,and if you are not working tomm.,remember,”Black Fridays Matter”!I look forweard to the insane videos when I get home from work tomm.,should be entertaining,unless of course,Chiraq explodes,then,Goldfish and some beverages!
Ha ha WC, you will never see that here! The only turkey I want is Trixie the turkey that used to hang out here. I think the dog scared her off. She was fun to have around. Hope your having a good day and yes the black friday videos should be good lol.
My you are naive and a bit of bigot. The Washington degenerates have killed an estimated 20m people since the end of WW2.
So your list?
I’d think you’d have to stretch it quite a bit in how you define it to come anywhere near that figure.
Now the socialist countries …………..
Ehhh, 20 million aint shit. I bet the big pharma corporations have killed a lot more than that since WW2.
Right, Genius… Big Pharma is another scam, and also intended to depopulate…not too mention they’ll do anything to line their pockets and get people to part with their hard-earned money. I find it rather amazing that $89 BILLION dollars and 36 years later and still no cure for cancer.
Oh, and jazz hands for your poem (kidding)… but it was really very funny. Thanks
Cite it. No bullshit conspiracy theories please.
Here ya go, lazy ass…
Thats just some of it there is a shitload more. Get off your ass and research it.
Nunya, looks like I was wrong, it is a whole lot more than I thought. As soon as links are out of moderation you can get sum education lol.
JS I disagree. The Russians didn’t invade Iraq and Afghanistan, go on killing sprees in Nam, or nuke two cities in Japan killing millions of innocent men, women, and children. Remember who did? And America’s warlords are not done with the carnage. Russia has always had a cooler head than America, the bully of the world.
Russians did invade afghanistan. Just did it before us. They were unceremoniously ran out of the country just like us.
Wheat famine:
Red Terror: ht tps://
There’s not a country out there that has not participated in mass killings. It will always be part of the landscape and history.
No bama,
i mostly agree with you, as most ALL countries have had there fair share of killings of there own people and other countries, BUT Russia at present and for many years has been NOT doing what our country has been, our country political and then military has been taken over and sold us down the river. the only reason we have been after Assad is he would NOT go along with what WE (NWO) wanted, actually Assad is better than most of the leaders over there (NO SAINT) but when you look at the BIG picture any of those leaders who did NOT go along have been killed!! and for the most part they would not play ball either with oil or money! we need to remove the scum in Washington and replace with COMMON JOE’S who still have morals and are not tied into the NWO and the money corruption, our country does not have a chance unless this happens!!!
The Russians didn’t invade Afghanistan huh? May wanna check your history again on that.
Didn’t go on killing sprees in Nam, huh? Nah, they went on killing sprees of all the countries trapped behind the iron curtain. May wanna check out something called the Holodomor.
“or nuke two cities in Japan killing millions of innocent men, women, and children. ”
You have a buffoon’s notion of how we ended WWII.
“Russia has always had a cooler head than America, the bully of the world”
Never mind, you just have a buffoonish notion of reality.
God forbid.
Eppe, seriouslY? Starting?
Rainy with a chance of meatballs, or war.
Nah. Too much to lose. No war for you.
Ummm, we do have war and have had war for a very long time. It is the war the government/zionists waged on us a long time ago. We have been fighting it ever since.
Vlad should know the targets. Please Mr. Putin….GO FOR THE KILL AND END THE ZIONISTS plot using everything in your arsenal in a global manner.
Putin has a strong track record of being a man of his word. If he says this is going to start a war the world better listen.
What Hillbilly said –
Putin is the guy who doesn’t draw some queer ass line in the sand and tells others not to cross it or else.
Putin doesn’t waste time with schoolyard sissy tactics.
Putin says … Putin does.
I like Turkey. Fried is the best. Go get ’em, Mr. Putin. Don’t let that little pot-smoking halfrican punk in the white house get in your way.
there is so much deception being employed by every faction involved in this quagmire that we won’t know until it happens. For example, who really knows for sure that was even the actual pilot of that downed fighter plane that was being interviewed? If it was then why was his back turned? Whatever the answer is, it’s rooted in deception. One thing for absolute certainty is that most here know where all this ultimately leads. Keep you eye on the ball and stay focused.
Most of the wars in modern memory have been wars that promote Big Government and supranationalism through chaos and destruction.
Russo-Sino aren’t any better as both have encouraged granting supranational institutions as the United Nations, World Bank, and etc to mitigate these wars of chaos. This is called conquest by peaceful means, and it’s central argument is only Global Governance can bring about world peace.
Same old b/s just a different era.
Nobama, I agree. The muslim virus in the WH won’t do shit. Putin can do what he wants to the turks. they’re only muslim savages anyway.
I hope you are right BH, but I believe that O-bama will do EXACTLY as he is told. Would O have the kahunas to pick a fist fight with any hetero, blue collar male ( or let alone Putin)–of course not. We must remember however that O is just a tool ( all innuendos intended) who is primarily an empty suit who was groomed and crafted for doing exactly as the men behind the curtain wish. Ultimately, he will do as he is told.
I agree. Obama has never been a Muslim commie whatever. He was put into the Presidency by the banksters and remains their tool. He does as told. So did every President since Reagan, except Jimmy Carter. The hounds of hell went after Carter. The elite has their Republican government to shift to unlimited contributions to candidates. Game over, fascism reins.
You have a bad heart you racist nit wit
You voted for Obama did you? Hahahaha!
lolong, you wouldn’t call them anything as they’re cutting your head off, would you? They’d be calling you “sheep head”
Sheep head? That’s a fish, right.
Here fishy, fishy. Hahahaha!
Sheepshead…feeds on barnacles and has a delicate flavor enhanced by Old Bay, onions, garlic, olive oil and green peppers…. yummy….
As for the article… Just depicting theater…
lolong, I’m sure your heart is so pure that you will personally be taking into your home as many refugees as possible. Send your letter of acceptance to the dept. of immigration asap won’t you?
War is inevitable.
And the United States will be a part of it.
On the wrong side, of course.
“War is inevitable.”
Second. Maybe not nuclear, but definitely world wide that throws the the usa into a severe depression.
my advice remains. if there is a trip you have been putting off or something you wanted to buy or even something as simple as holding off eating at the best restaraaunt in town, to go ahead. if ww3 starts, you might never get the chance to do these.
Are they going to fry the planet or just use battlefield tactical nukes. Pop a few EMP’s and set the world back to the 1800’s. Neutron bombs or a few chemical and biological attacks.
Know the warning signs.
What you need for protection.
After the attack.
Are You Ready?
The king of the north ,the king of the east and Persia ..And Damascus will become a heap of ruin.And mystery Babylon the greats piled on wealth will become nothing in one hour their eyes will melt in their sockets before their bodies hit the ground. Strong men’s hearts will fail in fear of what’s coming. And the merchants of the world by sea will wonder who they will sell their luxury items to . Because ounce great Babylon is no more.
Dear Mr. Putin:
Would you please sink the entire Turkish Navy as payment in full for the lives of the two brave airmen that you lost two days ago?!
The people (not the government BTW) of the USA stand largely behind you.
ST – back in your UB hole!!! 😉
“(Insert polite comment here” 🙂 hey it’s working!
“(Insert polite comment here” 🙂 hey it’s working!
m seein duble
musta hed 2 mny nips alredy
wife has fist in turky ass…gotta go watch turky porn.
regrds & hapy daze.
….and history repeats……
pakistan, iran, saudi arabia, turkey ALL finance terrorists.
If these countries fell off the planet today, no one will notice except the oil!
they are all muslim countries, they claim islam is peaceful, so why are most muslim countries violent or at war?
@ Anonymous
Am in the process of reading the Koran, Sira, and Hadith, obtained from the Center for the Study of Political Islam, Nashville TN, Bill Warner, Ph.D (physics) editor.
Allah speaking to man; Mohammad’s biography; short stories illustrating his life.
Maybe fifteen percent of Islam, in M’s Meccan period, is religious. The latter part of his life was in Medina, where he stopped being a religious leader. He became a politician and warlord. He was exceedingly good at making war.
Most of the Islamis “trilogy” is about the Muslim’s relation with the Kufir = ANY non-Muslim. All of us on this thread.
In brief, the non-Muslim can look forward to one of three things: conversion, dhimmitude (slavery, third-class citizenship) or death.
The attacks around the globe aren’t from “2 %er crazies.” They are from Muslims who follow Mohammad’s Meccan period, who treat Kufirs as Islam with crystal clarity says they are to be treated.
on Youtube, politicalislam. Center for the Study of Political Islam.
The short answer about what Muslims want from the rest of us is: they want us dead.
Change the term “terrorism” which is politically correct bullshit, to jihad, and you have the rightful name for what is going on. It isn’t an isolated thing. It IS civilizational war, war Islam means to win.
It is most appropriate to wipe your ass on pages from the Koran.
Nobama, skip the middleman and just wipe your ass on the face of the nearest mooselimb 🙂
Dammit I forgot I was trying to be more polite!
Unfortunately, this time, Putin is taking orders from Rothschild (Shell Oil) and Saudi (Exxon Mobile) Oil. Putin’s mission is to destroy ISIS’s Oil Industry and return it back to Asaad.
Then, Rothschild and Saudi Oil can increase oil back up to $100.00 per barrel and Russia can start earning revenues again from Russian gas sold to Europe.
Sorry folks, No WW III this time. Albeit it did look like there was potential for it yesterday.
Actually Saudi is working in lockstep with TPTB continuing pumping, driving the price down to bankrupt Russia. No nation is more controlled by the banksters than the USA. No nation has a greater capacity to destroy the Syrian Oil infrastructure than the USA.
Connect the dots.
Cellar Spider
The goal is to destroy the governments of nations with oil or in a geographic position of oil/gas distribution. Fragile governments don’t have the means to challenge the “Oil Peg” which is the cornerstone of the US dollars status as the worlds reserve currency. This is the main reason for the Iraq invasion, Libyan coup and now the disposal of Assad.
The USA does not work contrary to the desires of the banksters.
“Actually Saudi is working in lockstep with TPTB continuing pumping…”
I’m not too sure of that. They haven’t stepped up production to any degree. They are trying to maintain market share for when the price goes back up. Last time they cut, they got burned when others stepped in and stole their market share.
Russia has the most hydrocarbons on the planet. They don’t lose much in FX at this lower price. They have devalued the ruble. They sell their product in FRNs(or Euros) and then convert them to rubles. With a devalued ruble they get close to the same amount in FX compensation. It might work to crash them if they needed FRNs to pay off international debt…but they have little of that and they have a nice size reserve of T bills already.
Russia learned their lesson from the last time when the international oligarchs came in and stole their resources. Putin kicked them out and nationalized the oil and natgas. “No more oligarchs besides me.” He is on to the Empire’s tactics, I believe, and will not let it happen again. This is why Empire paints him as a “Hitler” and a villain.
Good take on the oil situation. Interesting perspective of how Russia’s economic transactions operate.
The idea of loosing market share with oil does seem implausible however as oil sells regardless.
These posts are why I like this BB where I read (and learn) from different well thought out posts.
Cellar Spider
Look up the Wolfowitz Doctrine. Basically its a plan to keep the US as the one and only super power, one unrivaled Frank Nitti for the Al Capone banksters.
The analogy comes from 2X MOH recipient USMC Major General Smedley Butler and his writings in, “War Is A Racket”.
@ cellar spider.
I agree that Russia wants Syria’s oil fields back. They have been helping Assad develop his oil and natgas for years. Syria has the largest oil reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean and large undeveloped shale gas fields. They are allied countries. I posted a link to this effect about a week ago so I won’t post it again.
They also would like to block the Anglo-Zionist pipelines from crossing Syria.
The Wahhabi Saudis are on the other side and are trying to overthrow the Assad government to facilitate a Qatar gas pipeline.
Shouldn’t you dummies be at a Klan meeting or banging your sisters
The religion of piece is calling for you. Your the same duchedag that tells people you should kill all people that deny climate change too. I have a right to free speech and the right to my religion. Same as any other person. When they kill us to subject us all you’ll bow down to them while the free men fight. Go home boy the adults are talking now.
Oh that was so funny. Hahahahahaha!
Damn lolong, did you come up with that all by yourself?
lolong –
Yes you are correct, we are running late for our Klan meeting. I’ll pick you up so you won’t have to ride your pedal bike in the dark.
We don’t bang our sisters, and neither should you.
Make damn sure your mother has my money this time around … I’m not going another week without her paying me for servicing her.
I’ll be there in 30 minutes … ’till then.
卐 Seig-Heil 卐 brother ϟϟ lolong
Holy Shit!
Ha ha ha good one FTW!
Sorry guys …. couldn’t resist the temptation that was put in front of me. I had to have a little fun with that post, and it was not long ago that I was gonna work a little better on my ‘mannerism.
Oops … maybe some things should be just left as is … ツ
Nien! das shood keep up zee gud werk!
Danke Genius, und wie gut sie mein guter Kamerad.
Hat Stiner haben die Löwen zu gewinnen am Thanksgiving Tag? Die fuhrer hat seine Zweifel und nicht verlieren wollen Geld auch dieses Jahr wieder.
[Thank you Genius, and as well to you my good comrade.
Does Stiner have the Lions to win on Thanksgiving Day? The Fuhrer has his doubts and does not want to lose money again this year.]
lolong sounds like another useless troll.
Mandatory Vacines? Flouride in drinking water?
No dates attached, but this guy was world famous writer and philosopher during 1920’s and 1930’s mainly. So This quotes of his Must go back quite far even prior to Our births!….Read what he says on above Two Poison issues.
“When the conspirators get ready to take over the United States they will use fluoridated
water and vaccines to change people’s attitudes and loyalties and make them docile,
apathetic, unconcerned and groggy. According to their own writings and the means they
have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have deliberately planned and
developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely enslave the
masses. They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change
people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and
published in 1953. These plans called for compulsory vaccination with vaccines
containing change agent drugs. They also plan on using disease germs, fluoridation and
vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the population.” (Impact of Science on
Society, by Bertrand Russell)
FTW… Just loved your reply.
you know lolong, if you guys didn’t make songs about women as whores and killing cops and instead went to church, stuck with your women and were responsible fathers; we wouldn’t be driven to clan meetings.
lolong, Do they have klan in TelAviv? How is the weather over there? Are you still taking care of the ISIS savages in your hospitals and once they get better do they inbreed with your sisters to degrade your inferior DNA’s further?
For Stolz, Lone Wolverine, FTW, JQP….
Grandee had a comment held up in moderation back under the SHTF subject “Raw Video –Rebels Shoot Russian Pilots”. Because his answer was directed to all of us I was curious to see his post…and I suggest you will be interested too.
He cited his information source came from:
Wikipedia: History of the Jews in Russia
And also quotes from the Anti-defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center
Some of his post:
“Jewish Bolshevism also known as Judeo-Bolshevism is an anti-semetic canard (a false story including anti-Semitism) which alleges that the Jews were at the origin of the Russian Revolution and held the primary power among the Bolsheviks.”
“A recent history of the intended use of world religions in WW1 concluded that neither Max Bodenheimers committee of German Zionists, not the Zionist Executives, nor any kind of organized international network had much of anything to do with either the February or October revolution.”
Might I suggest a more viable source of information on the subject just might be Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Pullitzer Prize winning author.
The first time English review of his banned book “The Jews in the Soviet Union” is at the Barnes Review. A free PDF can be found at:
ht tp// solje.pdf
Read it and weep. You will see the blueprint for the takeover of America. Prep and pray.
Grandee stated he is now reading Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder.
Wiki says Snyder was/is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. That should make anyone pause as to the truthfulness of his book.
Book reviews criticize his “skirting” of the years in Russia from 1918-1942. Convenient memory lapse to say the least.
@ Makemyday
Thank you!
Beyond the Barnes Review’s summary, there is a full English translation of Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together:
Stolz: I have a comment held up in moderation that I know you, Lone Wolverine, FTW, JQP, will be interested in.
Grandee has posted a comment back under the shtf subject “Rebels Shoot Russian Pilots” which is his answer to the claim about who was responsible for the mayhem and killings in Russia in WW1.
Be sure and look back at his comment and I hope you get to see my post that is in moderation.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and to all here.
Seems my comment has disappeared.
Grandee sites Wikipedia as one of his sources in his comment. Wiki is the CNN of the encyclopedia world.
Better source for truth about what happened in Russia around 1918 would be the famous Pulitzer Prise winning Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
You can find his banned book on what really happened in Russia during the revolution on a free pdf at:
The Barnes Review:
ht tp:// solje.pdf
“Banned” books usually aren’t available for free on the internet.
Meditate on the word “banned” for a bit and you’ll understand.
Out of publication or unpublished is a different subject, that is usually a point of financial viability.
Here is a banned book that is available for free on the internet:
On release of the 1st edition of Pasque di Sangue: Ebrei d’Europa e omicidi rituali [Bloody Passover: European Jews and Ritual Homicide], the author bravely stated that he would stand by the facts from his research. Within 1 week of publication, the author was on his knees begging forgiveness, pulled the 1st edition, promised a heavily revised 2nd edition, and donated all the proceeds from his book to the ADL, his main antagonist. The author is Ariel Toaff, son of the retired Chief Rabbi of Rome.
Toaff’s ordeal is described (with links) in the thread “Ritual Murder—truth is no ‘libel'” on my website. There is also a link discussing the ADL’s kosher edition.
Amusingly the kosher 2nd edition sells for €23 (as if anyone would want one). The uncensored 1st edition sell for about €200. The online translation is…. free.
Wow! I just checked. The printed edition of the Lucchese and Gianetti English translation was pulled and DESTROYED. Copies of the English translation are now offered on Amazon for over $2,000.
Not Found
The requested document was not found on this server.
Web Server at
This works:
See ur sister at the glory hole.
Look who’s talkin ya unclefucker!
It’s not going to lead to war, period. There will be payback in back channels, and maybe an escalation by Russia of their actions, and heck, they might even send something other than some ancient biplane that was shot down (wasn’t exactly state of the art plane that got shot down).
Let’s detail real threats, not make believe ones. This wasn’t nothing, but it also is not the shooting of Archduke Ferdinand.
The American public will not support a false flag reason for war with Russia. Our military is not going to go along with it either.
We all know who the terrorist is, it’s Obama.
All the “Zionist”-bashers on here are obviously government-supremacist trolls who want to paint this site and everyone on it as anti-Semitic Nazis. It’s those government-supremacists who paint themselves as being both anti-libertarian towards everyone’s individual liberty and anti-Semitic in particular.
Anonamous = Test again…Plus a few more screen names eh test…Here try to out zio This…
“Israel controls the Senate. ..around 80 percent are completely in support of Israel;
anything Israel wants. Jewish influence in the House of Representatives is even
greater.” (They Dare to Speak Out, Paul Findley, p. 66, speaking of a statement of
Senator J. William Fulbright said in 1973)(in 2015 its 99.9% now! in Both Houses congress! Plus whitehouse! and State Dept! and 150 More fed agencies!)
“The world Zionist movement is big business. In the first two decades after Israel’s
precarious birth in 1 948 it channeled an estimated four billion dollars in donations into
the country. Following the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, the Zionists raised another
$730-million in just two years. This year, 1970, the movement is seeking five hundred
million dollars. Gottlieb Hammar, chief Zionist money raiser, said, ‘When the blood
flows, the money flows.'” (Lawrence Mosher, National Observer, May 18, 1970)
AND one of the World’s MOST respected and accurate Historian of England whom Outted Real truth of WWII Lies we all was Told etc david Irving…Said…
“…the incontrovertible evidence is that Hitler ordered on November 30, 1941, that there
was to be ‘no liquidation of the Jews.'” (Hitler’s War, p. xiv, by David Irving, Viking
Press, N.Y. 1977, 926 pages)
“Insert polite comment here” 🙂
These anti-Semites/neo-Nazis infest the site. Just ignore them. There’s some kinds of strange malady they have. I haven’t read them in months, though I did read your response to them.
Some here, Test, believe you to be Anonymous/Test/Mac’s Kosher policeman/Moderator.
Makes your posts more than suspect when your history lessons (which are allowed plenty of space on the threads; when other opinions (posts) are not allowed because they are deemed too long) never cover the Revolutionary years in Russia beginning in 1918.
Wonder why your studies do not go back that far?
Your astute observation, per the gate keeper’s very limited knowledge of history…or at least what “IT” accepts as history…is, shall we say ‘damning’?!?
..but then again, “IT’s” type, have always endeavored to obscure & eradicate TRUTH & Knowledge…from the discourse.
..especially if such were to cast a serious focus…upon the wretched…synagogue of satan types.
..thumbs up to you!!!
In these days, TEST, when any honest man can check facts from his easy chair, your ritual name-calling has lost its mojo.
It is not so easy for the children of the Father of Lies & Murder as in the days of Andreas Eisenmenger’s Entdecktes Judenthum when the Jews could purchase every copy to conceal the accessible vernacular translation of the Talmud’s wicked precepts.
It is not so easy for the adversaries to all mankind as in the days of Sir Richard Burton’s 1877 manuscript treatise Human Sacrifice among the Sephardine or Eastern Jews, researched in the Holy Land by Burton when he was British Consul investigating the disappearance and ritual murder of Fr. Thomas. The manuscripts were bought up and placed under lock and key of the Trustees of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
No, TEST, these days your talmudic deceits and name-calling are easily exposed by any man with eyes that see.
This is a distraction focus on the short term. Tomorrow is thanksgiving and after that you know what people will do. something is going to happen maybe mass attacks at stores by terror teams. I’m gonna stay home and watch the shit happen on tv. Just a feeling I have. People are fucking dumbed down so much they will put their life in harms way to save almost nothing I’ve seen the deals they are not that great. Let’s make this the worst holiday season for retailers ever. let’s use our collective financial power to keep our $ out of their bottom lines. Even if the prices drop through the floor do not spend. hold the Walmart and Amazon companies hostage. Don’t buy any durable goods nothing. I got $ but I’m living like poor working slob because I hate corporations so fucking much. Every corporation is scum and doesn’t deserve your $. It’s just that simple the only way they will ever feel the pain is if you hoard $ and keep it from them and gov. Just go to work and keep taking their $ they are fucking assholes and don’t give a shit about you or your family. They talk shit about you behind your back because they don’t have the guts to say shit to your face. Faggots. Fuck them and their bonuses they aren’t giving you shit. Help them fail seriously. Hey want to rule you and steal your labor then want to take their $ back when you buy shit that will break before it should so you will keep spending your $ on more shit.
ISIS would be lost without their leadership and logistics branch.
So, presumably, Putin is going to take out Obama, the US State Department, and the Pentagon.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. Best to all.
Why Not US Dollars like Lincolns Greenback dollars eh?..IE: Intrest & Debt FREE created money!
“If this mischievous financial policy [the United States Government issuing interest-free
and debt- free money] which had its origin in the North American Republic during the
war (1861-65) should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will
furnish its money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt. It will
have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous
beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and
the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be
destroyed or it will destroy every Monarch on the globe!” (London Times Editorial,
Off Topic:
Vetting Failure, a few years ago a sign language interpreter was vetted and then place next to world leaders at Mandella’s memorial. The sign language interpreter was a phony and had also been known for being violent and for having schizophrenia yet he still made it through the vetting process.
GOLD-Prices!! Who determines it? Supply Vs demand? Nope!
“Five men meet in London twice daily and decide the world price of gold. They
represent Mocatta & Goldsmid, Sharps, Pixley Ltd., Samuel Montagu Ltd., Mase
Wespac Ltd. andM. Rothschild & Sons.” (L.A. Times-Washington Post, 12/29/86)
Wow just gander at all them “Islamic Muslim” names huh!!
Real gold prices are determined by what people are willing to pay for it and what sellers are willing to sell it for.
How much you willing to pay?
A thousand?
Fifteen hundred”
Two thousand?
Make your bid on what you’d actually pay today if you are a buyer.
But you might want to look at what other people are paying for it first, Ebay is a good starting place.
Food on the table… and a roof that doesn’t leak… May all here have a thoughtful and thankful Thanksgiving. God bless you all, and thanks Mac for this site!
Most Americans are familiar with the Pilgrim’s Thanksgiving Feast of 1621, but few realize that it was not the first festival of its kind in North America. Long before Europeans set foot in the Americas, native peoples sought to insure a good harvest with dances and rituals such as the Green Corn Dance of the Cherokees.
The first Thanksgiving service known to be held by Europeans in North America occurred on May 27, 1578 in Newfoundland, although earlier Church-type services were probably held by Spaniards in La Florida. However, for British New England, some historians believe that the Popham Colony in Maine conducted a Thanksgiving service in 1607 (see Sources: Greif, 208-209; Gould, and Hatch). In the same year, Jamestown colonists gave thanks for their safe arrival, and another service was held in 1610 when a supply ship arrived after a harsh winter. Berkley Hundred settlers held a Thanksgiving service in accordance with their charter which stated that the day of their arrival in Virginia should be observed yearly as a day of Thanksgiving, but within a few years an Indian uprising ended further services (Dabney). Thus British colonists held several Thanksgiving services in America before the Pilgrim’s celebration in 1621.
The Pilgrims, with a puritanical rejection of public religious display, held a non-religious Thanksgiving feast, aside from saying grace. In fact, they seem to have used the three days for feasting, playing games, and even drinking liquor.
In 1623, the Pilgrims at Plymouth Plantation, Massachusetts, held another day of Thanksgiving. As a drought was destroying their crops, colonists prayed and fasted for relief; the rains came a few days later. And not long after, Captain Miles Standish arrived with staples and news that a Dutch supply ship was on its way. Because of all this good fortune, colonists held a day of Thanksgiving and prayer on June 30. This 1623 festival appears to have been the origin of our Thanksgiving Day because it combined a religious and social celebration.
But in 1789, Elias Boudinot, Massachusetts, member of the House of Representatives, moved that a day of Thanksgiving be held to thank God for giving the American people the opportunity to create a Constitution to preserve their hard won freedoms. A Congressional Joint Committee approved the motion, and informed President George Washington. On October 3, 1789, the President proclaimed that the people of the United States observe “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer” on Thursday, the 26th of November.
And so it states…..
“…..Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks—for his kind care and protection of the People of this country previous to their becoming a Nation—for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his providence, which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war—for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed—for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted, for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions….
…..Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
Go. Washington.”
What a massive contrast we can clearly see in this, our first president, when compared to the evil muslim dictator now in that office. Is it any wonder we are a nation in turmoil?
The first documented Sukkot celebration in the New World. The original Thanksgiving was a three day event, during the first week in October. Those days coincided with the eight day Feast of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles celebration.
Sorry, Cradle to Grave, but the first Thanksgiving celebrated by Europeans in North America was celebrated by Spanish Catholics and Timucuan Indians on September 8, 1565 A.D. at St, Augustine, Florida.
Meet The Man Who Funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, The Son Of Turkey’s President
Turkey-now part of the axis of evil
state sponsored terrorism
I would think we are most vulnerable on New Year’s Eve ..many are at parties away from home in party dress. In freezing temperatures . All saying peace and security. Happy . New year. EMP. Us then . how many would make it home. I think it would be a good idea to stay close to home from now on.
When I was young and naive I believed the USA was good and USSR evil. But now days I believe Obama. the neo conservatives and the USA are evil and Putin, Russia, and the Brics are the straight shooters. We are the instigators of war and Russia the unwilling recipient.
If Putin is smart, which I think he is, he won’t react in a knee jerk fashion to the downing of an out dated Russian bomber but instead will let things slowly unfold–let the west make another risky ill advised move like having the Israelis strike Iran. The oligarchy in the west is just waiting for an excuse to put the screws to mother Russia and their anti petro dollar antics. So Mr. Putin don’t show your hand. Continue to exterminate the rebels in Syria then go after ISIL and wait the west out. Patience is a virtue.
Europe will admire your actions and learn to distrust the USA because you are a man of your word not a tool of the neo conservatives. Prop up Assad and Syria, further arm Iran, then squeeze the Saudis by pumping more crude further depressing the price of crude creating unrest among the 99% that detest the Saudi monarchy.
If the end game looks like a non quid pro for you–simply unleash the valkeries and Satan and begin Armagedon. Surely the west has more to lose than the east. The ultimate question is this; who will blink first Johny Ringo or Doc Holiday. And Obama ain’t no Holiday, My money is on Putin aka Doc Holiday.
Up at 3, cooking up a storm. Thanksgiving sure can shine a light on your preparedness stocks. What? No brown sugar? No maple syrup? No candied jalepenos?
We are all still very blessed apart from the horrible news from everywhere. The only Turkey I am worried about tomorrow goes into my roaster at 8am. I don’t know if a few whackos are going to try to ruin the holiday by blowing something up or having target practice, but each day with family is a gift. Except if you have one like the one depicted in Genius’ poem.
Lets get it started mmmmmm ???? sounds like a song.
Talk is cheap. Quit dickin around and take care of business.
I wish the juveniles would refrain from commenting.
Just another day in the neighborhood.
All the crazy shit is about to start.
Nope no war. Just another feer monger on here trying to scare the crap out of everyone.
Nope no war. Just another feer monger on here trying to scare the crap out of everyone.
Don’t forget to go out after and give your $ to your oppressors. They’re waiting they have rolled out the red carpet for you. Just give up your$.
Today’s History Lesson
Here’s The Crazy Story About Thanksgiving You’ve Never Heard
ht tp://
and Happy Thanksgiving to the SHTF family !
After a critical review of data about the shoot down of the Russian plane one can easily see the Turks are obviously lying. Western media is complicit in the coverup of the facts. They are shills for the government and serve only to propagandize. You can bet the government hates the Internet and the ability of its citizens to bypass their control of information to get the real facts.
The economic/financial is continuing to unwind; there is probably nothing now to stop it, even if there was a desire by the centers of power to stop it. That’s not the goal; the goal is to change our nation into ways the general public is not fully aware of yet. Invented wars, civil disruption, specific groups of society, etc. will be blamed why things have gotten worse for the people and to justify government grab for more control and power. Don’t believe me? Do some basic research on the Internet what ALL totalitarians do when concentrating power.
In the coming financial/economic collapse it will be quite different from the last depression. First of all, most people were naive, they trusted government. Secondly, they did not have the ability to be informed by other technologies. Thirdly, though government was corrupt back then too, not to the degree of today. This time the government will have to take severe measures to control society and information. Probably total regulation of the Internet if not shutting it down; maybe even martial law. Of course curfews will be put in place, photographing in public will be outlawed, travel will be restricted, and attempted gun confiscation, and other “security measures” will be seen in many areas.
Do not believe anything the media says or prints; truth is always the first casualty. Continue to get your information from other sources until they are shutdown.
European Solidarity is not racism, it is self preservation.
Every race has the right to protect itself from those who
seek to destroy it, even white people.
Give thanks and don’t feel guilty for being:
!!!!!!! FREE. WHITE. and TWENTY ONE. !!!!!!!
February 2016-2017..www3 begins and revolutionary and civil war starts in America.. at this point with the what I have been seeing with the laws working against christians, etc..i see that Ed Dames is reliably since she is telling us what the scientist told me..its over, get ready for a mass extinction event..we are nor getting out of h this one now matter what anyone says coming in here criticizing me.
Will the bad guys be muscular?
Oh and btw, Ed Dames is full of shit.
NO !!!! 2018
That is what this grandmother said who is never wrong.
So smoke a good cigar, or a cigarette I do not
Drink some good booze
Get lad.
You still got time.
It’s been a gas
been a flip
been a hell of a trip
but it ain’t the end of the world!
(oh yeahhh…………)
TICKTOCK IS A AGENCY TROLL. Muslim fusion center employee for $7:00 and Hr..coming on here to indirectly threaten me won’t stop me from unleashing the facts. Everytime that you attack me and my comments, the ligitimate readers and comentors see that and then take my comments more seriously. I have literally lied to anyone on this board and have always told what I have heard and have been told..
Ed Dames said that the war as in ww3 will start fist, followed by the environmental calapse and the solar system effects of Nibiru, and it’s sun, then that will curve the war when suddenly the soldiers are in the middle of the war and notice something in the sky, a color change. They then drop their weapons a.s start to head back to where they came from only to get cut off and attacked by the American. Patriots that wipe them out..and cut off holier food supply a d weapons supply.. the elites are not running into the DUMBS for the hell if it, this is coming and your idiotic lying supervisor is lying to you at the fusion center and you have zero preps and you will be a 97%- er that will not survive..ta ta,, you are already dead gone, liquidated by the dred lock. If your not a troll, then you better get prepping. But I think you are, want to know why.. sundown people do not ever visit these websites they are not interested. So it s looking like you are a troll..not looking good on your part. You are very stupid.
Over 1,000 Plejaren Extra Terrestrials live in Houston and prevented over 6 terrorist attacks in my city. The regular commentors on this site will not know what I mean by this and you service men in the US Air Force that is monitoring this site damn well know what I mean by this..
Keep it up keep pushing me in this site and I will release classified sensitive information on the alien presence in my city..
Agency ass clowns super moderator.
Israel had a plan to use deception so that it could steel land from Syria and to do that they needed to murder Mr Assad but the wheels have fell of the plan now that Russia has stepped up and exposed the american zionist puppets for creating ISIS and also giving weapons to AL-CIAda
Al-CIAda came from Saudi Arabia and we have been caught by the world of giving the house of Saudi weapons like TOW anti-tanks missiles so add that to the 9/11 offical story and see if the building just fell over.
No more american blood should be lost for Israel or Turkey or Syria and we realy need to do some spring cleaning in the USA before someone else is forced to do it for us.