This article was written by Tyler Durden and originally published at Zero Hedge.
Editor’s Comment: Accounts have long surfaced about bad behavior, thrown objects and mean, snobbish attitudes with Secret Service, Arkansas State Troopers and plenty of other security personnel who’ve worked with the Clinton’s over the years. But this is a different side altogether, the serious stuff that is putting our country at risk.
Hillary systematically disregarded major security requirements and diplomatic protocol during her tenure as Secretary of State. By refusing to leave her cell phone behind security checks during classified and compartmentalized meetings and by only allowing access to sycophantic media figures, Hillary was always running her own show, and often at the expense of United States’ interest and security.
Really, the email server stuff is and has always been just the tip of the iceberg. The Clinton’s are well known for selling secrets to the top bidder, not to mention access, favors and status. Her cavalier and above-the-law attitude has never been more clear. Welcome to the out-front, on-the-surface Shadow Government, Hillary style. Will the nation ever recover?
Security Agent Tells FBI What It Was Really Like To Work With Hillary Clinton
by Tyler Durden
While there have been recent narratives by security agents detailing what life was like working closely with Hillary Clinton as their boss, most of these have made it to the public in book format, and as such one assumes they took certain liberties to embellish the narrative and spicy up the plot. One such example is Ronald Kessler who has written several books about the Secret Service, even though claims about Clinton mistreating agents in private are numerous.
However, today for the first time, courtesy of the latest release of 100 pages of FBI “302” documents, we now have an on the record interview with a former, unnamed female member of Hillary security detail who belonged to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and who reveals a truly “deplorable” picture of what having Hillary Clinton as your boss was like.
According to the agent’s testimony, Clinton didn’t just treat agents poorly. She reportedly disrespected U.S. ambassadors with her routine breaches of diplomatic protocol.
“From her own experience, and information obtained through [Redacted] and other agents, [Redacted] described a “stark difference” between RICE and CLINTON with regard to obedience to security and diplomatic protocols. RICE observed strict adherence to State Department security and diplomatic protocols while CLINTON frequently and “blatantly” disregarded them.
For example, it is standard security and diplomatic protocol for the Secretary of State to ride in the armored limousine with the local U.S. ambassador when traveling in countries abroad. It is seen as diplomatic protocol for the Secretary of State to arrive at foreign diplomatic functions with the local ambassador; however, CLINTON refused to do so, instead choosing to be accompanied in the limousine by her Chief of Staff, HUMA ABEDIN. This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol. [Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were “abundant.”
The agent also admitted that Clinton treated agents rudely and with contempt, and was so unpleasant that senior agents typically avoided being on her security detail.
“[Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere. Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents. However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her.”
She also added that she had “at least one conversation with Secret Service agents who experienced the same poor treatment.”
Confirming that Hillary’s affair with a fawning press had gone on for years, in her former Diplomatic Security agent said that she and her peers felt Clinton “traveled with hand-picked media who would present her in favorable light in order to garner political support. It was also believed that CLINTON disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press.”
In other words, if you wanted to cover and be close to Hillary, you had to be ready to portray her in a positive light all the time or else risk your “access” to the Secretary of State.
Finally, there was Hillary’s double standard when it came to, drumroll, having a Blackberry in the State Department:
By DS security policy, no cell phones are allowed inside the SCIF and DS agents, officers, and staff are required to leave their cell phones outside the door in secure lockers. CLINTON refused to abide to this security requirement and brought her cell phone, believed to be a Blackberry, inside the SCIF where a DS agent assigned to Post 1 was required to guard it. DS agents were indignant that they were required to follow security policy but CLINTON made herself exempt from the same regulations.
The full interview with the [Redacted] agent from the latest FBI document dump, is presented in its entirety below.
* * *
On September 2, 2015 [Redacted] a Special Agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Norfolk Virginia, was interviewed at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, provided the following information:
[Redacted] was previously an agent with the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS). [Redacted] left DS in approximately [Redacted] spouse, [Redacted] I was also a prior DS agent who, from 2007-2009, served as an Assistant Shift Leader on former Secretary of State CONDOLEEZZA RICE’s and HILLARY CLINTON’s protective details. [Redacted] I served briefly on former Secretary CLINTON’s protective detail in 2009. From her own experience, and information obtained through [Redacted] and other agents, [Redacted] described a “stark difference” between RICE and CLINTON with regard to obedience to security and diplomatic protocols. RICE observed strict adherence to State Department security and diplomatic protocols while CLINTON frequently and “blatantly” disregarded them. For example, it is standard security and diplomatic protocol for the Secretary of State to ride in the armored limousine with the local U.S. ambassador when traveling in countries abroad. It is seen as diplomatic protocol for the Secretary of State to arrive at foreign diplomatic functions with the local ambassador; however, CLINTON refused to do so, instead choosing to be accompanied in the limousine by her Chief of Staff, HUMA ABEDIN. This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol. [Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were “abundant.”
[Redacted] explained that ABEDIN possessed “much more power” over CLINTON’S staff and schedule than other former chiefs of staff. [Redacted] believed that ABEDIN herself was often responsible for overriding security and diplomatic protocols on behalf of CLINTON.
On a trip to Jakarta, Indonesia, in early 2009, CLINTON requested to visit an area of Jakarta that presented security and safety challenges. This visit was reportedly for a photo opportunity regarding CLINTON’s “clean cooking stoves” initiative. The DS advance team recommended against traveling to this area because the route could not be secured and was lined with dangerous circumstances and individuals. As such, the DS advance team recommended in writing that this excursion be stricken from the schedule but were told by DS management that it was going to happen because “she wanted it.” DS agents felt this excursion into potentially hostile areas placed CLINTON, her staff, the media, and her security detail in unnecessary danger in order to conduct a photo opportunity for “her election campaign.” DS agents had the perception that CLINTON was using her position as Secretary of State to campaign for President of the United States. DS agents felt CLINTON traveled with hand-picked media who would present her in favorable light in order to garner political support. It was also believed that CLINTON disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press.
CLINTON traveled in an armored vehicle whose passenger windows do not open. This is a design feature for the protection of the occupants. However, the driver’s window does open slightly. On one occasion while travelin to Palestine CLINTON ordered the limousine driver, believed to be [Redacted] to open the window while in “occupied territory”, referring to a dangerous area of the West Bank. [Redacted] initially declined to respond to CLINTON’s request; however, repeated demands by CLINTON forced him to open his window despite the danger to himself and the occupants.
[Redacted} explained that security and diplomatic breaches were often communicated from the foreign post back to the Department of State via cables from the Regional Security officer (RSO). These cables often described incidents like those described above. recommended interviewing current and former RSOs from foreign posts visited by CLINTON during her tenure for more detail into these and similar events.
Early in CLINTON’s tenure as Secretary of State, she and her staff were observed removing lamps and furniture from the State Department which were transported to her residence in Washington, D.C.
[Redacted] does not know whether these items were ever returned to the government upon CLINTON’s departure from the State Department.
Despite having her own DS security detail, CLINTON continued to utilize a Secret Service security detail while at her residence in Chappaqua, New York. DS security would meet Secret Service security at the airport in New York and turn over protection to them. This practice was unknown to DS prior to CLINTON’s tenure and often presented logistical problems to both services. [Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere. Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents. However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her. [Redacted] claimed to have had at least one conversation with Secret Service agents who experienced the same poor treatment.
Inside CLINTON’s office at the Department of State there is a security checkpoint known as “Post 1.” Post 1 is staffed by a uniformed DS officer and a DS agent and provides security to CLINTON’s inner office. CLINTON’s office is a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) and Post 1 is located within that SCIF. By DS security policy, no cell phones are allowed inside the SCIF and DS agents, officers, and staff are required to leave their cell phones outside the door in secure lockers. CLINTON refused to abide to this security requirement and brought her cell phone, believed to be a Blackberry, inside the SCIF where a DS agent assigned to Post 1 was required to guard it. DS agents were indignant that they were required to follow security policy but CLINTON made herself exempt from the same regulations.
This article was written by Tyler Durden and originally published at Zero Hedge.
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What the hell is it going to take to arrest, try, convict, sentence and carry out the hanging of this woman? Seriously. What alternate universe have we fallen into?
Allow me to pose an even graver question:
“If the polls we are being shown are even moderately accurate – and I do not believe that they are – but, if they are close to being accurate – then that means close to half of the voters in this nation are gleefully willing to vote for a woman who has committed multiple and repeated acts of treason and premeditated criminality against the United States of America. And, if the punishment for treason is the death penalty for the individual who is convicted of treason – why should we be any more lenient with our approach when dealing with the voters who are willing to vote for this evil bitch? Would such people not be considered to be accomplices to the acts of treason?”
Good point.
Exactly where I stand!, and Why I rescinded my voters registration
I will not be a part of electing a party from the Enemy Force In Occupation , It is Treasonous to my country, My Bill of Rights, My Republic , and my fellow man
patience, my son. your time to mete out justice approaches RAPIDLY.
How dare them Russian meddle in in our Politics. We never meddled in Syrian or Egyptian or Libyian, or Iraqs Politics. Trekker Out.
So everything I learned as to what a real leader is, was a big lie? I really am, at 52 years old, mystified, shocked, frustrated, and I don’t know what other words to use, at the blatant corruption and how thorough it is in government. I was thinkin, we really don’t need a revolution. If everyone stayed home from work for a week, those of us that have jobs, it would send a message. A very loud one. I know it’s wishful thinkin and it won’t happen but what are they gonna do to those that would? Sound silly? Think about it. Sometimes the answer is a lot simpler than we think.
Stay quiet Be smart
You sound kind of like “Atlas Shrugged”, the producers “go on strike” and let the takers try to make enough to provide for their fellow takers. They retired and took care of themselves and used gold as the monetary standard of transactions. This was written in the 1950’s and sounds like it could have been written recently.
Lets just do one 12 hour strike. On Nov 5 th. At 6 am pull the breaker on the electric. Don’t do anything that would generate a red cent in tax revenue. Don’t drive or use cell phones from 6 AM till 6 PM. One half day is viable.
Trump could have nailed Hillary big time when she brought up the Russian Hack excuse. All Trump had to say was “Well Hillary, glad you brought that up. Your sloppy handling of America’s top secrets, with your many private unsecured servers, which violating the espionage act, that caused the Hacks”. “Now the entire world can see what a sloppy criminal you are.” Bammmm!!!
I have to agree 100%.
Hillary and Obama open border policies include all borders, we can’t ignore electronic and cyber borders.
How can someone who so poorly handled electronic classified data be trusted to handle America’s electronic security, where all communication, major defense initiatives and our entire financial system resides.
Hillary blames Russians and specifically the Russian government for WikiLeaks emails that show she’s a crook, as though this statement exonerates her. It was under Hillary and Obama’s watch that this data was plundered. Are we the voters supposed to reward stupid?
she did not handled the material poorly, she HANDLED the material the way SHE wanted too, which is just another reason SHE is NOT fit to serve in ANY position in this country, (except as a inmate) IF this had a Trump that had done this you would never NOT see it on the TV, just confirms how corrupt the MSM is and has been!! like i say ALL the time it is long past time to clean the entire batch of scum OUT of this country!!
We all know damn well Hillary had her own personal server, so she could do all her dirty pay for play business off the Government server Grid and FIOA requests. She is pathetic and should be sent to prison waiting trial right now, not running for president. Then Bill hides all his BS data in the Clinton Library where he gets presidential executive confidentiality treatment.
I would like to see all the skeletons hidden in the Bush 1 &2 Libraries, right next to My Pet Goat hand book for dummies.
~WWTI… Then Hillary said, I made a mistake oh well, and the FBI says OK Hill baby, no problem slap on the hands. People freeking died.
hillary and billary, the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics, operate an international crime syndicate that has the FBI director in their back pocket.
They are TRAITORS who have committed TREASON, which requires a penalty of DEATH, or IMPRISONMENT of not less than five years and a FINE of not less than $10,000.
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 Code & 2381
So lets get this straight.
ISIS is our enemy as they are terrorist. Still we are arming them. Isis has said they will fly their flag over our White House but we use our military to strike targets to help ISIS. Hmmmmmm.
Bill and Hillary will never be prosecuted for BOTH are Above the Law.
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 Code & 2381
another reason Im Not Voting..Not a Traitor to my Country Republic or fellow Man ..
I do take this shit seriously
Things get scarier every day. I once said, “We’ll have a woman president when the Cubs and the Indians play a world series.” Damn! Wish I’d kept my mouth shut…
Will the real Hitlery Cliton please stand up.
Never mind, just sit down. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. (And a long one.). We’re going straight to hell.
Why travel with some stuffed suit when you can travel with your piece of ass. The only loser in this, is the sad teenage girl Humas husband Anthony is trying to pick up using dating websites.
Hillary only cares about herself, it’s evident. I honestly can’t understand how anyone can support this lying, thieving, murderious cunt! I look at her supporters as if they are special.
If you ain’t Cav, you ain’t shit,…..
Evil Hillary’s picture above is scary indeed. During the debate the moderator asked the question would either candidate support US troops sent to Mosul, Iraq to retake that city. Both rambled on never answering the question. Both are puppet pentagon controlled warmongers.
“I’m Your Puppet”
James and Bobby Purify
Can’t get that dang song out of my head…
JR and everyone
You could get $150.00 dollar fines.
I wonder if the are going to BAN Presidential masks ????
and even people who ran for the OFFICE ????????????
If Hillary is selected. STOP FEEDING THE BEAST.. I will promise to try and never again, pay a single dime into Federal Income Taxes. I would rather be off the grid, cash, PM’s or barter for me. No more income tax grid jobs. F-it, over it and screw them. The country will be trashed beyond all reality anyway and its time to circle the wagons and just live in my BOL Homestead Bubble.
~WWTI… I already have 30+ years of great income into SS benefits in retirement to ride the rest out into the sunset.
Your ride into the sunset may be short lived if she has anything to do with it. I promise not to spend my SS raise for 2017 all in one place, all $4.00 of it.
Thinking about picking up a tent stove. The one that is square and says hq on the door. Anyone have one of these. Not to change the subject but how is it. Seems to have wider pipes than the tms stove. Was thinking of rigging it up in my greenhouse. Gonna make my final selections before store closes for good.
Medicare ate up my $4.00. And that sunset might be that nuke going off and a little brighter.
I turned down the medicare. Part of going John Galt.
Share with me how that’s done–I could use that $105 each month for many things.
So… how did we get here? One major way was the fascist, left lamestream media. Evidence?
– Hillary Calls It “Espionage” When Hackers Expose Documents She Destroyed After A Subpoena (Video 1:53, at )
– After being outed by Megan Kelly on Fox, here’s top Hilary aide Donna Brazile doubling down on lying through her teeth about not getting debate questions to Hilary ahead of the debate. Watch for the shades of “depends on what the meaning of “is” is horse droppings from Brazile after being outed. Her use of God’s name while lying is particularly egregious, as is her never actually addressing the issue. (video 4:18 min at and yes, a precious few in the media do actually do their job, as here)
– CNN “loses” feed right as Hilary’s scam revealed by Wikileaks comes up. Yes, CNN is our version of Joseph Goebbels, on worse. (just over one minute)
– [Liberal media bias] has been documented for several decades, beginning in 1981, when professors Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman “released a groundbreaking survey of 240 journalists at the most influential national media outlets — including the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS — on their political attitudes and voting patterns.” The survey found these “media elites” to be shockingly liberal, to the point that “54 percent did not regard adultery as wrong, compared to only 15 percent [of the general public] who regarded it as wrong,” while, “Ninety percent agree that a woman has the right to decide for herself whether to have an abortion; 79 percent agree strongly with this pro-choice position.” Dr. Michael Brown, Outlasting the Gay Revolution:
– October 18, lightning struck again, but this time, it was Hillary Clinton being accused of sexual scandals (with both men and women), and the accuser was actually someone who allegedly worked closely with the Clintons for years. The bombshell was reported once more by the National Enquirer, and it was given immediate, massive exposure by being featured as the lead story on the Drudge Report, read by millions of people each day. You might say, “That’s odd. I didn’t hear anything about that.” But of course. The mainstream media doesn’t think you should hear about it, just like they don’t think you should hear about the WikiLeaks revelations or other stories that could help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.
The mainstream media has all but ignored the WikiLeaks email dumps, although the information contained in them so far would be enough to sink most campaigns. The coverage has been minimal, at best, and quite understated at that, giving the viewer the feeling that the news is marginal, while what really matters is whether Trump touched a woman on a plane 30 years ago (or, more recently, in other settings). To further underscore this glaring double standard, if the current batch of WikiLeaks emails had come from the Trump campaign rather than the Clinton campaign, with his people insulting Catholics and with his right-hand man expressing disappointment that it was a Muslim, not a white American, who was one of the San Bernardino murderers, the media would virtually crucify Trump, with shrill calls across the nation demanding that he step down and that he fire his campaign manager immediately. But when it is Hillary Clinton and John Podesta at the center of the firestorm, the email scandals take a very distant back seat to the sex charges against Trump. (Which, to repeat, I absolutely do not minimize, if true.)And what if Trump had been guilty of using a private email server for classified government correspondence, as Hillary was? What if his staff had destroyed his laptops and cellphones, refused to answer more than 100 incriminating questions from Congress, pleading the Fifth Amendment, and then were granted immunity? The media would be shouting hysterically, “Cover up! Expose the dirty rascals!” Instead, when it is Hillary at the center of these very serious charges, they join in the cover-up.
– Michael Moore, discussing his absurd, horrible film Trumpland: During the film, Moore takes aim at several popular criticisms of Clinton, including allegations that several people close to Hillary and her husband Bill Clinton over the years have turned up dead under mysterious circumstances. “I hope she did kill Vince Foster. That’s badass,” he jokes at one point during the film,according to Showbiz 411’s Roger Friedman. Imagine if someone on the right said something like that. Additional credit: Mikey Moore’s mansion (just one of his uber luxe digs) on Torch Lake, MI. He apparently stiffed some of the contractors who built is, and if you go by and try to see it, as I have, you can’t get near it – you will be stopped by men with guns. Just google “Michael Moore mansions” for yourself.
Hilary. THE most corrupt, vile, filthy, amoral, incompetent, venal, arrogant, disgusting, absurd, horrific, evil person ever to run for president. All aided by a fascist left lamestream media which has even LESS ethical stature than Hitlery.
Look at the bright side…. if she is elected, she will probably die before her term is up. That means we get to spend tens of millions of dollars on a state funeral for the bitch.
Maybe she could have something like the eternal flame. It could be called the “eternal fountain” .It wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a dime. Just make the pilgrimage to the site and piss on her grave. I’m sure millions would do it.
If Hilary tells some foreign government . Deposit money in the Clinton foundation. And I’ll leave the information you want on my open line.
Two amazing YouTube video
1. “Hitler Gives Speech About Stalin’s Aggression”
2. “Amira Willighagen Nessun Dorma (HD Quality) – WINNER
Finals Holland’s Got Tallent 2013”
Spain has no effective government and things there are just fine. Our governmental ineffectiveness is quite different and has left us with the choice of global thermonuclear war, or not. Not so exceptional and highly dispensable this seems to me. Because we are dumbed down and without critical thinking skills we are thus herded into another anointment for President. To use a poker expression, we are “all in” this round, ready or not. Trump is right about one thing. This is our last chance and while the messenger may not be perfect one must acknowledge his message. Between a rock and a hard place we are. Facing similar challenges Iceland jailed their banking elite and Spain has no governing body and yet their Sun still rises in the east and sets in the west without them going all nuclear about it. This election is about the length of the overtime period for our game is just about over. Take your football and go home if you must but don’t blow up the stadium on your way out. When you are in the booth ready to mark your choice you must remember “All wars are Banker wars” and Putin is the “bitch” because he showed the western bankers the door. I am waiting for Trumps position on an audit of the Federal Reserve for therein lies the tale. But alas I fear it may be too late for any effective saviors. Maybe next time man ascends to this level they will adhere to their Constitution which was designed to control greed, but I doubt it. The alluring power that greed effects, affects us all. Call it the “Fukushima sizzle”. And it as well as its thermonuclear cousins are coming for you. We will wish in future that we could return to this point in order to stop it. My question is why can’t we stop it now.
I personally met a retired Secret Service agent just yesterday who told me all about working for Hitlery. He told me she was an absolute witch to SS agents. He was a new agent in the 90s when he joined the WH detail and he said she was mean as a snake. She personally cussed him out and used the F-bomb on him for holding a door open for him. He said he personally witnessed Hitlery hitting Bubba in the head during her tirades. She physically and verbally abuses people, including her SS agents. He wouldn’t go into much more detail, but he told me he the Klintons were also known for a lot of sexual shenanigans in the WH, including their daughter, whom he accidentally walked in on during a security check. He said the Klintons and their admin were disorganized, hard to deal with, and difficult to work with/for.
Working for Bush, on the other hand, was a dream. He said when Bush came in, he told his entire staff they would be respectful and courteous to SS and if they had a problem with the SS, they had a problem with him.
I wish I could have spent more time with him, but it was just a chance meeting on my way home.
Spot reply,aljamo!
The Bible teaches “Better a crust of bread in the attic than a feast in a house with a contentious woman”. I understand why Bill cheated on her!