This article was originally published by Belle Carter at Natural News.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has reiterated his stance that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is “illegitimate” and lacks the authority to sign any peace agreements, according to an interview broadcast on Jan. 28 with state TV channel Rossiya 1. This declaration comes as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to strain international relations and humanitarian conditions on the ground.
Putin’s assertion hinges on a decree issued by Zelensky on Sept. 30, 2022, which banned negotiations with Russia, specifically with Putin himself. This decree was a response to Russia’s illegal annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts. Putin argues that because Zelensky’s presidential term officially ended in May 2024, he is no longer a legitimate leader and cannot revoke the ban.
“Negotiations can be held with anyone. But due to Zelensky’s illegitimacy, he has no right to sign anything,” Putin stated. “If Zelensky wants to take part in talks, I will delegate people who will conduct such talks. But the key issue is the ultimate signing of the documents.”
The legitimacy of Zelensky’s presidency under martial law has been a point of contention. Under martial law, which was imposed after Russia’s full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, presidential, parliamentary and local elections are banned. According to Putin, the decree can only be revoked by the speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, who should have become the acting president after Zelensky’s term expired.
However, leading constitutional lawyers and legal experts dispute Putin’s claims. They argue that the Ukrainian Constitution allows for the extension of Zelensky’s term under martial law and that his presidency remains legitimate. The constitution states that the president of Ukraine, even under martial law, cannot extend his term, but the representative branch, the Ukrainian parliament, can have its term extended.
“If there is a will, any issue of a legal nature can be resolved. But so far, we haven’t seen such willingness,” Putin said, suggesting that the Ukrainian leadership could find a way out of this situation by having the parliament circumvent the ban.
The ongoing conflict has drawn significant international attention, with major powers and organizations calling for a peaceful resolution. Putin’s stance complicates these efforts, as it effectively stalls any direct negotiations with Zelensky, who remains the recognized leader of Ukraine by the international community. (Related: Zelensky demands U.S. troops put their lives on the line in Ukraine for peace deal.)
Russia has used the claim of Zelensky’s illegitimacy in its propaganda to discredit the Ukrainian government. This narrative is likely to influence public opinion and international diplomacy, making it crucial for legal and constitutional experts to provide clear and authoritative interpretations.
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine remains at an impasse, with Putin’s latest statements adding another layer of complexity to the negotiations. While the international community continues to push for a resolution, the legitimacy of Zelensky’s presidency and the legal framework under martial law will be key points of debate. The path to peace remains uncertain, but the stakes are high, and the world watches closely as these developments unfold.
Head over to RussiaReport.news to be updated on the ongoing war of Russia against Ukraine.
Watch the video below that talks about the U.S. officially declaring that Ukraine’s capitulation is inevitable.
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