This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge.
Chaos erupted along the US-Mexico border on Monday when cartel members opened fire on US Border Patrol agents. This incident came just one week after President Trump ramped up border security efforts, deployed the military, and formally designated cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
Late Monday night, Texas Department of Public Safety Lt. Chris Olivarez wrote on X:
Earlier today, @TxDPS responded to assist the US Border Patrol after agents received gunfire from cartel members in Mexico while patrolling in Fronton, Starr County.
DPS Drone Operators captured the gunmen fleeing Mexico due to military presence, & seeking refuge on an island between the US & Mexico.
The State of Texas will continue to monitor the area closely & use every resource available to prevent transnational threats to our law enforcement partners & the homeland.
Fox News’ Bill Melugin commented on Olivarez’s post:
Texas DPS releases drone footage showing the cartel gunmen suspected of shooting at US Border Patrol agents in the RGV earlier today. The men can be seen armed with rifles, and appear to aim at the TX DPS drone.
One user on X, asked: “Where are our Marine snipers at?”
On Jan. 20, President Trump designated Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
More than 10,000 US troops are being deployed to the southern border to restore national security following globalist policies under the Biden-Harris regime. These policies resulted in a ten million unvetted migrant invasion into the US from third-world countries.
Also, nationwide Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids have resulted in thousands of arrests of criminal illegal aliens so far, who will be deported to their home countries. Deportation flight began last week.
Meanwhile, far-left corporate media, Hollywood elites, progressive think tanks, and radical leftist politicians are melting down over Trump deporting criminal illegal aliens. These folks are out of touch, failing to recognize that restoring national and border security was a very clear mandate given to Trump by a majority of voters.
Our view is that the designation of Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations sets up the pathway for US federal investigators to follow the money trail and disrupt cartel operations by sanctioning Mexican banks that wash their dirty money. Pain is likely coming for Mexican banks.
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