ETF / ETN Death Watch – Buyer Beware

by | Jan 10, 2009 | Commodities

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    Ron Rowland’s recent article lists fund on the ETF and ETN Death Watch .

    As a casual investor, I often wonder about the risks associated with investing in ETN’s — and there are a few — but I didn’t really think ETF’s could come under serious fire. Read Mr. Rowland’s article to learn why watching ETF trading volume should be used as part of your ETF/ETN scoring system.

    While I personally have not selected any of these ETF’s for my portfolio (and I don’t do ETN’s) this article is an eye opener for anyone looking to use these vehicles for wealth protection. ETF’s are great, I love them — but just be careful. Do your research before buying any ETF, ETN, or stock. The last thing you want is for there to be no buyers when it’s time to sell!

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