Bob Chapman says World Stock Market Collapse Imminent

by | May 10, 2009 | Bob Chapman

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    International Forcaster Bob Chapman continues to warn investors that it is time to get out of the stock market. Read Boosting the Dying Dollar with a False Rally for details.

    As the world’s stock markets collapse in sympathy with the US stock markets as the PPT withdraws its support globally, stocks around the world will be sold off, and the proceeds will be channeled into the perceived safe-haven of US treasuries.  This boosts the dollar because sales proceeds from the liquidation of foreign stocks that are denominated in foreign currencies are exchanged for dollars in order to purchase US treasuries, thereby creating a dramatic demand for dollars.  Sell into this current stock market strength and get out of the stock markets, or prepare to get vaporized by an Illuminist laser beam that is being focused on the sheople for a nice roasting so the elitists can enjoy some more mutton chops while they watch the dollar anti-gravity machine perform its magic for their entertainment and profit.  Also, a dollar boost provides some assistance for carrying out JOB ONE at the Fed, which is gold suppression, so you can take a stock decline to the bank based on that principle alone.

    We suspect Mr. Chapman is on to something here. If you are still in the markets, or planning to buy in soon — don’t! Harry Dent, of the HS Dent Foundation, echoes Mr. Chapman’s warnings for investors to get out of the stock markets by the time the Dow Jones hits 10,000, as a re-collapse of the system is imminent.

    source: Boosting the Dying Dollar with a False Rally


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