Ukraine’s ruler, known for stretching out the conflict with Russia is now saying that “we have to finish the war as soon as possible.” Volodymyr Zelensky now claims he cares about lives, just not the ones he’s conscripted to fight in the war.
The ruler of Ukraine made the comments while he was speaking with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state visiting Kiev. Zelensky thanked the Holy See for a “strong signal” of support to Ukraine. “I think all of us understand that we have to finish the war, as soon as possible of course, not to lose people’s lives,” Zelensky said in English, according to the video posted on his Telegram channel.
According to a report by RT, last week, Zelensky told the BBC he hoped to end the “hot stage” of the war “by the end of this year” and that no one wanted to keep the conflict going “for another ten years or longer.”
However, in the same interview where Zelensky appeared to be ready for “peace”, he said that his solution was for Ukraine’s allies in the West to agree on backing his version of a “peace formula” and present it to Russia as a unified bloc.
The “peace formula” is a list of Zelensky’s demands and it was first revealed in November 2022. Some of the demands he wants are Russia’s withdrawal from all territories Ukraine claims as its own including Crimea and Donbas and payment of reparations. He also wants war crimes trials for the Russian leadership, and Ukraine’s membership in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Moscow has rejected all of those demands as delusional.
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Russia has repeatedly said that it was willing to negotiate the end of hostilities with Ukraine. Last month, Putin listed a set of terms for a ceasefire, including Kiev officially giving up its NATO aspirations, withdrawing from Russian regions, and having all Western sanctions on Russia lifted.
Considering this is also an obvious proxy war with the West, none of that is likely. So while Zelensky talks about peace, he’s conscripting members of his slave class to fight and die for a cause he cannot possibly win – more power and control over who is left when the dust settles.
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