In what will be seen by China as an escalation of war, the United States will deliver more weapons to Taiwan under the incoming Trump administration. National Security Advisor Mike Waltz has confirmed that the president-elect intends to give the island, currently at odds with China over its sovereignty, all the defense systems it has paid for.
China’s leaders have repeatedly condemned United States arms sales to Taipei as “destabilizing and provocative”. In response to the weapons agreements, China has conducted frequent naval and aerial drills around the island as a way of showing force.
Speaking at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington on Tuesday, Waltz, a Florida Congressman, stated: “We have over a $20 billion backlog of things that they paid for and that we need to work hard to free up and have them get what they paid for as a deterrent measure.”
This report comes as just last week, Taipei’s Ministry of National Defense announced its plans to deploy new U.S.-supplied missile defense systems by the end of the year. The ministry said it will install Norwegian-made Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) in strategically significant locations in the north of the island, according to a report by RT.
China Initiates Huge Military Drills Around Taiwan In Warning To Island’s President
China’s ruling class considers Taiwan part of its territory under its “One China” principle and insists on eventual reunification. That would mean that Beijing will make Taiwan submit to its rule by using military force if necessary. It has repeatedly opposed any foreign interference on this issue, including U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, viewing them as a violation of its sovereignty and a threat to regional stability.
Earlier this month, China imposed sanctions on seven U.S. defense companies and slapped a dual-use export ban on U.S. corporations including Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. The move came after outgoing US President Joe Biden authorized an additional $571 million in arms and supplies for the self-governing island in December. -RT
The U.S. is inserting itself into several conflicts making it a proxy to the war raging around the globe.
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