Peter Schiff , warning, like Marc Faber has recently, that the long-term trend for the dollar is essentially a slow death.
They’re going to print money until they revive the economy. You can’t revive the economy by printing money. They’re going to suffocate it to death. It’s going to die by hyperinflation.
UPDATE 10-31-09: SHTFplan visitor ‘Suddenly’ has advised this is a 2008 video. We apologize for any confusion this has caused.
Listen to Peter Schiff discussing the dollar:
Thanks! Keep up the good work!
This Schiff video is from 2008. He’s talking about 30-yr treasuries 2.6%. Today, a year later, they are at 4.37%. Today, a year later, the US dollar is still alive. The hysteria is not helpful.
Suddenly, thanks for the date update on this. This was apparently reposted on 10-24-09. I had checked several sources and the interview looked as if it was a new one.
My apologies to those who listened thinking this one was a recent October 2009 vid.
Sometimes it’s very difficult to verify the actual interview dates because sources are often not cited on these.