This article has been contributed by Tom Martin of the American Preppers Network. Get daily prepping news, articles, resources and podcasts at the APN Website.
So, you want to know who “really” started the Tea Party movement? Well, it wasn’t Sarah Palin. It wasn’t Ron Paul either. It certainly wasn’t the Republicans (although the socialist Democrats would have you believe there’s some sort of GOP conspiracy), It wasn’t Fox News and It wasn’t even Alex Jones. It seems these days there are a lot of people claiming to be the first to have started the Tea Party movement. I’ll tell you right now that none of those people were. You see, I actually do my homework. Now, I certainly do give credit to people like Ron Paul and Alex Jones as being major leaders in the Patriot and Tea Party movements. There’s no way those movements would be what they are today without their efforts.
Now, if you want to get real specific, the Tea Party movement was actually started by those great patriots who lived in Boston, Massachusetts back in December 16 1773 at the original Tea Party
But in order to set the record straight, we’re going to focus on this particular modern movement and where it stems from. Yes, for decades since the original Tea Party, patriots have been talking amongst themselves about having another Boston Tea Party, some people may have even pondered over mailing tea bags to our congressmen and Senators. But this current Tea Party movement can be traced back to one single persons post on one single thread on one single forum and I’m about to show you proof and evidence by tracing back.
Anyone who knows anything about the current Tea Party movement knows that it originated from sending Tea bags to the white house to protest TARP. Watch the following YouTube Video Dated April 15th 2009
Here’s a news report: MANCHESTER, N.H. Apr 02/2009– An envelope with a suspicious substance in it was sent to U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter’s Manchester office. Shea-Porter’s staff notified Manchester police when they received the suspicious envelope. Officials were able to determine that the substance was green tea and had been sent as a protest.
Now Watch This video. Rachel Maddow makes fun of the Tea Party movement referencing “Teabagging” and gives credit to the Republicans. The Republicans weren’t the first to take Credit. Credit was handed to them by the Socialist Democrats who made up a GOP Conspiracy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLsKt4O4Yw8
Now long before Fox News, the Republicans, and even Alex Jones mentioned anything about mailing Tea bags, we posted about it right here on American Preppers Network on January 24th 2009. Several people re-posted on other sites: Florida Preppers Network on the 24th, Mayberry Keep it simple Survival on the 25th, and many many more.
As a matter of fact, you can go to Google and search this exact phrase along with the quotes, the same phrase that begins the original article:
“So long as we have an inauguration drawing this sort of crowd and not a protest about our government blowing $700 billion of our dollars”
And then if you go to the bottom and click… “repeat the search with the omitted results included” you will see that over 795 sites re-posted that exact same article….Many of them were posted on extremely high traffic sites. Millions of people read that article. There is no doubt that that article going viral is what stemmed the current Tea party movement.
Now, where did that article come from? As much as it would be nice to take credit for it, and while we did beat Fox News, Glen Beck, and Alex Jones, we certainly weren’t the first. So where did I receive the article from?
Back on the 23rd of January of 2009 I received an E-mail from John at Pioneerliving.net saying that we should do this, “Mail our Tea bags to Obama before he takes his seat in the West Wing.” I was all for it. One thing I did notice is that he failed to include the White House address, so I edited the article before posting it and mailing out. If you received the viral email “with” the White house address included, then the chances are you got it from my chain, if not, then you got it from the original thread.
So was John the originator of that first thread? Oh, that would be so cool wouldn’t it? Well, as much as I’d like to give him credit as the originator of the idea, I can’t. He and his wife certainly were amongst the very first few that made this all happen and it might not even be anything close to what it is today had they not jumped on it, as a matter of fact, it might not have happened at all. You see, they worked tirelessly sending out hundreds and hundreds of emails trying to get others to do the same. They emailed Big John, no response. Alex Jones, no response and many many others, with no response. Who responded? People in the blogging community, people like Mayberry, and mamma bear who was moderating the Florida Preppers Network at the time. Average bloggers like us.
Where did John and his wife get the article from?
Right here: http://www.breakthematrix.com/Elections/FEB-1st-TEA-PARTY-SEND-TEA-TO-WASHINGTON
That original email that went viral was first posted on January 23rd 2009 on BreakTheMatrix.com. John and his wife immediately began sending out emails, as many as possible. You can see where they even left a comment on the 24th in that thread under the screen name Pioneer.
Where did Break The Matrix get the post? It was a feed from this site: http://market-ticker.denninger.net/archives/732-TEA-PARTY-February-1st.html
The original post that started the whole Current Tea Party Movement was posted by Karl Denniger From the Market Ticker on January 20th 2009. In the post, he states that he cannot take credit for the idea as it was floated around by others in their forum.
What forum? Right here: http://tickerforum.org/cgi-ticker/akcs-www?forum=FedUp
What Thread? Right here: http://tickerforum.org/cgi-ticker/akcs-www?post=79282
Who started it all? The person who did that post, the one goes by the user name of Gmack. He posted on January, 19th 2009 an article with the title: Mail a Teabag to Congress and Senate. You can clearly see that he posts the idea, and the forum moderator then edits his post a bit and then everyone gets in the discussion and starts throwing the idea around.
Now prior to that thread being started, and during and after, there are other threads where people are discussing protests etc… Just as on many many other forums. But what makes this post unique is that this particular forum and this particular user who posted about it is who Karl Denniger is talking about in his article, the one that went viral, the one that stemmed the Current Tea Party Movement.
And now you can quote Paul Harvey’s famous line.
This article has been contributed by Tom Martin of the American Preppers Network. Get daily prepping news, articles, resources and podcasts at the APN Website.
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And it didn’t take long for it to be infiltrated by the very thing that was anathema to its cause.
please just straight tell me what the tea party is
This guy is wrong anyway. I do not know who started the tea party specifically, but it was started back in 2007 or earlier. December 16th 2007, Ron Paul had his first tea party money bomb and raised a huge amount some 4.7 million in one day by individual donors. This sparked a huge momentum for the tea party. I attended a tea party event in March of 2008.
Thanks like you really helped me didn’t you
You couldn’t be more wrong.
Trevor Lyman is the guy who launched the concept of using the phrase “Tea Party” Â borrowed from history books when he organized the December 16, 2007 Tea Party Money Bomb (online fundraiser) for Ron Paul.
Taking a page from Trevor Lyman and long after the Ron Paul presidential campaign, other persons decided to protest TARP and deficit-increasing stimulus spending under the moniker, first on April 15, 2009, Â and then again on July 4, 2009 .
Sites like meetup.com facilitated these protest meet ups. Fox News covered these meetings, which gave them credence and voilá, the Tea Party Movement was born.
Teachu… You said: “Trevor Lyman is the guy who launched the concept of using the phrase “Tea Party† borrowed from history books when he organized the December 16, 2007 Tea Party Money Bomb (online fundraiser) for Ron Paul.
Dude…My Great Grandmother talked about Tea Parties, as I’m sure have a lot of peoples great grandparents and patriots all throughout modern history. I was very specific in my article. People have been talking about Tea Parties for decades but none of them stuck for very long…none. This particular Tea Party movement beyond a doubt stems from that one article that Karl Denniger wrote that went viral. See for yourself, Just follow the bread crumb trail.
Did you read the whole article? Did you follow the links? If you do it’s easy to see.
Did you Google the phrase: “So long as we have an inauguration drawing this sort of crowd and not a protest about our government blowing $700 billion of our dollars†?
If you do that you will see that close to 800 sites reposted that article…Many of them high traffic sites. From there, you can follow all the discussions that led to the meetups and teabags being mailed followed by media interest.
Prior to that, few cared about Tea Parties, I doubt even a few mailed Tea Bags. And it certainly wasn’t a topic that media cared about
Also, Like I said in the article: “Now, if you want to get real specific, the Tea Party movement was actually started by those great patriots who lived in Boston, Massachusetts back in December 16 1773 at the original Tea Party“ ….And…..“But in order to set the record straight, we’re going to focus on this particular movement and where is stems from. Yes, for decades since the original Tea Party, patriots have been talking amongst themselves about having another Boston Tea Party, some people may have even pondered over mailing tea bags to our congressmen and Senators. But this current Tea Party movement can be traced back to one single persons post on one single thread on one single forum and I’m about to show you proof and evidence by tracing back.”
Please, all I ask is you do the homework and follow the bread crumb tail before you criticize the article.
Again, people have been talking up Tea Parties for decades, long before Ron Paul was a twinkle in his mothers eyes, but this movement was due to that viral article.
Lo and behold that by coincidence the tea party was formed around the time the famous GOP lawmakers held a meeting on President Obama’s inauguration night, January 20, 2009. That’s the night they plotted to destroy the U.S. economy along with denying jobs for the American people. Four and a half years later the Obstructionist GOP are still going strong at sabotaging our economy and jobs along with austerity under the guise of “Sequester”
Newt Gingrich confirms meeting took place in an interview with Al Sharton’s Politics Nation on June 12, 2012. As the plotters were leaving the meeting Newt says as he was departing: “You will remember this day…you will remember this day the seeds of 2012 were sown.” And he goes to boast to Al Sharpton, “it was an important meeting and I was glad and honored to be part of it”.
Our understanding about the Tea Party is that the Koch brothers, the arch conservatives, who control so much of the politics in the U.S. are the people behind the Tea Party. How did the likes of Sandra Palin,and the rest of these people we see CNBC, PSS, CNN, ever get elected. They are not politicians, they don’t understand what is at stake, they are following what the Koch brothers want them to do. Bring down the government, at any cost. Obviously the Koch brothers are self made billionaires, no one really knows how they made so much money, but they will deny the population affordable medicare, destroy the middle class, and probably want to rule the world. Scary.
Here, I’ll make it easy and post a few links for larger sites…Just look at the threads and discussions, then imagine all the facebook and myspace reposts that google does not index and then all the emails that people sent out. I even received back the same viral version of the same email that I edited a few months later…These emails and posts were circulating the web months before the April 15th Tea Parties…these are the ones that led to the April 15th Tea Party. The Feburary 1st Tea Party was the first and then the articles and emails kept circulating and building up momentem leading to the second Tea Party on April 15th
I was the person who wrote the thread that started the Tea Party. I was fed up with the Republican who stole our money and Democrats who gave our money away. Bill j
Was this not about the time the GOP plotted to destroy the U.S. Economy and President Obama? Appears you are still at it
Forget about the Tea Party gig. Sarah “I Love Israel” Palin has been instilled as the “Country’s Savior” by our Zionist controlled government. The thing here is, they killed the Tea Party, but they DID NOT kill the ideals that it stood for.
I like cookies
The name and idea are old, but so are those that took to the streets and Townhalls to get the attention of our out-of-touch government. The name was applied to them by the press and by their own adoption of the term. The movement was spontaneous as independent groups began to identify themselves as Tea Partiers, without a leader or an organization. Many Tea Party groups remain loosely affiliated, not committed to any national network. They remain more of a confederation that a federation.
As the current “Tea Party” movement I think we are all forgetting the brave analyst RICK SANTELLI, at otherwise left leaning CNBC on Feb. 19 2009 at the chicago mercantile exchange.   Days after was the first “Tea Party” of the modern eraI unbelievably, was watching this live when it happened. It was something watching it happen but I did not think it was going to really have the effect it did.
At around 2:10
My apologies for not including Mr. Santelli in the article, he most certainly is deserving of credit as well for perpetuating the movement and definitely for motivating main stream people, which we all know is next to impossible to do, however Karl Dennigers article was already viral and thousands of tea bags were being mailed nearly a month before Santelli’s famous rant
Willy hit the nail on the head. And about 3 minutes after Santelli called for a tea party, Twitter ignited and tea party groups started forming. About 24 hours after Santelli’s comment(s), the first Tea Party gatherings were already being announced.
Grass roots.
Comments…..It doesn’t matter who started it,the main concern is that republican neocons who will break our laws and undermine our constiution for Israel’s benefit (like Sarah Palin) will attempt to hijack the movement.
If you want real change,KEEP ALL REPUBLICANS(except Ron paul) AWAY FROM THESE TEA PARTY EVENTS!
+1, Dave.
J.D. Hayworth is running as a “Tea Party” candidate against John McCain here in AZ.
I freely admit that I don’t know THAT much about Hayworth, but IÂ would be surprised if he would truly support the more “secular-libertarian” ideas that, IMO, are what this is about…
I am right there with Dave. The purpose of the article wasn’t so much to prove who started it as it was to prove that it wasn’t a GOP funded conspiracy and that it was truly a grass roots movement started and initially perpetuated by average common citizens who are fed up
Given that Repubs and Demos are two sides of the same corrupt, rotten coin, then the co-opting of the Tea Party movoment comes as no surprise. The push to get Palin up there is all one needs to know. Was it Lenin who said “The best way to control the opposition is to be the opposition”?
I guess your research didnt include a search of Youtube. Here is a video posted in Dec 2007 about a Tea Party held in Boston in support of Ron Paul.
As further proof of my above post please read the following article about “hosting the tea party in your community” please see below.Â
The title of your article is Who started the tea party movement. I assume you meant who started the current tea party movement? 2007 is before 2009 so the modern movement started in 2007.  If it somehow picked up momentum or members after Karl Denniger’s article that’s great but the organization was already there.
Nick, the Tea Party movement was started on December 16th 1776. I made that very clear, and ever since then for decades and decades whenever there’s been a tax hike or wasteful spending people have talked about having another Tea Party and none of them stuck and lasted. There is an obvious trail that leads from this current Tea Party movement to that article by Karl Denniger. I could care less if he gets the credit for it, I don’t even know the guy, he didn’t even want to claim credit himself…But there is no doubt that this Tea Party movement was precipitated by that article. I’ll bet I can find videos older than 07 of people talking about Tea Parties. Like I said, even my great grandmother talked about them. There was something about that particular article that motivated people enough to make it go viral, without that it wouldn’t have led to thousands and thousands of Tea bags being mailed and then people organizing to do it a second time once they saw that the message was recieved.
The modern day tea party was started by 8people in November of 2007 at the ron paul forums. One of us paid 80k to run a full page ad in the USA today. Trevor was of the eight and played a big role.Â
Comments…..Sop self serving and full of bullcrap. Tea party Movement is very much a Construct of FOX “News” and right wing talk radio… It is full of the distortions and lies of the right wing propaganda machine.
ya’ll crazy
Comments…..How much proof do you need Tom that you’re dead wrong about your claim that the CURRENT tea party movement began on April 15, 2009 when the correct answer is indeed December 16,2007 and it was started by Ron Paul disciples. Here’s a conclusive video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvGS12EoZUE Btw, tea party conservatives jumped on board because they were desperate for the “fiscal sanity” message. But where tea party libertarians have a true like-minded leader in Ron Paul, the less intelligent conservative brothers don’t realize they’re being led not by real conservatives, but by statists (neoconservatives) who will continue to drain our wallets with their imperialist foreign policy. That’s not conservative and neither is strong central government and crony capitalism. Vote for those candidates who blow off mentioning major cuts in national defense spending and you’ll just have more debt with their borrow and spend policies.
Comments…..Comments…..How much proof do you need Tom that you’re dead wrong about your claim that the CURRENT tea party movement began on April 15, 2009 when the correct answer is indeed December 16,2007 and it was started by Ron Paul disciples. Here’s a conclusive video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvGS12EoZUE Btw, tea party conservatives jumped on board because they were desperate for the “fiscal sanity” message. But where tea party libertarians have a true like-minded leader in Ron Paul, the less intelligent conservative brothers don’t realize they’re being led not by real conservatives, but by statists (neoconservatives) who will continue to drain our wallets with their imperialist foreign policy. That’s not conservative and neither is strong central government and crony capitalism. Vote for those candidates who blow off mentioning major cuts in national defense spending and you’ll just have more debt with their borrow and spend policies.
I believe you may have been misinformed when writing this article. I don’t doubt that all the people you listed in your article have contributed to the movement in some way or another and I’m positive it gained national interest from the tea bag stunt but your off a little bit on what started the movement. I remember very clearly in December 2007 having the first tea party, of my lifetime, for Dr. Ron Paul. Someone has already posted a video of the event. It was also the day Dr. Paul raised 6.04 million online. Actually I think the website that was used during the first tea party is still up and running – google: “Tea Party 07″ Anyways, I will agree the people you mentioned may have contributed to the growth of the movement but I can assure you, since I was a participant, the first tea party was in December of 2007 in support of Dr. Ron Pauls campaign.
““So long as we have an inauguration drawing this sort of crowd and not a protest about our government blowing $700 billion of our dollars‒
” “Mail our Tea bags to Obama before he takes his seat in the West Wing.†”
And yet, you blame Obama for something that was done before he even came into office.
You people are more transparent than a wet teabag. You are a bunch of puppets who are to dumb to know that your strings are being pulled, much less who is doing the pulling.
http://mysite.verizon.net/nathanielyao/index.html Here is a mirror to the original http://www.teaparty07.com showing that the modern Tea Party movement started on December 16th, 2007 courtesy of Ron Paul. Do your homework Tom!!!
Ron Paul Columbus Ohio Tea Party December 16, 2007
“History is written by the Victors.” Winston Churchill
The whole movement was prophesied on Jan. 1, 2002 in Stillman Valley, IL as well as a black president and Chicago politics taking center stage in an effort to shock “The People” into carring abou the country again. It’s all a conspiracy on the part of our government to program your minds people! Wake up!
Comments….. in 2006 I was in court and it was brought up about my campaign and you forgot the condom with the tea bag.
Comments…..I think it was in 2008 Dr Wernsing ( in St Peter, Mn- Mental Ward- Rule 20 ) feared I belonged to an fringe sociopolitcal organization, but my intent is an Independant Third Party, which I’m looking into at present time. Tea Party didn’t take off until I called it Tea Party and before that it was going through name changes from Boston Tea Party. I had two lawyers named Tom whom I left Voice mails to concerning my Political ambition. I don’t mind people helping me, but when others take credit for something not of their doing and profit from it … it crossed the line. I see Tea Party Folks as Political Innovators and the Tea Party as an Headless Horseman and Locusts ( Proverbs 30:27). You have two postings from me. Have Gov Jesse Ventura and his show Conspiracy Theory (?) check out the facts, because I like to know as I have been kept from knowing as I have been detained and overmedicated by commitments and jarvises and now you know why Tea party idea  really got started some est 20 years ago before Ross Parote. Jesse Ventura said on Larry King the the Tea Party been Coupted and hyjacked ( from when recruiting like minded people from News paper Businesses whom got condoms and tea bags too from me). Can Anyone top these Facts?
Comments….. Blood letting is bleeding the coffers or treasury dry through earmarks. Emperor mean male ( Sen Demint ) Tea Party Presidential Candidate. Emperoress is female ( Bachmann / Palin ) Tea Party Presidential Candidate. Godfather means male ( Sen Demint / Joe Miller ) Tea Party Candidate. Godmother means female ( Chritine O’Donnell / Sharon Angle ) Tea Party Candidate. It is MY idea and I’m the ONE who thought of the Tea Party as an Indivual Political Unit and it was STOLEN from me… so was windows seven. Might be some spelling errors and typo’s, sorry. Taxed Enough Already is mine too. Makes ME the Legitmate Orginator of the current Tea Party Solution, not Movement, plus the John Adams of the Tea Party. Carry the conversation on with Rep Michelle Bachmann. Thanks. The Don, because Trump has The Donald already taking… sucking up MORE air / oxygen. Get Inspired by Tea Party.
My late father received over 1000 lb of garbage, lie-and fear-mongering rabid mail each year, even after he died, and one key item I saved was the FreedomWorks early description about FUNDING a new “Tea Party” rally. Scores of irritable disorganized characters can fight over who used the phrase first, but I have PROOF it was given life by the rich backroom America-Hating Fascists’ Big Dollars, not at all a genuine “grassroots” movement (contrasted to the Obama campaign’s average contribution of under $200). But you idiots think he’s the Anti-Beck (oops, Christ)anyway, so I know you illiterates are going to flame me now. BFD.
The point you morons miss is the FIRST tea party was to protest the British tax on tea, without representation.
We GOT representation, and thats what you vote for, ignorant or not. I believe the calculating schemers creating intentional mindless hatred for Liberals like me, and worst for Obama, are the real Traitors, guilty of Sedition. No useful solutions to fix real-world problems, they instead worship at the Altar of the Free Market, which like MAGIC supposedly would fix everything, IF ONLY the darned regulators and pesky constraints weren’t thwarting ’em. Unions and regulations came AFTER the Free Market created Hell on earth; without them, most of you bloggers would be working 16 hrs a day for slave wages in some life-threatening sweatshop.
I LOVE the inadvertent admission I ref below, and how it shows how the “common man” with $80,000 to throw around can call this scam genuine.
April 10th, 2010 at 1:47 am
The modern day tea party was started by 8people in November of 2007 at the ron paul forums. One of us paid 80k to run a full page ad in the USA today.
GEE, that $80k brag really doesn’t reveal anything about the rich assholes behind this, does it?
Just a wannabe Koch boy; too poor to buy every election outright.
the tea party movement started with one man on a boat called the lynks.He is a hard working person with the passion to change big brother and there cronies FOR OBAMMA CARE LETS GET REAL PEOPLE QUIT THE LAW SUITS AND LET DOCTORS WORK WITHOUT MALPRACTUS INSUREANCE CUT COST w/ CLOSS AT YOUR OWE RISK OR CAN NOT SEU FOR INNICENT MISTAKE.LOVE SSG
Comments…..Haven’t read other posts yet about tea party. Here is another lie about Ron Paul being the inspiration for TP and he IS not. I chose Ron Paul or Gen Wesly Clark who best represented my views and I wrote Mankato Mn Newspaper ( The Free Press, if I recall in 2008 while in the Mental Ward in St Peter and don’t know why Dr Wersing feared if I belonged to an fringe sociopolitical organization, such as the current tea party is). I think my concept of Tea Party was stolen from my letters when I did not write out my name as my recruitment attempts were focused on the News Media and when I added the name (at first ) Boston Tea Party, then to Tea Party when it became known publically. A person claiming to be Stewart or Steward called me recently about some letters I mailed to Rep Michelle Bachmann and he told me that Rep Bachmann only represents the people of the sixth district, not the tea party and I’ll add the Republicans also. Is this SHTF Plan attempting to sue me ( Botton of web page ) or those who believe me? I screwed up when an secret service agent showed up in 2006 when I was committed to Alexandria CBHH, because I failed to ask the agent if he read the reports about me sending Bush an condom and an tea bag ( if I recall, also to Coleman, Dayton, Pawlenty, possible Klobuchar after she was elected, besides Wright County. I was told Klobuchar and Pawlenty – the D Bump now for president? – did an investigation while I was in St Peter CBHH in 2008. Last year commitment to Adult Foster Care the Court documents stated sercret service again and was an excuse for the Doc to prescribe haldol). I would have to sign an release to start piecing this all together and go from there, but finding an trustworthy person to sift through this info is an task in itself, because it spans over years. My court appointed attorney Tom Richards has certain knowledge about my activities, such as when in 2006 when he was in court with me when condoms and tea bags were brought to judge larkin’s attention and I believe it was that hearing she called me mantally ill and dangerous ( from my memory – need court transcript ). Then there are the numerous letters to Advantage Corporation Services, such as my interest in going political and the line graphs on tv for political speeches, as starters and how my ideas were being capitolized on by others, but I was excluded. They know me as I love you Marketing, Inc. an Nevada start – up ( wasn’t Sharon Angle known as Nevada start – up? ) Am I weaving an web and tying them all together? I heard on news about Laura Boatright and she’d be an excellent asset to crack the tea party open, which are a bunch of fleas. I wrote Brainerd Dispatch an year ago about taxed enough already and to ask Bachmann, for instance, take me to your leader, now is take me to your Flea ( Luara Boatright might get an giggle about ). Getting long, so I’ll close for now.
Comments…..I read an above post about the influence money breathing life into the Tea Party and the fight over who created/ founder of the revivial and resurgence of the Tea Party for an modern movement. I see it like Steve Jobs ( Steve didn’t start the tea party as an modern movement based on it’s history ) of where money took over control of an organization, but the person with the Intelectual Property is the heart of that organization. What I’m writing is that it may be 10 years ( like Steve Jobs and Apple? ) for the Tea Party to figure it out is who’s Intelectual Proprty the Tea Party is and to let you know I’ll be attempting to piece together Pro – Wrestling Icon Vince M work also and it’s like WCW = Tea Party Patriots, NWA = Tea Party Nation, AWA = Tea Party Express ( see where it’s heading? ) Like late Sen Paul Welstone ( school bus ), so is Steve Jobs and Vince M (forgot how to spell his last name – my bad – sorry Vince ) work may very well be the formula to the future success of the Tea Party ( a good book deal for writing an “How I Did It Business Manual”? Hint – hint ). To brag up Steve and Vince… True ( tea party ) Patriots. I was writing members of various News Groups over the years about starting an Third Party and then it was reported ( after the fact ) that the Founder ( James Dobsom? ) of Focus on the Family was talking about starting another party, because he was not happy with the politics of the day. It’s getting long winded, so I will close for now. A special thanks goes to Vince M. and Steve J. for being an American Icon’s for this rant. Thank you Steve and Vince for your hard work and for being an positive Role Model in shaping ( and Linda ) the Landscape of American Politics.
Comments…..In an previous post it was claiming it doesn’t matter who’s idea it was for reviving the Tea Party as an modern movement ( is it why there is no leader for the movement, because it is stolen intelectual property and the Thieves use History to back their claims, etc? ). I give credit where it is due, because of the Starfish concept and Ron White is the person who says it the best for my premise of what’s wrong with the current fringe Tea Party and is not tolerant of various people’s lifestyle’s… the premise for what is wrong with the current fringe sociopolitical organization known as Tea Party is ( You ) the Tea Party can’t fix stupid and then Ron White smiles with his John Edwards Angelic white teeth… how could you not resist laughing out loud ( LOL )? If you are part of current fringe Tea Party and are now feeling blue or remorseful…is this how you rein in elements by wit or by an web of lies to manipulate others to your point of view? Members of the Press have various notes of mine and it’s like what Rand Paul said to an Public Worker about toilets where it’s not one of might makes right, but thinking properly with persuasion. I ripped into the current fringe Tea Party and not speaking for Rand Paul… the Tea Party backed Office holders need to be seen as what the current Tea Party is suppose to be is an Check and Balance and if using an story of how toilets don’t work to make that point let the sewage flow and Red Tape is an backed up septic tank. Sometimes you need to name call and if you happen to be STUPID… so is the Economy, but the way things are in Gov’t an child would know the difference between smart and stupid. The current Tea Party is turning into what it claims Gov’t is with many social issue’s that it should not engage in. I was bored and thought I’d start an conversation. When was the last time you had an sensible civic engagement? If you haven”t…I think I found an good Therapist if you live in my area for you to talk to, because the current Tea Party could use one while the problem is still small and repairable. New slogan of mine: Fix Stupid yet?
Comments…..In an previous post it was stated that it don’t matter who’s idea the Tea Party is for this modern movement. I just saw the movie Brides Maids the other day and such as life is it resembles my life with the Tea Party idea, but in the movie it was an French theme wedding and how it fell apart in the end and then in an earlier post of mine we add the example of Steve Jobs to it… I have not been to court per say for my quest for another politcal choice in Gov’t by sending condoms and tea bags to Gov’t Workers ( like Gov Pawlenty said will take an CHIV to Citizen’s, my case an NEEDLE ), but see how this works? How will it look for Gov’t to take an Innocent Person to Court for mailing / sending condoms and tea bags to Gov’t Workers, but like taxes are an law enforcement tool of where the cops can’t catch crooks ( they’re all in Congress? ) they say thank you Abe, because it’s an tax evasion charge, so it is with condoms and tea bags for me of where it’s an symptom of an illness by slipping it into another unrelated case. America is not an tolerant Nation and I feel the Tea Party is starting down that road. I have an slogan that would be fun to put on an Shirt that would be exciting to wear at ( Tea Party ) Town Halls, but I feel I’ll be exploited, again ( been accused of conspiracy delusions / symptom. I say it’s being an Speculator, but see where this is going? It’s about creditibility ) When Someone claims the Tea Party IS their idea… Who do you believe? Just like Sarah Palin…I’m talking also. My Court Appointed Attorney used Blood Libel in Court an est. 6 months before Sarah did…more ammo for me and it’s Labotomy by Glock ( spelling error? ) Sad, but true. A lot of People lift my stuff and internet is an good way to trace my claims, such as: Fix Stupid Yet? Not only are gov’t workers stupid, aka Washinton, but the Economy. See how it fits all together? Well, it’s getting long. Ever find out who’s idea the Tea Party belongs to? I don’t mind people helping me out, but I was looking at it as an livelyhood…just an matter of time and it will cave in on these intelectual theives as it will erode away and eat away on them. The word is out now. Will be watching and waiting just like the Goldman’s with O.J. Maybe in the shadows or not. I’ve been accused of being paranoid too. Think it will work? I have an idea on how gov’t and the mental health system works and how your thoughts will be spinning around in your head like an record Baby and how the Press are like an Vulture waiting to swoop down on you like Britney Spears ( leave Britney alone ) with an Red Bull.
After reading this drivel, I don’t feel bad about getting drunk and posting stuff up anymore. Christ, I’ve got a long way to go before I’m really whacked out of my gourd! I’m positively normal!!!
There was the Boston Tea Party and now there is the Tea Party…Ron Paul did indeed start it! You will see who votes for him for this very reason…do you even know how long he has been talking about by way of getting rid of the Federal Reserve? Yes, by all means…do your research!
You Libertarians are insane. Everybody’s out to get you. I’ve never seen so much drivel in my life.
Go ahead run Ron Paul, and watch that third party run give Obama another 4 years. And when it’s through and this country is in ruins, you can remind yourself of how noble and smart you were.
And I am a Tea Party member.
The Tea Party movement began because the American people discovered during the 2008 election that the GOP had been completely overrun by evangelicals — that the word “conservative” no longer meant what it had historically meant. It was part of the “re-imagining” of the Republican Party, to pretend it was anything else is an outright lie. If you want a conservative in office, you get as far away from the GOP (and therefore the Tea Party) as you possibly can.
You’re delusional if you think “mudshark” Sarah Palin will get elected by conservative males!
Ice on Rice
Sarah, the info babe, didn’t think twice
When she had her first chance to entice
A black basketball star
‘Cause she loves that coal tar
So she hit it like she was White on Rice!
We support deaf, we support black, we support mexican, we support all races, and we support the earth what we’re standing on. We need taxes for help prisoners.
Seems pretty conclusive to me since it predates.
I love how people claim to have all the answers and “facts” about an issue but when people who were actually present at events spoken of and challenge the accuracy of the so called accurate account previously presented, the presenter goes all quiet. This is for Tom, the author of the article.
I can tell you this incarnation of the Tea Party movement was in fact started at a Ron Paul Rally in 2007,I was there and I also orginized other rallies in other states that same year in opposition to Republican and Democrat over spending and the big Government they created….There is a you tube video of the First Rally look it up…….
Hate to break it to you but… “The peer-reviewed study appearing in the academic journal, Tobacco Control and titled, ‘To quarterback behind the scenes, third party efforts’: the tobacco industry and the Tea Party, shows that the group Citizens for a Sound Economy launched a Tea Party movement website, http://www.usteaparty.com, that went live in 2002.”
It was started by the Koch Brothers in 2002, the site is no longer up however google Tea Party 2002 and u can see screen shots of the page (remember that u can delete a website but it’s cached on many systems)
Totally agree that the Koch brothers are the money behind forming the Tea Party
Like a crazy Microsoft!
I’m sure Tom just got tired of repeating himself. There is a ton of repetition and people saying a lot of the same things over and over again. If people would put this much energy into actually doing something, maybe our country wouldn’t be failing as miserably as it currently is. Who cares if your republican, democrat, or liberal? What should matter is the actions and that for once, we could unite over a common belief in a cause worth fighting for. If you don’t agree with the movement or parts of it, why not take action to enact changes or better yet, start your own movement! We need more people who take action, not just sit around on the Internet and argue about trivial nonsense or an article that really has no aim but to give credit where credit is due. No one really cares who started what and why not focus on the real problems and issues at hand and do something more than bitch about it!
Check the Barrington Times News Paper
based in Bristol R. I.)as it was known in 1995.
Both the Republican and Democratic parties contacted me to help them by talking to their group.
I elected not to because I/We were not interested in favoring one party over the other one.
That is the way it should have developed not the way it did.
Enough of Dem’s vs Rep’s, but what is best for the people of the United States of America was the policy.
The Party was formed to protect the grassroots people who weren’t being heard and taken advantage of with increasing local property taxes.
This applies to the federal, state and local tax bullshit as it does today.
Grow up.
All of you who are involved in government today should
stop covering your butt fattening your wallet, and instead start serving the people who elected you to do what’s best for them and the good old USA.
Most Sincerely,
For more……………
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