This article was originally published by Jacob G. Hornberger at The Future of Freedom Foundation.
For the life of me, I just don’t get the mainstream media’s vehement objections to President Trump’s desire to investigate whether Joe Biden ending up winning the election through fraud. Their argument, repeated from the very moment that Biden was declared the winner and ever since is that Trump’s claims of fraud are “false” and “baseless.”
But secrecy is normally at the core of fraud. While there might be isolated cases where, say, a person is caught voting twice, it’s rare that massive fraud manifests itself immediately. It usually takes an investigation to ferret it out.
Notice what happens if the logic of mainstream media, most of which was vehemently in favor of Biden’s election, holds sway. If there is massive, sophisticated fraud, it is never discovered because there is never an investigation to determine whether there was fraud. The reason there is no investigation is because there is no evidence of fraud immediately after the election. But the only way to discover the existence of electoral fraud is to conduct an investigation, which isn’t conducted because there is no evidence of fraud immediately after the election.
Let’s assume, for example, that there was election software that corrupt officials were able to use to manufacture whatever number of votes Biden needed to win. How could anyone be expected to ferret out that fraud immediately after the election? One would need an investigation to discover fraud on that sophisticated level. But the mainstream media’s argument is that there should be no investigation because there is no immediate evidence of the fraud. Thus, if the mainstream media’s argument is accepted, the fraud succeeds because there is never an investigation into the matter.
The mainstream media asserts that there is nothing unusual about the massive number of votes that poured in for Biden after the election. But the fact is that it was unusual. Nothing like that has ever happened in U.S. presidential election history.
Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s 1948 U.S. Senate campaign in Texas, which I wrote about the day before the Trump-Biden election, is instructive. Johnson won that election by 87 votes out of almost a million votes cast.
Johnson’s position was the same as that of the mainstream media today. Immediately after the election, he was asserting that there was no evidence of fraud. But as I indicated above, oftentimes election fraud is hard to ferret it. It takes an investigation to do so.
Even with an investigation, Johnson’s opponent, Gov. Coke Stevenson, was unable to prevail in his election contest. Does that mean there was no fraud? No, it doesn’t. In fact, many years later, after Johnson had served as John Kennedy’s vice president and then as president, his electoral fraud rose to the surface.
It turned out that Johnson had told a South Texas crony named George Parr to keep his poll tabulations open after the election, just in case Johnson needed more votes to win. Several days after the election, when Johnson was losing, Parr delivered 200 votes to him, which gave Johnson the win.
This New York Times article, which is worth reading, details Johnson’s election fraud, which became known as the “Box 13” scandal (Google “Box 13 scandal.”) In 1977, after Johnson and Parr were dead, an election judge in charge of Jim Well County’s Box 13, Luis Salas, came forward and confessed that he was part of the fraud. He said that Johnson told Parr that he needed 200 more votes to win the election. Parr instructed Salas to produce the additional 200 votes, which Salas did. The last 200 signatures on the election tally were all in the same ink, which was different from the ink of the other signatures, the signatures were in the same handwriting, and the names were in alphabetical order.
Johnson went on to become U.S. Senator. If he had lost the race, there is no chance he would have become president in November 1963.
It’s certainly possible that Joe Biden’s election is legitimate. But it’s also possible that it’s not. What’s wrong with Trump investigating it now rather than have the fraud surface 30 years from now, as it did in the case of Lyndon Johnson? Surely, the mainstream media wouldn’t want another illegitimate Democrat president, would it?
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All the affidavits sworn regarding impropriety and chain-of-custody issues…Dominion being connected ONLINE (also known via sworn affadavits) during the election…the Company purveying the voting software known as ‘Dominion – IMHO, the creepiest name one could POSSIBLY name software program entrusted with the votes underlying the Elections determining the future of the Nation…the FACT that a majority of the stock of said Company being owned (publically!!), flagrantly Nancy Piglosi’s husband, George Soros and the Clinton’s?
Completely OT hereafter,
Solar cycle 25 appears – appears! – to be en route currently; we do not (currently) appear to be ontrack for another Grand Solar Minima such as the one which transpired from 1645-1715. The evidence for this is the appearance of non-insignificant Sunspots with identifiably reversed polarity relative to the last SC.
The upshot of this – and this is PURE speculation hereafter! – is that the oncoming SC might be substantially enhanced relative to those we have seen over the last 100 years or so. The LAST cycle was fully anticipated to be a “Grand Solar Maxima” and instead was seen to be proximally a bona fide dud. If this cycle is seen to be enhanced we might well see some extraordinary Solar Flares as it progresses…and universally (with the exception of Eastern Canada) no utility existent has efforts themselves to perform the miniscule alterations to the Grid (extremely cheap…but require large segments of the Grid to be temporarily de-energized in order for the procedure to be performed) leaving the Continental Grid exquisitely vulnerable to the effects of EMP related to Solar Storms.
I cannot possibly convey how exquisitely sensitive and VULNERABLE the distribution of electrical power in North Anerica is to all such. The UHV (Ultra High Voltage) transformers which are solely responsible for having a grid transmitting power hundreds (or thousands of miles…) to and fro, are for all practical purposes functionally irreplaceable; the manufacturing lag time on those being in excess of THREE YEARS.
Dwell on that for a bit…everything we think of as ‘Modern Civilization’ depends critically on the ubiquitous availability of electricity…interruption of that would be beyond catastrophic. Prepare accordingly if this cycle is accompanied by consistently larger and larger flaring magnitudes.
Because you don’t get it. You are missing the big picture. It was well known that these systems had the ability to be hacked as soon as they were implemented. It is also a well known fact that massive mail in ballots increases the liklihood that corrupt individuals are more likely to get away with election fraud. Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters. Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history. Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the healtg scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livlihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. Jeremy Powell said today that the economy is dead and will never recover. The only injustices that Trump gave a damn about were the injustices against himself and his family, and has committed countless injustices against the entire country and world during his term. Trump is a corrupt narcissist. The facts prove it. Trump is such a corrupt narcissist that he was willing to destroy the entire economy based on scientific fraud, high crimes, and treason to use as political cover for his own incompetency which is the most offensive and disgusting diabolical act ever perpetrated on the entire country. Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he lovec wikileaks. Trump is a two faced lying fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says,” I really don’t know anything about them.”
“I know nothing.” Trump saying “I know nothing.” defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp!
Why would anyone vote for him the second time around after a record of pathological incompetency and pathological corruption? What’s to approve of about him?
Andrea Iravani
Because you don’t get it. You are missing the big picture. It was well known that these systems had the ability to be hacked as soon as they were implemented. It is also a well known fact that massive mail in ballots increases the liklihood that corrupt individuals are more likely to get away with election fraud. Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters. Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history. Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livlihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. Jeremy Powell said today that the economy is dead and will never recover. The only injustices that Trump gave a damn about were the injustices against himself and his family, and has committed countless injustices against the entire country and world during his term. Trump is a corrupt narcissist. The facts prove it. Trump is such a corrupt narcissist that he was willing to destroy the entire economy based on scientific fraud, high crimes, and treason to use as political cover for his own incompetency which is the most offensive and disgusting diabolical act ever perpetrated on the entire country. Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced, lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says,” I really don’t know anything about them.”
“I know nothing.” Trump saying “I know nothing.” defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp!
Why would anyone vote for him the second time around after a record of pathological incompetency and pathological corruption? What’s to approve of about him? Go ahead, investigate voter fraud it if is permitted, and if it isn’t then ask yourselves why it is that a system that enables voter fraud is in place, and ask yourselves who had the ability to change it and, and who had the ability to benefit from it!
Andrea Iravani
Because you don’t get it. You are missing the big picture. It was well known that these systems had the ability to be hacked as soon as they were implemented. It is also a well known fact that massive mail in ballots increases the liklihood that corrupt individuals are more likely to get away with election fraud. Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters. Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history. Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livlihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. Jeremy Powell said today that the economy is dead and will never recover. The only injustices that Trump gave a damn about were the injustices against himself and his family, and has committed countless injustices against the entire country and world during his term. Trump is a corrupt narcissist. The facts prove it. Trump is such a corrupt narcissist that he was willing to destroy the entire economy based on scientific fraud, high crimes, and treason to use as political cover for his own incompetency which is the most offensive and disgusting diabolical act ever perpetrated on the entire country. Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced, lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says,” I really don’t know anything about them.”
“I know nothing.” Trump saying “I know nothing.” defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp!
Why would anyone vote for him the second time around after a record of pathological incompetency and pathological corruption? What’s to approve of about him? Go ahead, investigate voter fraud it if is permitted, and if it isn’t then ask yourselves why it is that a system that enables election fraud is in place, and ask yourselves who had the ability to change it and, who had the ability to benefit from it!
Andrea Iravani
I do not believe that the network of U.S. foreign policy administrators has any leverage, clout, or credibility left to bargain with, whether from Democrats, or Republicans. I think that they will be shocked to find out that they have been fully and forever edited off of the national stage. They may make a few feeble attempts, and they will undoubtedly fail, because failure is all that they are capable of. They have all bedn exposed as frauds and psychopaths. Nobody trusts them.
Andrea Iravani
I do not believe that the network of U.S. foreign policy administrators has any leverage, clout, or credibility left to bargain with, whether from Democrats, or Republicans. I think that they will be shocked to find out that they have been fully and forever edited off of the national stage. They may make a few feeble attempts, and they will undoubtedly fail, because failure is all that they are capable of. They have all been exposed as frauds and psychopaths. Nobody trusts them.
Andrea Iravani
of course the retarded hacker hacked my comment again!
I dunno why the left is all a-twitter. Look at Trump’s record on domestic corruption. He may puff-up a bit, fuss and gesture … but in the end he is not gonna do a darn thing.
Looks like we are stuck with the communists …. until the system collapses.
it’s already known the dominion voting system is a fraud maker along with hammer, scorecard and criminal election employees
biden comes out looking like hugo chavez or nicy maduro
Everything the msm reports seems to be nothing but lies, gas lighting, and raducalized extreme bias. For example, they continue to refer to Biden as the “president elect. ” Biden will not be the president elect unless he attains the necessary votes from the electoral college when it meets on December 14, 2020. Another example is that they keep saying Trump “lost” the election. Again, the electoral college has not met yet so therefore there is not yet a clear winner. 2nd, Trump has not yet conceded. 3rd, recounts and lawsuits are in the process. Another example, is the so called “peaceful protest” of the left which are not and have not been peaceful.
Johnson was a Demonrat. The Daly machine was Demonrat. Cuomo is a Demonrat. DeBlasio is a Demonrat. Hillary’s selling of influence was performed as a Demonrat. Obama (D) & Holder (D) were responsible for Fast & Furious. Susan Rice (D) lying for a month after Benghazi. The Biden INFLUENCE PEDDLING / MONEY LAUNDERING scheme is accomplished as a Demonrat. We could go on and on.
Notice the theme. No worries, I’m already on the removal list.