Recent price action in precious metals has left many an investor wondering where gold and silver prices will go next. According to Inca One Gold Chairman Bruce Bragagnolo, prices won’t stay down for much longer. In an interview with Future Money Trends Bragagnolo says that the correction we’ve seen since August is a result of multiple factors including the fact that Chinese markets were closed for an entire week. This gave insiders an opportunity to progressively drive prices lower by dumping literally billions of dollars in paper assets onto the open market in mere seconds. Bragagnolo explains:
It’s been shocking and it’s been gut wrenching for a lot of people to see the type of drop in the gold price that we’ve seen. I think most people were looking for a correction at the $1290 range and we’ve gone a lot lower than that… Clearly somebody had some gold to sell or short… it always happens during the week the Chinese market is closed because it makes it easier to knock the price down… It just seems like it’s too much of a setup…. this was an artificial takedown caused by a seller that was known to the bullion banks…
From what I’ve seen, we’re in a bull market right now and I think you have to play the bias to the upside… we should be out of this fairly soon…
Watch the full interview as Bruce Bragagnolo highlights the many factors for why gold is set to explode to at least $2500 per ounce and why long-term mistrust, economic fragility, the gutting of the middle class, and supply-demand fundamentals could drive it even higher in coming months and years:
Learn more about Bruce Bragagnolo at Inca One Gold.
Visit Future Money Trends for more interviews, market updates and important news.
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The manipulators have been hard at work. In a single minute they sold off over one BILLION dollars a couple of weeks ago. All while the Chinese were closed.
Total set up, just like this guy said.
Keep stacking. The 2011 highs were just a warm up.
Must be them goll dang NAGGERS again!
Most of the folks here would better spend what money they have on food, water, and ammo.
You must survive the CHANGES for your gold to secure your wealth.
Eat. Drink. Live. And let die; except in the case of TRAITORS.Help them do the right thing.
America First !!! 🙂
i agree on the traitors getting ‘reformed”, durango. i been dabbling in gold for decades, and it ALWAYS goes down along with the stock market when there’s a crash. they sell their gold because it’s most liquid thing to raise money to try and save themselves….this time MIGHT be different, if the shtf, for GOOD…..it will be the buying opportunity of a LIFEtime……IF you can FIND it for sale…….and yes, gold is for those that have all the OTHER stuff already.
This Expert Sticks With $1,900 Gold Call, $25 Silver
Oct 17, 2016
Guest(s): Monty Guild Founder, Guild Investment Management
Although gold prices have come under pressure the past few weeks, Monty Guild, founder of L.A.-based Guild Investment Management says he remains bullish, and is still calling for the metal to climb up to $1,900 an ounce within a two to four year time frame. Gold and silver markets ended slightly higher Monday in quieter trading. Market participants are looking for new fundamental information to drive the markets. December Comex gold was last up $1.50 an ounce at $1,257.00. December Comex silver was last up $0.044 at $17.48 an ounce. Spot gold, which has shed about 7% over the past three weeks, is expected to stabilize after many speculators ditched long positions. ‘Technically, gold is at the end of its corrective phase, it could have one more wave down, maybe by a few bucks,’ Guild said. He is forecasting the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates by 25 basis points in December and then says, gold should hit $1,400 an ounce. Guild sees inflationary trends developing outside the U.S. and tensions in the Middle East as bullish factors for the yellow metal.
Link: ht tp://www.kitco.com/news/video/show/Kitco-News/1389/2016-10-17/This-Expert-Sticks-To-$1900-Gold-Call-$25-Silver
~WWTI… $1900 Gold, that could drive Silver up to $27 to $40. With in the normal Silver to Gold Price Ratio trading range in the last 20 years. More upside Profit in Silver Back up the Truck.. Wait 2 years Min to triple your money.
Get a high quality headlamp and a hand torch both. You need both of them on at the same time to walk in the brush at night.
They should each have flood and spot light features, strobe capability, and white, and also green or red bulbs.
Green and red aren’t suitable at all for wilderness travel. You cant see more than a few feet with them. Their main use is trying to read shit at night without fucking up you night vision. But youre not walking anywhere without a bright white battery powered floodlight. Which of course will draw attention. So basically forget about running around the woods at night in SHTF unless its dire straights.
Solar/hand crank LED lights work but they are very low powered. Not suitable at all for wilderness travel. They are perfect for lighting up rooms in a house in SHTF without being visible from the outside. I have several of them.
Using a blue light to follow a blood trail is bullshit. A UV light might work but its all very impractical.
Youre going to find your way with a penlight???? BULLSHIT MOTHERFUCKER.
Do you people ever even try this shit in real life???
Well yeah sure ok right/ \ but how do the Chinese make stuff ship it half way round the world for the price of materials in USA ? Please don’t say cheap labor unless it’s a last resort
after seeing this do you really think gold is gonna come back?
Yep. Cattle are stupid but will stampede in an opposite direction when spooked. That’s all it will take to get PMs running up. That is the stupidity that tptb are banking on… it’s a window of opportunity. Beanie babies… on the other hand…
I remember women telling me they were going to pay for their kids’college with beanie babies.
mark always proves how uninformed people can be .
To your point TIRED , yeah , how ya gonna trade gold with people like this ?
Barter wont work with these folks !!!
I agree that most people have no clue what to do with gold or silver today. However, in a monetary collapse scenario they will learn very quickly. So long as there is demand for precious metals somewhere in the world, there will be barter markets to trade it.
As capital flows into precious metals during a crisis, more and more people will get informed. At the top of the eventual bubble, traditional investment advisers will be telling their clients to buy these safe haven assets. Of course, by then the run-up will have already occurred and the smart money will be selling, not buying.
Mac Says, At the top of the eventual bubble, traditional investment advisers will be telling their clients to buy these safe haven assets. Of course, by then the run-up will have already occurred and the smart money will be selling, not buying.
***That’s exactly what just happened in the Metal Mining Stocks with 600 P/E Ratios. Now its Pop goes the weasel. Crashing back to earth.
~WWTI.. Buy Low, Sell High.. Look at a 10 and 20 year chart for Silver, Buy Low, Sell high. Any Questions?
Yeah, why are you even here?
Since you say you are so Opsec, they know where you are by posting here.
What makes you so special???
What an asshole…
you yunksters SETTLE!
Looks like the Zit Faced Turd came and fell in the Punchbowl again. Drinking at 7AM eh?
oh fuuuuck, eppe, this troll’s been lookin’ in yer WINDOWS! Ordinarily people live and learn. WWTI just lives.
MY gold will be cashed in AFTER the collapse….if you think you will be TRADING it, you would be better off buying STUFF people will NEED….not what they will WANT…..there WILL be an end to all this corruption, and out the other side, you’ll want some of your wealth preserved. but i BET the VAST majority,….even us preppers, won’t have enough of a LOT of things…..buy those NOW, while they are a bargain. clean water, food, guns are your priorities right now. time is short.
Uh… yeah. Ever hear of China? You think the banksters don’t know about gold. Leftist lemmings shown here will just be collateral damage to the fascists in charge. They don’t care about human life or well-being.
The rest of you, the latest price smash is a time to accumulate
I believe it was artificial. But I pulled out a silver piece I bought when spot was 15 plus the other day and felt pretty good about that decision. I am sure that I will feel good about what I bought this past week sometime in the future. I never will sell the stuff unless I need to. So far, since coming to this site, any pm’s I’ve picked up have increased in value. A little here, a little there… starts to add up. A golden opportunity- or a silver one depending on your budget.
Beautiful hunter’s moon in East Texas last night. Next full moon Nov 14th will be the closest perigee yet in the 21st century. Should be pretty near full again tonight.
2is1, yep was up early,going hunting,it was bright and beautiful! I call it an ( outlaw moon) night hunt without a light, lol !
Hope the price stays low a little longer,trying not to buy to much at once!
Be well all!
Maniac –out
I watched the ‘outlaw’ moon as you called it driving into town and from my back yard. I would love to have been out in the woods or on the ranch hunting though. The sky was clear for once down here on a full moon night and the moon was beautiful!
It is/was a great time to pick up some silver or gold. It is hard to say how many more days the price will be low.
Louisiana Eagle
Hilary… the very BEST candidate Goldmun Suchs, JP Morgue and Geo Soreazz money can buy!
test…I really don’t think she limits herself…ya got the money you can buy her…don’t matter who or what you are.
If the dollar stays strong as it has, can’t see gold skyrocketing. Mac has a ton of gold stocks and metal sellers advertising on this site. With the turmoil in the Euro and the debit crisis in China the dollar is the strongest currency out there. Huge gains on the dollar against world markets, as scary as this sounds US is the least smelling turd on a pile of shit.
If you ain’t Cav, you ain’t shit.
Although it shows the ignorance of the American people. I think Mac should stop with the gold articles.
None of the younger people today want anything to do with gold and maybe Preppers should keep this info to themselves. When the exchange for the new fiat money comes and they have lost all the presumed wealth, many will exchange their gold jewelry, if they have any.
One of the greatest risks we prep for right now is economic collapse. Gold and silver are a primary indicator and window to the health of the economy.
I know this bores some, it’s a well known fact that a course in economics is a good cure for insomnia, but keep it up Mac.
It’s not like the headline didn’t warn you Anon, just skip them.
Hate to be Eor, but if I had a dollar for every time I heard that…
Just a comment- most young people today wouldn’t know gold if it came up and bit them in the ass. It’s just to expensive for them to have much of it. I have an Omega necklace that was bought 15 years ago for $500 which is now “unfindable” at a regular store and worth 1500 bucks on the jewelry resale market- that is- woman to woman. Women, esp. trophy gals, are always going to want to be decked in the real thing. Gold is never going out of style, though our poor millenials may not have seen much of the stuff.
I bet ya $100 that the Millenials could tell you how much the newest I-phone costs within $10 dollars and what time Bevis and Butthead is on TV. lol
2isone I bought an old GF an Omega necklace and yes paid about $500 20 yrs ago, A couple of years later we broke up, and someone broke into her apartment and stole it. Stupid is. I bought a lot of women nice jewelry. They loved it. I like to see my women looking classy and dolled up. Diamond Rings, pearl necklaces, Safire Rings, Tennis Bracelets X and O.. Silver necklace charms..
Gonna stockpile Goldschlager. If it becomes worthless I can get sauced and feel rich. ?
New episode of walking dead coming on now.
Sorry I was wrong just a sneak peek of the new season. Boy I got ahead of that. Can’t wait.
One more week to go!
That self important prick kapernack or whatever the fork his name is,,,,
What a douche, worthless
Got a gold nugget ring 14 k paid under $300 for it years ago got the receipt for it somewhere. Probably worth $900 or more now. It was a nicer looking ring than the others seen out there. Wouldn’t sell it though maybe in a hardship situation. An old buddy used to have a rope chain about quarter inch in diameter it was heavy I could imagine what that is worth now. Gold was affordable about 20 yrs ago. it’s doubtful big chains will be around ordinary people’s necks that’s reserved for the rich now.
This is pure gold
WJC phone number
(949) 202-1057
Bill Clinton phone number
It’s a VoIP number for conference calls. It’s listed in a Podesta email along with a PIN for him to use.
Green Party’s Jill Stein: Trump less dangerous than Clinton; Hilary will start nuclear war with Russia (2:35 min.)
Jill Stein comment here, where she essentially endorses Trump relative to keeping us out of war https://youtu.be/u8lD-RQ2AhQ?t=10 (or story https://utopiathecollapse.com/2016/10/13/green-partys-jill-stein-trump-is-less-dangerous-than-clinton-she-will-start-nuclear-war-with-russia/
Where is the disgusting lamestream media flogging Cyndi Sheehan and the “No blood for oil” chanters? Same place, I guess, the radical feminists were for all those women raped by Bill, and whom Hilary threatened into silence.
Of course, this nut Stein actually BELIEVES in the utter scam of faux global warming, so that isn’t exactly a credit to her….
I sold 40 ounces of gold at 1364 an ounce and 500 silver eagles at 21 something about 2 months ago. Both have done nothing except go down since then. Neither are going to make some spectacular upward movement in the near future unless some big financial bubble blows up.
And that isn’t going to happen before the election and probably not for a while after. Although all bets are off if we push Russia into a shooting war.
If you you are a day trader and can manage the transaction costs, well and fine. Otherwise you will rue the day you did this in the near future. Hope you enjoy buying back at 2000 /oz
Not a day trader. Used it to buy real estate without a mortgage. Still have plenty of physical when the balloon goes up.
I’ll sell half of my 68 lbs of Silver 999 Rounds at $40+, and the rest at $99 per ounce next year.
With gold at nearly $2,000.00 an ounce, up from $35.00 an ounce in 1972, and experts claiming gold will soar to $5,000.00 soon; my guess is that the bubble is probably going to burst some time very, very soon, and wind up down around $200.00 or $300.00, not ($?,000.00) thousands, not 4 or 5 or 10 thousand.
So, those stupid people on the boardwalk may be right, just ahead of themselves.
I am tired of reading posts describing these people as stupid. Most are not. ill informed, yes. Give these kids a chance. Most have never been exposed to economics, or current events in a way that would excite their interest. In fact, the media has waged psychological warfare so as to make them slaves. Psychologically programmed to believe that money is too complicated for them to grasp. those in the know are still following the experts who may be leading them off a cliff. Whether it is gold, or whether it is something else; we need to think for ourselves.
My doctor is so completely uneducated on certain things such as nutrition and natural cures for disease. That doesn’t make him stupid. He is very intelligent. He is just uneducated about these things. So, I have to be smart enough to keep quiet about what I know so as not to create friction. I need certain things that only he can provide. If I challenge him, guess who gets screwed. It isn’t the doctor, it’s the client (patient) you and me.
And a bottle of Coke was .10 cents too in 1972. You will never see $35 Gold ever again. You may never see Gold under $800 again either. Never.
If Gold reaches $2500 then Silver will be $35 to $53 per ounce with a silver to gold price ratio of 70 to 1 down to 47 to 1. Silver has the greatest upside potential than gold.
Smart money is buying on these artificial dips. The banks are buying it to save themselves and so should you if you can afford to. Gold and silver has been money for thousands of years. Thats not going to change in our lifetimes.
~WWTI… They may try to confiscate gold but not silver. Silver has too many industrial uses like in electronics and solar panels. Demand will always be there. Supply will not, which will justify massive price increases as the sector tightens up. Hang the manipulators, after you thank them for giving you the opportunity to get in on the cheap. $28.50 by Dec under normal fundimental trading history.
-WWTI… THIS IS A $10 gift.
I think I will paint a horseshoe with gold paint and nail it up over the front door!
Be sure to turn the open end up or it won’t hold luck
Green Party’s Jill Stein: Trump less dangerous than Clinton; Hilary will start nuclear war with Russia (2:35 min.)
Jill Stein comment here, where she essentially endorses Trump relative to keeping us out of war https://youtu.be/u8lD-RQ2AhQ?t=10 (or story https://utopiathecollapse.com/2016/10/13/green-partys-jill-stein-trump-is-less-dangerous-than-clinton-she-will-start-nuclear-war-with-russia/
Where is the disgusting lamestream media flogging Cyndi Sheehan and the “No blood for oil” chanters? Same place, I guess, the radical feminists were for all those women raped by Bill, and whom Hilary threatened into silence.
What you need to know right now is Russia Today in the UK has had it’s bank account stopped and will be going the same way as PressTV if we just stay silent
See hxxps://www.rt.com/news/363013-rt-uk-accounts-blocked/
Hitler (so they say) silenced the press, we need to stand our ground
Yes, we no longer have a Fourth Estate. Just Goebbelian (National Socialist, i.e., Nazi) BS
National SOCIALISTS (Nazi) back at their usual antics. Please consider passing this on!
For your reference: In addition to http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-clinton-react-to-attack-on-local-nc-gop-headquarters/ar-AAj1SG7?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp
Here are some other stories:
https://www.rt.com/usa/362970-republican-office-fire-swastika/ (Yes, these violent leftist are too utterly ignorant to know that Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party, and had explicitly socialist planks since its founding
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/17/north-carolina-gop-headquarters-firebombed.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fpolitics+%28Internal+-+Politics+-+Text%29 and http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/17/north-carolina-gop-headquarters-firebombed.html
People are naive. The KKK leader is obviously, to me, a mixed race fella with a little Afro looking red hair and tan skin. Maybe I’m mistaken. However, the opposition controls by leading or misleading.
No thinking person wants Socialism. I don’t fault the Germans. It is what was needed at that time to bring the homogenous Germans together in order to fight Marxism, communism.
Being a Nationalist is an altogether different thing than being a National Socialist.
There is no way to know if this was not a false flag operation designed to deflect all the negative, even criminal, acts by the Clintons and others.
My guess: FALSE FLAG …
Sorry. My mistake. It was Trumps Republican headquarters that got firebombed.
They put the symbol of the crooked crosses which goes back thousands of years and has meanings such as prosperity, good luck, and God. The four squares of the symbol 90 x 4 = 360.
This 360 degrees is a perfect circle, which meant , the sun, or God. Mans first One GOD was the sun god, from which developed the idea of One True God.
But I doubt these fire bombers understand the beautiful symbolism behind Germany’s flag.
Some people have no idea what they’re doing. Bad attitude. Chip on the shoulder.
I think this only helps Trump. It shows who are the real terrorists.
I am glad it wasn’t the other way around as I first thought.
The democratic Clinton camp has reached a new low. Murder and intimidation is the Trotskey-Stalin way of doing business. Stalin starved his people and worked millions more to death building up his tanks. Something beyond the imagination of Hitler who said of the Russian workers “they live like animals”. He was lamenting their terrible working conditions. It was a statement of sympathy and compassion.
But I get why Trump called the perps, animals.
They sure are behaving like a subspecies. Animals, that is a put down to my dog. He doesn’t do things like this. My dog has more sense.
Today might be a good day to go outside and look at the blue sky, feel the warmth of the sun upon your face. Draw a cool glass of clean water from you kitchen tap to drink and cook up a batch of fresh vegetables for dinner.
Because the way things are going this all will be a thing of the past.
It all depends on what the girls do
Sue Plié and Dee Mand
Something else we may be sayin’ good by to:
New climate deal could make it harder to keep cool.
The Obama administration signed onto a deal over the weekend with nearly 200 countries to combat global warming by phasing out the refrigeration chemicals used in air-conditioners, even as industry scrambles to find replacement chemicals needed to keep homes cool and food fresh.
President Obama Threatens President Putin With Nuclear War
[In a nutshell … if it looks like Hillary(Plan A) will be defeated by Trump, Obama will implement Plan B (create chaos)]
By Eric Zuesse
Global Research, October 16, 2016
Obama is thus coercing us, before he coerces Putin. He’s telling us: If we vote against Hillary Clinton — if she loses this election — then President Obama has something in mind that we won’t like — and he won’t wait until the next President is inaugurated on 20 January 2017 to do it, whatever ‘it’ might be. Obama here is threatenting not only Vladimir Putin, but the American people. Even if Obama truly believes that he alone possesses all the power, he does not, unless he possesses the power to terrorize America’s voters to elect Hillary Clinton, even if we otherwise would not.
More @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/president-obama-threatens-president-putin-with-nuclear-war/5551319
They will keep gold as low as possible, as long as possible, and central banks control a third of the worlds wealth.
Central banks prefer the myth that precious metals aren’t money. To an extent they are correct as long as they can manipulate the price at will.
At current prices they are bankrupting mine owners. When there are big shortages, industries will pay up for it and the banking cabals will lose control of the price, but right now the third world will just use slaves to mine it cheap and sell at any price. Buy on the dips. Silver is the best bargain.
Here is Jim Rickard’s expert opinion on the near-term movement of gold:
“Gold’s recent drawdown from the $1,330 per ounce level to $1,250 per ounce is easy to explain,” says Jim Rickards.
“It represents a one-time repricing by the market based on expectations of an interest rate increase by the Federal Reserve in December. Those expectations are correct; the Fed will raise rates in December. Since gold has no yield, any increase in the yield on competing investments (such as Treasury bills) makes gold less attractive to hedge funds and institutions. This accounts for the repricing.”
But what now? The Fed wanted to raise rates several times last year… but that’s what the Fed wanted this year too and hasn’t had the gumption to pull the trigger to do. The economy is too weak to withstand it. “A Fed rate hike will result in a stronger dollar (that’s already happening), more deflation, fewer exports and weaker real and nominal growth,” says Jim.
To say nothing of a 10% stock market correction, as happened when the Fed raised in December of last year.
“In short, the Fed will raise rates, but the move will be counterproductive and will cause the Fed to reverse course and send dovish signals almost immediately,” Jim goes on.
“That reversal by the Fed will send gold soaring again. There are other tail winds for gold including election uncertainty (Trump has spoken favorably about using gold as a monetary standard) and geopolitical uncertainty (the U.S., Russia and Iran are on the brink of war in Yemen and Syria, with shots being fired by all sides).
“The gold outlook for late 2016 and early 2017 is almost an exact replay of what happened in late 2015 — a bottom in November, followed by an enormous bull market in December, January and February.”
Here is noted gold expert Jim Rickard’s projection for the near-term movement of gold:
“Gold’s recent drawdown from the $1,330 per ounce level to $1,250 per ounce is easy to explain,” says Jim Rickards.
“It represents a one-time repricing by the market based on expectations of an interest rate increase by the Federal Reserve in December. Those expectations are correct; the Fed will raise rates in December. Since gold has no yield, any increase in the yield on competing investments (such as Treasury bills) makes gold less attractive to hedge funds and institutions. This accounts for the repricing.”
But what now? The Fed wanted to raise rates several times last year… but that’s what the Fed wanted this year too and hasn’t had the gumption to pull the trigger to do. The economy is too weak to withstand it. “A Fed rate hike will result in a stronger dollar (that’s already happening), more deflation, fewer exports and weaker real and nominal growth,” says Jim.
To say nothing of a 10% stock market correction, as happened when the Fed raised in December of last year.
“In short, the Fed will raise rates, but the move will be counterproductive and will cause the Fed to reverse course and send dovish signals almost immediately,” Jim goes on.
“That reversal by the Fed will send gold soaring again. There are other tail winds for gold including election uncertainty (Trump has spoken favorably about using gold as a monetary standard) and geopolitical uncertainty (the U.S., Russia and Iran are on the brink of war in Yemen and Syria, with shots being fired by all sides).
“The gold outlook for late 2016 and early 2017 is almost an exact replay of what happened in late 2015 — a bottom in November, followed by an enormous bull market in December, January and February.”