Boredom has set in for many in the United States, as the lockdown over the coronavirus pandemic continues for most. As preppers, our goal should not be to watch others suffer and laugh at their misery because they failed to prepare. Instead, we should be helping others also prepare so the mass panic of a pandemic will be minimal next time around. And during lockdown is a great time to start.
People are in tough enough situations such as losing their jobs and being forced to close their businesses. Because of the dramatic effect of the sacrifices many have been commanded to make, this situation has had the positive effect of creating more people who want to be prepared for possible catastrophes.
It’s hard to not jump on the bandwagon and tell people “I told you so,” but if you want to be secure in your preparedness, the best thing you can do is help others secure their own preps. If others have food, it’s less likely they’ll be willing to risk severe bodily harm to steal food from you.
So what can new and seasoned preppers do while locked down?
Start by doing an audit of your supplies. This is completely free and won’t cost you a dime. If you are beginning, you may not have much to check. If you are not new to prepping, make sure everything is in working order, and the food is still good. Make a list of things you need to add to your gear. Once you have a list of things you would like to add to your supplies, start looking if you have money to spare. If not, start researching what you’ll be paying for those items so you can save up.
Not many anticipated that people would wipe out toilet paper first filling their entire cart with so much that it would take them 5 years to use it all. Obviously, that money could have been spent on better items, like personal hygiene and healthy foods to boost the immune system. For those who don’t already have enough toilet paper, it has been a rough few weeks. But there are other solutions.
Consider getting a bidet. These are fairly inexpensive and could mean the toilet paper you have stored could be bartered in an emergency.
Please do not flush paper towels and baby wipes! A plumbing problem during a catastrophe like a pandemic could mean you are out the use of your toilet until things subside. If you have a septic tank, it’s terrible for those, and you could damage the sewage system causing more problems that could make your life hell on earth especially during a lockdown.
As you figure out what you need, the next step is to make a budget. Have a set amount that you can spend on preparedness each month. Make sure you are prepping your finances too, because the economic toll this will take, especially those who own small businesses or who provided services, will be massive. Have an emergency fund with 3-6 months worth of expenses set aside. Use it only for emergencies.
Lastly, start boosting up your supplies, or for those who already had what they needed before this lockdown arrived, replenish items. If you used up your peanut butter to avoid going to the grocery store, get more. Here is a list of items currently available that I have recently purchased. Some I used up, others expired, and some are additions or upgrades:
Bulk Peanut Butter (Individual jars are fine, but this is a 9lb tub)
Suture Kit (a great book to use a resource is The Survival Medicine Handbook: THE essential guide for when medical help is NOT on the way)
Bulk Toilet Paper (In stock at the time of this writing)
Upgraded Vehicle First Aid Kit
Do your audit and figure out what you might need or want to add. If you can envision using it, you should add it to your list to acquire. Remember, when it comes to prepping: It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it an not have it.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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The CIA gang on Sputnik Loud and Clear radio show are sounding more and more like Hillary Clinton in their propaganda war against the coronavirus which they believe that the government must use to deprive Americans of even more rights and all of it is based on circular logic and lies of omission and an insatiable desire to increase fascism.
Since there always have been and always will be zoonotic diseases, even their fascist desire to forcefully test people and isolate people who have the COVID-19 antigen present, the population would still be at risk of contracting it, since it is zoonotic.
It is best if those who are fearful of the coronavirus and those who are in high risk categories would choose to self-isolate if they are not willing to risk their lives, since this is similar in nature to a bad flu epidemic.
They mock the government for declaring war on the coronavirus as far as closing borders, but criticize the government for not forcefully testing and isolating people.
They sound just like Hillary Clinton blaming Russia! The longer that it goes on, the crazier and more convolluted it sounds! They are evil, sadistic, fascist, opportunistic psychopaths and propagandists with deviant personality disorder and megalomania with total disregard for everyone in society, since the overwhelming majority of people had no way of preparing for indefinite home isolation and indefinite loss of income! They are terrorist thugs! Obviously CIA CYA agents!
They serve as reminders that America is full of psychopaths that are far more life threatenning than the coronavirus!
Last year 2.89 million Americans died, which would average at 7,917.8 deaths per day. Since many people in Italy had died of non covid-19 related things or illnesses but the antigen was detected in them, they have a higher and false rate of deaths attributed to the disease. It is an ad-hoc conclusion to arrive at simply because the covid-19 was detected in the individuals, that it was the actual cause of death.
The covid-19 hype has proven what we already know. TPTB are pathological liars that do not give a damn about human life! Why would they start telling the truth and start caring about human life now?
Obviously, they care less and less with each passing day, since the policies that they enact threaten human life more and more each day, and they continue the pathological lying with increased voracity!
They could say that 3 million people died today of the coronavirus. They are pathological liars! They lied about 9/11 and they are lying about this too!
Last year 2.89 million Americans died, which would average at 7,917.8 deaths per day. Since many people in Italy had died of non covid-19 related things or illnesses but the antigen was detected in them, they have a higher and false rate of deaths attributed to the disease. It is an ad-hoc conclusion to arrive at simply because the covid-19 was detected in the individuals, that it was the actual cause of death.
The covid-19 hype has proven what we already know. TPTB are pathological liars that do not give a damn about human life! Why would they start telling the truth and start caring about human life now?
Obviously, they care less and less with each passing day, since the policies that they enact threaten human life more and more each day, and they continue the pathological lying with increased voracity!
They could say that 3 million people died today of the coronavirus. They are pathological liars! They lied about 9/11 and they are lying about this too!
We must keep telling them, ” I don’t believe you. You are pathological liars!”
take advantage of the time at home to do labor around the house. turn over the garden home repairs. go rotate your food. start seeds. cut firewood. rotate gas. build a greenhouse and a trellis for the beans. put the screen down and do work to improve your self reliance. forget buying crap there is no store bought solution to labor.
If your in a place that is locked down then your in the wrong place. I don’t do 1 thing different because I don’t fall for this scam. I am fine. Run my doggie in the hills, go shopping, but then I don’t hang around others very much. Fixing to put a pellet stove in the cabin. Firewood is for either poor people or idiots or as a backup. I got a new pellet stove (1500 new) from a reseller because it was returned and the guy was too stupid to know the mechanics of it. All I had to do was spin the exhaust fan a couple of turns to free the crap that was stopping it. 500 bucks later I have a brand new 1500 dollar stove lol. I also scored a new 2400 dollar pellet stove the same way (new in crate) for 1000 bux and am currently using it in our home. People are stupid and if you check craigslist you can take advantage of it. Pellet stoves are the shit! Waaayyy better than the firewood hassle and mess! My solar system will handle it no problemo. I also keep both woodburners as backup. Better get some colloidial silver before it’s banned! The govt. does not want you to have a cure/prevention….
What is this, ameture hour for understanding of what liberty is all about?
Liberty is a timeline. It carries on or it stops at a certain point in time.
All those supplies you enjoy because of liberty are like a ticking clock, the time winding down.
The supplies are not in your possession to continue your own existence, but rather should be viewed as a mechanism to slow tyranny down or turn back the clock towards a day where liberty is eternal. Liberty is self sufficiency but such a benefit can not happen in insolation. As goes the Americans, so goes America.
Buy a bumper sticker and T shirt printer with haste, put pen to paper, spread the message of liberty far and wide while there is still time. Publish or perish.
The printing press changed the world once, and is standing by to do so again, if only people would remember to use it. Throw your cell phone in the trash can. Enjoy the online time, while you still have it available to you.
A poem for the fascists:
I watched the world fall apart,
Disinclined to think – That’s a start,
Although the world was united around evil and bullshit,
The bullshit voluminously swells,
In the bullshit coronavirus fake revolution,
Led by crowned fascist shithead propaganda clowns,
That took the bribes from the Global Engagement Center and Lea Gabrielle, or mocked the same,
I’m watching you drowning in your own bullshit,
And will not lend a hand,
Until you admit that you’re full of shit!
This is a humble offering of rhyme, reason, and poetic justice,
Because there is no justice in the U.S.,
Just United Shit!
The propagandists on Sputnik radio love the Chinese government and applaud the Chinese government for isolating the coronavirus that occured in Wuhan shortly after the Wuhan Military Games, and shortly after the CDC shut down the Fort Detrick Bioweapons lab for repeated failure to prevent pathogen leaks.
Patrick Henningsen of 21stCenturywire reminded on his radio show me of the July 2019 Wuhan protests that occured after CCTV reported that incinerators planned for Wuhan to incinerate waste would be installed and that incinerators used by the government in other cities resulted in the release of carcinogenic dioxins. After a week of protests, an unidentified number of people were removed from protests by authorities and domestic reports on the incidents of the protests were quickly censored and vanished.
Nobody can deny the level of mass surveillance as well as fascist control that the Chinese government exerts over the population.
Rather than Sputnik radio show host Wilmur Leon as well as his guests, and Loud and Clear hosts and guests criticizing the Chinese government as well as the United States government for extreme censorship, mass surveillance, and fascist control over their citizens, they hold it up as a model for how American government ought to be, echoing unconstitutional executive orders and bills of confessions of high crimes and treason, proving once again that they are government propagandists.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been active in China and has an office in China supporting vaccination programs and is working with WHO.
Similarly, Donald Trump, the Republicans, and the military cannot criticize the Chinese government when they are enacting policies used by the Chinese government which they are criticizing it for!
Major corruption, incompetency, and conflicts of interest at Expert Texpert WHO:
I am not telling the grasshoppers, ‘I told you so.’ But this old coot is all out of empathy for them.
TPTB and propagandists including Sputnik radio show hosts have shown us who their enemies are! It is not the coronavirus. No. They lied again! Their mortal enemies are the constitution and American citizens. Yep. They want to enslave us or kill us. The facts prove it.
if i get any smarter …my brain is going to explode?
free books online
any book suggestions? anybody?
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
The intention experiment.
Billions and Billions carl sagan.
1984 the Palimpsest.
The presidential historical lineups.
The complete 7 set Dark Tower series.
Homer complete collection.
The Federal Registry over the past 10 years.
Your local state and county actual laws and regulations.
And you know….. Having a hard time choosing something to read? Stop joking around.
And fuel with stabilizer, rechargeable batteries, backpacks, cheap used bicycles, motor oil, spare auto parts, gun/ammo, binoculars, cold weather sleeping bag, tire plugs, charcoal starter fluid, lighters, mainstay or equivelent survival bars, fishing gear, good pellet rifle. That should get you by for a while, just be sure to sight in the pellet rifle asap (shoot birds and rabbits etc, without much notice).
Boredom? Pffftt.. I am working my A$$ off. No time to fiddle. I scored a full trailer of FREE wooden pallets and have begun a full 4 bay Rabbit hutch and will start raising and breeding them ASAP for future protein. Even city dwellers could raise 50 rabbits in their back yards, since rabbits rarely make any real noise. Opposed to chickens.
Out on a homestead, start with rabbits and then the chickens. The rabbit poop will make excellent fertilizer for your garden and give something for the chickens to scratch and spread over your garden. Think Permaculture Gardening. Get your homestead eco system set up and survive and thrive. Get your worm harden going also to help compost your spent garden scrap goodies.
Go buy all the hardware and 1/2 inch metal screen cloth for your rabbit hutch construction. Hinges for doors and latches, so the raccoons or other predators can’t get at them. Protect your food source, and pick up all tools and feeding equipment for your livestock including feed. Plenty of how too videos on all of this. Get busy, no boredom here or time to fiddle.
Git er Done bro! A word of caution about rabbits, if you have them on the ground fenced in they will burrow out. Make sure to have a dig proof floor. Also stretch tie wire about 6 inches apart across the top of the pen to keep birds of prey out. Good luck and keep on truckin’.
Save me a squirrel ka bob!
Taters? What’s taters precious, what’s taters?
Howdy Y’all,
The article mentions auditing your stocks…that is SUPREMELY important inasmuch as what you don’t know you don’t HAVE is the same thing as not having it at all.
In Alaska – where ‘We’ are – it’s not only knowing WHAT you have, but equally important…KNOWING WHERE IT IS! Same thing applies, if you don’t KNOW ‘where it’s at’, lives may be lost for time spent searching for that ONE critical thing.
When it’s 45 degrees below zero there is no time to ‘hunt something down’…people die in that killing COLD.
A word to the Wise…
Magnolia Officinalis is a tree whose bark is medicine.
It is native to China.
TCM (not Turner Classic Movies) stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine.
In TCM, Magnolia Officinalis (MO) has been used for 2500 years.
Supplements are available.
These are taken as a sedative to bring on sleep.
Used as an antidepressant, antianxiety medication as effective as some prescription drugs and in some instances it is used as a prescription drug.
Helpful to prevent some Cancers, it is also useful for asthma and respiratory distress because it dilates airways allowing for increased airflow.
If you can grow this particular variety of Magnolia tree in your area, and you have room for it, Magnolia Officinalis is an excellent choice.
While you are home, read up on herbal medicine. Start an herbal garden.