Watch: Muslim Passenger Erupts in Profane Tirade at Flight Attendant Over Turkey Sandwich

by | Jun 21, 2018 | Headline News | 83 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    A Muslim passenger on a Wizz Air flight from Luton, England, to Skopje, Macedonia, had a tantrum when the sandwich he ordered wasn’t quite what he was expected.

    The passenger launched into a tirade, calling a flight attendant a “stupid f***ing b***h” after incorrectly accusing her of serving him pork.

    The man was given a “turkey ham” sandwich made from turkey and compatible with Islamic dietary customs.

    In video footage captured by another passenger, the man became increasingly aggressive, which reportedly concerned fellow passengers.


    Despite the attendant showing him the ingredients list on the sandwich package, the man grew angry and proceeded to verbally berate the young woman, reports NewsWars:

    “This is not right, you should tell people there is pork, I’m a Muslim,” the man said. “It’s pork, darling… What the f**k is your problem, stupid f**king bitch? She’s a f**king bitch man. She told me it’s not appropriate to touch my teeth, f**king slut.”

    “You have given me ham, and you’re talking to me rude. I just tell you it’s ham, you tell me it’s not pork. It’s not nice, darling, you’re supposed to be nice to the customers.”

    A senior male steward tried to calm the man down by explaining that “turkey ham” was a term used to describe the processed turkey meat, but the man continued his rant.

    The crew eventually refunded the man 4.50 euros for the sandwich and two euros for the bottle of the water, which he kept, reports The Sun.


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      1. At my work, we have a cafe. It has one fryer. The chef fries pork bellies in the fryer all the time. And then, he fries chips, fries and other vegetarian items in the same fryer. The M*sl*ms scarf down those other items along with the pork fat. We laugh our *ss off! Hope they all go to hell.

        • They are creating h*!! here on earth.

          They aren’t supposed to drink or smoke either but guess what, they do.

          • They ain’t suppose to rape children and kill innocent people but they do that too. I’d like to see them all dead.

            • Menzo, just give it some time and they’ll get ‘sent to allah’.

              • Think it’s time we reveal the truth bout our food supply. We use pork as filler in ALL our processed meats and pork fat to cook all commercially available fried goods from potato chips to chicken and beef, as well as mixing ground pork bits into feed for all other livestock… Eat food in America – you WILL consume PORK!!! Eat hearty…

            • I just saw the news that some Pakistani men murdered a fifteen year old white English boy. But the story is being suppressed. He was beaten, tortured, and set on fire. It was reported locally.

              Meanwhile another case where the victim is black is being treated as an Official National Day Of Morning.

              This is white genocide.


          • The are the world’s scumbags

        • These P.O.S muslim need a good ass kicking. Better yet just shoot the P.O.S.

      2. NO FLY LIST for turkeys that cannot discuss things in a civil manner while on a flight. Maybe a little more severe if I was deciding his fate.

      3. I knew a Jewish woman who lived in a retirement center. One day they served turkey rouldins (turkey and ham sandwiches). She had no clue. The next day she called the kitchen wanting another turkey rouldin. When the chef told her it had ham in it she said it was okay since she was too old for God to get mad it her. And the next holiday season she threw in $10,000 into the staff Christmas tip fund when most everybody else chipped in $500 or so.

        And I once knew a Jew who loved a garden fresh BLT.

        • My friends father was a cracker jack auto mechanic, the best there is. He was working at an auto dealership owned by Jewish guys. He used to bring in porkette (Italian roasted pork incredibly delicious) and rolls. He said they made excuses for eating it soaking up every drop of the droppings in the process.

        • NOT is my favorite sandwich. Knew an Iranian student in the ’70s who ate pork chops every week in the cafeteria after we told him it was beef. He didn’t like chicken though. Go figure.

        • And who did (((She))) steal the $10,000 from? Friends with Bernie Maddoff?

      4. What a pos. It’s no wonder we have to keep making laws to protect these fuckin animals. So sick and tired of them playing that race card. If he was white he’d have been slapped silly and drug off the plane instead he has his ass kissed.

        • I would loved to have viciously assaulted the islamic savage on behalf of the stewardess.

          • Put bacon on it. That vile muslim piece of shit.

          • Menzo, I would gladly take out that muzzie if he had approached me.

        • They should of tossed the wonderful, sweet, peace-loving sand-baboon out the damn window at 32k feet!! Fly to Allah and all of that garbage you sand-trash.

        • Someone should have shoved a ham hock down his throat to shut his filthy mouth. Pigs are cleaner than those people.

        • DK

          Page Not Found

          Looks like its verboten

        • Just posted today, SANDY HOAX Fake Shooting Scam

          Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed months before ‘massacre’

          Posted on June 19, 2018 by Dr. Eowyn

          This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds
          Link: ht tp://

          We are told that on December 14, 2012, a lone gunman, Adam Lanza, went to Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) in Newtown, Connecticut, where in the space of 11 minutes, shot and killed 20 first-graders and 6 adults.
          We are also told that after the massacre, SHES relocated to an empty school in neighboring Monroe, CT — Chalk Hill Middle School at 375 Fan Hill Rd.— until a new swanky SHES was rebuilt with the $50 million from the state of Connecticut as a result of the shooting massacre.
          It turns out that SHES had moved to Chalk Hill months before the alleged massacre, which leads to this question:
          Who, then, were the students and teachers whom Lanza shot to death at SHES on December 14, 2012?
          The evidence of SHES’s move to Chalk Hill comes from Wolfgang W. Halbig, a humble straight-talking 71-year-old man with an impressive professional record as a law enforcement officer (U.S. Customs inspector and Florida state trooper), an educator (public school coach, teacher, assistant principal and principal), and a nationally-recognized school safety consultant who was an expert witness in the Columbine and other school shootings.

          • I have personally met Halbig at a school safety seminar. Great man and patriot who truly cares. He is right on when it comes to this matter!

        • Thanks DKidd; great vid.

        • Originally posted on YouTube by Sophia Smallstorm…

      5. He’s in the food industry? He should know that turkey ham is neither. Read the label Mr. Jihadi.

      6. Pork…the other white meat.

      7. I say we give him a small green pineapple and we get to keep the pin.

        • @wojo:

          Well played Sir…..I concur.

          Best to you and yours.

          Be Safe…..Rock Steady……BA.

      8. So now they have first class, business class, and low class. If I got stuck sitting next to Mustafa Dumbass I would have ordered a couple of BLT’s.

      9. ALL of these muslim dogs should be taken out back and HANG the no good sand apes!!!! They are all the same, actually they act like a bunch of no good coons, wild, violent, out of control and a huge chip on their shoulder…it is way past time we knock the chips off these fools shoulders before they not only ruin the US but the entire damn world.

      10. Yup, so it’s bad enough we have to deal with all of the savage ape coons but now we have the wonderful peaceful people of islam to contend with as well…God, let’s just get on with it already, I am so ready.

      11. We have seen over and over again muslims in the West have an extreme sense of entitlement. They believe their religion and their culture imbue them with the right to be abusive to anyone they see fit; even to rape, assault and kill “infidels” with the blessing of allah (used a small “a” purposely). It is past obvious they will not and cannot assimilate into Western culture; they even say so.
        Gov’t, NGO’s, civil rights organizations, etc., demand they be given unearned special rights and public subsidies. Many serious crimes committed by these “people” are being officially ignored and hidden from the public. The political and financial elite insist we accept all cultures as equal, and if we say anything they don’t like we are labeled as bigots and even prosecuted. Meanwhile they keep pouring in.
        All this only shows there is clearly an agenda formulated by TPTB to change the demography, culture, legal system, religion, and traditions of the West including the US.

      12. I knew several guys that did overseas duty starting up operating units in the Middle East because our refinery was one step from the research lab and we got the experimental units. They made big big money. Unfortunately power guys were a dime a dozen and I didn’t get this opportunity. All of this predated 911. Not one had good things to say about Saudi’s. They had attitudes, were lazy, felt entitled. They all had a college degree however, it was in “Islamic Studies”. They referred to them as Sand Ni**er$.

      13. These fucking bastards think they are going to hell if they eat or touch pork, yet they gleefully slice off the heads of the innocent. Should be thrown out of the plane at 35,000feet–instant frozen shit.

      14. I have some that live next door. They yell at their children, then the kids scream/cry, and my cat hears it which in turn gets her all upset. They seem to run into the wall a lot, too. They have clotheslines strung all over their yard which is against HOA rules (the little drying rack are okay) and have broken my fence from either the clothesline being tied to my fence or just plain carelessness. I’m also constantly tossing toys which always seem to be broken back in their yard.

        The next house on down I find food tossed over the fence and into the common area. I’ve seen and photographed black vultures sitting on the fences looking for a free meal. Only happened once that I know of but there sure was quite a wake/committee of them–around 20 it seemed between the fence, rooftops, and trees. Maybe this has become one of the regular areas they hunt. Ewww….

        No point in going into the music, etc. You get the idea.

        It’s becoming a strange neighborhood. I am such a minority that when I see a white face I wonder who the heck it is.

        • Yahooie:

          Where the heck do you live. I hope it’s not in the USA.

          If you own your house, the value will plummet as your neighborhood becomes a no-go zone and you will be forced to sell for less than nothing when only a Middle Eastern Family makes an offer to buy. Damn. Sorry, about that. But when one moves in as the old saying goes “there goes the neighborhood”.

          As for the guy on the plane, what a pig he is. I hope Allah chokes him and his 72 Virgins are ugly nags.


          • B from CA,

            My neighborhood went to crud a while back when the majority of properties became rentals. Then Hispanics moved in and they started living 10 to a house with almost as many vehicles. Most of the overcrowding has been remedied but it’s definitely a marginal neighborhood and only once has has there been shooting on my court (street). In a way, it’s safe because no on comes around looking to steal since no one really has anything. My car is the oldest on the street and no one will try stealing manual transmission. 😀

            But my goal is to get to a nice cottage out of town–okay, way out. Not sure whether to move down to moonshine country away from Northern Virginia or back up north where I was born. Either way, it’s time to fix up the joint to put it on the market.

      15. Someone should have shoved a ham hock down his throat to shut his foul mouth.

      16. Climb to 35,000 feet, open door and PUSH!

        Problem solved!

      17. Actually is good that they have an exploitable Achilles heel in their religious distain for pork. Black Jack Pershing confronted with the Moros in the Philippines has his troops lubricate their bullets in pork fat.

        • Watch the Gary cooper movie .I can’t recall the title. Stupid me.

        • The real glory. Free on line

      18. These people have been inbreeding since Mohamed said it was ok 1400 years ago. Some believe permanent genetic damage is right in our faces and backyards. There average IQ is proof ? And incompatible with modern society? There is a reason we have prisons and mental institutions. And borders. And a military . We have been holding back these people since before the shores of Tripoli . And now we are letting them in. Or our domestic enemy is letting them in?

        • Every damn one of them needs a bullet through their pea brain

      19. It seem pretty cut and dried? White people are 8% of this planets population. Extinction level event? Sounds like fun?

      20. You can’t reason with a muslim. Trying to explain something very elementary to the average muslim is like arguing with a drunk, it’s impossible. The only individual being rude was the muslim, like always.
        The number one cause of Islam is stupidity, just like the number one cause of suicide amongst the Clinton’s is death.

      21. Kill this vile filth of allah

      22. Someone should have smacked the pick. We have these degenerates in Australia.

      23. If a guest or customer becomes abusive, immediately show him the door!

      24. If it was China, this is what would happen to him: first his “Social Credit Score” would drop and this would get him cut-off from flying ever again. The next step would be “re-education” Chinese-style. This involves going to a camp where the only food available is pork dishes and the only drink is beer. They do this until they shut the f up about Islam and drop the stupid Halal crap.

        Now, if he was in the Islamic world, and misbehaved like that, he would be sent for some anal stretching excercises, as in, he would be violently butt f-ked and anally raped with a batton until he got peaceful with Allah again.

        For Muslims, the anus is everything. They consider it an acceptable sex organ for use with young boys (most Muslim men adopt a boy to “mentor” anally). They also anally have sex with young women so that they can have pre-marital sex without taking her virginity.

        Ask any soldier who has served in their countries, the butt-f-cking of young boys is part of the culture.

        • In the US, this POS would have been arrested at the destination, if not put on a “No-Fly” list.

        • I would hazard a guess that very few Muslim men “mentor” woman anally. That would be only for the very rich, I’d imagine!

        • I recall a Utube video from 4 or 5 years ago and the US military doctors were trying to determine why some of the women in a village in Afghanistan were not getting pregnant. Well apparently the males were using the back door not the front door.

          Look at how ragheads pray. Face on the ground, ass in the air.

          They make their females were black bin bags. It is obvious, if you are paying attention, that Islam is a cult created by faggots. Nothing you said surprised me. Nothing. I have known this for years.

          • It is a gay faith that is for sure. Look at it: they hide and deride the women. Keep them covered up, fat, unwell, snip off their clits, never let them wear sport or beach wear (in our local park they sometimes go running covered head to toe, crazy!!), and the men get together with other men FIVE times a day to stick their asses in the air and pray to Allah. Like, Hello!!

            Go to any Muslim country and it is just horny young men hanging around everywhere grabbing at their nuts (they rarely have a job). Because of the restrictions on women, they get their sex release on each other or young boys. But here is the scary part: as a result of Obama, Muslim men are now making social policy in the West. The most powerful financial city in the world is run by a Muslim. Muslim men were promoted to many high-level jobs in government. Now, what would they consider important? Gay rights of course. And keeping women from forming families and having (white) babies.

            A straight man, on the other hand, worships women and their beauty. Straight societies highly value beautiful young women, love it when they like to go to the beach and keep fit. They want the women to be confident, healthy and safe.

      25. Just throw it off the plane (at the present altitude). There is a fundamental choice to make in dealing with muslims. You can choose to be the exterminator or the exterminated. I recommend the former. Semper Fi!!

      26. maybe flight attendants need tasers. just apply it to his neck until he quits twitching.

        • I wouldn’t go that far because he’d end up soiling himself and then the whole plane would smell like a badly maintained outhouse for a while.

      27. You get what you put up with. Note that this was a British plane. The Brits have given their country to the moslems. Let them stew in the garbage hell hole they voted for!

      28. My teen age buddies once forced pig shit in a muslim kids mouth and made him swallow. Very soon that family moved out, hopefully back to the shithole they came from. The muslimms were always the stupid queer bunch that always cheated and stole lunches from school, and they never took a bath. The girls were nastier than the boys.

      29. I honestly didn’t see anything wrong here. The passenger seemed polite to begin with. The flight attendant in this case, IMHO, could’ve handled this better (dont convince a muslim that Turkey Ham has no pork. Just do what the customer wants).

      30. They could have just gone to a lower altitude, opened the door, and helped him out.

      31. Remember the red Fez hat was ounce white until it was dipped in blood at the Fez battle. And guess who’s blood they celebrate ?

      32. Why the Shriners ?

      33. Soooo……is it the mooslim culture to groom little boys to
        be sex slaves? Seems to be true. So is “”PIZZA GATE”
        being exploited by the mooslims in this country where
        young boys are prisoners on the west coast island??

        I have heard this has been ongoing for more than 20
        years. The young boys admit to being held prisoners
        but aren’t sure where. They tell horrible stories that would
        make decent parents cringe to think any child would have
        that kind of experience.

        I’ve heard lots of well known US millionaires frequent this “secret”
        island, but since it is a “private island” off shore….the US cannot
        Since when have politicians cared about that?
        maybe those are rich mooslim politicians, in our government,
        who run this “prostitution ring?”

        Could that be true??? /S

        • The problem is a simple one. How do you let them have full freedom to practice their culture and live as they wish, and reconcile that with the laws we have against most of what they do? Sex with children is illegal and for good reason: they are not physically or mentally mature enough to engage in sex and sexual relationships. But if a culture has it hard-wired into it that it is okay to gain sexual release on young boys, and to marry young girls at the age of 9, then how do we let that exist within our society?

          Unfortunately, the compromise has been to look the other way and allow these practices to occur. But by doing so, we are then allowing a parallel society of child sex to exist within our borders, and as time goes on, many of these individuals will assume more and more positions of power and influence. Is it any wonder they would then push their world view and appetites on to the rest of the population?

      34. Every passenger jet should carry a pig as a pet. Make sure it is seated next to the Muslim.

      35. I wonder if the key to Christian heaven, Is the level of resistance you gave to evil?

      36. And if you don’t know the difference of good from evil, You are evil.

      37. And good means survival.without evil.

      38. What do you expect from an idiot who was brought up as a Muslim even though his ancestors were forced converts from Orthodox Christianity. They were forced into Islam but never learned anything about it. They were “yes” men from then right up until now. I pray they wake up one day and realize where they came from.

      39. Do not marry your cousins. This is the end result. I doubt that morons IQ is above room temperature.

      40. Christopher Cantwell, Radical agenda .com So3Eo76 lacking tomorrow.

      41. I was offended by the passengers ARROGANCE to begin with. It was obvious that the airline staff was VERY considerate (and careful) to their muslim passengers, with regard to muslim cultural demands.
        Did this passenger act appropriately?
        Imo, no. He was insulting and rude to the female staff member.
        Yet somehow, reading through these comments seemed to physically assault my morality so much MORE than the passenger in the video.
        The HATRED.
        The hatred festering inside of us is a cancer eating us alive.
        I agree that there is a plot unfolding to genocide/enslave the white people of the world. I believe we are FIGHTING for our very existence right NOW!
        But the bible, whether you believe in Jesus or not, is correct. We do not have to LOVE our enemy, necessarily. But we CANNOT hate our enemy either.
        Because if we do, we WILL fail.
        Hatred is EMOTION!
        That does not belong on a battlefield. EVER!
        When we allow hatred (or jealousy, etc) TO CONTROL US, even if it just consumes our thoughts, we are giving our enemy POWER OVER US. We are renting them space in our head and giving THEM the power to affect our behavior and/or our thoughts.
        Thus, we will defeat OURSELVES and the enemy wont have to do a thing!
        We CANNOT allow ourselves to be weak and fall into the trap of FEELINGS! HATRED can serve a positive purpose in battle, but only temporarily. Remove the toxic hatred from your spirit so that you can once again SEE with clear eyesight and think with a wise mind. Otherwise you are no benefit to the rest of us.

      42. Remember ,The Fez hat was ounce white until dipped in blood at the Fez battle. And guess who’s blood they celebrate? Why the Shriners ?

      43. Muslims are completely incompatible with the Western culture. We need to send them all back to the Muddle East where they belong.

      44. I can’t believe!!!
        99% of comments r so hatefull and islamofobic!
        What a society…
        @Mac Slavo…Allah(God) MOST HIGH is the Best Judge and He will judge you for this act of spreading of hatred among people

        What Does the Bible Say About Eating Pork

        • 99% of Islam is hateful Infidelphobic ?

      45. I shit in allah and I shit in Islam!

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