Hand, foot, and mouth disease if a viral infection common in young children, and is more known for shutting down preschools and daycares. However, all that has changed as the infection is now rampant on college campuses.
Health officials are saying that the unusual outbreaks striking those older are marked by a particularly nasty set of symptoms that include the usual blisters in the mouth and on the hands and feet, but also on the genitals. According to NBC News, health officials in several states are testing samples to determine which virus is responsible for these outbreaks. Several different viruses, including coxsackieviruses and enteroviruses such as EV-A71, can cause the symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease.
“I have never seen this before,” said Dr. Roanna Kessler, medical director of the wellness center at Johns Hopkins University’s Homewood campus, which has been hit hard by the outbreak. So far, 129 students at the North Baltimore campus have been diagnosed with the illness. “In previous years we have usually seen it in only a handful of people.”
So far this year, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Dartmouth, West Virginia University, Lehigh University, Wesleyan University in Connecticut and Mars Hill University in North Carolina have all reported outbreaks. Florida State University battled an outbreak in 2016.
And health officials don’t know why so many older teens and young adults are being affected, Kessler said. “We are wondering if it is a strain that people were not exposed to when they were younger,” she said. Medical journals have carried reports of a mutated strain of coxsackievirus A6 causing severe outbreaks in Asia and Europe.
NBC News did mention that college campuses — where students share bathrooms, desks, equipment and where they frequently share food and drink, embrace and kiss — are perfect grounds for spreading infectious diseases of all kinds.
According to the Mayo Clinic, hand, foot, and mouth disease is a mild, contagious viral infection common in young children. It is normally characterized by sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is most commonly caused by a coxsackievirus. There’s no specific treatment for the infection, however, frequent hand-washing and avoiding close contact with people who are infected with hand-foot-and-mouth disease may help reduce your child’s or your risk of infection.
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It is a pity that nobody can write a coherent news report any longer.
“… 129 students at the North Baltimore campus…” – OF WHAT!
Over the last few days I’ve read stories where someone is referenced out of the blue with absolutely no information as to who this person is.
I’ve see more and more grammatical errors such as “Aircrafts” for multiple aircraft. You would think that a writer for a national publication would at least have a mastery of 9th grade grammar. Seems to much to ask though.
Rant over.
Stuart, there knot gernalists anymore, there aktavists.
For all you grammar nazi’s I misspelled on purpose
John Hopkins is the subject of the whole paragraph which was quoted direct from the linked article.
Seriously? Did you read the entire paragraph? Makes perfect sense to me as to where it happened. Maybe if you weren’t so smart you could ditch speed reading and missing important details.
There’s far more better examples of stupidity in this society than going after grammar violations.
Stuart, the typical journalist is usually a liberal. What does that tell you about their intelligence?
You were supposed to use a question mark after WHAT.
Would “too” much be too much to ask?
I appreciate your rant. I don’t think of us as “grammar police”, but rather, as the few that are noticing that in the last several years, the quality of both writing and editing in articles everywhere has decreased incredibly. Even editors seem not to be able to do their jobs correctly! I think that it’s due to the educational system being switched, after the 1960’s, from “the 3-R’s” to a “socializing system”, designed to dumb down the population so as to weaken us and subsequently take down the country in order to subjugate it to a one world govt. I know that’s a stretch from bad grammar to subjugation of the country, but haven’t you noticed how ignorant the general public is about government and about history?
“I’ve see more and more grammatical errors?!”….
I’m no English major myself… but tend to edit and re-edit my own comments… google is a great source/tool for looking up words et al….
I take special care to do it when I’m POLICING others or attempting to make a valid point… and will often TRIPLE CHECK/EDIT when calling other’s… “STOOOPID”!!!
I get you though… I’ve “SEEN” a lot of the same sh1t!!! 🙂
“… at Johns Hopkins University’s Homewood campus, which has been hit hard by the outbreak.”
They are not liberal humanities students. https://www.newstarget.com/2018-10-04-science-journals-publish-insanely-stupid-hoaxed-gender-studies-science-papers.html
They are not just any STEM students. (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.)
These rashy people are medical doctors, in different stages of training.
Also, poor people don’t go to upscale, private practices. They go to the medical school. (Same basic idea as barber college.)
“Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Dartmouth, West Virginia University, Lehigh University, Wesleyan University in Connecticut and Mars Hill University in North Carolina have all reported outbreaks.”
These are all apparently the names of medical schools.
“There’s no specific treatment for the infection, however, frequent hand-washing and avoiding close contact with people who are infected with hand-foot-and-mouth disease…
(EDIT — where poor people donate their bodies to science)
… may help reduce your child’s or your risk of infection.”
Nothing new really, hand foot and mouth disease has been around along time. Back in the day they used to call it ( hoof and mouth ). Quite painful to have as an adult though!
Stuart, I thought it was “mind, foot, and mouth disease” that liberals have, LOL.
More likely foot in mouth disease….
Jim in VA, oh that’s right. My mistake, LOL!
I believe it is head in buttocks disease.
I’ve see more and more grammatical errors
Does anyone know whether those institutions are conservative-leaning?
“Seems to much to ask for though?”
Disease. Caravans of invaders.
Nut jobs doing bad stuff. False flag events.
Elections. etc. etc.
But what REALLY concerns me is Megyn Kelly fired.
Megyn is out of a 69 Million dollar job at NBC because
she said something meaningless that hurt three peoples feelings. So much for supposed free speech.
As a child we were taught that there is free speech and free exchange of ideas in America.
That Russia was bad because people could not speak freely. Is it lost on you that whistle blower Edward Snowden was welcomed by Russia?
Asange of wikileaks is also rumored to be welcomed by Russia.
That Putin has defended traditional anglo saxon values publicly. Putin has defended the traditional family unit. Putin refuses association with gender confused freaks. Seems like a normal guy, except he can have you iced just because. Putin also did boost the Patriot coaches super bowl ring years ago. Funny as hell. Russian humor. Boosted the ring just because he could. Hey… I think Putin eventually gave the ring back?
BTW: Megyn Kelly did interview with Putin. Find it on YouTube.
Seems like Putin has outclassed most of the worlds politicians for many years. Why is that? Why does Russia seem to publicly espouse what used to be American values.
While Amerika is looking like former USSR daily. Thought police in USSA are insane. There is NO free speech. Twitter-FaceBook-YouTube ALL shutting down voices they don’t agree with. ONLY LEFTIST are allowed to use their platforms.
Russia controlled RT News is much more interesting and less communist than MSNBC, CNN, and now polital correct NBC. All are more left than Russia propaganda RT News.
Is Russia now America. Last hold out Against banker controlled NWO?
Is America now Amerikka? Sold out to NWO bankers and war mongers.
What do you think? Confusing times. Russia seems normal and USA media are absolutely communist and insane.
Megyn Kelly will be missed. Irony is that Megyn got Bill O’Riley FIRED because she claimed Bill did whatever? Hurt her little feelings that Bill made a pass at her. Bill O’Riley is also missed. Wish you well Bill.
So as the world implodes. My only concern is no more Megyn. And darned I hope the beer doesn’t get warm if that comet hits. No worries. Warm beer is still beer.
Wish that caravan would show up. Beer is in cooler on porch. Should be a funny show.
Cheers to Megyn and Bill.
Foot in mouth like Maxine.
Go to any campus now and they are filled with people from the third world, so no wonder diseases we have never seen before are on the rise. Most of these ‘students’ are there using borrowed money and have been accepted under some form of minority preference programme.
It is well known, for example, black women from Africa carry many diseases, just as African Americans have higher rates of diseases than the rest of the population. So it is no surprise if you increase these populations on campus you increase diseases prevevlance. People from Southeast Asia have terrible toilet and hygiene habits: ask Sillicon Valley companies about how much they have to do to teach them basic habits when they hire visa workers.
“coxsackieviruses” are probably the ones that are responsible for the genital blisters.
Duh… Why indeed? College aged kids… I say again.. DUH!
“NBC News did mention that college campuses — where students share bathrooms, desks, equipment and where they frequently share food and drink, embrace and kiss — are perfect grounds for spreading infectious diseases of all kinds.”
From illegal immigration. You would not believe how unsanitary they are.
Yet Demoncraps want them here by the MILLIONS. Your country will once again get the dreaded diseases you once conquered.
This is what you get when the majority are third worlders on free scholarships majoring in knocking up and breeding with self hating whit chicks to reduce the white population. White genocide is here.