This report was originally published by Alex Thomas at The Daily Sheeple
Over the last month numerous independent researchers have put together a startling amount of evidence that there were multiple shooters during the horrific Las Vegas Massacre, many of them pointing to the plethora of eyewitness reports that confirm this stunning fact.
Amazingly, eyewitnesses have not only reported the existence of multiple shooters near the Route 91 Music Festival, many have also noted that there were shooters at other hotels along the strip, including Hooters, MGM, The Bellagio, and The Delano.
Footage from these hotels (which is included in the video below) also points to attackers striking multiple places throughout the strip.
For their part, law enforcement authorities in both the Las Vegas Police Department and The FBI have actively covered up what actually happened during that fateful night, going out of their way to confuse the timeline and at one point even telling Americans to ignore independent news reports and even video footage that they could see with their own eyes.
We are clearly witnessing a massive coverup of one of the worst mass shootings in American history. At this point one has to wonder if authorities were in on the attack themselves or if they are covering up the fact that a terror group such as ISIS actually hit Las Vegas?
The following video puts together the various eyewitness reports that prove, without a shadow of doubt, that the authorities are lying about Stephen Paddock being the lone gunman who carried out the attack.
While over 40 minutes long, I encourage you to watch the entire report.
Although many facts about the attack remain unclear, it is safe to say that the official story has been officially debunked.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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This was an assassination attempt on the new Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman. That is why the Saudi purge has followed. Vegas is covering this up because if everyone finds out what happened, they will never get another tour bus in there. The feds are covering because the deep state was involved in supporting the attempt via Prince Talaweed (Dopey Prince) who actually is an owner of the hotel where one of the shooters was present. MBS is now mopping up all the petrodollar/neocons in KSA.
I’m not at all surprised. We’ve been lied to for years.
Well my B-I-L was there and he said there was possibly at least a brigade of shooters there. So either show it, or stow it. Enough of the horseshit.
C W & S that is a great probable answer to the the lack of info.. Follow the money.. My best guess is the hotel owners have every lick of video.. But that is their defense. why would they hand it over to anyone? Just means a lawsuit. The lawsuits are going to bankrupt the hotel, and the chain. They are not going to hand that info over. That are not going to say they have cameras in the rooms. It would collapse vegas. Police state within a police state.
You don’t think they don’t already have the best facial recognition and cell phone tracking systems layed out like a military screen over the strip anyway? Private government for a local area.
This was International Terrorisum…..
Had they stopped at trying to assasinate KSA’s Son, they would not have
caused as big of an International incident.
But when they attack Americans…..they are going to shed their
blood for shedding our blood.
The overwhelming evidence, witnesses, videos, radio transmitions,
bodies, doctors, photos and thousands of feet of security tapes.
The fact that they continue the myth that Paddock was the “LONE SHOOTER”
doesn’t wash. The FBI can’t even prove that Paddock was shooting….( he was already dead)
let alone prove he was “THE” shooter. EVIDENCE does prove, however, that there were
MANY SHOOTERS. That fact was well documented.
Where is the pathologists, and autopsy reports representing the
Victims and their families. They need their own reports…..because we watched the JFK
films and how they evidence was altered to fit their own narrative.
This was International Terrorisum…..
Had they stopped at trying to assasinate KSA’s Son, they would not have
caused as big of an International incident.
But when they attack Americans…..they are going to shed their
blood for shedding our blood.
The overwhelming evidence, witnesses, videos, radio transmitions,
bodies, doctors, photos and thousands of feet of security tapes.
The fact that they continue the myth that Paddock was the “LONE SHOOTER”
doesn’t wash. The FBI can’t even prove that Paddock was shooting….( he was already dead)
let alone prove he was “THE” shooter. EVIDENCE does prove, however, that there were
MANY SHOOTERS. That fact was well documented.
Where is the pathologists, and autopsy reports representing the
Victims and their families. They need their own reports…..because we watched the JFK
films and how they evidence was altered to fit their own narrative.
A hawk got one of my pet ducks…
That sucks…
Never name nothin’ you might have to eat.
If you ever catch a hawk in the act and you choose to take action, make sure that you practice SSS – Shoot, Shovel, & Shut-up.
If the Federales find out, I think they burn you to the tune of about $15K plus some other grief.
I was able to drive off a chicken molestin’ hawk by just running at him and waving a stick.
We ain’t ever gonna know the truth on that one…
Half the video is an ad for a $37 book telling me “secrets” I already know about.
This is old news. Don’t forget not only the deep state is involved but the Mafia is in it too. We will never know the real truth.
7 shooters?
That’s hilarious.
And yet not a single witness is willing to put anything in a legal document.
There has been zero vidoes that have been verified.
There has not been a single witness deposition saying there were other places where shooting occurred.
But in other news, I think Oswald did it. The CIA smuggled him out of the US after the cover up of Kennedy and he’s now living with Elvis.