Ukraine Strikes Russia’s Belgorod Wounding At Least 9

by | Apr 2, 2024 | Headline News

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    At least nine people were wounded on Monday by the latest Ukrainian attack on Russia’s border region of Belgorod, the local governor has said. More than 36 aerial targets were intercepted by Russian forces during the bombardment.

    The attack damaged several homes, with windows shattered in eight high-rise buildings in the city of Belgorod, with three smaller houses also sustaining damage. Russia is likely to see this as a provocation and could initiate a response rather quickly should its ruling class decide to do so.

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    One man has received a serious chest wound, while his daughters were affected by a shockwave, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov wrote in a Telegram post. All of the injured have been hospitalized.

    The attack damaged several homes, with windows shattered in eight high-rise buildings in the city of Belgorod, with three smaller houses also sustaining damage.

    A local school and three vehicles, one of which was completely burned, were damaged by the attack, the governor said. Several houses outside the city are also in need of repair, according to Gladkov. -RT

    The Russian Defense Ministry claims that it downed 17 projectiles fired by Ukrainian forces from Czech-supplied Vampire multiple rocket launchers during Monday’s onslaught. Later in the day, the military reported the interception of another 19 projectiles fired by the same system. The military also intercepted several drones over the Belgorod Region.

    There have been some major advancements in both this war between Russia and Ukraine as well as the war between Israel and Hamas. Anything could be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back at this point flinging the planet into a global conflagration.

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