UK Will Be The First to Trial BioNTech’s mRNA Cancer “Vaccines”

by | Feb 13, 2023 | Headline News

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    This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé.

    In January, the UK Government announced a new partnership to boost research into vaccines for cancer.  From as early as September, UK patients will be among the first in the world to participate in trials of the new mRNA cancer “vaccines.”

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) [6 January 2023] announced a formal collaboration with BioNTech SE to accelerate research into using its vaccine technology against cancer, and test personalised mRNA therapies on NHS patients, which some experts are calling “revolutionary.”

    New ‘Revolutionary’ Cancer Vaccine Research Hub Announced, Medscape UK, 6 January 2023

    A memorandum of understanding was signed by the Health Secretary, Steve Barclay, to explore personalized mRNA vaccines with the German company BioNTech which co-developed the leading covid-19 “vaccine” with Pfizer.

    BioNTech said that the collaboration focused on “three strategic pillars”: cancer immunotherapies based on mRNA or other drug classes, infectious disease vaccines, and expansion of BioNTech’s footprint in the UK as “one of the company’s key markets”.

    This unique collaboration promises to deliver 10,000 personalized therapies to NHS cancer patients by 2030 through the creation of a “cancer vaccine launch pad.” A new center will open in Cambridge to coordinate both the science and clinical strategy.

    Using mRNA to encode useful proteins in vivo has been around in the lab for years, Medscape reported. But the covid vaccine program driven by BioNTech and Moderna has shown how quick to produce and how potent mRNA-based products can be.

    The second key factor driving this newfound optimism in immuno-oncology is the partial success of the checkpoint inhibitors pembrolizumab, nivolumab, atezolizumab, and ipilimumab in a wide range of cancers.

    Medscape noted a third driver of interest in mRNA cancer “vaccines” to be the speed at which DNA sequence data can be obtained from clinical samples. What used to take weeks can be achieved in seconds and large datasets are compared instantly by sophisticated software. So, the mutations in an individual tumor can be mapped and the relevant mRNA constructs made and inserted into a suitable vector within days. Medscape’s article continued:

    This technology will create a new way of working for big pharma.  A whole new service culture will be needed – pathology services will need to curate and supply fresh tissue; hospital pharmacies will need to engage with new organisations to deliver bespoke vaccines and provide them to oncologists ready for injection. And there are many variables in terms of dose, timing, the use of checkpoint inhibitors to take the brakes off the immune response and, of course, the addition of more conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

    Will mRNA Cancer Vaccines Live Up to Their Promise? Medscape, 10 February 2023

    BioNTech developed the known to be harmful covid injection which was then marketed by Pfizer.  One of the effects of Pfizer-BioNTech’s covid injections is cancer.  After ineffective and unsafe covid mRNA injections administered without informed consent, do you trust BioNTech and/or the system that promotes and supports its products to design and administer a “safe and effective” personalized mRNA injection for you?

    What Will the Future Look Like?

    Medscape’s article provided a prediction of what the future of cancer patients could look like.  Doctors should be aware that their role is likely to become redundant and, in the future, they will merely serve as vaccinators.

    The cancer patient of 2040 will have minimally invasive robotic surgery to remove their primary cancer and a full staging process by sophisticated imaging. Radiotherapy using artificial intelligence to optimize the treatment plan will be given if there is a significant risk of local recurrence.

    Molecular analysis of the removed cancer will determine the risk of systemic spread. If high, a program of chemo-immunotherapy will be triggered. The individual pattern of antigen expression on the tumor will be evaluated by robotic analysis and an AI-generated series of mRNA sequences encoding the relevant epitopes generated. These will be taken from the curated repository and delivered in a suitable form for injection by the oncologist.

    The service providers will be different from today. There will be local collectors of tissue and central laboratories run by today’s big pharma. Robots will identify and insert the appropriate sequences into vectors ready for injection into individuals. Maybe they will already be synthesized and stored in vials rather like the jars in an old-fashioned chemist’s shop. Everything will be based on a recurrence risk assessment. The oncologist will be provided with a printout of the sequences for injection and a week afterward a blood sample will be taken to verify a successful immune response to the translated epitopes.

    You can read Medscape’s full article ‘Will mRNA Cancer Vaccines Live Up to Their Promise?’ by Karol Sikora HERE

    In November 2021 we published an article that noted Sikora was one of the experts who refused to acknowledge that covid injections could be contributing to excess deaths. Instead, Sikora blamed a “backlog” in reporting and a “lack of access to health care” as the cause of deaths.

    Karol Sikora is a Professor of Medicine at The University of Buckingham and an adviser to the World Health Organisation.  He currently directs a cancer drug donation program in Africa. He is also a member of the Oncology Scientific Advisory Board at biopharmaceutical company Cyclacel Limited and serves as an oncology consultant for AstraZeneca.


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