TV Poll: 71% of Liberals Don’t Want Peace With North Korea Because Trump Would Take Credit

by | Jun 15, 2018 | Headline News | 56 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This report was originally published by Paul Joseph Watson at

    A live TV poll taken on Michelle Wolf’s Netflix show found that 71% of the comedian’s liberal audience would rather peace with North Korea fail than see Donald Trump take credit for it.

    The audience was asked, “Are you sort of hoping we don’t get peace with North Korea so you wouldn’t have to give Trump credit?”

    Only 29% said they wanted peace with North Korea given the option.

    Wolf’s guest on the show subsequently remarked, “That’s how liberal they are that they would rather the world explode, they’re like ‘I told you guys he was an asshole’.

    In other words, a significant majority of leftists would happily risk nuclear war, so long as it meant Trump would look bad.

    Let that sink in.

    When conservatives talk about how many on the left “hate America,” it’s seen by most as a tired cliché, but when you see clips like this it really makes you wonder.

    Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale summed up the mood of many when he tweeted, “Here is the media’s and left’s position in a nutshell. It isn’t about America.”

    Indeed, it seems that the left is so beset by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they’re quite happy to see the pilot crash the plane even though they’re on it.


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    Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison


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      1. These LibTards would rather see thousands of people die in a war that could go nuclear rather then give President the credit for what he has done.
        Liberals have severe mental problems!

        • Yes, the only diagnosis that fits is “Batshit crazy disorder-severe with psychotic features.”

          • One thing that would help change this situation is for people to take more responsibility in teaching their own children, instead of leaving that job to public schools. School boards are composed of individuals who tend to be motivated by their own political agendas. They all tend to want schools to teach what they consider important or valuable, and they all tend to want schools not to teach anything else. Over time, one tiny little insignificant slice at a time, they tend to get what they want.

            • Taking one’s child(ren) out of public schools or, abolishing public schooling (which the masses won’t clamor for since their mass media won’t brainwash them to do so) is the only way for the parent to compete with the “established” school system, the “normalcy” of which seems to the kids themselves to be “right” compared with the “deranged” parent’s (often only one parent’s) lone stand against what they’re being brainwashed with by the mass culture of their peers and the agendas being pushed on them by the teachers and the much more glitzy, enticing media that backs up the brainwashing.

          • Menzo, no surprises here. Libturds have always been in the same sewer with the neocons.

            • 100% of TV is Propaganda. That’s what they want you to think. Its all BS dumb down slime.

              The FCC needs to start pulling Station licensing for Fraud FAKE NEWS Reporting.

              And who would then re-report this phony info here in this forum?

              • Nobody cares what Liberals think as they are Mostly Wrong, Most of the time.


        • You are the person who thinks there is that need. And this can only mean that you are the person responsible for doing what you are suggesting.

      3. Trump can take all the credit he wants for a whole lot of nothing. He can build a Trump tower on the beach there and hobnob with the elite crafting another tax cut for the rich while Americans standard of living continues to fall off a cliff.

        • So just how exactly does someone not being taxed affect your standard of living?

          I’d recommend you start with Creature From Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin and learn about America’s monetary system. If you start to get it then try Pieces of Eight by Dr Edwin Vieia Jr.

          Mindlessly repeating someone else’s talking points doesn’t work anymore.

        • Bravo Sierra, jamo. Trump has accomplished more for working class American in 1.5 years than the last 7 presidents have throughout their terms. What planet or reality are you from? Who ever said anything about him building a “Trump Tower” except yourself. If your standard of living is declining, blame yourself because your failures have nothing in common with what Trump is masterfully accomplishing as President, against all odds and playing with the house’s deck stacked against him.

          Where were you when obozofool was attempting to turn the USA into a socialist, Islamic appendage? When Clinton permitted laws on the killing of viable unborn children? When Bush allowed the bombing of America? You had better rethink your leftist sway and get on board with making America great again.

          • FYI Your Hero and Savior Trump is an Elitist.

            • Good

            • How in the world would you know? Your simplistic view of have and have not has biased you against earned wealth as opposed to old money wealth.

              I would imagine that a mind-set such as yours would profile many groups of peoples in a stereotypical manner. Shame on you and your thin-skinned, poor-me snowflake opinion.

              Perhaps the EU is more to your liking or even Venezuela…Adios

        • This poster, ??jamo, has to be a liberal bot. No person other than a liberal or programmed computer could have such a skewed misinterpretation of what is actually happening in the world and at home in the USA.

        • aljamo, Trump has recently and repeatedly stated he admires Porky.

          He admires a mass murderer who has horribly abused and tortured his people including babies and also allowed thousands of his people to suffer and starve to death. They have no freedoms. None. Not even internet access.

          The North Koreans have to bow to Porky and stare at posters and billboards of his face everywhere they go. They live in constant terror. That’s really what Trump admires and applauds–Porky’s successful dictatorship.

          *Trump is just taking a page from Porky’s book.* How to be a successful dictator. And how not to be overthrown.

          Trump, a wolf in sheepskin, is not a leader, he is a dictator. He is secretly and covertly creating a dictatorship. Because that is what dictators do and what real leaders don’t do.

          TPTB (especially the Rothschild’s) are thrilled with Trump’s “leadership” and upcoming dictatorship. Along with Trump they will even facilitate it. We haven’t seen anything yet. But soon it will be here. One day soon.

          • @Anonymous 7/15/18 11:48 am

            You’ve been watching too much TV and believing everything you see apparently.

            Don’t believe everything you see on the television.

        • TRUMP is not responsible, at all, for the decline in the standard of living. The Private Federal Reserve Company, which prints our paper notes, is responsible and TRUMP can NOT ask any questions about this company, like who owns it, who makes the decisions and who gets the paper notes.

          You can’t blame TRUMP on this one. Kennedy tried to take on the rich Families that own the Fed Company and he got a bullet in the back of his head…..just like Lincoln when HE tried to ignore the same Families and printed “Greenbacks”.

          You want TRUMP to get a bullet in the back of his head?

        • The pos m obama did what for you! Let in millions of people who hate us!

      4. Line them up! That view is treasonous to me!!
        On another note DAMN that bi/ch is UGGGLY!!! It should be spelled WOOF!

      5. Liberals are a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States. When will the culling begin?

        • Tyrants don’t see any difference. I repeat, they don’ see any difference, between the wild-eyed Berkley-ite, illegal rapist, intellectual, or average person. The worse treatment, of those who practically beg for it, sets the new normal, like the bad kid in the class and everyone gets punished, equally.

        • When are the Liberals going to go a Country where they will be HAPPY!!! It appears that they are completely “out of step with the majority” of the US citizens that are tired of the “CRAP” that’s been going on since Ike was the Pres. It appears that the Liberals and the Conservatives can’t live together, and there is no other country where the conservatives would be happy….

      6. Cut off your nose to spite your face.

        It is rather sad that so many people are so intellectually stunted that they can’t see how absurd an answer that is.

        It’s funny. I bet the people asking that question in such a leading way are laughing at their audience, not with them.

        Things that make you stupid:

        Mercury fillings

        Wi Fi
        Cell phone
        Electro-magnetic energy aimed at your brain
        Disturbing your sleep
        Giving you brain cancer brain tumors

        Processed food
        Fast food
        GMO food
        Sugary food
        Hydrogenated Oils
        Restaurant French Fries
        Fried foods from restaurants
        Modern corn and modern wheat

        Modern music, rap,

        School today is not education
        School today is making you
        Lied to
        Programmed for failure
        A stupid race mixing idiot
        Multi-cultured is a weakened human being
        And it is designed to enslave
        And make you stupid.


        • @B from CA

          No kidding. The next generations to take over are evil crazy stupid idiots.

          Don’t forget about all the drugs and pharmaceuticals people are on. America is the most medicated country on the planet.

        • @B from CA

          No kidding. The next generations to take over are evil crazy stupid a idiots.

          Don’t forget about all the drugs and pharmaceuticals people are on. The USA is the most over medicated country on the planet.

        • Yes.

          The world is rapidly cooling, which has been going on for a few years but is becoming obvious. This means massive crop losses.

          North Korea will NOT be able to feed their 22 Millions, low IQ, stupid peasant serfs. China, naturally, does not want them and I hope to GOD that we don’t have to put up with them…so that means North Korea is going to need food this time next year.

          Only ONE country can grow enough to supply a Unified Korea AND China, which will also be facing starvation within a year. And that country is?


        • Some interpret Ezekiel 38-39 to mean that the East Bloc is brought into the Mediterranean, by hooks in the jaw, meaning hunger.

      7. FBI Director Wray is a cowardly, sniveling, pawn. An example must be made of the law breakers in the FBI. They are mobsters who wear a badge and justice must be brought to bear.

        The DOJ is useless, moot, anti-citizen and anti-American. I can’t wait to see what Trump has in store for Sessions. There has to be an initiative to institute age limitations on law makers. So many of them have lost their ability to speak, think, act, and reason.

        What is wrong with having NK, Russia, Iran, and every other country as allies as long as their are checks and balances?….
        oh, yeah, checks and balances don’t mean what they used to anymore.

      8. The Donald is following Don Corleone’s advice: Keep you friends close and your enemies closer.

        That’s why Trump wants Putin back in the G7 (G8 with Russia) and has become BFFs with Xi or whatever the head Of China is called. Trump is good with one on one relations.

        Bush 43 wanted nothing to do with NK and ignored them. O-zero was flying all over slobbering apologies for the U.S. with foreign leaders and was perceived as weak by NK, China, Russia and everyone else. How did that work out?

        Trump is right in letting bygones be bygones. If NK de-nukes and gives up its missile program then that eliminates NK’s threat to the U.S. That’s a monster national security achievement for us.

      9. Past agreements with Kim Jong Un have been broken by North Korea. Why should this one be different. The same holds true with Iran. Islam allows for deception of non-Muslims when it advances the cause. Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me! Fool me three times, and I should live the rest of my life with a paper bag over my head!!!

        • Hopefully Un will not break this one. Time will tell. Fortunately the Koreans are generally not scum muslims.

      10. And an opinion poll means exactly what? Opinions, like a single human organ located at the end of the humans digestive system, are something everyone has. Lots of Trump haters watching this show jumped at the chance to demonstrate their hatred and lack of reason. Just relax and recall that the enemies of this country, foreign and domestic, roll like pigs in the mud any time they can get us stirred up. The socialists call us reactionaries because we wait around for them to go away and for things to get better, and THEN react to whatever outrage they, the socialists, produce. Be filled with resolve and wisdom, rather than anger. See things for what they are. Remember that socialists live to see their propaganda work, even though it may be nothing but lies. This is how they conquer, by wearing their enemies down with propaganda, and allowing nothing to be heard from their enemies. Why do you think they have such a hideous view of the 1st Amendment?

      11. This country is a goner. As soon as Trump is out of office, I fear these vipers will rise up out of the shadows to finish the carcass off.

      12. The double standard and stupidity on this site is sickening. When the SHTF it is not going to be the Left against the Right. Go read some of Selco’s posts, he saw many people die but he could count on one hand the elite that died. It will be the elite against the rest of us. The Elite have divided themselves into Liberals and Conservatives camps and each group is responsible for stirring up their side so that all us sheeple forget who the real enemy is. Then they are going to step back and watch us kill each other and laugh at how gullible we all were. When the SHTF it is quite possible that 90 percent of the population will die. You can be sure that of the 10 percent that remain, at least 3 or 4 percent will be the elite and they will be well armed and will be wanting the rest of us to ether be their slaves or use us for their version of the “Hunger Games” or “Running Man”. Why waste your ammo on those Liberals that are already the walking dead? Better save it for the main event, when the real enemy comes for you. Just my humble opinion. Over and out.

      13. Trumps done more things for this country than any president before him! I’ve seen my business increase. Lots of help wanted signs everywhere. Is America so messed up that a man with balls embarrasses them?

        • Balls? They don’t know what that is.

      14. Well don’t worry. 50-50 odds that this is another patented Kim bullshit job…

      15. And if Hillary had been elected and had pulled off peace with North Korea, would I answer the way 71% of people did? Hell no.

        TELLING isn’t it.

      16. I don’t want peace with North Korea since peace is boring as hell.

        I have massive investments in armament companies, gun manufactures and especially ammo companies. If we can have a really good, normal, health WAR with North Korea then I can make a shitload of money.

        TRUMP is only in it for the Noble Prize, since he is a egotistical lustful racist (that is why I like him) BUT, I want money and if a few millions Koreans have to die? Then I will support the Democrats on this one.

        War is Good. It will be great to sick back, in front of my 80 inch TV with a 6-pack of Bud, burgers and chips, and watch the bombs fall and cities explode. I’m going to throw a really neat party when that starts. War is Fun.

        • Centurion is either a good comedian or an absolute buffoon.

          Massive investments!!?!?!….Bwah-hahahahahahahahahahaha. Probably Daisy, Crosman, Gamo, slingshots, .177 pellets, BBs, and paint balls.

          • I’m talking the companies that make cruise missiles, etc.

            WAR us excellent for an economy.

          • Deep state neocons spank their monkey dreaming about perpetual warfare and invading sovereign nations based on false flag events.

        • If war breaks out…..we ALL lose….FOOL!

          • No we don’t.

            I recall many times my Grand Father talking about the good ol’ days back in “The War” and how much he and his old buddies loved repeating their war stories. Their eyes lit up and they were 22 again.

            Best years of their lives.

            Sure, others died, but those that lived? They LOVED IT.

      17. Well folks – there you have it.
        Hate filled nuts

        Liberalism is a demented Satanic Cult

        • Nice post, Jakartaman!

      18. Liberalism is clearly a parasitic mental disease.

      19. Centurion your an evil bastard. You need an ass whoopin. You think the regular people or those soldiers over there want war? They starve as it is. Is it there fault? They don’t have a clue about life here. They are brainwashed to think America is evil. Give them food and build factories so they can produce machinery to grow food and supply the world with items we consume. Change your mind before you get an ass whoopin

      20. … and 95% of liberals don’t want peace with N. Korea as they are more leftist than Mentally Il Kim Jong Un!

      21. So, leftists would rather risk a nuke landing on a US city, now or in the future, rather than Trump getting credit.

        This is consonant with the fact that various flavours of leftism MURDERED over 100 million people last century, when you total it up. And I’m not counting the 55 mm or so aborted in this country alone

        The truth is, the fascist left is just EVIL.

      22. And, with “peace”, the Deep State wouldn’t have North Korea (or Iran, Putin, Communist China, “ISIS”, gunmen, etc.–if those were eliminated as adversaries) to use as their bogeyman to terrorize the American public into compliance with whatever their mainstream media tell them to comply.

      23. I wonder why the lefties in our country pretend to be so mortified about Russian meddling and Putin and pretend to be worried about North Korea and China? I mean, they’re all fellow commies aren’t they?

        I wonder if Kim Jong-Un realizes that part of any deal will eventually include a central bank being established in North Korea? Oh, it wasn’t mentioned at the summit in Singapore? Well, he can always ask friend Muammar how well that worked for him.

      24. The only way out is to wait for either a natural disaster to take out the Grid, the Elite to take down the Grid or our real enemies to say enough is enough of The USA’s B.S. and they nuke the Grid. If our military can’t keep all of our nuclear reactors cooling systems running for a couple of years until they are stable, the whole world is doomed from all the radioactivity from they melted reactors. However it happens most of the people that die from starvation and disease will be the liberals in the metropolitan areas. The rest of the rural liberals will probably get shot eventually for doing something stupid. After 90% of the population is dead, the Elite will come out of their rat hole shelters and try to rule the survivors. We will see how that works out. With no monetary base for the Vampire Elite to feed off of, all they will have is their bullshit political theories. I don’t think that the survivors will be listening this time around. WWI, strike I. WWII, strike II. WWIII, will be strike III for the Elite.

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