The Australian government has secured a deal for a COVID-19 vaccine with big pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. Under the deal, the Australian government would manufacture the vaccine and offer free doses to all citizens.
Time is running out! The vaccine is coming.
British-based AstraZeneca is developing the vaccine in partnership with Oxford University, with advanced trials now underway with thousands of volunteers across multiple countries. “The Oxford vaccine is one of the most advanced and promising in the world, and under this deal, we have secured early access for every Australian,” said Prime Minister Scott Morrison in a statement released late Tuesday local time. “If this vaccine proves successful we will manufacture and supply vaccines straight away under our own steam and make it free for 25 million Australians.”
The goal is to vaccinate every human being on earth with a coronavirus vaccine, and no one really knows all of what’s in these shots. Apparently, the deal is still in the early stages. Both parties have signed a Letter of Intent. A final formal agreement at a later stage will layout more concrete details like pricing and distribution. However, the Australian government has previously indicated that it will spend billions of dollars on its vaccine strategy.
Plans like these have more than likely been in the world for far longer than we are being led to believe. The goal has always been to vaccinate, track, trace, and surveil the entire global population turning everyone into tax cattle for the sole purpose of serving the elitists.
Under the Trump administration, Operation Warp Speed is kicked into overdrive. The military will be used to vaccinate the public and the Pentagon has partnered with the CDC in order to make this a dystopian reality.
AstraZeneca released early results of its closely watched Phase 1/2 trial in late July, which suggested that its vaccine candidate was safe and induces an immune response.
The Phase 2/3 trials will now aim to prove whether the vaccine protects people against the novel coronavirus. Results are expected later this year, and will depend on the rate of infection within the trial communities, AstraZeneca said.
The company has already reached agreements with several governments and organizations to produce at least 3 billion doses of the vaccine, with the first deliveries starting as early as September, it said on its website. -CNN
While everyday human beings are impoverished by the edicts of governments, AstraZeneca is raking in billions from those same governments.
Time is running out.
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Does Astra Zeneca know the long term health effects of the vaccine being in the body and how it would affect someone over their life span? Does Astra Zeneca know if the vaccine affects every individual in the same way?!
No. They do not, therefore, claiming that the vaccine is safe is a blatant lie.
They really are sounding like and acting like street drug pushers more and more everday, with the exception that street drug pushers do not operate under the guise of credible healthcare providers!
Andrea Iravani
AstraZeneca are now liability free from any claims or lawsuits against them from the damage that their vaccine will cause.
An illegal deal is an illegal deal and has no legal standing. It is uncnstitutional, therefore it is illegal.
Andrea Iravani
What people are not considering is this: the containment strategy is following the Chinese approach (a communist dictatorship), and being directed by the head of the WHO, a former terrorist and a war criminal.
They soo want you dead like yesterday.
They meaning congress? Yeah, let’s see how 535 congress people swing on their own. That is hillarious! Even the entire government, hey go right ahead! Try it! I will be hysterically laughing!
Andrea Iravani
They meaning congress? Yeah, let’s see how 535 congress people swing on their own. That is hilarious! They live in group homes because tney are afraid to live alone. Even the entire government, hey go right ahead! Try it! I will be hysterically laughing!
Andrea Iravani
They meaning congress? Yeah, let’s see how 535 congress people swing it on their own. That is hilarious! They live in group homes because tney are afraid to live alone. Even the entire government, hey go right ahead! Try it! I will be hysterically laughing!
Andrea Iravani
The vaccine will be “free” to the Australian citizens, whether they want it, or not.