“They Know Something That We Don’t” – Corporate Insiders Are Unloading Their Stocks Like There’s No Tomorrow

by | May 3, 2017 | Headline News | 74 comments

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    There aren’t any surefire ways to tell if the stock market, and perhaps the rest of the economy, is about to take a nosedive. That’s because millions of people with millions of ideas are involved, so it’s an inherently unpredictable system. However, there are certain players in our economy that have a lot more influence and insider knowledge than the rest of us. So when they make a move in unison, you know there’s a good chance that something is about to go down.

    And that’s exactly what’s going on with the stock market right now. The people who would stand to lose the most if the markets crashed; the corporate executives and insiders, are all jumping ship and selling their stocks.

    As the investing public has continued to devour stocks, sending all three major indexes to record highs in the last few months, corporate insiders have been offloading shares to an extent not seen in seven years. Selling totaled $10 billion in March, according to data compiled by Trim Tabs.

    It’s a troubling trend facing an equity market that’s already grappling with its loftiest valuations since the 2000 tech bubble. If the people with the deepest knowledge of a company are cashing out, why should investors keep buying at current prices?

    The groundswell of insider selling has the attention of Brad Lamensdorf, portfolio manager at Ranger Alternative Management, and he doesn’t like what he sees.

    “This is definitely a negative sign,” Lamensdorf wrote in his April newsletter. “They do not see value in their own companies!”

    And this isn’t a recent trend. While ordinary investors were optimistically diving into the stock market after Trump was elected, these people were dumping their stocks as far back as February.

    Chief executives and other corporate insiders are selling stock hand over fist now that the quarterly earnings season is over, a report from Vickers Weekly Insider shows. Transactions by insiders are restricted around a company’s report.

    “Insider selling has jumped again, and this time to levels rarely seen,” analyst David Coleman wrote in Monday’s note.

    In the last week, insiders’ sale transactions on the NYSE outnumbered their purchase transactions by more than 11 to 1, according to Vickers, a publication of Argus Research. The 11.47 reading is 3.5 standard deviations above the mean, according to Coleman.

    Clearly, they know something that most Americans don’t. I’d wager that they know the stock market can’t keep reaching record highs indefinitely, they know the economy is resting on shaky ground, and they know that this sudden surge of investments in the stock market is their last chance to make a killing before the whole thing comes crashing down.


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      1. Link or another bs shtf bull hit story. Not sure why I read this site anymore!

        • Why would it be a BS story? You remember what happened in 2008? That was only 8 years ago. Maybe you weren’t born before 2008.

          • 2008 was NINE years ago, genius!

        • im with you

        • Carl, you do know that red print underlined means it’s a LINK, don’t you?

        • “Corporate Insiders Are Unloading Their Stocks Like There’s No Tomorrow”.

          It happens at the end of every business cycle, as I have described to this community more than a year ago when I listed all of the things to look for like: building inventories, a drop in sales and revenues, an increase in NPL’s, and a tightening of credit.

          Another slam dunk: the business press is urging millennials to be 100% fully invested [and catch the falling knife] !!! LMFAO !!! 🙂

      2. Let it Rip. I’m More than ready. Got Silver?

      3. Can’t wait… all set for the crash…..

        • other financial news…

          Puerto Rico Files For Bankruptcy Protection In Largest Ever US Municipal Debt Restructuring

          “As per our report last night that following the expiration of the litigation freeze, Puerto Rico’s creditors had filed a barrage of lawsuits against the insolvent Commonwealth a bankruptcy was imminent,

          moments ago Puerto Rico’s governor announced the commonwealth will request bankruptcy protection of a portion of the island’s $70 billion in debt, setting up a showdown with Wall Street firms owed billions of dollars, in what will be the largest-ever U.S. municipal debt restructuring and further complicating the U.S. territory’s efforts to pull itself out of a financial crisis.

          …The island’s financial recovery plan covers less than a quarter of the debt payments due over the next decade.”

          ht tp://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-05-03/puerto-rico-seek-bankruptcy-protection-launching-largest-ever-us-municipal-debt-rest

      4. Didn’t Trump dump stocks also, I mean before he become president, around the same timeframe as the article mentions?

        • Trump dumped his stocks to avoid conflict of interest and also it would have been paced in a Blind trust, where he would have no idea how it was managed. He did say though that the stock market was well over due for a correction. So yeah various reasons why he liquidated.

        • yes

      5. Seems I’ve heard/read this several times in the past few years…..yet the market continues to climb into rare air.

        Makes you wonder if these ‘insiders’ know anymore about anything than anyone else, huh ?

        • Congress critters gets insider trading info legally. Just ask Martha Stewart. Besides, how else do these congress vermin retire from serving and leave as millionaires. Yes there will be a “take up” someday just like the other times. ‘When’ is the big question. I’m hearing every day that the market is over priced yet the band continues playing. Just make sure if you’re a participant that you’re near a empty chair when the music stops.

          • These no good for nothing rat bastards leave filthy rich, uhhh that is not what the job is supposed to be about at all. These cunts all deserve to Hang, every single god damned one of the no good shits!!

            • WUP:

              Agreed. Wholeheartedly!


        • yeah, just like 1929. That turned out great, right?

      6. I never got into the stock market Ponzi scheme. I say cut and run to those who are invested.

      7. Santa is making a list……

        • Does he need elves?

          • Sorry GS, Santa is a libtard who only hires undocumented workers so he can pay in cash. Bummer.

        • no one is making a list, american idiots have let criminal rule over them for ages and there isnt a damn thing you can do about it now, and you surely wont after it gets bad, its doubtful you will be able to save your own ass, all it takes is one hiding outside your house waiting for you to stick your head out, you people on here are nothing but fukn idiots

          • You may be right. The only way now to peacefully return this country to we the people is to scrutinize all existing laws and regulations as to their compliance to Constitutional principles. Repeal and nullify instead of duck and cover. Reaffirmation instead of scoot and shoot. Meanwhile the lists are held in private.

          • WTF Charlie are you doing here then you ass-wipe.

      8. People care about topless photos of Kate middlebum prime time tv shows what the stars are wearing. Meanwhile the economy is taking a shit and nk is plotting missile attacks. Just like this time last year I would see help wanted now hiring signs but no one was getting jobs. They have the employment figures based on companies hiring but they aren’t putting anyone on. They tell me nobody wants to work. Yet the free shit entitlement train shows no signs of changing direction. How can anyone be distracted.

      9. Insiders are dumping because they know everything is overvalued. The DOW is most likely
        overvalued by a least 5,000 points. I think, anyways.

      10. Bring it on! I wanna see the reset!

      11. Charley is an angry fella, think maybe he should look in the mirror and learn how to spell before calling everyone idiots.

      12. The efficient troubleshooter is the one who correctly identifies the root cause of the failure. But they must command knowledge of the system upon which they work. Good troubleshooters are desirable because it is always more expensive to do major repairs than to perform preventive maintenance. It would have been easier and much cheaper to enforce our Constitution. Now that major repairs are needed the repair manual has been found defaced. All manuals are designed to prevent despondent reflection. Preventive maintenance is a constant pain that must be endured. Now we face major overhaul. The engine sputters.

      13. We know who is controlling the debate in the mainstream media.

        Whoever Controls the Language Controls the Debate
        Consider the following list:

        Arsenal of Weapons Gun Collection

        Delicate Wetlands Swamp

        Undocumented Worker Illegal Alien

        Cruelty-Free Materials Synthetic Fiber

        Assault and Battery Attitude Adjustment

        Heavily Armed Well-protected

        Narrow-minded Righteous

        Taxes or Your Fair Share Coerced Theft

        Commonsense Gun Control Gun Confiscation Plot

        Illegal Hazardous Explosives Fireworks or Stump Removal

        Non-viable Tissue Mass Unborn Baby

        Equal Access to Opportunity Socialism

        Multicultural Community High Crime Area

        Fairness or Social Progress Marxism

        Upper Class or “The Rich” Self-Employed

        Progressive, Change Big Government Scheme

        Homeless or Disadvantaged Bums on Welfare & Leeches

        Sniper Rifle Deer Rifle with scope

        Investment For the Future Higher Taxes

        Healthcare Reform Socialized Medicine

        Extremist, Judgmental, or Hater Conservative

        Truants Homeschoolers

        Victim or Oppressed Criminal or Lazy Good-For-

        High Capacity Magazine Standard Capacity Magazine

        Religious Zealot Attends Church

        Fair Trade Coffee Overpriced Yuppie Coffee

        Exploiters or “The Rich” Employer or Land Owner

        The Gun Lobby NRA Members

        Assault Weapon Semi-Automatic Handgun

        Fiscal Stimulus New Taxes and Higher Taxes

        Same Sex Marriage Legalized Perversion

        Mandated Eco-Friendly Lighting Chinese Mercury-Laden
        Light Bulbs

        Accepted Fact Horse Shit

        ht tp://godfatherpolitics.com/5262/whoever-controls-the-language-controls-the-debate/

        • Hopefully, this is easier to read…

          Whoever Controls the Language Controls the Debate

          Consider the following list:

          Arsenal of Weapons — Gun Collection

          Delicate Wetlands — Swamp

          Undocumented Worker — Illegal Alien

          Cruelty-Free Materials — Synthetic Fiber

          Assault and Battery — Attitude Adjustment

          Heavily Armed — Well-protected

          Narrow-minded — Righteous

          Taxes or Your Fair Share — Coerced Theft

          Commonsense Gun Control — Gun Confiscation Plot

          Illegal Hazardous Explosives — Fireworks or Stump Removal

          Non-viable Tissue Mass — Unborn Baby

          Equal Access to Opportunity — Socialism

          Multicultural Community — High Crime Area

          Fairness or Social Progress — Marxism

          Upper Class or “The Rich” — Self-Employed

          Progressive, Change — Big Government Scheme

          Homeless or Disadvantaged — Bums on Welfare & Leeches

          Sniper Rifle — Deer Rifle with scope

          Investment For the Future — Higher Taxes

          Healthcare Reform — Socialized Medicine

          Extremist, Judgmental, or Hater — Conservative

          Truants — Homeschoolers

          Victim or Oppressed — Criminal or Lazy Good-For-Nothing

          High Capacity Magazine — Standard Capacity Magazine

          Religious Zealot — Attends Church

          Fair Trade Coffee — Overpriced Yuppie Coffee

          Exploiters or “The Rich” — Employer or Land Owner

          The Gun Lobby — NRA Members

          Assault Weapon — Semi-Automatic Handgun

          Fiscal Stimulus — New Taxes and Higher Taxes

          Same Sex Marriage — Legalized Perversion

          Mandated Eco-Friendly Lighting — Chinese Mercury-Laden Light Bulbs

          Accepted Fact — Horse Shit

      14. I can’t remember a single quarter for decades now that hasn’t had some claim that “corporate insiders” are unloading stocks at some kind of record pace.

        If that was actually true back when the market was well under 10,000 then “corporate insiders” are basically stupid since they lost the chance to easily double their money.

        So maybe we should do the opposite of what they are doing and double ours while they miss out on the opportunity again?

        FWIW, these claims are usually made and promoted by gold sellers, and usually while the PM markets are either stagnant or heading downwards as they are now.

        Go figure.

      15. Hey Dan,educate me,just a bit.If all the people are selling and jumping ship,who bought the 10 billion? just asking?

        • You’re not paying attention. The story said that corporate insiders are selling and stupid individuals are buying.

      16. When the stock market insiders start hiring private military contractors to watch over their kids at school, then we are close to the real thing.

      17. OK, OK We have heard this at least three times a week and we still have a working economy. At lest I can still get gas and food and my electricity is working.

        I’m still prepped so I’m not worried.


      18. Off topic, but FYI

        If Islam is the religion of peace, why is the whole region engulfed in war, including Muslims killing Muslims? Why has Islam ALWAYS been violent, and why does it divide the world into Dar al Islam and Dar al harb (the house of WAR). Then there is this: MUSLIM female genital mutilation – of which there are an estimated 200 freaking MILLION cases More than half a million females in the United States have either undergone F.G.M./C. or are at serious risk; that’s double or triple earlier estimates, according to an analysis by the Population Research Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

        The fascist left and their support of this horse manure disgusts me.

        As citizen journalists replace the leftist, lying lamestream media, it is important to provide sources for our information, so see the below. And then turn off your idiot leftist propaganda box, aka TV:

        Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A Global Concern UNICEF, New York, 2016.



        Just wait until the radical Muslims come marching in to San Francisco to implement sharia law on the radical gays, or on the radical leftist feminists in NYC.

        • TEST,

          I agree! This is mutilation horrible!

          Recently, two Detroit area doctors, Jumana Nagarwala and Fakhruddin Attar were arrested and have been charged with performing genital mutilation on girls as young as six-years-old.

          ht tps://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2017/05/03/fbi-director-comey-touts-investigations-into-female-genital-mutilation-n2321684

        • Peace is when all your enemies and other opponents are dead.

          Islam has been based on this from the start.

      19. The stock market reacts to the least little development or rumor. It is hard to get too alarmed. I have been reading about the conditions of the hospitals in Venezuela; the hospitals have nothing. Some Venezuelans go outside the country for medical care(if they can afford it). All preppers need to get as healthy as they can! SHTF is no time to go to a hospital except for gunshot wounds.

      20. US Commandos Set to Counter North Korean Nuclear Sites
        “Neutralizing Pyongyang’s nuclear, chemical arms warfighting priority, SOCOM commander says.”
        ht tp://freebeacon.com/national-security/us-commandos-set-counter-north-korean-nuclear-sites/

        US tests intercontinental ballistic missile from California
        “Air Force Global Strike Command spokesman Joe Thomas told AFP from California that the test was routine and not meant to be a show of force in the standoff with North Korea over its nuclear and ballistic missile program.”
        ht tps://www.yahoo.com/news/us-tests-intercontinental-ballistic-missile-104403967.html

        China urges citizens in N. Korea to return home
        “The Chinese Embassy in North Korea has advised Korean-Chinese residents to return home amid concern that the North’s military provocations may trigger a U.S. attack on the North, according to a source.

        The embassy began sending the message on Apr. 20, five days before the North celebrated the 85th anniversary of the Korean People’s Army with a show of military power, Radio Free Asia said Tuesday.”
        ht tp://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2017/05/103_228651.html

      21. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Not.

      22. guess who?…

      23. Regardless. What ever happens we are supposed to continue on because that is what we do who come here.

        We are supposed to be ready to live/cope through such an event if it occurs.

      24. I don’t understand how silver lost two bucks in the last week.

        • When the wheels start coming off the bus, everything of value will be sold to prop up the impending fall. This includes precious metals. To me, the drop in PM pricing is a very good indication that if the wheels aren’t coming off, the tires are certainly going flat. JMHO

        • There’s more sellers than buyers, making more supply than demand.

          That’s generally the cause of a price collapse in any commodity (or stocks, for that matter).

      25. “there is a good chance something is coming down”
        how astute
        more/mere comedy…

      26. They know something stupid people don’t know. I know what they know and worse..In fact how serious is it. I told my woman that if she for some reason changes her mind, she is free to leave me and stay in the city and tough it out with the foreign and domestic soldiers..because replacing her with 1,000 desperate females is a piece of cake. I am one realistic person. Now matter how good things are going with any woman, for some reason, they will suddenly and can turn against you.. Look what just happened to Alex Jones. His wife divorsed him and is getting over 40,000 a month, and now she is trying to get custody of his kids to get more money. He met her are a meeting fighting the local government, and now she turned against him. I am nothing special. The only edge i have is that women like the way i look, and i get them easily.. But common sense makes me a different kind of person. Preppers i am telling you, prep to save your own ass just incase. The women is the problem.

        Prepping gives no one guaranteed survival, it increases your chance of survival alot. After listening to womens conservation in public and the things they talk about, the negative comments toward me, i have to fucking laugh..woman are stupid, mine included..not the none prepper ones on this site. Business is bad right now. The Trump high is over and has ended..as the retarted morons like Roger Stone, and piecnik, and others come on the alternative media making excuses for the establishment president..who is busy planning is own evacuation into the DUMBS and is prepped for the disaster. They are getting ready to wipe us off the map, destroy our cities, kill us, enslave the rest of us, and this is a fact of life. I will not be roaming ths streets of Houston, without food and water while my car is disabled in some parking lot, and now i am outside with homeless people. Now the new mayer has passed laws to arrest the homeless people in Houston. So now being homeless is not illegal, and you will be cited and fined and if you cant pay the ticket, straight to jail your ass will end up.. But you securing land, and not doing this in time when had more than enough time to use my money to buy the land makes me and idiot in 2014, 2015,2016.. You see this year folks. This is one year that i am not taking for granted. YOU BET YOUR ASS I WONT BE.

        Economist V, the 4 star General interview. This plan is still in full effect.


        Negativity coming from me is reality in disguise.

        • I’ll offer to pay for a course in grammar for you.

      27. or maybe thay are just buying low and selling high thats how you make money in the stock market.you then take a portion of ypur money from selling high and buy low IDIOTS

      28. BALONEY !! FEAR PORN.

      29. Another 1.1 trillion “peacetime” budget passed. Can you say BROKE.

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