This article was originally published by Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper
In China, where firearms are tightly restricted, it’s probably no surprise that those who want to hurt people found another way to do it. The dramatic rise of knife attacks around the world shows that the problem these days isn’t with guns. It’s with people.
Mass knife attacks have become so common over the years that a Chinese police department recently released a video to teach citizens how to defend themselves against knife-wielding assailants and it has gone viral, with 16 million views in just a few days. It has subtitles and some great advice. It’s well worth a watch.
Some folks in the US who want to do away with the Second Amendment are probably saying smugly, “Well, knife attacks are bad, but only people with GUNS can kill dozens of victims quickly.”
Those folks would be wrong.
For example…
This tells me that it isn’t really a problem with guns. It’s a problem with people.
Instead of school shootings, they have school knifings.
While in the United States, school shootings have become shockingly commonplace, what many don’t know is that in China, where gun control is strict, school knife attacks are a frequent threat. On the very same day as the Sandy Hook shooting in the United States, a man with a knife injured 22 children and one adult at a school in Chenpeng village in the southern province of Guangxi.
Knife attacks at schools in China are common. Last year, a man climbed over the wall of a kindergarten and attacked 11 students. None suffered life-threatening injuries.
In 2016, a man in the southern province of Hainan stabbed 10 children before killing himself, authorities said. And another man killed three students at a school in 2014 before jumping off a building.
Perhaps the worst spate of stabbings occurred in 2010 when attackers targeted schools on three consecutive days. (source)
Just last month, a man wielding a knife killed 9 children and injured 10 others outside a middle school where he says he was bullied.
This isn’t just a problem in China
There have been mass knife attacks all over the world.
In the UK, there has been a deadly knife attack every third day of 2018. In 2017, Met Police recorded 37,443 recorded knife offenses and 6,694 gun offenses. The problem is so bad that a judge has suggested banning the sale of large kitchen knives and that those who already have kitchen knives should file them down to avoid stabbings.
In 2016, two soldiers were attacked by a man with a knife in Belgium, and a few days ago, a prison inmate on day leave stabbed two police officers then took their guns and shot them.
Four people were injured and one was killed when a knife-wielding assailant attacked them in Paris last week.
These are just a few examples and I haven’t dug any further than the first page of Google. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.
What happens if you take away guns
In each of these cases, something different was blamed.
You can’t fix people who want to harm others for their various reasons by taking away guns. You can only make it harder for the rest of us to defend ourselves against them.
Take away guns, and you get knives. Take away knives and you get improvised explosives. There is no way to take away the yen that some people have to kill others.
And if I am involved in a knife-fight, well, personally, I’d rather take a gun.
Please feel free to share any information from this article in part or in full, giving credit to the author and including a link to The Organic Prepper and the following bio.
Daisy Luther is the author of The Pantry Primer: A Prepper’s Guide To Whole Food on a Half Price Budget. Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at [email protected]</e
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Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight
kim jung un quote from 2017: “never take a pistol to a nuclear war”
Two thumbs up Daisy. Its time to put spoons on a “watch list” !!! 🙂
Same thing I’ve been saying for years. It’s a people problem, not a gun problem.
Drug problem over 8,000,000 kids on psych drugs in the US , psych drugs are opiod based. They are creating imaginary problems / diseases for our kids ,that shouldnt probably be on any drug.
While I agree with the conclusion about the nature of the people intent on doing wrong, when you make that argument the leftist anti-2A side brushes it off with a practical argument.
“See, this makes our point. If you get rid of the guns, then the damage a person can do as a ‘Mass Knifer’ is limited to their slashing range. Also, they are easier to take down because of this limitation.”
They have assumed the premise of the discussion is tactical. And you have foolishness like the judge in the UK who now wants knife control…
And, they have assumed away/purposely ignored the real strategic purpose (as well as the tactical needs) of an armed citizenry.
While I agree with the conclusion about the nature of the people intent on doing wrong, when you make that argument the leftist anti-2A side brushes it off with a practical argument.
“See, this makes our point. If you get rid of the guns, then the damage a person can do as a ‘Mass Knifer’ is limited to their slashing range. Also, they are easier to take down because of this limitation.”
They have assumed the premise of the discussion is tactical. And you have foolishness like the judge in the UK who now wants knife control…
And, they have assumed away/purposely ignored the real strategic purpose (as well as the tactical needs) of an armed citizenry.
Ban plastic sporks.
Some of the attackers said they were bullied or mistreated.
The hell you say.
Like schools do anything else? Ever?
Well color me shocked.
But you know, nah, ban everything right down to pencils and staplers so that you can feel free to keep acting like the biggest assholes on earth…
“See, this makes our point. If you get rid of the guns, then the damage a person can do as a ‘Mass Knifer’ is limited to their slashing range. Also, they are easier to take down because of this limitation.”
Foolish children acting all smart and shit.
Ok fine, and you make MY point. I want to see any of you puffy ass fat weaklings take on a 250 pound intruder with a crowbar at 3AM.
Unfortunately this has nothing to do with knives as a weapon and everything to do with social change. If somebody is violent, they will reach for whatever they can: if there are no knives, they will get a club, no clubs and they will get acid, no acid, they will get a brick etc.
What we are in the middle of is a great experiment and this experiment is going wrong. What is the experiment? It is to pack as a many people as possible from as a diverse range of backgrounds as possible into the smallest spaces of the world’s cities. And then harvest their butts for every last ounce of wealth and toil that can be got from them.
People are losing it. There are more mentally ill and deranged people living in our cities than ever. They have been scattered around all our neighborhoods when they should be in institutions, kept safely away from the general population as we do violent criminals. We have low IQ blacks and Muslims who are high consumers of pot and other drugs and thus are mentally unstable. Is it any wonder they lash out and kill people at the drop of a hat?
Look at all the stabbings: 90 per cent it is either a black or Muslim and they are always a drug user and/or criminal/gang member. Profile and you will discover. The police know it and it is why more and more the police avoid those areas of cities. They don’t want to die on the job. The dirty secret of police work is that they always try and get themselves on the anti-terror beat or some desk-bound investigation because they know that is the soft and safest option.
We need aggressive, muscled and fighting fit police officers out there who are willing to go into these neighborhoods and confront gangs and criminals face on. Not pencil-pushing LGBT folks or women.
FT, that’s the best post I’ve ever seen coming from you and wholeheartedly agree.
They are just now figuring this out. Gun owners have been say this for 50+ years.
You can’t take the evil out of MAN!
Register all your knives! No concealed sharpeners or knives. If you are found buttering your bread you could be arrested! Its already happening in Europe. Guess where it’ll end up next…
Cain used a rock to kill Abel…….
Cain used a rock to kill Abel…….
For once Daisy came up with a decent article. Someone comes at me with a knife they’ll get some 9mm hollowpoints put into them.
Just be sure to empty the mag. “You were so afraid that you just kept pulling the trigger until he stopped”.
And that will be the only side of the story.
Dep B’heart: If someone tried to invade our house with a gun or knife, they will get 12 ga buckshot and/or .357.
It’s even sadder that both Parties have their fingers. Example Bill Clinton Semi Auto looks like a Assault Rifle ban. To Trumps Statement Take the Guns now. Worry about due process later. It’s all in the plan.
Wait til 5 gallon gas cans come in vogue.
The Happy Land Night Club mass murderer used a one gallon milk jug filled with gasoline to kill like 78 people. He was spurned by an ex or even imaginary girlfriend. He then went to a dumpster and found a one gallon milk jug, walked down the street and told a gas station attendant he had run out of gas and needed one gallon to get home. Then he went back to the club, took the can, stuffed a rag into the spout, lit it and tossed it down the staircase that was the only entrance or exit to the nightclub.
It resulted in a law that gasoline containers must be red? Which has of course had zero impact on arson or murder rates in America.
If someone wants to kill someone, they will use the most effective weapon at hand. Guns allow the killer to kill more people at a distance with more safety than a knife. A knife wielder must get closer to his victim(s) than a shooter. A victim might be able to defend against the knife or he might be able to run away. In a confined space(like a crowded elevator), the knife wielder is especially dangerous. It is a “people problem” and gun confiscation won’t totally solve it. Guns (especially for a skilled marksman) makes the assailant better equipped and effective.
Muslims often carry ceremonial knives, that they won’t hesitate to kill you with.
Preppers need to watch some videos about fighting with knives. It may be all you have in a pinch and a Dollar store can arm you well for two bucks without passing a background check.
That video of the soldier running away was cute, but few in Belgum were fast enough to run from the three men working together to murder Europeans on the street for Allah.
Guns (especially for a skilled marksman) make the defender better equipped and more effective, too…
Oh noooo does this mean they are gonna ban bottle beer wait how bout aluminum cans when you rip one they are sharp can even make a shank with one. Gonna have to do away with base ball cus peopke might start smashing some sculls. What a world these scared little millinials have created
Its not that hard to beat some one to death without a weapon just have to hit them in the right spots besides that choking them out by strangulation isnt hard either just look at how many police have done this and most often by accident. Like i said pussy millinials
Thank you Daisy Luther for pointing at the real problem. The snowflakes that blame an inanimate object like a firearm don’t have a clue. They don’t want an 80 pound little old lady, with a firearm – not without, to stand a chance against a 260 lb. thug. If she has a firearm and has a will to live, she can win this battle.
Guns (especially for a skilled marksman) makes the assailant better equipped and effective.
This quote is only partially correct.
It should say:
Guns (especially for a skilled marksman) makes the DEFENDER better equipped and effective.
If you are out, and not carrying, then you are a easy target for any assault. Whether from sticks, stones, knives, forks, bats, cars, trucks, pretty much anything sharp, pointy, blunt or otherwise controllable. If you are armed, and prepared to act with no notice to defend yourself, your family, or people on the street from anyone wielding weapons then you stand prepared to live another day by your own response.
If you aren’t prepared, you can’t complain when they target you and yours.
All rocks larger than gravel to be banned. Might have to register my slingshot…
Next, ban Sharpies….felt marking pens, but their name, their name..
And yet no one mentions the current go to item…..Cars…..Trucks.
If the people would carry nooses and use them to decorate a few tree’s and street light this shit would stop. A body blowing in the breeze makes bad people think twice.
Taking away from them is what makes them that way.
Every Time I read this Crap I am wondering what’s happening to America? Is this President contagious? He is obviously a Headcase but it seems to rub off on the Rest of the Population. Are you all Nuts? Reading your Comments makes me very concerned. Don’t you realize that you are the strongest Nation in the World? Why do you have to behave like you finished School in the 3 Grade? You really are starting to worry me and many others with your Antics.
Mass murderers come in varieties :
Suicide by cop includes school shootings.
Terrorist religious fanatics.
Psychopath just enjoys killing.
They can all be stopped by good people with the right training and weapons… unless they use explosives or a vehicle.
I don’t feel that blaming people, in general, is specific enough.
If you want to make it a question of human nature, at large, why should they own destructive weapons in a state of social decline; they are all equally to blame, if you want to make a blanket statement about the human race.
Some of us would like to have parity with our would-be killers, perhaps?