This article was originally published by Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper
Last week, Mark Zuckerberg made the media rounds to give a rather shady explanation of why Facebook suddenly closed hundreds of incredibly popular pages in what’s being called The Alternative Media Purge. Zuckerberg accused the closed pages, many of which had millions of fans, of spreading “political spam.”
Ironically, many of the pages that were shut down had absolutely nothing to do with politics or elections, unless you include the fact that they recommended skipping the entire circus. None of these pages were accused of being “the Russians,” who were the scapegoat of the last surprise presidential election results. A couple of the things that many of the pages did have in common, incidentally, were an anti-war outlook and a police watchdog mentality.
But as far as making the election more resistant to interference, the result of the Alternative Media Purge is the diametric opposite. People will now only get one side of the story.
The alternative media changed everything during the last presidential election.
When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, much of the world snickered. Who was this reality television star to take on part of the Clinton Empire? There was no way, people scoffed, that Trump could possibly win.
It’s a proven fact that Hillary Clinton was in cahoots with the mainstream media throughout her candidacy. And the reason it’s proven is that organizations like Wikileaks released the evidence of it in a series of emails with her campaign manager and people like Donna Brazile of CNN. Brazile finally publicly admitted that she’d done so and that it was her “job to make all our Democratic candidates look good.”
The alternative media jumped on this story, as well as many other questionable emails that were divulged by Wikileaks, while the mainstream pretended that none of this was happening. And the mainstream did very little to cover the Democratic National Convention, during which the nomination was stolen from Bernie Sanders, who – if we’re being honest – probably would have had a much better chance of beating Trump than the notoriously unlikable Clinton. Here’s my coverage of it at the time.
The alternative media, never a fan of the goings-on in Clintonland, from the Haiti scandal all the way back to the “suicide” of Vince Foster in Arkansas, jumped on these stories as well as stories about her debatable health.
The fact that we had a robust alternative media at the time meant that these stories were heard. At the same time, the mainstream media was busy painting Donald Trump as a neo-Nazi fascist who hated minorities and would nuke somebody the day he got into office.
Now, imagine there had been no alternative media during that election.
If we hadn’t have had an alternative media telling other stories – enough stories that people were able to get a fuller picture of who both of these candidates really were – things might have turned out entirely differently. And while that would be all right with any number of people who loathe Donald Trump, would it have been a “fair” election?
Let’s look back even further at the candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul back in 2012. Dr. Paul was an incredible candidate with a glowing political resume, but he didn’t get the time of day. There was a media blackout on his candidacy and finally, he was forced to withdraw from the race. Many of us were budding alternative journalists at that time learned a valuable lesson during that election – what we were doing was important. There needed to be an option instead of letting the mainstream media present the only options and information to people.
By the time the 2016 election rolled around, those disappointed in how Dr. Paul was treated were determined that it would not happen again. That a candidate with a background full of sordid scandals would not get through an election cycle unscathed, painted as a glowing Madonna who would save us all.
So…during the fierce battle between Clinton and Trump, both sides of the story were told and told loudly.
Alternative journalists engaged the power of social media to connect with people who wanted to know more and they did it to such a degree that everything changed. Clinton, originally the front-runner, was suddenly in the fight of her life against a candidate that most people had considered a joke.
And that’s when everyone started blaming the Russians.
In a shocking article, the Washington Post printed a long list of websites that they claimed were run by “the Russians.” Many of these sites were run by folks I know personally who are decidedly not Russians, but simply bloggers who wanted to share the truth as they identified it. (This article was removed from WaPo – I’m guessing due to threats about legal action by many of the site owners accused of working for Russia.)
Although investigation after investigation has been undertaken, there’s still no proof that Russia tampered with the election, nor that they colluded with Donald Trump.
Years later, the Washington Post sticks to their story with headlines like “Without the Russians, Trump Wouldn’t Have Won.” In the piece, they admitted that there isn’t any official proof and they cited Buzzfeed.
While the intelligence agencies are silent on the impact of Russia’s attack, outside experts who have examined the Kremlin campaign — which included stealing and sharing Democratic Party emails, spreading propaganda online and hacking state voter rolls — have concluded that it did affect an extremely close election decided by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. Clint Watts, a former FBI agent, writes in his recent book, “Messing with the Enemy,” that “Russia absolutely influenced the U.S. presidential election,” especially in Michigan and Wisconsin, where Trump’s winning margin was less than 1 percent in each state.
We still don’t know the full extent of the Russian interference, but we know its propaganda reached 126 million people via Facebook alone. A BuzzFeed analysis found that fake news stories on Facebook generated more social engagement in the last three months of the campaign than did legitimate articles: The “20 top-performing false election stories from hoax sites and hyperpartisan blogs generated 8,711,000 shares, reactions, and comments on Facebook.” Almost all of this “fake news” was either started or spread by Russian bots, including claims that the pope had endorsed Trump and that Hillary Clinton had sold weapons to the Islamic State. (source)
Buzzfeed? Isn’t that where you go to take a quiz to find out what kind of potato you are?
That leads us to Facebook’s potential election interference
Last week, as I mentioned, hundreds of Facebook pages were shut down without warning. Many of these sites also lost their Twitter accounts on the same day. This is reminiscent of last month’s attack on Alex Jones.
Anyone who disagrees with the establishment is being abruptly silenced.
Zuckerberg and friends are saying that this is so that we can be sure we don’t have election interference in the midterms…but what they’re really doing is interfering in the elections themselves.
They’ve gloated about everything from “featuring Facebook pages that spread disinformation less prominently so that fewer people potentially see them” to “559 politically oriented pages and 251 accounts, all of American origin, for consistently breaking its rules against “spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior”.
The pages which have been removed or shadowbanned have run the gamut of political philosophies, but the fact is, people like Mark Zuckerberg, the folks at Google, and Jack Dorsey of Twitter are deciding which information gets to be seen. They’re deciding whether something is “disinformation” or truth. They’re deciding if people who have spent years building a following get to still reach the people who opted to follow them.
Because Facebook reaches more than 2 billion people each day, this is a problem of epic proportions.
I believe that it is Facebook itself that is tampering with the election by manipulating what they want people to see. If the alternative media changed everything in the 2016 election due to the availability of more information, Facebook will change future elections due to their manipulation of the information users are allowed to see.
If you are conservative or antiwar or anti-overreaching-government or libertarian, you’re now persona non grata. Even if you aren’t in the minority, you’ll be made to feel like you are in the giant echo chamber of “approved media.” If you support a different candidate than Big Tech, prepare to be marginalized, silenced, and ignored. That holds true whether you opt for anyone other than their “choice.” They WILL control the outcome of the presidential election the next time around.
If you really want to see what election interference looks like, you’re getting a live demonstration right now.
Please feel free to share any information from this article in part or in full, giving credit to the author and including a link to The Organic Prepper and the following bio.
Daisy is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting, homeschooling blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, and the pursuit of liberty on her websites, The Organic Prepper and She is the author of 4 books and the co-founder of Preppers University, where she teaches intensive preparedness courses in a live online classroom setting. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter,.
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Off with their fracking heads.
If you are so completely batshit INSANE and so CHEMICALLY LOBOTOMIZED that you are actually going to vote in a collapsing Police State hell on earth controlled COMPLETELY by so-called “deep state” PSYCHOPATHS, aka Lucifer and the Fallen Ones, from the inner pits of the bowels of hell in Washington DC……then I beg and plead with you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-DO NOT REPRODUCE!!!! Your mind and soul are gone, and you no longer have any ability to CRITICALLY THINK and understand what vile disgusting evil is controlling this criminal treasonous United States CORPORATION Government you are whoring out your children’s health, freedoms, and future too.
God said to multiply and be fruitful he didn’t say only if you don’t vote .. good to know you think you’re God
No I do not, I just know the Creator and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ better than most dumbed down toxic dump drunken bum chemically lobotomized FAKE CHRISTIAN Americans, and certainly better than you COWARD who does not use it’s real name.
“No Arab will pitch his tent there, no shepherd will rest his flocks there” (Isaiah 13:20)
Arabs pitch tents in Arabia, NOT AMERICA OR ROME. The ultimate fulfillment of this verse is the destruction of the Last-Days Babylon. We know this because the passage speaks about: “the day of the Lord” (v. 9) with the “heavens not giving light” (v. 10). This is not historical, but End-Times related.
Then we have the Red Sea:
“The earth is moved at the noise of their fall, at the cry the noise thereof was heard in the Red sea.” (Jeremiah 49:21)
The Red Sea is a geographic indicator as to where the Last-Days Babylon will be located. Look at Mecca on any map and you will see that it sits near the Red Sea. Some may object, saying that Jeremiah 49 is speaking about Edom, which was primarily located in modern day Jordan. Yet, in Ezekiel 25, “Edom” stretches from Teman (Yemen) to Dedan (Saudi Arabia)” (v. 13). Greater Edom included all of the west coast of the Arabian Peninsula
Christians can have churches and worship in America despite its corruption but not in the real Babylon Saudi Arabia you self righteous moron
Just go vote for your favorite Satanic Sodomite Pedophile PSYCHOPATH Monster in the damned and doomed collapsing Police State hell on earth of NEW BABYLON AMERICA you dumbed down toxic dump COWARD, get you some vile soda poison COWARD, gobble down some GMO hell COWARD, pour a nice glass of fluoridated chemical filled water for your dumbed down ass COWARD, pop some pharmakia horror in your already conquered toxic dump body, stare at that I Idiot phone you are addicted too…..and then call yourself “FREE and BRAVE”…….COWARD!!!!
Ron, I’ve always known you have a way with words but it sounds like you’re really off your rocker now.
No, it just means the TRUTH is scaring you more and more everyday, so you are using the COPING MECHANISM of cowards of calling me “off my rocker”, as you descend into insanity in a collapsing Police State hell on earth of damned and domed NEW BABYLON AMERICA…also, your cowardly coping mechanisms are quite BORING, so could you please try something else, like actually living in REALITY instead of your fantasies, LIES, and coping mechanisms…..COWARD!!!!
“Let no one say ‘ I repent before God and he knows it and pardons me.’ was there then no reason for saying ‘Whatsoever you shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. ‘? You hold the gospel of no account. You despise the words of Christ .” – St Augustine
“Hold firmly that our faith is identical with that of the ancients. Deny this, and you dissolve the unity of the Church. ” -St. Thomas Aquinas
“See that ye all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as ye would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. […] Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. […] Whatsoever [the bishop] shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid.” (St. Ignatius: Letter to the Smyrnaeans; Ch 8)
“Let all things therefore be done by you with good order in Christ. Let the laity be subject to the deacons; the deacons to the presbyters; the presbyters to the bishop; the bishop to Christ, even as He is to the Father.” (St. Ignatius: Letter to the Smyrnaeans; Ch 9)
From these words, we recognize the great emphasis which St. Ignatius places on the authority of the bishop and the obligation of all (including both the laity and the clergy) to be subjected to the bishop. “Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop.” How strong and direct are our Saint’s words! How wrong are those who reject their bishop’s authority and strive forward in pride to do their own will!
the good thing about this list is now I have what I consider to be a vetted list of reputable sources, some I’ve never heard of before, and I can just go to their website 🙂
THANKS, fakebook!
Seems to me that Trump is totally a MSM derived phenomena. Without his media appearances, you would never have heard of him.
I contend that Trump was always meant to be POTUS (Killery was never meant to be).
What most of you don’t understand is the real nature of Trump’s presidency and what this man is really being used for.
Sadly, I see it is of no use to keep screaming the warnings. We are screwed by the Drumpfter contingent for a total lack of discernment.
No difference than a Bushie, a Obama Maniac or a Clintonista.
What is he really being used for in your opinion?
You like the rest of us have an opinion. Don’t see any facts to back it up. Howabout the DNC, Hillary’s server, Donna Brazil the “dossier”?. You can bet there are a lot more behind the scenes. Comey and the FBI?
An opinion without verifiable facts behind it is worse than no opinion at all since it is nothing but a fiction being presented as truth for the purpose of deception.
@ Anon… could also substitute the word “accusation” for opinion 2x in your sentence.
Amen Brother, The dumbed down vaxxed up toxic dump American COWARDS known as Trumpbots, Obamabots, Bushbots, and the list goes on and on…THEY ALL HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON..THEY ALL looked to Satanic Pedophile saviors, like the vice peddling pussy grabbing billionaire THIEF Lolita Island Pedophile Donald Trump, to save them from their collapsing Police State hell on earth of damned and doomed New Babylon America!!! In the words of the vice peddling pussy grabber “ain’t gonna happen folks, it is just not going to happen”…NO SAVING DAMNED AND DOOMED NEW BABYLON AMERICA NOW..JUDGEMENT HAS BEEN PASSED!!!!
Babylon is in Arabia and it never moves moron.. every Bible verse about Babylon refers to Arabia.. every last one of them
Every single end time reference to Babylon speaks of Arabia and I have the verses to prove you’re a lying fool.. The Bible depicts that in this time, it will not be like the time when Muhammad fled; all Arabia – including the Glory of Kedar (Mecca) – will be destroyed. How else can anyone interpret:
“No Arab will pitch his tent there, no shepherd will rest his flocks there” (Isaiah 13:20)
Arabs pitch tents in Arabia, NOT AMERICA OR ROME. The ultimate fulfillment of this verse is the destruction of the Last-Days Babylon. We know this because the passage speaks about: “the day of the Lord” (v. 9) with the “heavens not giving light” (v. 10). This is not historical, but End-Times related.
Then we have the Red Sea:
“The earth is moved at the noise of their fall, at the cry the noise thereof was heard in the Red sea.” (Jeremiah 49:21)
The Red Sea is a geographic indicator as to where the Last-Days Babylon will be located. Look at Mecca on any map and you will see that it sits near the Red Sea. Some may object, saying that Jeremiah 49 is speaking about Edom, which was primarily located in modern day Jordan. Yet, in Ezekiel 25, “Edom” stretches from Teman (Yemen) to Dedan (Saudi Arabia)” (v. 13). Greater Edom included all of the west coast of the Arabian Peninsula
Go get drunk COWARD and you will be able to keep DEPRESSING the TRUTH you are in the collapsing Police State hell on earth of damned and doomed New Babylon America controlled by the most vile evil disgusting PSYCHOPATH Monsters the world has ever know you dumbed down drunken bum toxic dump GMO gobbling soda sucking pharmakia popping Satanist loving COWARD!!!!
Lmao you don’t know anything about me you coward moron .. Noah was a drunk I’m sure you think you are more holy and closer to God than him you self righteous internet weasel.. all ad hominem and no substance
Go back to your cave demon, I know who you are and what you are, and if you want to truly find our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I will happily cast that demon out of you, that is what I am here for dumbed down toxic dump chemically lobotomized COWARD to cast demons out of FAKE CHRISTIAN COWARDS like you.
Running your self righteous mouth on the internet doesn’t bring anyone to Christ.. what have you done for the poor you self righteous coward rat … you are nothing but an ignorant unrepentant heretic.. “Let no one say ‘ I repent before God and he knows it and pardons me.’ was there then no reason for saying ‘Whatsoever you shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. ‘? You hold the gospel of no account. You despise the words of Christ .” – St Augustine
“Hold firmly that our faith is identical with that of the ancients. Deny this, and you dissolve the unity of the Church. ” -St. Thomas Aquinas
“See that ye all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as ye would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. […] Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. […] Whatsoever [the bishop] shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid.” (St. Ignatius: Letter to the Smyrnaeans; Ch 8)
“Let all things therefore be done by you with good order in Christ. Let the laity be subject to the deacons; the deacons to the presbyters; the presbyters to the bishop; the bishop to Christ, even as He is to the Father.” (St. Ignatius: Letter to the Smyrnaeans; Ch 9)
From these words, we recognize the great emphasis which St. Ignatius places on the authority of the bishop and the obligation of all (including both the laity and the clergy) to be subjected to the bishop. “Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop.” How strong and direct are our Saint’s words! How wrong are those who reject their bishop’s authority and strive forward in pride to do their own will!
Lmao you are nothing but a demon possessed heretic accuser.. I’m not on any drugs but clearly you should be you lunatic loser
Being a dick doesn’t make yours bigger!
Says the demon COWARD, who will not use their real name, but instead chooses to use the initials of a sexual act!!! Of course ALL drunken bum American COWARD pussy males think about is sex and a six pack, while they whore out the children they should of NEVER had to genocidal murderous PSYCHOPATH monsters!!!
Most people can discern the truth from the lies which easily makes up most of the info that is being fed to citizens who even pay scant attention to the BS being peddled. Freedom of speech is what keeps Americans free, that’s why it is under heavy assault by this government.
Facebook is committing suicide. There are alternatives, but they won’t let you post them there, unless you are tricky.
A Q post said that the social media were given free rein to censor as they see fit. It will put their evil out there in a lot more faces.
There is a plan, and FB will be irrelevant like MySpace in a few short years.
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. — Joseph Stalin
If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it. –- Mark Twain