The totalitarian endgame is going to be a central bank digital currency. A world where we will own nothing and those who rule over us will own everything, merely allowing us to exist, as long as they need us. If humanity allows a central bank digital currency or CBDC to come to fruition, frankly, we deserve to be slaves for eons.
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said the war in Ukraine could accelerate the adoption of digital currencies by central banks. This is what they want and need for complete control over every human being on this planet. “The war will prompt countries to re-evaluate their currency dependencies,” he said. “Even before the war, several governments were looking to play a more active role in digital currencies and define the regulatory frameworks under which they operate.”
The rulers are going to sell it to the public as something great when in reality, it will be used to permanently control and enslave those who are not paying enough attention and get involved in this slavery scheme.
Central Banksters ADMIT They Are “Planning For Absolute Control!”
The reason the “invasion” will be a catalyst is because it adds pain at the pump and grocery store as prices soar and supply dwindles. The central banks are going to try to step in and say they are “saving” everyone. The inflation and inability of people to be able to buy basic goods and services like food will be an excuse used to usher in the central bank digital dollar. The last lock on our permanent cage. This is it, humanity. If they (the central banks) have absolute control over the money supply, they will have absolute control over the world.
BlackRock President Rob Kapito warned that a “very entitled” generation of people would soon have to face shortages for the first time in their lives as some goods grow scarce because of rising inflation, according to a report by Forbes. “For the first time, this generation is going to go into a store and not be able to get what they want,” Kapito said Tuesday at the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association conference—an annual oil and gas industry convention.
This is not by accident. They are taking ownership of everything, including human beings.
These sociopaths view us as their property and until we realize that no one is going to save us, we need to save ourselves, we are going to be stuck in this dystopian reality they are constructing around us right now. It’s time to realize you are a free human being. You do not have the right to enslave others through your vote or through force. You also have the right to be free from enslavement by vote or force. We had better start to understand the end game and that if there is a politician in power, they are in on it. No governor or member of law enFORCEment will save you. The only keep those already in power on their thrones. Wake up. Stop living the lie that you have to be a slave to anyone. -SHTFPlan
Completly waking up is difficult, but it’s going to be much worse if you don’t. There are things worse than death, and living under the total enslavement of a CBDC is one of them. We need to all realize we are not to be ruled over and aren’t owned by anyone else.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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Eventually, it will all be issued by a single World Bank (or some newly created global bank) that will give franchises to individual nations and central banks to have their own digital currencies issued by them to make them look like independent systems doing the issuing of their own currency.
But in reality, it will be like having a McDonald’s franchise, you may be the independent “owner” but you’re really owned by and a part of McDonald’s. You’ll just be issuing money instead of food.
The answer is simple.
Take Away Their Power
These mentally ill globalists like to use the money system against the rest of us. It makes them feel like they have power and control. In the end, they will lose anyways. They end up in a coffin like everyone else. So they didn’t win anything.
These mentally ill globalists like to use the money system against the rest of us. It makes them feel like they have power and control. In the end, they will lose anyways. They end up in a coffin like everyone else. So they didn’t win anything.
No governor or member of law enFORCEment will save you.
You are absolutely correct.
The delusion that members
of law enforcement work
for us is just that – a delusion
They DO NOT work for us.
They work for the ones who
want to rule over us all.
No the endgame is for the central banksters when 5 % of the population wakes the hell up and starts stacking physical precious metals. The massive short leverage in silver alone would bring the whole house of cards US scam financial system to it’s knees when it breaks. It’s the only way! Everybody should have some physical metals in there pocession.
There simply isn’t enough to go around for everyone. In Venezuela you can buy a house for an ounce of gold or months worth of food for a free ounces of silver. Don’t think for minute it can’t happen here, because it has happened before during the the revolutionary war.
Not worth a continental, the currency was printed into oblivion. Afterward the USA had no printed currency for 60 years. We are now in no mans land! Get some precious metals now for your family.
Well since the US bankruptcy in 1933 the Fed reserve bank has owned us. Your illusion of anything otherwise has been nothing but a dog and pony show for the ignorant. You are a corporate entity in the US corporation. If the fed wants digital currency they will have it. Gates, Bezos, Soros, etc. are NOTHING compared to the trillionaires that own the fed.
I remember reading a story some years back about a woman (I believe a journalist) who was invited to attend a board meeting of these immensely wealthy individuals. She was told she could not take photos, not take notes, nor record anything. Merely allowed to sit in on a meeting. She stated what she heard was so stupefying it was not believable. After the meeting she was invited to have lunch with a man who was a member. During lunch conversation she asked the guy how wealthy he was. When he told her she actually became frightened because she realized that kind of wealth could not be accumulated without some kind of special status and power. These individuals possess the wealth and power of nations, they are countries walking around on two legs.
God created this world for all of us. No one has the right to own it. The resources of the earth need to be shared equally.
Before the satanic money system came, via wars in every nation, to install the money systems, not for any excuse they gave us, people lived in brotherhood as families in communities and produced together all the needs of each community. There were no richer or poorer, there was no domination leadership out to have more for themselves and less for us in total control. It is antichrist, the money system. It is a Godless system owned by the enemies of God, satanic freemasonry since it began. Take back your world. It belongs to all of us, as all indigenous peoples knew and lived in Peace, before the wars to install the evil money system of Luciferians. Its our world and God gave it to us to live under the laws of God. The digital currency system will never happen. It is genocide. The implants in your hands and then your brains will kill you painfully and horribly. The freemasons and anyone who allows them to dominate and control us and the earth, will soon be removed from earth and spend eternity in Hell. Jesus will return only for those who rejected the devil’s freemasons. 2023 everything will change. This world will be no more. A new perfect and beautiful world will be created for those who are the Children of God. More beautiful than you could imagine. The Freemasons can only destroy life. They have NOTHING good in them or in what they try to tempt you with. They just want you to destroy your souls as they did by joining freemasonry and end up in Hell with them. Trust in God and do his will. They only do the will of Lucifer. Lucifer is in Putin, all the fallen angels are heads of state now.
I want whatever you are smoking, it must be some very good stuff !!
In all seriousness I hope you are right and I am wrong
God created this world for all of us. No one has the right to own it. The resources of the earth need to be shared equally.
Before the satanic money system came, via wars in every nation, to install the money systems, not for any excuse they gave us, people lived in brotherhood as families in communities and produced together all the needs of each community. There were no richer or poorer, there was no domination leadership out to have more for themselves and less for us in total control. It is antichrist, the money system. It is a Godless system owned by the enemies of God, satanic freemasonry since it began. Take back your world. It belongs to all of us, as all indigenous peoples knew and lived in Peace, before the wars to install the evil money system of Luciferians. Its our world and God gave it to us to live under the laws of God. The digital currency system will never happen. It is genocide. The implants in your hands and then your brains will kill you painfully and horribly. The freemasons and anyone who allows them to dominate and control us and the earth, will soon be removed from earth and spend eternity in Hell. Jesus will return only for those who rejected the devil’s freemasons. 2023 everything will change. This world will be no more. A new perfect and beautiful world will be created for those who are the Children of God. More beautiful than you could imagine. The Freemasons can only destroy life. They have NOTHING good in them or in what they try to tempt you with. They just want you to destroy your souls as they did by joining freemasonry and end up in Hell with them. Trust in God and do his will. They only do the will of Lucifer. Lucifer is in Putin, all the fallen angels are heads of state now.
Greed is the problem so is power over others. Money is pretty much neccisary. And your saying because you have 8 kids I have to do with less to supply your irresponsibility? Freemasons? How about the j’s? Oh but your buybull calls them the chosen ones lol. Take your BS and blo me…
You should studying the Bible, especially Christ and his teachings as recorded in it. After you do you may find it desirable to become a Christian.
Give it a try, the most you have to lose is a misunderstanding of what it is really about.
“The resources of the earth need to be shared equally.”
Of course they do, especially with those that don’t go to work to make them into useful items.
Basic Communism, from each according to his ability and to each according to his need.
jb – What’s the name of your cult?