The COVID “Vaccinated” Are A Health Threat To The Unvaccinated, Warns Dr. McCullough

by | Dec 9, 2022 | Headline News

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    This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News under the title: DON’T SHED ON ME: The covid “vaccinated” are a health threat to the unvaccinated, warns Dr. McCullough

    Is it possible as an unvaccinated person to become contaminated with covid chemicals through exposure to others who have been jabbed? The answer is yes, according to Dr. Peter McCullough.

    In a recent interview with Action Canada’s Tanya Gaw, McCullough discussed the risks that covid “vaccinated” people pose to the “unvaccinated.” In a nutshell, he likened the situation to non-smokers inhaling the second-hand smoke of smokers.

    Citing a paper recently published in the TMR journal Infectious Diseases Research, McCullough shared details about how messenger RNA (mRNA) can transfer from the fully jabbed to the unjabbed since these chemicals persist in the blood for at least two weeks – and likely much longer – post-injection.

    Another study recently published found that mRNA remains in the lymph nodes of the fully jabbed for months, which further backs McCullough’s claims. There is also another recent medical study that McCullough called the “most disturbing” that shows mRNA poisons can transfer from breast milk to babies.

    “It seems the body can’t clear it,” McCullough stated soberly. (Related: McCullough faces losing his medical license for breaking the script on covid.)

    Do mRNA poisons stay in the body permanently? McCullough thinks so

    If an unvaccinated person gets close to a vaccinated person, either through sexual activity or even just kissing, the so-called “vaccine” can transfer through this route as well.

    It is currently unknown how long an unvaccinated person should wait before engaging in this type of contact with a vaccinated person. In McCullough’s estimation, these poisons could remain for years, or maybe even permanently, making the fully jabbed an indefinite public health risk.

    “This is very disturbing,” McCullough stated.

    Early on in the “pandemic,” McCullough advised that the unvaccinated should wait at least a month before having close contact with someone who got jabbed for the Fauci Flu. Now he has bumped that to 90 days or more.

    After each shot, mRNA accumulates even more “with no ability for the body to get rid of it,” McCullough maintains.

    “It looks like they permanently install into the human genome through what we call reverse transcription,” he explained.

    In other words, mRNA poisons reprogram human genes and turn a person, it seems, into a non-human automaton with strange, foreign DNA. At best, mRNA turns the fully vaccinated into fully transhuman beings that look human but that have non-human genetic blueprints.

    Autopsies of deceased fully jabbed bodies show the presence of this altered genetic material throughout the vital organs. This, McCullough says, is proof all on its own.

    “So I can tell you everyone who’s taken the vaccine has this material in their brain, their heart, adrenal glands, reproductive organs,” McCullough said. “It’s really a terrible thought. My heart goes out to anyone taking the vaccine, yeah.”

    You can watch the interview between Gaw and McCullough at the RAIR Foundation website.

    “If a war is to be fought, it’s with this NWO (New World Order) fascist system,” wrote a commenter in response to McCullough’s claims and revelations. “They are already at war with us.”

    “This is just the start of ‘the beginning of sorrows’ Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:8,” wrote another, pointing to the Holy Scriptures for guidance about what comes next.

    “Much more is on the way in the form of continued pestilence[s], war[s], famine[s] and natural disaster[s]. What makes these different than in past sorrows is the intensity and frequency. Then to stop this mass death there will be enforced false worship worldwide (Matt.24:9-11, Rev.13:11-18). The last counsel and warning is found in Rev.14:6-12.”


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