The mainstream media is ignoring the fact that the CDC has admitted the death rate for COVID-19 is actually lower than the flu. This is happening as the media admits that the antibody tests are wrong 50% of the time!
The scamdemic fear-mongering is ongoing and the propaganda is getting worse daily, even as their OWN DATA shows otherwise. Instead of giving the public the facts, the media continues to push for an extended lockdown, freedom trampling regulations, mass surveillance, and our permanent enslavement for their political overlords.
The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public. For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26 percent.
Until now, we have been ridiculed for thinking the death rate was that low, as opposed to the 3.4 percent estimate of the World Health Organization, which helped drive the panic and the lockdowns. Now the CDC is agreeing to the lower rate in plain ink.
Plus, ultimately we might find out that the IFR is even lower because numerous studies and hard counts of confined populations have shown a much higher percentage of asymptomatic cases. Simply adjusting for a 50 percent asymptomatic rate would drop their fatality rate to 0.2 percent – exactly the rate of fatality Dr. John Ionnidis of Stanford University projected.
More importantly, as I mentioned before, the overall death rate is meaningless because the numbers are so lopsided. Given that at least half of the deaths were in nursing homes, a back-of-the-envelope estimate would show that the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents would only be 0.1 percent or 1 in 1,000. And that includes people of all ages and all health statuses outside of nursing homes. Since nearly all of the deaths are those with comorbidities. -The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
This is something most people have known relatively early on, as the government continued to inflate the numbers and call every death a COVID-19 casualty so they could commit economic terrorism on the entire planet. And those antibody tests the ruling class wants us all to take before can even think about coming off house arrest? Those are only right half the time. How did CNN spin this into more fear porn and propaganda? Check it out:
“Serologic test results should not be used to make decisions about returning persons to the workplace.”
Health officials or health care providers who are using antibody tests need to use the most accurate test they can find and might need to test people twice, the CDC said in the new guidance. –CNN
So, you can’t be free, which is your birthright, because their tests are inaccurate. It’s actually quite shocking people are even agreeing to these tests in the first place, all to pad the numbers for this scamdemic that has been little more than a hoax since day one. This has become so blatantly ridiculous that it’s actually hard to believe there’s anyone out there still supporting the government and their puppets in the mainstream media. They want you to still be afraid. They need you in fear. Do not comply.
The Science of Fear: How The Elitists Use it to Control Us & How to Break Free
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!! This is a GLOBALIST DEPOPULATION AND CONTROL AGENDA and those who do not wake up and RESIST will be accomplices and/or victims!!! This is why the Deep State is so viciously attacking the CURE, hydroxychloroquine and zinc!!!
What most fail to understand is that there has NEVER, EVER been a successful Corona Virus Vaccine made! THIS IS TRUE BECAUSE ONLY THE DEADLY BINDING ANTIBODIES ARE PRODUCED, not the needed neutralizing antibodies. Thus, everyone vaccinated with this form of the COVID-19 “vaccine” will die!!! And now they are using 100,000 human beings as their medical guinea pigs, injecting them with who knows what! Don’t worry though, when they die at the hands of these Nazis, you can bet their murders will be added to the “COVID-19” deaths to stir up more fear-mongering hype to control the masses! Fauci and company, the government and Big Pharma, KNOW THE MEDICAL REALITY OF THIS! IT IS PREMEDITATED 1ST DEGREE MURDER, i.e. DEPOPULATION EUGENICS!!! Yet, they still intend to USE THE MILITARY to force vaccinate 100’s of millions with their deadly “solution”, with Bill Gates even wanting to force vaccinate 7 billion!!!
RESIST NOW, WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!! And HERE’S THE PROOF: If you are one of those who gets “vaccinated”, then you are supposed to be “safe”, according to the “health officials” pushing this lie, right?!? So, those who refuse to be vaccinated are not a problem, as the vaccinated will supposedly be protected and go on with their lives. Only the “anti-vaxxers” are at risk, right?!?
So why are they forcing it on everyone??? Because the vaccinated will die and they want a mass culling off of humanity!!! Therefore, if half the people refuse to take the death by needle, then we are likely to be enough to hold them accountable for their mass murder of humanity, and they can’t have that happen, can they? Thus, forced vaccinations via the military will be required. THIS IS A TOTAL LIE PEOPLE!!! We are being programmed to believe non-compliance is selfish and harmful against the greater good of society! This is PURE EVIL!!! RESIST NOW – WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!
And yet, the propagandist radio show hosts on Sputnik radio are now occupying both sides of the argument in complete hypocrisy. They still demand social distancing, stay at home. They still lambaste people for not wearing masks.
This all goes out the window with the police brutality murder of George Floyd, and the BLM protests, which they have every right to be outraged and protesting over, but, we are not hearing the propagandists demanding lock downs and distancing that the protestors are endangering people’s lives by spreading germs as they have been saying while people have been subjected to domestic violence, high drug and alcohol use, high suicides, higher unemployment, higher poverty, and higher malnutrition.
According to Sputnik radio hosts, passive mass murder of the healthy of all races is justified for their ends justify the means path to total societal control.
If it is not seen, it does not count according to Sputnik radio show hosts!
The murder spree will not be televised!
Was George spitting on the officer? There is a reason the officer pins his face to the ground.
Parameter values are based on data received by CDC prior to 4/29/2020.
The bullshit over the censorship by social media companies is absurd. They claim that they have a right to censor since they are private companies. They are not private companies. They could not exist if they were not recieving massive amounts of money from the Pentagon, from the White House through the Plunge Protection Team, from the Federal Reserve through bail outs and purchases of financial trash which are then dumped onto the Treasury and charged to tax payers.
As long as people are not violating the law, for example, trying to sell narcotics, contract murderers, solicit prostitution, solicit stolen property, or things of that illegal nature, they have no right to censor anyone at all.
Many corporate welfare recipients will be insistent, to the bitter end, that they are legitimately working in a meritocracy. It gives them some small measure of status, and, from that point on, you’re appealing to their status.
I really don’t give a damn they derive pleasure from that.
If they think that running a fascist institution on tax payer funds that have business models of financial fraud and pose security risks to their users through data theft is a merit that they have earned and wish to leave their descendants to defend, so be it.
Before someone accuses me of being indifferent, I will say I do believe there are people who are susceptible to this virus, and unfortunately, many have passed away. However, the average age of a corona virus victim is greater than the average life-span age of an American.
Back in March, Fauci and the CDC were saying wearing masks was not necessary, but you can wear one if it makes you feel better. Now, if you don’t, you are seen as a criminal. The truth is, regardless of all the propaganda, a mask is of almost no value whatsoever.
There are more than 10 billion viruses present in every single breath that every single human exhales. This corona virus cannot be seen even with the most powerful optical microscope, it requires an electron microscope and must be magnified at least 10 million times to be visible. Even a mask with the highest filter rating has planet size holes compared to this virus. In fact, a disposable mask that could filter out this virus would not permit a person to draw in sufficient air to breath.
When an “authority” creates rules and guidelines, and/or perceptions not based on real science, they must then be based on something else, like social or peer pressure, or on nothing more than a blind belief in authority. Wearing masks is literally becoming a gov’t sponsored cult. And like any other cult it allows for no critical thinking, but demands irrational obedience and blind belief. Propagandists and public relations experts know when a person wears a mask in public it flashes that this virus is dangerous and induces others they must also wear one. Mass compliance in wearing a mask is also a metric officialdom uses to determine obedience.
The deep State has finally found something that may work for them towards accomplishing their goals, an international medical crisis where the masses will allow gladly cede their rights in the name of safety and protection. For those who expect those rights to be restored after the “crisis” you are going to be disappointed. We have had an endless variety of crises since 911, living in a crisis is becoming the norm. In this time, we now have a new homeland security dept., federal legislation giving vast powers to authorities, and invasive electronic spying on every aspect of our lives. Every new “crisis” is followed by more and more new control measures that have little to do with preventing crises.
This “pandemic” is a dry run, a practice drill if you will. It is being sold to the public as gov’t acting on the citizens behalf to protect them from a nation shattering disease. You can bet officialdom at every level of gov’t is observing and measuring every conceivable data point and metric to improve their control for the next “crisis” or “pandemic”. Their data will show them how to better achieve social control, better psyops operations, to create more convincing propaganda, and more efficient use of resources. And, contrary to those who publicly ridicule the idea, there is training of militarized units for locking down populations, and detention facilities do exist.
H. L. Mencken said the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
Bill, this is the most cogent, rational, and best-written post that I have seen here in years…. and yes, this includes my own!
Measures such as you describe will always work on the general populace as long as the media continue to parrot simple talking points that appeal to emotion. The average person has virtually no grasp of science; and this is exacerbated as people read actual books less, and increasingly depend on rigidly controlled electronic media that are run by a tiny handful of massively powerful companies.
Where are Teddy Roosevelt and the Trust-Busters when we need them…!
“Serologic test results should not be used to make decisions about returning persons to the workplace.”
Not the testing, but the Mark, was prioritized.
That the Borg hive wants you to become part of an ubiquitous tracking regimen is a good all-around answer, no matter what the scientific slant or manipulative, emotional ploy they will try next.
This is all about the Mark. Nothing more.
At some point, when dealing with a narcissist or cultist, you must question whether they are having a literal emotion.
At the risk of facing irreversible, medical harm, would be such a juncture.
The flesh, which you are now trying to save, is obsolete, under the Transhumanist belief system.
(Will be taking a planned, polite break from this rhetoric, shortly.)
That the Borg hive wants you to become part of an ubiquitous tracking regimen is a good all-around answer, no matter what the scientific slant or manipulative, emotional ploy they will try next.
This is all about the Mark. Nothing more.
At some point, when dealing with a narcissist or cultist, you must question whether they are having a literal emotion.
At the risk of facing irreversible, medical harm, would be such a juncture.
The flesh, which you are now trying to save, is obsolete, under the Transhumanist belief system.
(Will be taking a planned, polite break from this rhetoric, shortly.)
The lie of Nazi Germany was big, but not simple, in spite of your quote.
(Please bear with me, because I’m trying to make the point that it’s colorful, ok?)
I mean, it’s proponents had a Rainbow Bridge and as many religious symbols as a box of Lucky Charms. Embedded in this mythos of Nazism, was Vril alternative energy, telepathy with intelligent life from other dimensions, bases on Antarctica and the inner Earth and the moon, saucers and some bell shaped device, as a new means of transport.
A ufo cult took over a Wiemarized Germany, and a transhumanist cult took over a Wiemarized America.
A similarly-fanciful story has taken this country over, in which you become a Tinman and then a statistic.
He explicitly tells you that the purpose of the vax, is for your cells to create the antigen — a chemical irritant or allergen. Who is marking your cells as foreign, and who will be curating your algo.
The Tomorrowland and Mekudeshet Festivals portrayed Gaia, the world spirit, in the form of a giant computer, stylized in much the same way as Disney’s ‘It’s a Small World’ ride.
These people turn around, and say how old school, generical, Biblical art is abhorrent and strange, yet find they find it meaningful to install their kinetic sculptures, all over traditional, religious sites. One will be on the wing of the rebuilt temple.
The lie of Nazi Germany was big, but not simple, in spite of your quote.
(Please bear with me, because I’m trying to make the point that it’s colorful, ok?)
I mean, it’s proponents had a Rainbow Bridge and as many religious symbols as a box of Lucky Charms. Embedded in this mythos of Nazism, was Vril alternative energy, telepathy with intelligent life from other dimensions, bases on Antarctica and the inner Earth and the moon, saucers and some bell shaped device, as a new means of transport.
A ufo cult took over a Wiemarized Germany, and a transhumanist cult took over a Wiemarized America.
A similarly-fanciful story has taken this country over, in which you become a Tinman and then a statistic.
He explicitly tells you that the purpose of the vax, is for your cells to create the antigen — a chemical irritant or allergen. Who is marking your cells as foreign, and who will be curating your algo.
The Tomorrowland and Mekudeshet Festivals portrayed Gaia, the world spirit, in the form of a giant computer, stylized in much the same way as Disney’s ‘It’s a Small World’ ride.
These people turn around, and say how old school, generical, Biblical art is abhorrent and strange, yet find they find it meaningful to install their kinetic sculptures, all over traditional, religious sites. One will be on the wing of the rebuilt temple.
The tests are showing many false positives. Some tests only test for corona virus. Not covid-19. Covid-19, regular influenza, and the common cold are all corona viruses. The false data is used to push the oppression. And on another note, blacks are planning a rioting and looting spree in Illinois tonight. May 29th. Near Harlem and Cermak, in Berwyn and North Riverside area. Use caution.
It’s not that deadly if you don’t have it, otherwise………..